Interface RLock

All Superinterfaces:
Lock, RLockAsync, RObservable, RObservableAsync
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
RedissonBaseLock, RedissonFairLock, RedissonFasterMultiLock, RedissonFencedLock, RedissonLock, RedissonMultiLock, RedissonReadLock, RedissonRedLock, RedissonSpinLock, RedissonTransactionalLock, RedissonTransactionalReadLock, RedissonTransactionalWriteLock, RedissonWriteLock

public interface RLock extends Lock, RLockAsync, RObservable
Redis based implementation of Lock Implements re-entrant lock.
Nikita Koksharov
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns name of object
      name - name of object
    • lockInterruptibly

      void lockInterruptibly(long leaseTime, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException
      Acquires the lock with defined leaseTime. Waits if necessary until lock became available. Lock will be released automatically after defined leaseTime interval.
      leaseTime - the maximum time to hold the lock after it's acquisition, if it hasn't already been released by invoking unlock. If leaseTime is -1, hold the lock until explicitly unlocked.
      unit - the time unit
      InterruptedException - - if the thread is interrupted
    • tryLock

      boolean tryLock(long waitTime, long leaseTime, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException
      Tries to acquire the lock with defined leaseTime. Waits up to defined waitTime if necessary until the lock became available. Lock will be released automatically after defined leaseTime interval.
      waitTime - the maximum time to acquire the lock
      leaseTime - lease time
      unit - time unit
      true if lock is successfully acquired, otherwise false if lock is already set.
      InterruptedException - - if the thread is interrupted
    • lock

      void lock(long leaseTime, TimeUnit unit)
      Acquires the lock with defined leaseTime. Waits if necessary until lock became available. Lock will be released automatically after defined leaseTime interval.
      leaseTime - the maximum time to hold the lock after it's acquisition, if it hasn't already been released by invoking unlock. If leaseTime is -1, hold the lock until explicitly unlocked.
      unit - the time unit
    • forceUnlock

      boolean forceUnlock()
      Unlocks the lock independently of its state
      true if lock existed and now unlocked otherwise false
    • isLocked

      boolean isLocked()
      Checks if the lock locked by any thread
      true if locked otherwise false
    • isHeldByThread

      boolean isHeldByThread(long threadId)
      Checks if the lock is held by thread with defined threadId
      threadId - Thread ID of locking thread
      true if held by thread with given id otherwise false
    • isHeldByCurrentThread

      boolean isHeldByCurrentThread()
      Checks if this lock is held by the current thread
      true if held by current thread otherwise false
    • getHoldCount

      int getHoldCount()
      Number of holds on this lock by the current thread
      holds or 0 if this lock is not held by current thread
    • remainTimeToLive

      long remainTimeToLive()
      Remaining time to live of the lock
      time in milliseconds -2 if the lock does not exist. -1 if the lock exists but has no associated expire.