Uses of Interface
Packages that use Codec
Uses of Codec in org.redisson
Fields in org.redisson declared as CodecModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected final Codec
protected final Codec
Methods in org.redisson that return CodecMethods in org.redisson that return types with arguments of type CodecMethods in org.redisson with parameters of type CodecModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionRedissonSortedSet.binarySearch
(V value, Codec codec) static RedissonTopic
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name) static RedissonTopic
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name) <R> RFuture
<R> RedissonScript.evalShaAsync
(String key, RScript.Mode mode, Codec codec, String shaDigest, RScript.ReturnType returnType, List<Object> keys, Object... values) protected final <T> RFuture
<T> RedissonBaseLock.evalWriteSyncedAsync
(String key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) <V> RBlockingDeque
<V> Redisson.getBlockingDeque
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBlockingDequeAsync
<V> RedissonBatch.getBlockingDeque
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBlockingDequeReactive
<V> RedissonReactive.getBlockingDeque
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBlockingDequeRx
<V> RedissonRx.getBlockingDeque
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBlockingQueue
<V> Redisson.getBlockingQueue
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBlockingQueueAsync
<V> RedissonBatch.getBlockingQueue
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBlockingQueueReactive
<V> RedissonReactive.getBlockingQueue
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBlockingQueueRx
<V> RedissonRx.getBlockingQueue
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBloomFilter
<V> Redisson.getBloomFilter
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBloomFilterReactive
<V> RedissonReactive.getBloomFilter
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBloomFilterRx
<V> RedissonRx.getBloomFilter
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBoundedBlockingQueue
<V> Redisson.getBoundedBlockingQueue
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBucket
<V> <V> RBucketAsync
<V> <V> RBucketReactive
<V> <V> RBucketRx
<V> Redisson.getBuckets
(Codec codec) RedissonReactive.getBuckets
(Codec codec) RedissonRx.getBuckets
(Codec codec) <V> RDeque
<V> <V> RDequeAsync
<V> <V> RDequeReactive
<V> <V> RDequeRx
<V> Redisson.getExecutorService
(String name, Codec codec) Redisson.getExecutorService
(String name, Codec codec, ExecutorOptions options) Redisson.getFunction
(Codec codec) RedissonBatch.getFunction
(Codec codec) RedissonReactive.getFunction
(Codec codec) RedissonRx.getFunction
(Codec codec) <V> RGeo
<V> <V> RGeoAsync
<V> <V> RGeoReactive
<V> <V> RGeoRx
<V> <V> RHyperLogLog
<V> Redisson.getHyperLogLog
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RHyperLogLogAsync
<V> RedissonBatch.getHyperLogLog
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RHyperLogLogReactive
<V> RedissonReactive.getHyperLogLog
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RHyperLogLogRx
<V> RedissonRx.getHyperLogLog
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RList
<V> <V> RListAsync
<V> <V> RListReactive
<V> <V> RListRx
<V> <K,
V> RListMultimap <K, V> Redisson.getListMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RMultimapAsync <K, V> RedissonBatch.getListMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RListMultimapReactive <K, V> RedissonReactive.getListMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RListMultimapRx <K, V> RedissonRx.getListMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RListMultimapCache <K, V> Redisson.getListMultimapCache
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RMultimapCacheAsync <K, V> RedissonBatch.getListMultimapCache
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RListMultimapCacheReactive <K, V> RedissonReactive.getListMultimapCache
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RListMultimapCacheRx <K, V> RedissonRx.getListMultimapCache
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RLocalCachedMap <K, V> Redisson.getLocalCachedMap
(String name, Codec codec, LocalCachedMapOptions<K, V> options) <K,
V> RLocalCachedMapReactive <K, V> RedissonReactive.getLocalCachedMap
(String name, Codec codec, LocalCachedMapOptions<K, V> options) <K,
V> RLocalCachedMapRx <K, V> RedissonRx.getLocalCachedMap
(String name, Codec codec, LocalCachedMapOptions<K, V> options) <K,
V> RMap <K, V> <K,
V> RMap <K, V> Redisson.getMap
(String name, Codec codec, MapOptions<K, V> options) <K,
V> RMapAsync <K, V> <K,
V> RMapReactive <K, V> <K,
V> RMapReactive <K, V> RedissonReactive.getMap
(String name, Codec codec, MapOptions<K, V> options) <K,
V> RMapRx <K, V> <K,
V> RMapRx <K, V> RedissonRx.getMap
(String name, Codec codec, MapOptions<K, V> options) <K,
V> RMapCache <K, V> Redisson.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RMapCache <K, V> Redisson.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec, MapCacheOptions<K, V> options) <K,
V> RMapCacheAsync <K, V> RedissonBatch.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RMapCacheReactive <K, V> RedissonReactive.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RMapCacheReactive <K, V> RedissonReactive.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec, MapCacheOptions<K, V> options) <K,
V> RMapCacheRx <K, V> RedissonRx.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RMapCacheRx <K, V> RedissonRx.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec, MapCacheOptions<K, V> options) <K,
V> RMapCacheNative <K, V> Redisson.getMapCacheNative
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RMapCacheNativeReactive <K, V> RedissonReactive.getMapCacheNative
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RMapCacheNativeRx <K, V> RedissonRx.getMapCacheNative
(String name, Codec codec) Redisson.getPatternTopic
(String pattern, Codec codec) RedissonReactive.getPatternTopic
(String pattern, Codec codec) RedissonRx.getPatternTopic
(String pattern, Codec codec) <V> RPriorityBlockingDeque
<V> Redisson.getPriorityBlockingDeque
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RPriorityBlockingQueue
<V> Redisson.getPriorityBlockingQueue
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RPriorityDeque
<V> Redisson.getPriorityDeque
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RPriorityQueue
<V> Redisson.getPriorityQueue
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RQueue
<V> <V> RQueueAsync
<V> <V> RQueueReactive
<V> <V> RQueueRx
<V> Redisson.getReliableTopic
(String name, Codec codec) RedissonReactive.getReliableTopic
(String name, Codec codec) RedissonRx.getReliableTopic
(String name, Codec codec) Redisson.getRemoteService
(String name, Codec codec) Redisson.getRemoteService
(Codec codec) RedissonReactive.getRemoteService
(String name, Codec codec) RedissonReactive.getRemoteService
(Codec codec) RedissonRx.getRemoteService
(String name, Codec codec) RedissonRx.getRemoteService
(Codec codec) <V> RRingBuffer
<V> Redisson.getRingBuffer
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RRingBufferReactive
<V> RedissonReactive.getRingBuffer
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RRingBufferRx
<V> RedissonRx.getRingBuffer
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RScoredSortedSet
<V> Redisson.getScoredSortedSet
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RScoredSortedSetAsync
<V> RedissonBatch.getScoredSortedSet
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RScoredSortedSetReactive
<V> RedissonReactive.getScoredSortedSet
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RScoredSortedSetRx
<V> RedissonRx.getScoredSortedSet
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RSet
<V> <V> RSetAsync
<V> <V> RSetReactive
<V> <V> RSetRx
<V> <V> RSetCache
<V> Redisson.getSetCache
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RSetCacheAsync
<V> RedissonBatch.getSetCache
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RSetCacheReactive
<V> RedissonReactive.getSetCache
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RSetCacheRx
<V> RedissonRx.getSetCache
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RSetMultimap <K, V> Redisson.getSetMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RMultimapAsync <K, V> RedissonBatch.getSetMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RSetMultimapReactive <K, V> RedissonReactive.getSetMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RSetMultimapRx <K, V> RedissonRx.getSetMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RSetMultimapCache <K, V> Redisson.getSetMultimapCache
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RMultimapCacheAsync <K, V> RedissonBatch.getSetMultimapCache
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RSetMultimapCacheReactive <K, V> RedissonReactive.getSetMultimapCache
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RSetMultimapCacheRx <K, V> RedissonRx.getSetMultimapCache
