Module org.refcodes.codec
Package org.refcodes.codec
package org.refcodes.codec
provides the functionality to do base encoding and decoding such as done by the Base64 encoding and decoding functionality (see "").TheBaseDecoder.BaseDecoderConnection
implements theBaseDecoder
functionality in terms of aConnectionComponent
decoding data being read.TheBaseEncoder.BaseEncoderConnection
implements theBaseEncoder
functionality in terms of aConnectionComponent
is an implementations of theBaseEncoder
interface to be used withOutputStream
provide the metrics for a codec to be used by an implementation of theBaseBuilder
, theBaseDecoder
, theBaseEncoder
or the like.Provides an accessor for a base codec metrics property.Provides a builder method for a base codec metrics property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.Provides a mutator for a base codec metrics property.Provides a base codec metrics property.This enumeration provides access to preconfiguredBaseMetrics
to be used by aBaseBuilder
, aBaseDecoder
, aBaseEncoder
or the like..BaseMetrics
implementation for playing around with your own configuration.The Enum ChannelSelector.Provides an accessor for a channel selector property.ChannelSelectorAccessor.ChannelSelectorBuilder<B extends ChannelSelectorAccessor.ChannelSelectorBuilder<B>>Provides a builder method for a channel selector property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.Provides a mutator for a channel selector property.Provides a channel selector property.The Enum DemodulatorStatus.Provides an accessor for a Demodulator-Status property.DemodulatorStatusAccessor.DemodulatorStatusBuilder<B extends DemodulatorStatusAccessor.DemodulatorStatusBuilder<B>>Provides a builder method for a Demodulator-Status property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.Provides a mutator for a Demodulator-Status property.Provides a Demodulator-Status property.The Enum FrequencyThreshold.Provides an accessor for a frequency threshold property.FrequencyThresholdAccessor.FrequencyThresholdBuilder<B extends FrequencyThresholdAccessor.FrequencyThresholdBuilder<B>>Provides a builder method for a frequency threshold property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.Provides a mutator for a frequency threshold property.Provides a frequency threshold property.TheModemDecoder
implements a Frequency-shift keyring decoder. "...TheModemDecoder.ModemByteDecoderProvider
implements theModemDecoder
functionality in terms of aConnectionComponent
implements theModemDecoder
functionality in terms of aConnectionComponent
.Vanilla plain implementation of theModemDecoder.ModemByteDecoderProvider
interface to be used withBytesDestination
) instances.Vanilla plain implementation of theModemDecoder.ModemByteDecoderProvider
interface to be used withBytesDestination
) instances.TheModemEncoder
implements a Frequency-shift keyring encoder. "...TheModemEncoder.ModemEncoderConsumer
implements theModemEncoder
functionality in terms of aConnectionComponent
.The Interface ModemMetrics.The Class ModemMetricsImpl.The Enum ModemMode.Provides an accessor for a Modem-Mode property.Provides a builder method for a Modem-Mode property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.Provides a mutator for a Modem-Mode property.Provides a Modem-Mode property.Pulse-code modulation format: Defines the according pulse-code modulation format with the according silence threshold (root mean square).Provides an accessor for a modulation format property.ModulationFormatAccessor.ModulationFormatBuilder<B extends ModulationFormatAccessor.ModulationFormatBuilder<B>>Provides a builder method for a modulation format property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.Provides a mutator for a modulation format property.Provides a modulation format property.The Enum ModulatorStatus.Provides an accessor for a Modulator-Status property.ModulatorStatusAccessor.ModulatorStatusBuilder<B extends ModulatorStatusAccessor.ModulatorStatusBuilder<B>>Provides a builder method for a Modulator-Status property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.Provides a mutator for a Modulator-Status property.Provides a Modulator-Status property.The Enum SampleRate.Provides an accessor for a sample rate property.Provides a builder method for a sample rate property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.Provides a mutator for a sample rate property.Provides a sample rate property.