Interface RExpirable

All Superinterfaces:
RExpirableAsync, RObject, RObjectAsync
All Known Subinterfaces:
RAtomicDouble, RAtomicLong, RBinaryStream, RBitSet, RBlockingDeque<V>, RBlockingQueue<V>, RBloomFilter<T>, RBoundedBlockingQueue<V>, RBucket<V>, RDelayedQueue<V>, RDeque<V>, RDoubleAdder, RGeo<V>, RHyperLogLog<V>, RIdGenerator, RJsonBucket<V>, RJsonStore<K,V>, RLexSortedSet, RList<V>, RListMultimap<K,V>, RListMultimapCache<K,V>, RListMultimapCacheNative<K,V>, RLiveObject, RLocalCachedMap<K,V>, RLocalCachedMapCache<K,V>, RLongAdder, RMap<K,V>, RMapCache<K,V>, RMapCacheNative<K,V>, RMultimap<K,V>, RMultimapCache<K,V>, RPermitExpirableSemaphore, RPriorityBlockingDeque<V>, RPriorityBlockingQueue<V>, RPriorityDeque<V>, RPriorityQueue<V>, RQueue<V>, RRateLimiter, RReliableTopic, RRingBuffer<V>, RScoredSortedSet<V>, RSemaphore, RSet<V>, RSetCache<V>, RSetMultimap<K,V>, RSetMultimapCache<K,V>, RSetMultimapCacheNative<K,V>, RSortedSet<V>, RStream<K,V>, RTimeSeries<V,L>, RTransferQueue<V>
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseRedissonList, ExpireAtOperation.RedissonBucketExtended, ExpireOperation.RedissonBucketExtended, MapCacheNativeWrapper, RedissonAtomicDouble, RedissonAtomicLong, RedissonBaseAdder, RedissonBaseLock, RedissonBinaryStream, RedissonBitSet, RedissonBlockingDeque, RedissonBlockingQueue, RedissonBloomFilter, RedissonBoundedBlockingQueue, RedissonBucket, RedissonDelayedQueue, RedissonDeque, RedissonDoubleAdder, RedissonFairLock, RedissonFasterMultiLock, RedissonFencedLock, RedissonGeo, RedissonHyperLogLog, RedissonIdGenerator, RedissonJsonBucket, RedissonLexSortedSet, RedissonList, RedissonListMultimap, RedissonListMultimap.InnerList, RedissonListMultimapCache, RedissonListMultimapCacheNative, RedissonListMultimapValues, RedissonLocalCachedMap, RedissonLock, RedissonLongAdder, RedissonMap, RedissonMapCache, RedissonMapCacheNative, RedissonMultimap, RedissonPermitExpirableSemaphore, RedissonPriorityBlockingDeque, RedissonPriorityBlockingQueue, RedissonPriorityDeque, RedissonPriorityQueue, RedissonQueue, RedissonQueueSemaphore, RedissonRateLimiter, RedissonReadLock, RedissonReadWriteLock, RedissonReliableTopic, RedissonRingBuffer, RedissonScoredSortedSet, RedissonSemaphore, RedissonSet, RedissonSetCache, RedissonSetMultimap, RedissonSetMultimap.InnerSet, RedissonSetMultimapCache, RedissonSetMultimapCacheNative, RedissonSetMultimapValues, RedissonSortedSet, RedissonSpinLock, RedissonStream, RedissonSubList, RedissonTimeSeries, RedissonTransactionalBucket, RedissonTransactionalLocalCachedMap, RedissonTransactionalLock, RedissonTransactionalMap, RedissonTransactionalMapCache, RedissonTransactionalReadLock, RedissonTransactionalSet, RedissonTransactionalSetCache, RedissonTransactionalWriteLock, RedissonTransferQueue, RedissonWriteLock

public interface RExpirable extends RObject, RExpirableAsync
Base interface for all Redisson objects which support expiration or TTL
Nikita Koksharov
  • Method Details

    • expire

      @Deprecated boolean expire(long timeToLive, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Use expire(Duration) instead
      timeToLive - - timeout before object will be deleted
      timeUnit - - timeout time unit
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireAt

      @Deprecated boolean expireAt(long timestamp)
      Use expire(Instant) instead
      timestamp - - expire date in milliseconds (Unix timestamp)
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireAt

      @Deprecated boolean expireAt(Date timestamp)
      Use expire(Instant) instead
      timestamp - - expire date
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expire

      boolean expire(Instant time)
      Sets an expiration date for this object. When expire date comes the key will automatically be deleted.
      time - expire date
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfSet

      boolean expireIfSet(Instant time)
      Sets an expiration date for this object only if it has been already set. When expire date comes the object will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      time - expire date
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfNotSet

      boolean expireIfNotSet(Instant time)
      Sets an expiration date for this object only if it hasn't been set before. When expire date comes the object will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      time - expire date
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfGreater

      boolean expireIfGreater(Instant time)
      Sets an expiration date for this object only if it's greater than expiration date set before. When expire date comes the object will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      time - expire date
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfLess

      boolean expireIfLess(Instant time)
      Sets an expiration date for this object only if it's less than expiration date set before. When expire date comes the object will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      time - expire date
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expire

      boolean expire(Duration duration)
      Sets a timeout for this object. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.
      duration - timeout before object will be deleted
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfSet

      boolean expireIfSet(Duration duration)
      Sets a timeout for this object only if it has been already set. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      duration - timeout before object will be deleted
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfNotSet

      boolean expireIfNotSet(Duration duration)
      Sets a timeout for this object only if it hasn't been set before. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      duration - timeout before object will be deleted
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfGreater

      boolean expireIfGreater(Duration duration)
      Sets a timeout for this object only if it's greater than timeout set before. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      duration - timeout before object will be deleted
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfLess

      boolean expireIfLess(Duration duration)
      Sets a timeout for this object only if it's less than timeout set before. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      duration - timeout before object will be deleted
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • clearExpire

      boolean clearExpire()
      Clear an expire timeout or expire date for object.
      true if timeout was removed false if object does not exist or does not have an associated timeout
    • remainTimeToLive

      long remainTimeToLive()
      Returns remaining time of the object in milliseconds.
      time in milliseconds -2 if the key does not exist. -1 if the key exists but has no associated expire.
    • getExpireTime

      long getExpireTime()
      Returns expiration time of the object as the absolute Unix expiration timestamp in milliseconds.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      Unix time in milliseconds -2 if the key does not exist. -1 if the key exists but has no associated expiration time.