(String name, Codec codec) Redisson.getShardedTopic
(String name, Codec codec) RedissonBatch.getShardedTopic
(String name, Codec codec) RedissonReactive.getShardedTopic
(String name, Codec codec) RedissonRx.getShardedTopic
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RSortedSet
<V> Redisson.getSortedSet
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RStream <K, V> <K,
V> RStreamAsync <K, V> <K,
V> RStreamReactive <K, V> <K,
V> RStreamRx <K, V> <V,
L> RTimeSeries <V, L> Redisson.getTimeSeries
(String name, Codec codec) <V,
L> RTimeSeriesReactive <V, L> RedissonReactive.getTimeSeries
(String name, Codec codec) <V,
L> RTimeSeriesRx <V, L> RedissonRx.getTimeSeries
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RTransferQueue
<V> Redisson.getTransferQueue
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RTransferQueueReactive
<V> RedissonReactive.getTransferQueue
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RTransferQueueRx
<V> RedissonRx.getTransferQueue
(String name, Codec codec) Constructors in org.redisson with parameters of type CodecModifierConstructorDescriptionRedissonBlockingDeque
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, RedissonClient redisson) RedissonBlockingQueue
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name) RedissonBlockingQueue
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, RedissonClient redisson) protected
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name) protected
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, RedissonClient redisson) RedissonBucket
(String name, Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor connectionManager) RedissonBucket
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor connectionManager, String name) RedissonBuckets
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor) protected
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name) RedissonDeque
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, RedissonClient redisson) RedissonExecutorService
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, Redisson redisson, String name, ExecutorOptions options) RedissonFuction
(CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, Codec codec) RedissonGeo
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor connectionManager, String name, RedissonClient redisson) RedissonHyperLogLog
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name) RedissonList
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, RedissonClient redisson) RedissonListMultimap
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor connectionManager, String name) RedissonListMultimapCache
(EvictionScheduler evictionScheduler, Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor connectionManager, String name) RedissonListMultimapIterator
(RedissonMultimap<K, V> map, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, Codec codec) RedissonListMultimapValues
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, String timeoutSetName, Object key) RedissonLocalCachedMap
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor connectionManager, String name, LocalCachedMapOptions<K, V> options, EvictionScheduler evictionScheduler, RedissonClient redisson, WriteBehindService writeBehindService) RedissonMap
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name) RedissonMap
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, RedissonClient redisson, MapOptions<K, V> options, WriteBehindService writeBehindService) RedissonMapCache
(Codec codec, EvictionScheduler evictionScheduler, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, RedissonClient redisson, MapCacheOptions<K, V> options, WriteBehindService writeBehindService) RedissonMapCacheNative
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name) RedissonMapCacheNative
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, RedissonClient redisson, MapOptions<K, V> options, WriteBehindService writeBehindService) RedissonObject
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name) RedissonPatternTopic
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name) protected
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, RedissonClient redisson) protected
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, RedissonClient redisson) RedissonPriorityDeque
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, RedissonClient redisson) RedissonPriorityQueue
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, RedissonClient redisson) RedissonQueue
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, RedissonClient redisson) RedissonQueueSemaphore
(CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, Codec codec) RedissonReference
(Class<?> type, String keyName, Codec codec) RedissonReliableTopic
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, String subscriberId) RedissonRemoteService
(Codec codec, String name, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String executorId) RedissonRingBuffer
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, RedissonClient redisson) RedissonScoredSortedSet
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, RedissonClient redisson) RedissonScript
(CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, Codec codec) RedissonSearch
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor) RedissonSet
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, RedissonClient redisson) RedissonSetCache
(Codec codec, EvictionScheduler evictionScheduler, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, RedissonClient redisson) RedissonSetMultimap
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor connectionManager, String name) RedissonSetMultimapCache
(EvictionScheduler evictionScheduler, Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor connectionManager, String name) RedissonSetMultimapIterator
(RedissonMultimap<K, V> map, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, Codec codec) RedissonSetMultimapValues
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, String timeoutSetName, Object key) RedissonShardedTopic
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name) RedissonShardedTopic
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, NameMapper nameMapper, String name) RedissonSortedSet
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, Redisson redisson) RedissonStream
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor connectionManager, String name) protected
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, int fromIndex, int toIndex) RedissonTimeSeries
(Codec codec, EvictionScheduler evictionScheduler, CommandAsyncExecutor connectionManager, String name) RedissonTopic
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name) RedissonTopic
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, NameMapper nameMapper, String name) RedissonTransferQueue
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, RRemoteService remoteService) -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.api
Methods in org.redisson.api that return CodecModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionRObject.getCodec()
Returns the underlying Codec used by this RObjectRObjectReactive.getCodec()
Methods in org.redisson.api with parameters of type CodecModifier and TypeMethodDescription<V> RBlockingDequeAsync
<V> RBatch.getBlockingDeque
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBlockingDequeReactive
<V> RBatchReactive.getBlockingDeque
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBlockingDequeRx
<V> RBatchRx.getBlockingDeque
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBlockingDeque
<V> RedissonClient.getBlockingDeque
(String name, Codec codec) Returns unbounded blocking deque instance by name using provided codec for deque objects.<V> RBlockingDequeReactive
<V> RedissonReactiveClient.getBlockingDeque
(String name, Codec codec) Returns unbounded blocking deque instance by name using provided codec for deque objects.<V> RBlockingDequeRx
<V> RedissonRxClient.getBlockingDeque
(String name, Codec codec) Returns unbounded blocking deque instance by name using provided codec for deque objects.<V> RBlockingQueueAsync
<V> RBatch.getBlockingQueue
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBlockingQueueReactive
<V> RBatchReactive.getBlockingQueue
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBlockingQueueRx
<V> RBatchRx.getBlockingQueue
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBlockingQueue
<V> RedissonClient.getBlockingQueue
(String name, Codec codec) Returns unbounded blocking queue instance by name using provided codec for queue objects.<V> RBlockingQueueReactive
<V> RedissonReactiveClient.getBlockingQueue
(String name, Codec codec) Returns blocking queue instance by name using provided codec for queue objects.<V> RBlockingQueueRx
<V> RedissonRxClient.getBlockingQueue
(String name, Codec codec) Returns blocking queue instance by name using provided codec for queue objects.<V> RBloomFilter
