Package org.redisson.api
package org.redisson.api
ClassDescriptionAsynchronous iteratorAutoClaimResult<K,
V> Result object for autoClaim request.Configuration for Batch object.BatchResult<E>CacheAsync<K,V> Asynchronous interface for JCacheCacheReactive<K,V> Reactive interface for JCacheCacheRx<K,V> RxJava2 interface for JCacheDeprecated.Deprecated.Cron expression object used inRScheduledExecutorService
.Redisson Object Event listener for deleted event published by Redis.Configuration for ExecutorService.Redisson Object Event listener for expired event published by Redis.Result object for autoClaim request.Encapsulates information about Redis functions library.Function execution mode.Function result type.Encapsulates information about currently running Redis function and available execution engines.Maps host of RedisURI object using map defined inhostsMap
setting.Maps host and port of RedisURI object using map defined inhostsMap
setting.Identifier generatorJson data typeConfiguration for LocalCachedMap object.Various strategies to avoid stale objects in local cache.Configuration for Lock object.Factory for LockOptions.BackOffPolicy class.Generator of sleep period values for RedissonSpinLock back offBack off algorithm, where sleep period is constant and is defined by LockOptions.ConstantBackOff.delay.Back off algorithm, where sleep period starts with LockOptions.ExponentialBackOff.initialDelay, each time increases LockOptions.ExponentialBackOff.multiplier times but doesn't exceed LockOptions.ExponentialBackOff.maxDelayMapOptions<K,V> Configuration for Map object.Maps Redisson object name.Maps RedisURI object.Deprecated.Deprecated.NodesGroup<N extends Node>Deprecated.Redisson Object Event listener for Expired or Deleted event.Entry object for pending messages request.Result object for pending messages request.Random identifierDistributed implementation to the AtomicDoubleDistributed implementation to the AtomicDoubleReactive interface for AtomicDouble objectReactive interface for AtomicDouble objectDistributed implementation ofAtomicLong
Distributed async implementation ofAtomicLong
Reactive interface for AtomicLong objectRxJava2 interface for AtomicLong objectInterface for using Redis pipeline feature.Reactive interface for Redis pipeline feature.RxJava2 interface for Redis pipeline feature.Binary stream holder stores a sequence of bytes.Binary stream holder stores a sequence of bytes.Binary stream holder stores a sequence of bytes.Vector of bits that grows as needed.Vector of bits that grows as needed.Reactive interface for BitSet objectRxJava2 interface for BitSet objectBlockingDeque
backed by RedisDistributed async implementation ofBlockingDeque
Reactive interface for Redis based BlockingDeque objectRxJava2 interface for Redis based BlockingDeque objectDistributed implementation ofBlockingQueue
Distributed async implementation ofBlockingQueue
Reactive interface for BlockingQueue objectRxJava2 interface for BlockingQueueRBloomFilter<T>Distributed implementation of Bloom filter based on Highway 128-bit hash.Distributed implementation of boundedBlockingQueue
Distributed async implementation of boundedBlockingQueue
RBucket<V>Object holder.RBucketAsync<V>Async implementation of object holder.Reactive implementation of object holder.RBucketRx<V>Reactive implementation of object holder.Operations over multiple Bucket objects.Operations over multiple Bucket objects.Operations over multiple Bucket objects.Operations over multiple Bucket objects.Live Object cascade type.Common async interface for collection objectCommon reactive interface for collection objectCommon RxJava2 interface for collection objectRedis based implementation ofCountDownLatch
It has an advantage overCountDownLatch
-- count can be set viaRCountDownLatch.trySetCount(long)
method.Async interface of Redis basedCountDownLatch
It has an advantage overCountDownLatch
-- count can be set viaRCountDownLatchAsync.trySetCountAsync(long)
method.Reactive interface of Redis basedCountDownLatch
It has an advantage overCountDownLatch
-- count can be set viaRCountDownLatchReactive.trySetCount(long)
method.RxJava2 interface of Redis basedCountDownLatch
It has an advantage overCountDownLatch
-- count can be set viaRCountDownLatchRx.trySetCount(long)
method.Distributed implementation of delayed queue.RDeque<V>Distributed implementation ofDeque
RDequeAsync<V>Distributed async implementation ofDeque
Reactive interface for Deque objectRDequeRx<V>RxJava2 interface for Deque objectAll objects that implement this interface should be destroyed viaRDestroyable.destroy()
method.Distributed implementation ofDoubleAdder
