

package api

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  2. AnyRef
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Type Members

  1. trait Collection extends AnyRef

    A MongoDB Collection.

    A MongoDB Collection. You should consider the default implementation, reactivemongo.api.collections.default.BSONCollection.

    Example using the default implementation (BSONCollection):

    object Samples {
      val connection = MongoConnection(List("localhost"))
      // Gets a reference to the database "plugin"
      val db = connection("plugin")
      // Gets a reference to the collection "acoll"
      // By default, you get a BSONCollection.
      val collection = db("acoll")
      def listDocs() = {
        // Select only the documents which field 'firstName' equals 'Jack'
        val query = BSONDocument("firstName" -> "Jack")
        // select only the field 'lastName'
        val filter = BSONDocument(
          "lastName" -> 1,
          "_id" -> 0)
        // Get a cursor of BSONDocuments
        val cursor = collection.find(query, filter).cursor[BSONDocument]
        // Let's enumerate this cursor and print a readable representation of each document in the response
        cursor.enumerate().apply(Iteratee.foreach { doc =>
          println("found document: " + BSONDocument.pretty(doc))
        // Or, the same with getting a list
        val cursor2 = collection.find(query, filter).cursor[BSONDocument]
        val futureList = cursor.collect[List]() { list =>
          list.foreach { doc =>
            println("found document: " + BSONDocument.pretty(doc))
  2. trait CollectionMetaCommands extends AnyRef

    A mixin that provides commands about this Collection itself.

  3. trait CollectionProducer[+C <: Collection] extends AnyRef

    A Producer of Collection implementation.

    A Producer of Collection implementation.

    This is used to get an implementation implicitly when getting a reference of a Collection.

  4. trait Cursor[T] extends AnyRef

  5. trait CursorFlattener[C[_] <: Cursor[_]] extends AnyRef

    Flattening strategy for cursor.

  6. trait CursorProducer[T] extends AnyRef

    Allows to enrich a base cursor.

  7. trait DB extends AnyRef

    A Mongo Database.

    A Mongo Database.


    import reactivemongo.api._
    val connection = MongoConnection( List( "localhost:27016" ) )
    val db = connection("plugin")
    val collection = db("acoll")
    // more explicit way
    val db2 = connection.db("plugin")
    val collection2 = db2.collection("plugin")
  8. trait DBMetaCommands extends AnyRef

    A mixin that provides commands about this database itself.

  9. case class DefaultDB(name: String, connection: MongoConnection, failoverStrategy: FailoverStrategy = FailoverStrategy()) extends DB with DBMetaCommands with GenericDB[BSONSerializationPack.type] with Product with Serializable

    The default DB implementation, that mixes in the database traits.

  10. class Failover[T] extends AnyRef

    A helper that sends the given message to the given actor, following a failover strategy.

    A helper that sends the given message to the given actor, following a failover strategy. This helper holds a future reference that is completed with a response, after 1 or more attempts (specified in the given strategy). If the all the tryouts configured by the given strategy were unsuccessful, the future reference is completed with a Throwable.

    Should not be used directly for most use cases.


    Type of the message to send.

  11. class Failover2[A] extends AnyRef

  12. case class FailoverStrategy(initialDelay: FiniteDuration = 500 milliseconds, retries: Int = 5, delayFactor: (Int) ⇒ Double = n => 1) extends Product with Serializable

    A failover strategy for sending requests.

    A failover strategy for sending requests.


    the initial delay between the first failed attempt and the next one.


    the number of retries to do before giving up.


    a function that takes the current iteration and returns a factor to be applied to the initialDelay.

  13. class FlattenedCursor[T] extends Cursor[T]

  14. trait GenericDB[P <: SerializationPack with Singleton] extends AnyRef

  15. class MongoConnection extends AnyRef

    A Mongo Connection.

    A Mongo Connection.

    This is a wrapper around a reference to a reactivemongo.core.actors.MongoDBSystem Actor. Connection here does not mean that there is one open channel to the server. Behind the scene, many connections (channels) are open on all the available servers in the replica set.


    import reactivemongo.api._
    val connection = MongoConnection( List( "localhost" ) )
    val db = connection("plugin")
    val collection = db("acoll")
    // more explicit way
    val db2 = connection.db("plugin")
    val collection2 = db2.collection("plugin")
  16. case class MongoConnectionOptions(connectTimeoutMS: Int = 0, authSource: Option[String] = None, sslEnabled: Boolean = false, sslAllowsInvalidCert: Boolean = false, tcpNoDelay: Boolean = false, keepAlive: Boolean = false, nbChannelsPerNode: Int = 10) extends Product with Serializable

    Options for MongoConnection.

    Options for MongoConnection.


    The number of milliseconds to wait for a connection to be established before giving up.


    The database source for authentication credentials.


    Enable SSL connection (required to be accepted on server-side).


    If sslEnabled is true, this one indicates whether to accept invalid certificates (e.g. self-signed).


    TCPNoDelay flag (ReactiveMongo-specific option). The default value is false (see


    TCP KeepAlive flag (ReactiveMongo-specific option). The default value is false (see


    Number of channels (connections) per node (ReactiveMongo-specific option).

  17. class MongoDriver extends AnyRef

  18. case class QueryOpts(skipN: Int = 0, batchSizeN: Int = 0, flagsN: Int = 0) extends Product with Serializable

    A helper to make the query options.

    A helper to make the query options.

    You may use the methods to set the fields of this class, or set them directly.


    The number of documents to skip.


    The upper limit on the number of documents to retrieve per batch.


    The query flags.

  19. sealed trait ReadPreference extends AnyRef

    MongoDB Read Preferences enable to read from primary or secondaries with a predefined strategy.

  20. trait SerializationPack extends AnyRef

  21. type SerializationPackObject = SerializationPack with Singleton

  22. sealed trait SortOrder extends AnyRef

  23. trait WrappedCursor[T] extends Cursor[T]

    Cursor wrapper, to help to define custom cursor classes.

    Cursor wrapper, to help to define custom cursor classes.

    See also


Value Members

  1. object BSONSerializationPack extends SerializationPack

  2. object Cursor

  3. object CursorFlattener

    Flatteners helper

  4. object CursorProducer

  5. object DB

  6. object DefaultCursor

  7. object Failover

  8. object Failover2

  9. object MongoConnection

  10. object MongoDriver

  11. object ReadPreference

  12. object SortOrder

  13. package collections

  14. package commands

  15. package gridfs

  16. package indexes

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