<V> RedissonClient.getBloomFilter
(String name, Codec codec) Returns bloom filter instance by name using provided codec for objects.<V> RBloomFilterReactive
<V> RedissonReactiveClient.getBloomFilter
(String name, Codec codec) Returns bloom filter instance by name using provided codec for objects.<V> RBloomFilterRx
<V> RedissonRxClient.getBloomFilter
(String name, Codec codec) Returns bloom filter instance by name using provided codec for objects.<V> RBoundedBlockingQueue
<V> RedissonClient.getBoundedBlockingQueue
(String name, Codec codec) Returns bounded blocking queue instance by name using provided codec for queue objects.<V> RBucketAsync
<V> <V> RBucketReactive
<V> <V> RBucketRx
<V> <V> RBucket
<V> Returns object holder instance by name using provided codec for object.<V> RBucketReactive
<V> Returns object holder instance by name using provided codec for object.<V> RBucketRx
<V> Returns object holder instance by name using provided codec for object.<V> RBucket
<V> Returns transactional object holder instance by name using provided codec for object.<V> RBucketReactive
<V> Returns transactional object holder instance by name using provided codec for object.<V> RBucketRx
<V> Returns transactional object holder instance by name using provided codec for object.RedissonClient.getBuckets
(Codec codec) Returns interface for mass operations with Bucket objects using provided codec for object.RedissonReactiveClient.getBuckets
(Codec codec) Returns interface for mass operations with Bucket objects using provided codec for object.RedissonRxClient.getBuckets
(Codec codec) Returns interface for mass operations with Bucket objects using provided codec for object.RTransaction.getBuckets
(Codec codec) Returns transactional interface for mass operations with Bucket objects using provided codec for object.<V> RDequeAsync
<V> <V> RDequeReactive
<V> <V> RDequeRx
<V> <V> RDeque
<V> Returns unbounded deque instance by name using provided codec for deque objects.<V> RDequeReactive
<V> Returns deque instance by name using provided codec for deque objects.<V> RDequeRx
<V> Returns deque instance by name using provided codec for deque objects.RedissonClient.getExecutorService
(String name, Codec codec) Returns ScheduledExecutorService by name using provided codec for task, response and request serializationRedissonClient.getExecutorService
(String name, Codec codec, ExecutorOptions options) Deprecated.RBatch.getFunction
(Codec codec) Returns interface for Redis Function feature using provided codecRBatchReactive.getFunction
(Codec codec) Returns interface for Redis Function feature using provided codecRBatchRx.getFunction
(Codec codec) Returns interface for Redis Function feature using provided codecRedissonClient.getFunction
(Codec codec) Returns API for Redis Function feature using provided codecRedissonReactiveClient.getFunction
(Codec codec) Returns interface for Redis Function feature using provided codecRedissonRxClient.getFunction
(Codec codec) Returns interface for Redis Function feature using provided codec<V> RGeoAsync
<V> Returns geospatial items holder instance byname
using provided codec for geospatial members.<V> RGeoReactive
<V> Returns geospatial items holder instance byname
using provided codec for geospatial members.<V> RGeoRx
<V> Returns geospatial items holder instance byname
using provided codec for geospatial members.<V> RGeo
<V> Returns geospatial items holder instance byname
using provided codec for geospatial members.<V> RGeoReactive
<V> Returns geospatial items holder instance byname
using provided codec for geospatial members.<V> RGeoRx
<V> Returns geospatial items holder instance byname
using provided codec for geospatial members.<V> RHyperLogLogAsync
<V> RBatch.getHyperLogLog
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RHyperLogLogReactive
<V> RBatchReactive.getHyperLogLog
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RHyperLogLogRx
<V> RBatchRx.getHyperLogLog
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RHyperLogLog
<V> RedissonClient.getHyperLogLog
(String name, Codec codec) Returns HyperLogLog instance by name using provided codec for hll objects.<V> RHyperLogLogReactive
<V> RedissonReactiveClient.getHyperLogLog
(String name, Codec codec) Returns HyperLogLog instance by name using provided codec for hll objects.<V> RHyperLogLogRx
<V> RedissonRxClient.getHyperLogLog
(String name, Codec codec) Returns HyperLogLog instance by name using provided codec for hll objects.<V> RListAsync
<V> <V> RListReactive
<V> <V> RListRx
<V> <V> RList
<V> Returns list instance by name using provided codec for list objects.<V> RListReactive
<V> Returns list instance by name using provided codec for list objects.<V> RListRx
<V> Returns list instance by name using provided codec for list objects.<K,
V> RMultimapAsync <K, V> RBatch.getListMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) Returns List based MultiMap instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RListMultimapReactive <K, V> RBatchReactive.getListMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) Returns List based MultiMap instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RListMultimapRx <K, V> RBatchRx.getListMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) Returns List based MultiMap instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RListMultimap <K, V> RedissonClient.getListMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) Returns List based Multimap instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RListMultimapReactive <K, V> RedissonReactiveClient.getListMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) Returns List based Multimap instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RListMultimapRx <K, V> RedissonRxClient.getListMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) Returns List based Multimap instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RMultimapCacheAsync <K, V> RBatch.getListMultimapCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns List based Multimap instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RListMultimapCacheRx <K, V> RBatchRx.getListMultimapCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns List based Multimap cache instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RListMultimapCache <K, V> RedissonClient.getListMultimapCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns List based Multimap instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RListMultimapCacheReactive <K, V> RedissonReactiveClient.getListMultimapCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns List based Multimap cache instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RListMultimapCacheRx <K, V> RedissonRxClient.getListMultimapCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns List based Multimap cache instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RLocalCachedMap <K, V> RedissonClient.getLocalCachedMap
(String name, Codec codec, LocalCachedMapOptions<K, V> options) Deprecated.<K,
V> RLocalCachedMapReactive <K, V> RedissonReactiveClient.getLocalCachedMap
(String name, Codec codec, LocalCachedMapOptions<K, V> options) Deprecated.<K,
V> RLocalCachedMapRx <K, V> RedissonRxClient.getLocalCachedMap
(String name, Codec codec, LocalCachedMapOptions<K, V> options) Deprecated.<K,
V> RMapAsync <K, V> <K,
V> RMapReactive <K, V> <K,
V> RMapRx <K, V> <K,
V> RMap <K, V> Returns map instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RMap <K, V> RedissonClient.getMap
(String name, Codec codec, MapOptions<K, V> options) Deprecated.<K,
V> RMapReactive <K, V> Returns map instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RMapReactive <K, V> RedissonReactiveClient.getMap
(String name, Codec codec, MapOptions<K, V> options) Deprecated.<K,
V> RMapRx <K, V> Returns map instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RMapRx <K, V> RedissonRxClient.getMap
(String name, Codec codec, MapOptions<K, V> options) Deprecated.<K,
V> RMap <K, V> Returns transactional map instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RMapReactive <K, V> Returns transactional map instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RMapRx <K, V> Returns transactional map instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RMapCacheAsync <K, V> RBatch.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns map-based cache instance byname
using providedcodec
for both cache keys and values.<K,
V> RMapCacheReactive <K, V> RBatchReactive.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns map-based cache instance byname
using providedcodec
for both cache keys and values.<K,
V> RMapCacheRx <K, V> RBatchRx.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns map-based cache instance byname
using providedcodec
for both cache keys and values.<K,
V> RMapCache <K, V> RedissonClient.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns map-based cache instance byname
using providedcodec
for both cache keys and values.<K,