Main Redisson interface for access to all redisson objects with sync/async interface.Node initializer callback interface.Main Redisson interface for access to all redisson objects with Reactive interface.Main Redisson interface for access to all redisson objects with RxJava2 interface.RRemoteService invocation options.Future object for submitted tasks in a batchFuture object for submitted taskDistributed implementation ofExecutorService
Distributed async implementation ofExecutorService
Base interface for all Redisson objects which support expiration or TTLBase async interface for all Redisson objects which supports expiration (TTL)Base interface for all Redisson objects which support expiration or TTLBase interface for all Redisson objects which support expiration or TTLInterface for Redis Function featureInterface for Redis Function featureInterface for Redis Function featureInterface for Redis Function featureRFuture<V>Represents the result of an asynchronous computationRGeo<V>Geospatial items holder.RGeoAsync<V>Geospatial items holder.RGeoReactive<V>Geospatial items holder.RGeoRx<V>Geospatial items holder.RHyperLogLog<V>Probabilistic data structure that lets you maintain counts of millions of items with extreme space efficiency.Probabilistic data structure that lets you maintain counts of millions of items with extreme space efficiency.Probabilistic data structure that lets you maintain counts of millions of items with extreme space efficiency.Probabilistic data structure that lets you maintain counts of millions of items with extreme space efficiency.Id generator ofLong
type numbers.Id generator ofLong
type numbers.Id generator ofLong
type numbers.Id generator ofLong
type numbers.RJsonBucket<V>Redis JSON datatype holder.Redis JSON datatype interface.Redis JSON datatype holder.Redis JSON datatype holder.Sorted set contained values of String typeAsync interface for sorted set contained values of String type.Reactive interface for sorted set contained values of String type.RxJava2 interface for sorted set contained values of String type.RList<V>Distributed and concurrent implementation ofList
RListAsync<V>Async list functionsRListMultimap<K,V> List based Multimap.RListMultimapCache<K,V> List based Multimap.Reactive interface forRListMultimapCache
object.RListMultimapCacheRx<K,V> Rx-ified version ofRListMultimapCache
.Reactive interface for List based Multimap objectRListMultimapRx<K,V> RxJava2 interface for List based Multimap objectlist functionsRListRx<V>list functionsThe pre-registration of each entity class is not necessary.RLocalCachedMap<K,V> Map object with local entry cache support.Map object with local entry cache support.RLocalCachedMapRx<K,V> Map object with local entry cache support.Redis based implementation ofLock
Implements re-entrant lock.Async interface for Lock objectReactive interface for Lock objectRxJava2 interface for Lock objectDistributed implementation ofLongAdder
RMap<K,V> Redis based implementation ofConcurrentMap
RMapAsync<K,V> Async interface for Redis based implementation ofConcurrentMap
RMapCache<K,V> Map-based cache with ability to set TTL for each entry viaRMapCache.put(Object, Object, long, TimeUnit)
orRMapCache.putIfAbsent(Object, Object, long, TimeUnit)
And therefore has an complex lua-scripts inside.RMapCacheAsync<K,V> Map-based cache with ability to set TTL for each entry viaRMapCache.put(Object, Object, long, TimeUnit)
orRMapCache.putIfAbsent(Object, Object, long, TimeUnit)
And therefore has an complex lua-scripts inside.RMapCacheReactive<K,V> Map-based cache with ability to set TTL for each entry viaRMapCacheReactive.put(Object, Object, long, TimeUnit)
orRMapCacheReactive.putIfAbsent(Object, Object, long, TimeUnit)
method.RMapCacheRx<K,V> Map-based cache with ability to set TTL for each entry viaRMapCacheRx.put(Object, Object, long, TimeUnit)
orRMapCacheRx.putIfAbsent(Object, Object, long, TimeUnit)
method.RMapReactive<K,V> Reactive interface for Redis based implementation ofConcurrentMap
RMapRx<K,V> RxJava2 interface for Redis based implementation ofConcurrentMap
RMultimap<K,V> Base Multimap interface.RMultimapAsync<K,V> Base asynchronous MultiMap interface.RMultimapCache<K,V> Base Multimap interface.RMultimapCacheAsync<K,V> Base asynchronous Multimap interface.Reactive interface ofRMultimapCache
object.RMultimapCacheRx<K,V> Rx-ified version ofRMultimapCache