V> RMapCache <K, V> RedissonClient.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec, MapCacheOptions<K, V> options) Deprecated.<K,
V> RMapCacheReactive <K, V> RedissonReactiveClient.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns map-based cache instance by name using provided codec for both cache keys and values.<K,
V> RMapCacheReactive <K, V> RedissonReactiveClient.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec, MapCacheOptions<K, V> options) Deprecated.<K,
V> RMapCacheRx <K, V> RedissonRxClient.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns map-based cache instance by name using provided codec for both cache keys and values.<K,
V> RMapCacheRx <K, V> RedissonRxClient.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec, MapCacheOptions<K, V> options) Deprecated.<K,
V> RMapCache <K, V> RTransaction.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns transactional map-based cache instance byname
using providedcodec
for both cache keys and values.<K,
V> RMapCacheReactive <K, V> RTransactionReactive.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns transactional map-based cache instance byname
using providedcodec
for both cache keys and values.<K,
V> RMapCacheRx <K, V> RTransactionRx.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns transactional map-based cache instance byname
using providedcodec
for both cache keys and values.<K,
V> RMapCacheNative <K, V> RedissonClient.getMapCacheNative
(String name, Codec codec) Returns map instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RMapCacheNativeReactive <K, V> RedissonReactiveClient.getMapCacheNative
(String name, Codec codec) Returns map instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RMapCacheNativeRx <K, V> RedissonRxClient.getMapCacheNative
(String name, Codec codec) Returns map instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.RedissonClient.getPatternTopic
(String pattern, Codec codec) Returns topic instance satisfies by pattern name using provided codec for messages.RedissonReactiveClient.getPatternTopic
(String pattern, Codec codec) Returns topic instance satisfies by pattern name using provided codec for messages.RedissonRxClient.getPatternTopic
(String pattern, Codec codec) Returns topic instance satisfies by pattern name using provided codec for messages.<V> RPriorityBlockingDeque
<V> RedissonClient.getPriorityBlockingDeque
(String name, Codec codec) Returns unbounded priority blocking deque instance by name using provided codec for queue objects.<V> RPriorityBlockingQueue
<V> RedissonClient.getPriorityBlockingQueue
(String name, Codec codec) Returns unbounded priority blocking queue instance by name using provided codec for queue objects.<V> RPriorityDeque
<V> RedissonClient.getPriorityDeque
(String name, Codec codec) Returns priority unbounded deque instance by name using provided codec for queue objects.<V> RPriorityQueue
<V> RedissonClient.getPriorityQueue
(String name, Codec codec) Returns priority unbounded queue instance by name using provided codec for queue objects.<V> RQueueAsync
<V> <V> RQueueReactive
<V> <V> RQueueRx
<V> <V> RQueue
<V> Returns unbounded queue instance by name using provided codec for queue objects.<V> RQueueReactive
<V> Returns queue instance by name using provided codec for queue objects.<V> RQueueRx
<V> Returns queue instance by name using provided codec for queue objects.RedissonClient.getReliableTopic
(String name, Codec codec) Returns reliable topic instance by name using provided codec for messages.RedissonReactiveClient.getReliableTopic
(String name, Codec codec) Returns reliable topic instance by name using provided codec for messages.RedissonRxClient.getReliableTopic
(String name, Codec codec) Returns reliable topic instance by name using provided codec for messages.RedissonClient.getRemoteService
(String name, Codec codec) Returns object for remote operations prefixed with the specified name and uses provided codec for method arguments and result.RedissonClient.getRemoteService
(Codec codec) Deprecated.RedissonReactiveClient.getRemoteService
(String name, Codec codec) Returns object for remote operations prefixed with the specified name and uses provided codec for method arguments and result.RedissonReactiveClient.getRemoteService
(Codec codec) Deprecated.RedissonRxClient.getRemoteService
(String name, Codec codec) Returns object for remote operations prefixed with the specified name and uses provided codec for method arguments and result.RedissonRxClient.getRemoteService
(Codec codec) Deprecated.<V> RRingBuffer
<V> RedissonClient.getRingBuffer
(String name, Codec codec) Returns RingBuffer based queue.<V> RRingBufferReactive
<V> RedissonReactiveClient.getRingBuffer
(String name, Codec codec) Returns RingBuffer based queue.<V> RRingBufferRx
<V> RedissonRxClient.getRingBuffer
(String name, Codec codec) Returns RingBuffer based queue.<V> RScoredSortedSetAsync
<V> RBatch.getScoredSortedSet
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RScoredSortedSetReactive
<V> RBatchReactive.getScoredSortedSet
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RScoredSortedSetRx
<V> RBatchRx.getScoredSortedSet
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RScoredSortedSet
<V> RedissonClient.getScoredSortedSet
(String name, Codec codec) Returns Redis Sorted Set instance by name using provided codec for sorted set objects.<V> RScoredSortedSetReactive
<V> RedissonReactiveClient.getScoredSortedSet
(String name, Codec codec) Returns Redis Sorted Set instance by name using provided codec for sorted set objects.<V> RScoredSortedSetRx
<V> RedissonRxClient.getScoredSortedSet
(String name, Codec codec) Returns Redis Sorted Set instance by name using provided codec for sorted set objects.Returns script operations object using provided codec.Returns script operations object using provided codec.Returns script operations object using provided codec.Returns script operations object using provided codec.Returns script operations object using provided codec.Returns script operations object using provided codec.Returns API for RediSearch module using defined codec for attribute values.Returns API for RediSearch module using defined codec for attribute values.Returns API for RediSearch module using defined codec for attribute values.<V> RSetAsync
<V> <V> RSetReactive
<V> <V> RSetRx
<V> <V> RSet
<V> Returns set instance by name using provided codec for set objects.<V> RSetReactive
<V> Returns set instance by name using provided codec for set objects.<V> RSetRx
<V> Returns set instance by name using provided codec for set objects.<V> RSet
<V> Returns transactional set instance by name using provided codec for set objects.<V> RSetReactive
<V> Returns transactional set instance by name using provided codec for set objects.<V> RSetRx
<V> Returns transactional set instance by name using provided codec for set objects.<V> RSetCacheAsync
<V> RBatch.getSetCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns set-based cache instance byname
using providedcodec
for values.<V> RSetCacheReactive
<V> RBatchReactive.getSetCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns set-based cache instance byname
using providedcodec
for values.<V> RSetCacheRx
<V> RBatchRx.getSetCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns set-based cache instance byname
using providedcodec
for values.<V> RSetCache
<V> RedissonClient.getSetCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns set-based cache instance byname
.<V> RSetCacheReactive
<V> RedissonReactiveClient.getSetCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns set-based cache instance byname
.<V> RSetCacheRx
<V> RedissonRxClient.getSetCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns set-based cache instance byname
.<V> RSetCache
<V> RTransaction.getSetCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns transactional set-based cache instance byname
.<V> RSetCacheReactive
<V> RTransactionReactive.getSetCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns transactional set-based cache instance byname
.<V> RSetCacheRx
<V> RTransactionRx.getSetCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns transactional set-based cache instance byname
V> RMultimapAsync <K, V> RBatch.getSetMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) Returns Set based MultiMap instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RSetMultimapReactive <K, V> RBatchReactive.getSetMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) Returns Set based Multimap instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RSetMultimapRx <K, V> RBatchRx.getSetMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) Returns Set based Multimap instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RSetMultimap <K, V> RedissonClient.getSetMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) Returns Set based Multimap instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RSetMultimapReactive <K, V> RedissonReactiveClient.getSetMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) Returns Set based Multimap instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RSetMultimapRx <K, V> RedissonRxClient.getSetMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) Returns Set based Multimap instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RMultimapCacheAsync <K, V> RBatch.getSetMultimapCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns Set based Multimap instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RSetMultimapCacheRx <K, V> RBatchRx.getSetMultimapCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns Set based Multimap cache instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RSetMultimapCache <K, V> RedissonClient.getSetMultimapCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns Set based Multimap instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RSetMultimapCacheReactive <K, V> RedissonReactiveClient.getSetMultimapCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns Set based Multimap cache instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.<K,
V> RSetMultimapCacheRx <K, V> RedissonRxClient.getSetMultimapCache
(String name, Codec codec) Returns Set based Multimap cache instance by name using provided codec for both map keys and values.RBatch.getShardedTopic
(String name, Codec codec) Returns Sharded Topic instance by name using provided codec for messages.RBatchReactive.getShardedTopic
(String name, Codec codec) Returns Sharded Topic instance by name using provided codec for messages.RBatchRx.getShardedTopic
(String name, Codec codec) Returns Sharded Topic instance by name using provided codec for messages.RedissonClient.getShardedTopic
(String name, Codec codec) Returns Sharded Topic instance by name using provided codec for messages.RedissonReactiveClient.getShardedTopic
(String name, Codec codec) Returns Sharded Topic instance by name using provided codec for messages.RedissonRxClient.getShardedTopic
(String name, Codec codec) Returns Sharded Topic instance by name using provided codec for messages.<V> RSortedSet
<V> RedissonClient.getSortedSet
(String name, Codec codec) Returns sorted set instance by name using provided codec for sorted set objects.<K,
V> RStreamAsync <K, V> Returns stream instance byname
using providedcodec
for entries.<K,
V> RStreamReactive <K, V> Returns stream instance byname
using providedcodec
for entries.<K,
V> RStreamRx <K, V> Returns stream instance byname
using providedcodec
for entries.<K,
V> RStream <K, V> Returns stream instance byname
using providedcodec
for entries.<K,
V> RStreamReactive <K, V> Returns stream instance byname
using providedcodec
for entries.<K,
V> RStreamRx <K, V> Returns stream instance byname
using providedcodec
for entries.<V,
L> RTimeSeries <V, L> RedissonClient.getTimeSeries
(String name, Codec codec) Returns time-series instance byname
using providedcodec
for values.<V,
L> RTimeSeriesReactive <V, L> RedissonReactiveClient.getTimeSeries
(String name, Codec codec) Returns time-series instance byname
using providedcodec
for values.<V,
L> RTimeSeriesRx <V, L> RedissonRxClient.getTimeSeries
(String name, Codec codec) Returns time-series instance byname
using providedcodec
for values.Returns topic instance by name using provided codec for messages.Returns topic instance by name using provided codec for messages.Returns topic instance by name using provided codec for messages.<V> RTransferQueue
<V> RedissonClient.getTransferQueue
(String name, Codec codec) Returns transfer queue instance by name using provided codec for queue objects.<V> RTransferQueueReactive
<V> RedissonReactiveClient.getTransferQueue
(String name, Codec codec) Returns transfer queue instance by name using provided codec for queue objects.<V> RTransferQueueRx
<V> RedissonRxClient.getTransferQueue
(String name, Codec codec) Returns transfer queue instance by name using provided codec for queue objects. -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.api.annotation
Classes in org.redisson.api.annotation that implement CodecModifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic final class
static final class
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.cache
Classes in org.redisson.cache that implement CodecConstructors in org.redisson.cache with parameters of type CodecModifierConstructorDescriptionLocalCacheListener
(String name, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, RObject object, Codec codec, LocalCachedMapOptions<?, ?> options, long cacheUpdateLogTime, boolean isSharded) -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.client
Methods in org.redisson.client that return types with arguments of type CodecModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionRedisPubSubConnection.getChannels()
Methods in org.redisson.client with parameters of type CodecModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T,
R> RFuture <R> RedisConnection.async
(long timeout, Codec encoder, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> RedisConnection.async
(Codec encoder, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> CommandData <T, R> RedisConnection.create
(Codec encoder, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params)
(CompletableFuture<Void> promise, Codec codec, ChannelName... channels)
(Codec codec, ChannelName... channels)
(CompletableFuture<Void> promise, Codec codec, ChannelName... channels)
(Codec codec, ChannelName... channels)
(CompletableFuture<Void> promise, Codec codec, ChannelName... channels)
(Codec codec, ChannelName... channels) <T,
R> R RedisConnection.sync
(Codec encoder, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.client.codec
Classes in org.redisson.client.codec that implement CodecModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.client.protocol
Methods in org.redisson.client.protocol that return CodecConstructors in org.redisson.client.protocol with parameters of type CodecModifierConstructorDescriptionBatchCommandData
(CompletableFuture<R> promise, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object[] params, int index) CommandData
(CompletableFuture<R> promise, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object[] params) CommandData
(CompletableFuture<R> promise, MultiDecoder<Object> messageDecoder, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object[] params) -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.client.protocol.decoder
Methods in org.redisson.client.protocol.decoder with parameters of type CodecModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAggregationEntryDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) AutoClaimDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) AutoClaimMapReplayDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) FastAutoClaimDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) GeoDistanceDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) GeoPositionDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) ListFirstObjectDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) ListMultiDecoder2.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) ListObjectDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) ListResultReplayDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) ListScanResultReplayDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) Long2MultiDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) MapCacheKeyScanResultDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) MapCacheScanResultReplayDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) MapEntriesDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) MapKeyDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) MapScanResultReplayDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) MapValueDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) MultiDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) ObjectDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) ObjectFirstScoreReplayDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) ObjectListReplayDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) ObjectMapDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) ObjectMapEntryReplayDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) ObjectMapReplayDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) RankedEntryDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) RedisURIDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) ScoredEntryScanDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) ScoredSortedSetPolledObjectDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) ScoredSortedSetRandomMapDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) ScoredSortedSetReplayDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) ScoredSortedSetReplayDecoderV2.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) ScoredSortedSetScanDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) ScoredSortedSetScanReplayDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) SlotsDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) StreamObjectMapReplayDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) StreamResultDecoderV2.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) StringListReplayDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) StringMapDataDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) TimeSeriesEntryReplayDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) TimeSeriesFirstEntryReplayDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) TimeSeriesSingleEntryReplayDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) Constructors in org.redisson.client.protocol.decoder with parameters of type CodecModifierConstructorDescriptionAggregationEntryDecoder