.RMultimapReactive<K,V> Base Reactive interface for Multimap objectRMultimapRx<K,V> Base RxJava2 interface for Multimap objectBase interface for all Redisson objectsBase asynchronous interface for all Redisson objectsBase Reactive interface for all Redisson objectsBase RxJava2 interface for all Redisson objectsPattern based observer for Publish Subscribe object.Reactive interface for Pattern based observer for Publish Subscribe object.RxJava2 interface for Pattern based observer for Publish Subscribe object.Semaphore object with lease time parameter support for each acquired permit.Asynchronous interface for Semaphore object with lease time parameter support for each acquired permit.Reactive interface for Semaphore object with lease time parameter support for each acquired permit.RxJava2 interface for Semaphore object with lease time parameter support for each acquired permit.RPriorityBlockingDeque backed by RedisPriorityBlockingQueue backed by RedisRedis based priority deque.Redis based priority deque.RQueue<V>Queue
backed by RedisRQueueAsync<V>Queue
backed by RedisReactive interface for Queue objectRQueueRx<V>RxJava2 interface for Queue objectRedis based Rate Limiter object.Asynchronous interface for Redis based Rate Limiter object.Reactive interface for Redis based Rate Limiter object.Reactive interface for Redis based Rate Limiter object.AReadWriteLock
maintains a pair of associatedlocks
, one for read-only operations and one for writing.AReadWriteLock
maintains a pair of associatedlocks
, one for read-only operations and one for writing.AReadWriteLock
maintains a pair of associatedlocks
, one for read-only operations and one for writing.Reliable topic based on Redis Stream object.Asynchronous interface for Reliable topic based on Redis Stream object.Reactive interface for Reliable topic based on Redis Stream object.RxJava2 interface for Reliable topic based on Redis Stream object.Allows to execute object methods remotely between Redisson instances (Server side and Client side instances in terms of remote invocation).RRingBuffer<V>RingBuffer based queue evicts elements from the head if queue capacity became full.RingBuffer based queue evicts elements from the head if queue capacity became full.RingBuffer based queue evicts elements from the head if queue capacity became full.RingBuffer based queue evicts elements from the head if queue capacity became full.Redis based implementation ofScheduledExecutorService
Redis based implementation ofScheduledExecutorService
Set containing elements sorted by score.Reactive interface for SortedSet objectRxJava2 interface for scored sorted set data structure.Interface for Redis Script featureAsync interface for Redis Script featureReactive interface for Redis Script featureRxJava2 interface for Redis Script featureRedis based implementation ofSemaphore
.Async interface of Redis basedSemaphore
.Reactive interface of Redis basedSemaphore
.RxJava2 interface of Redis basedSemaphore
.RSet<V>Redis based implementation ofSet
RSetAsync<V>Async set functionsRSetCache<V>Set-based cache with ability to set TTL for each object.Async set functionsReactive interface for RSetCache objectRSetCacheRx<V>RxJava2 interface for RSetCache objectRSetMultimap<K,V> Set based Multimap.RSetMultimapCache<K,V> Reactive interface forRSetMultimapCache
object.RSetMultimapCacheRx<K,V> Rx-ified version ofRSetMultimapCache
.RSetMultimapReactive<K,V> Reactive interface for Set based MultimapRSetMultimapRx<K,V> RxJava2 interface for Set based MultimapRSetReactive<V>Reactive interface for Redis based implementation ofSet
RSetRx<V>RxJava2 interface for Redis based implementation ofSet
Sharded Topic for Redis Cluster.Sharded Topic for Redis Cluster.Reactive interface for Sharded Topic.RxJava3 interface for Sharded Topic.RSortable<V>RSortableRx<V>RSortedSet<V>RStream<K,V> Interface for Redis Stream object.RStreamAsync<K,V> Async interface for Redis Stream object.RStreamReactive<K,V> Reactive interface for Redis Stream object.RStreamRx<K,V> Reactive interface for Redis Stream object.RTimeSeries<V,L> Redis based time-series collection.RTimeSeriesAsync<V,L> Async interface for Redis based time-series collection.RTimeSeriesReactive<V,L> Reactive interface for Redis based time-series collection.RTimeSeriesRx<V,L> Rx interface for Redis based time-series collection.Distributed topic.Distributed topic.Reactive interface for Publish Subscribe object.RxJava2 interface for Publish Subscribe object.Transaction object allows to execute transactions over Redisson objects.Reactive interface for transaction object allows to execute transactions over Redisson objects.RxJava2 interface for transaction object allows to execute transactions over Redisson objects.Redis based implementation ofTransferQueue
Async interface for Redis based implementation ofTransferQueue
Reactive interface of Redis based implementation ofTransferQueue
RxJava2 interface of Redis based implementation ofTransferQueue
Object containing details about Stream ConsumerObject containing details about Stream GroupStreamInfo<K,V> Object containing details about StreamStreamInfo.Entry<K,V> Stream Message ID objectTimeSeriesEntry<V,L> Time-series collection entryConfiguration for Transaction.Configuration for RExecutorService workers.