(Codec codec, int reducers) ObjectMapReplayDecoder
(boolean swapKeyValue, Codec codec) ObjectMapReplayDecoder
(Codec codec) -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.client.protocol.pubsub
Methods in org.redisson.client.protocol.pubsub with parameters of type CodecModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPubSubMessageDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) PubSubPatternMessageDecoder.getDecoder
(Codec codec, int paramNum, State state, long size) -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.codec
Classes in org.redisson.codec that implement CodecModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Avro binary codecclass
Amazon Ion codec based on Jackson implementation
Json codec based on Jackson implementation.class
Kryo 5 codecclass
Kryo 4 codecclass
LZ4 compression codec.class
LZ4 compression codec.class
MsgPack binary codecclass
JDK's serialization codec.class
Smile binary codec.class
Google's Snappy compression codec.class
Json Jackson Type codec.Fields in org.redisson.codec declared as CodecMethods in org.redisson.codec with type parameters of type CodecModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T extends Codec>
T<T extends Codec>
(RObjectField anno, Class<?> cls, Class<K> rObjectClass, String fieldName, Config config) <T extends Codec>
TGet codec instance by its class.<T extends Codec>
TGet a codec instance by a REntity annotation and the class annotated with it.ReferenceCodecProvider.getCodec
(RObjectField anno, Class<?> cls, Class<K> rObjectClass, String fieldName, Config config) Get a codec instance by a RObjectField annotation and the class annotated with REntity, the implementation class of RObject the field is going to be transformed into and the name of the field with this RObjectField annotation.<T extends Codec>
(Class<T> cls, T codec) <T extends Codec>
(Class<T> codecClass, T codec) Register a codec by its class or super class.Constructors in org.redisson.codec with parameters of type CodecModifierConstructorDescriptionBaseEventCodec
(Codec codec, BaseEventCodec.OSType osType) CompositeCodec
(Codec mapKeyCodec, Codec mapValueCodec) CompositeCodec
(Codec mapKeyCodec, Codec mapValueCodec, Codec valueCodec) LZ4CodecV2
(Codec innerCodec) MapCacheEventCodec
(Codec codec, BaseEventCodec.OSType osType) ProtobufCodec
(Class<?> mapKeyClass, Class<?> mapValueClass, Codec blacklistCodec) ProtobufCodec
(Class<?> valueClass, Codec blacklistCodec) SnappyCodec
(Codec innerCodec) Deprecated.SnappyCodecV2
(Codec innerCodec) -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.command
Methods in org.redisson.command that return CodecMethods in org.redisson.command with parameters of type CodecModifier and TypeMethodDescription<V,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.async
(boolean readOnlyMode, NodeSource source, Codec codec, RedisCommand<V> command, Object[] params, boolean ignoreRedirect, boolean noRetry) <V,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.async
(boolean readOnlyMode, NodeSource source, Codec codec, RedisCommand<V> command, Object[] params, boolean ignoreRedirect, boolean noRetry) <V,
R> RFuture <R> CommandBatchService.async
(boolean readOnlyMode, NodeSource nodeSource, Codec codec, RedisCommand<V> command, Object[] params, boolean ignoreRedirect, boolean noRetry) io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf
(Codec codec, Object value) io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf
(Codec codec, Object value) io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf
(Codec codec, Object value) io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf
(Codec codec, Object value) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.evalAsync
(NodeSource nodeSource, boolean readOnlyMode, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, boolean noRetry, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.evalReadAsync
(String key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.evalReadAsync
(RedisClient client, String name, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.evalReadAsync
(RedisClient client, MasterSlaveEntry entry, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.evalReadAsync
(MasterSlaveEntry entry, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.evalReadAsync
(String key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.evalReadAsync
(RedisClient client, String name, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.evalReadAsync
(RedisClient client, MasterSlaveEntry entry, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.evalReadAsync
(MasterSlaveEntry entry, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.evalReadBatchedAsync
(Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, String script, List<Object> keys, SlotCallback<T, R> callback) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.evalReadBatchedAsync
(Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, String script, List<Object> keys, SlotCallback<T, R> callback) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.evalWriteAsync
(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.evalWriteAsync
(String key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.evalWriteAsync
(MasterSlaveEntry entry, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.evalWriteAsync
(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.evalWriteAsync
(String key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.evalWriteAsync
(MasterSlaveEntry entry, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.evalWriteBatchedAsync
(Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, String script, List<Object> keys, SlotCallback<T, R> callback) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.evalWriteBatchedAsync
(Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, String script, List<Object> keys, SlotCallback<T, R> callback) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.evalWriteNoRetryAsync
(String key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.evalWriteNoRetryAsync
(String key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) protected final Codec
<V> RFuture
<V> CommandAsyncExecutor.pollFromAnyAsync
(String name, Codec codec, RedisCommand<?> command, long secondsTimeout, String... queueNames) <V> RFuture
<V> CommandAsyncService.pollFromAnyAsync
(String name, Codec codec, RedisCommand<?> command, long secondsTimeout, String... queueNames) <R> List
<CompletableFuture<R>> CommandAsyncExecutor.readAllAsync
(Codec codec, RedisCommand<?> command, Object... params) <R> List
<CompletableFuture<R>> CommandAsyncService.readAllAsync
(Codec codec, RedisCommand<?> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.readAsync
(byte[] key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.readAsync
(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.readAsync
(String key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.readAsync
(RedisClient client, byte[] key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.readAsync
(RedisClient client, String name, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.readAsync
(RedisClient client, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.readAsync
(RedisClient client, MasterSlaveEntry entry, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.readAsync
(MasterSlaveEntry entry, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.readAsync
(byte[] key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.readAsync
(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.readAsync
(String key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.readAsync
(RedisClient client, byte[] key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.readAsync
(RedisClient client, String name, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.readAsync
(RedisClient client, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.readAsync
(RedisClient client, MasterSlaveEntry entry, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.readAsync
(MasterSlaveEntry entry, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.readBatchedAsync
(Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, SlotCallback<T, R> callback, Object... keys) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.readBatchedAsync
(Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, SlotCallback<T, R> callback, Object... keys) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.readRandomAsync
(Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.readRandomAsync
(RedisClient client, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.readRandomAsync
(Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.readRandomAsync
(RedisClient client, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T> RFuture
<T> CommandAsyncExecutor.syncedEval
(String key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) <T> RFuture
<T> CommandAsyncService.syncedEval
(String key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) <T> RFuture
<T> CommandAsyncExecutor.syncedEvalWithRetry
(String key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) <T> RFuture
<T> CommandAsyncService.syncedEvalWithRetry
(String key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> evalCommandType, String script, List<Object> keys, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.writeAsync
(byte[] key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.writeAsync
(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.writeAsync
(String key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.writeAsync
(RedisClient client, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.writeAsync
(MasterSlaveEntry entry, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.writeAsync
(byte[] key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.writeAsync
(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.writeAsync
(String key, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.writeAsync
(RedisClient client, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.writeAsync
(MasterSlaveEntry entry, Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, Object... params) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncExecutor.writeBatchedAsync
(Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, SlotCallback<T, R> callback, Object... keys) <T,
R> RFuture <R> CommandAsyncService.writeBatchedAsync
(Codec codec, RedisCommand<T> command, SlotCallback<T, R> callback, Object... keys) Constructors in org.redisson.command with parameters of type CodecModifierConstructorDescriptionBaseRedisBatchExecutor
(boolean readOnlyMode, NodeSource source, Codec codec, RedisCommand<V> command, Object[] params, CompletableFuture<R> mainPromise, boolean ignoreRedirect, ConnectionManager connectionManager, RedissonObjectBuilder objectBuilder, ConcurrentMap<NodeSource, CommandBatchService.Entry> commands, BatchOptions options, AtomicInteger index, AtomicBoolean executed, RedissonObjectBuilder.ReferenceType referenceType, boolean noRetry) RedisBatchExecutor
(boolean readOnlyMode, NodeSource source, Codec codec, RedisCommand<V> command, Object[] params, CompletableFuture<R> mainPromise, boolean ignoreRedirect, ConnectionManager connectionManager, RedissonObjectBuilder objectBuilder, ConcurrentMap<NodeSource, CommandBatchService.Entry> commands, BatchOptions options, AtomicInteger index, AtomicBoolean executed, RedissonObjectBuilder.ReferenceType referenceType, boolean noRetry) RedisExecutor
(boolean readOnlyMode, NodeSource source, Codec codec, RedisCommand<V> command, Object[] params, CompletableFuture<R> mainPromise, boolean ignoreRedirect, ConnectionManager connectionManager, RedissonObjectBuilder objectBuilder, RedissonObjectBuilder.ReferenceType referenceType, boolean noRetry, int retryAttempts, int retryInterval, int responseTimeout, boolean trackChanges) RedisQueuedBatchExecutor
(boolean readOnlyMode, NodeSource source, Codec codec, RedisCommand<V> command, Object[] params, CompletableFuture<R> mainPromise, boolean ignoreRedirect, ConnectionManager connectionManager, RedissonObjectBuilder objectBuilder, ConcurrentMap<NodeSource, CommandBatchService.Entry> commands, ConcurrentMap<MasterSlaveEntry, CommandBatchService.ConnectionEntry> connections, BatchOptions options, AtomicInteger index, AtomicBoolean executed, RedissonObjectBuilder.ReferenceType referenceType, boolean noRetry, Map<MasterSlaveEntry, CommandBatchService.Entry> aggregatedCommands) -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.config
Methods in org.redisson.config that return CodecMethods in org.redisson.config with parameters of type Codec -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.connection
Methods in org.redisson.connection that return CodecMethods in org.redisson.connection with parameters of type Codec -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.executor
Constructors in org.redisson.executor with parameters of type CodecModifierConstructorDescriptionRedissonExecutorRemoteService
(Codec codec, String name, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String executorId) ScheduledTasksService
(Codec codec, String name, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String redissonId) TasksBatchService
(Codec codec, String name, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String executorId) TasksRunnerService
(CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, RedissonClient redisson, Codec codec, String name) TasksService
(Codec codec, String name, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String executorId) -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.jcache
Classes in org.redisson.jcache that implement CodecConstructors in org.redisson.jcache with parameters of type CodecModifierConstructorDescriptionJCacheEventCodec
(Codec codec, BaseEventCodec.OSType osType, boolean sync) JCacheEventCodec
(Codec codec, BaseEventCodec.OSType osType, boolean sync, boolean expectOldValueInMsg) -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.liveobject.core
Methods in org.redisson.liveobject.core with parameters of type CodecModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionRedissonObjectBuilder.getNamingScheme
(Class<?> rEntity, Codec c) -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.liveobject.resolver
Fields in org.redisson.liveobject.resolver declared as CodecMethods in org.redisson.liveobject.resolver that return CodecConstructors in org.redisson.liveobject.resolver with parameters of type Codec -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.mapreduce
Fields in org.redisson.mapreduce declared as CodecConstructors in org.redisson.mapreduce with parameters of type CodecModifierConstructorDescriptionCollector
(Codec codec, RedissonClient client, String name, int parts, long timeout) -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.pubsub
Methods in org.redisson.pubsub that return types with arguments of type CodecModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPublishSubscribeService.unsubscribe
(ChannelName channelName, PubSubType topicType) Methods in org.redisson.pubsub with parameters of type CodecModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPublishSubscribeService.psubscribe
(ChannelName channelName, Codec codec, RedisPubSubListener<?>... listeners) PublishSubscribeService.ssubscribe
(Codec codec, ChannelName channelName, RedisPubSubListener<?>... listeners) PublishSubscribeService.subscribe
(String key, Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, TrackingListener listener) PublishSubscribeService.subscribe
(Codec codec, ChannelName channelName, RedisPubSubListener<?>... listeners) PublishSubscribeService.subscribe
(MasterSlaveEntry entry, ClientConnectionsEntry clientEntry, Codec codec, ChannelName channelName, RedisPubSubListener<?>... listeners) void
(Codec codec, ChannelName channelName, CompletableFuture<PubSubConnectionEntry> pm, PubSubType type, AsyncSemaphore lock, RedisPubSubListener<?>[] listeners) -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.reactive
Methods in org.redisson.reactive with parameters of type CodecModifier and TypeMethodDescription<V,
R> RFuture <R> CommandReactiveBatchService.async
(boolean readOnlyMode, NodeSource nodeSource, Codec codec, RedisCommand<V> command, Object[] params, boolean ignoreRedirect, boolean noRetry) <V> RBlockingDequeReactive
<V> RedissonBatchReactive.getBlockingDeque
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBlockingQueueReactive
<V> RedissonBatchReactive.getBlockingQueue
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBucketReactive
<V> <V> RBucketReactive
<V> <V> RDequeReactive
<V> RedissonBatchReactive.getFunction
(Codec codec) <V> RGeoReactive
<V> <V> RHyperLogLogReactive
<V> RedissonBatchReactive.getHyperLogLog
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RListReactive
<V> <K,
V> RListMultimapReactive <K, V> RedissonBatchReactive.getListMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RMapReactive <K, V> <K,
V> RMapReactive <K, V> <K,
V> RMapCacheReactive <K, V> RedissonBatchReactive.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RMapCacheReactive <K, V> RedissonTransactionReactive.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RQueueReactive
<V> <V> RScoredSortedSetReactive
<V> RedissonBatchReactive.getScoredSortedSet
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RSetReactive
<V> <V> RSetReactive
<V> <V> RSetCacheReactive
<V> RedissonBatchReactive.getSetCache
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RSetCacheReactive
<V> RedissonTransactionReactive.getSetCache
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RSetMultimapReactive <K, V> RedissonBatchReactive.getSetMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) RedissonBatchReactive.getShardedTopic
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RStreamReactive <K, V> Constructors in org.redisson.reactive with parameters of type CodecModifierConstructorDescriptionRedissonListMultimapReactive
(Codec codec, CommandReactiveExecutor commandExecutor, String name) RedissonListReactive
(Codec codec, CommandReactiveExecutor commandExecutor, String name) RedissonScoredSortedSetReactive
(Codec codec, CommandReactiveExecutor commandExecutor, String name) RedissonSetMultimapReactive
(Codec codec, CommandReactiveExecutor commandExecutor, String name, RedissonReactiveClient redisson) -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.remote
Fields in org.redisson.remote declared as CodecMethods in org.redisson.remote with parameters of type CodecModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected <V> RBlockingQueue
<V> BaseRemoteService.getBlockingQueue
(String name, Codec codec) Constructors in org.redisson.remote with parameters of type CodecModifierConstructorDescriptionAsyncRemoteProxy
(CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, String responseQueueName, Codec codec, String executorId, String cancelRequestMapName, BaseRemoteService remoteService) BaseRemoteService
(Codec codec, String name, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String executorId) ReactiveRemoteProxy
(CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, String responseQueueName, Codec codec, String executorId, String cancelRequestMapName, BaseRemoteService remoteService) RxRemoteProxy
(CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, String responseQueueName, Codec codec, String executorId, String cancelRequestMapName, BaseRemoteService remoteService) SyncRemoteProxy
(CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, String responseQueueName, Codec codec, String executorId, BaseRemoteService remoteService) -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.rx
Methods in org.redisson.rx with parameters of type CodecModifier and TypeMethodDescription<V,
R> RFuture <R> CommandRxBatchService.async
(boolean readOnlyMode, NodeSource nodeSource, Codec codec, RedisCommand<V> command, Object[] params, boolean ignoreRedirect, boolean noRetry) <V> RBlockingDequeRx
<V> RedissonBatchRx.getBlockingDeque
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBlockingQueueRx
<V> RedissonBatchRx.getBlockingQueue
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RBucketRx
<V> <V> RBucketRx
<V> <V> RDequeRx
<V> RedissonBatchRx.getFunction
(Codec codec) <V> RGeoRx
<V> <V> RHyperLogLogRx
<V> RedissonBatchRx.getHyperLogLog
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RListRx
<V> <K,
V> RListMultimapRx <K, V> RedissonBatchRx.getListMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RListMultimapCacheRx <K, V> RedissonBatchRx.getListMultimapCache
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RMapRx <K, V> <K,
V> RMapRx <K, V> <K,
V> RMapCacheRx <K, V> RedissonBatchRx.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RMapCacheRx <K, V> RedissonTransactionRx.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RQueueRx
<V> <V> RScoredSortedSetRx
<V> RedissonBatchRx.getScoredSortedSet
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RSetRx
<V> <V> RSetRx
<V> <V> RSetCacheRx
<V> RedissonBatchRx.getSetCache
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RSetCacheRx
<V> RedissonTransactionRx.getSetCache
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RSetMultimapRx <K, V> RedissonBatchRx.getSetMultimap
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RSetMultimapCacheRx <K, V> RedissonBatchRx.getSetMultimapCache
(String name, Codec codec) RedissonBatchRx.getShardedTopic
(String name, Codec codec) <K,
V> RStreamRx <K, V> -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.spring.cache
Methods in org.redisson.spring.cache with parameters of type CodecModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Set Codec instance shared between all Cache instancesConstructors in org.redisson.spring.cache with parameters of type CodecModifierConstructorDescriptionRedissonSpringCacheManager
(RedissonClient redisson, String configLocation, Codec codec) Creates CacheManager supplied by Redisson instance, Codec instance and Config location path.RedissonSpringCacheManager
(RedissonClient redisson, Map<String, ? extends CacheConfig> config, Codec codec) Creates CacheManager supplied by Redisson instance, Codec instance and Cache config mapped by Cache name. -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.transaction
Methods in org.redisson.transaction that return CodecMethods in org.redisson.transaction with parameters of type CodecModifier and TypeMethodDescription<V> RBucket
<V> RedissonTransaction.getBuckets
(Codec codec) <K,
V> RMap <K, V> <K,
V> RMapCache <K, V> RedissonTransaction.getMapCache
(String name, Codec codec) <V> RSet
<V> <V> RSetCache
<V> RedissonTransaction.getSetCache
(String name, Codec codec) Constructors in org.redisson.transaction with parameters of type CodecModifierConstructorDescriptionRedissonTransactionalBucket
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, long timeout, String name, List<TransactionalOperation> operations, AtomicBoolean executed, String transactionId) RedissonTransactionalBuckets
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, long timeout, List<TransactionalOperation> operations, AtomicBoolean executed, String transactionId) RedissonTransactionalMap
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, List<TransactionalOperation> operations, long timeout, AtomicBoolean executed, String transactionId) RedissonTransactionalMapCache
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, List<TransactionalOperation> operations, long timeout, AtomicBoolean executed, String transactionId) RedissonTransactionalSet
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, List<TransactionalOperation> operations, long timeout, AtomicBoolean executed, String transactionId) RedissonTransactionalSetCache
(Codec codec, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String name, List<TransactionalOperation> operations, long timeout, AtomicBoolean executed, String transactionId) -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.transaction.operation
Fields in org.redisson.transaction.operation declared as CodecMethods in org.redisson.transaction.operation that return CodecConstructors in org.redisson.transaction.operation with parameters of type CodecModifierConstructorDescriptionTransactionalOperation
(String name, Codec codec) TransactionalOperation
(String name, Codec codec, long threadId) -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.transaction.operation.bucket
Constructors in org.redisson.transaction.operation.bucket with parameters of type CodecModifierConstructorDescriptionBucketCompareAndSetOperation
(String name, String lockName, Codec codec, V expected, V value, String transactionId, long threadId) BucketGetAndDeleteOperation
(String name, String lockName, Codec codec, String transactionId, long threadId) BucketGetAndSetOperation
(String name, String lockName, Codec codec, Object value, long timeToLive, TimeUnit timeUnit, String transactionId) BucketGetAndSetOperation
(String name, String lockName, Codec codec, Object value, String transactionId) BucketSetOperation
(String name, String lockName, Codec codec, Object value, long timeToLive, TimeUnit timeUnit, String transactionId, long threadId) BucketSetOperation
(String name, String lockName, Codec codec, Object value, String transactionId, long threadId) BucketTrySetOperation
(String name, String lockName, Codec codec, Object value, long timeToLive, TimeUnit timeUnit, String transactionId, long threadId) BucketTrySetOperation
(String name, String lockName, Codec codec, Object value, String transactionId, long threadId) -
Uses of Codec in org.redisson.transaction.operation.set
Constructors in org.redisson.transaction.operation.set with parameters of type CodecModifierConstructorDescriptionAddCacheOperation
(String name, Codec codec, Object value, long ttl, TimeUnit timeUnit, String transactionId, long threadId) AddOperation
(String name, Codec codec, String readLockName, Object value, String transactionId, long threadId) MoveOperation
(String name, Codec codec, String destinationName, long threadId, Object value, String transactionId) RemoveCacheOperation
(String name, Codec codec, Object value, String transactionId, long threadId) RemoveOperation
(String name, Codec codec, String readLockName, Object value, String transactionId, long threadId) SetOperation
(String name, Codec codec, String transactionId) SetOperation
(String name, Codec codec, String transactionId, long threadId)