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AbstractException - Exception in org.refcodes.exception
Base exception for unpredictable / checked (untestable states) exceptions, providing functionality for exception specific multi-language messages.
AbstractException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractException
Instantiates a new abstract exception.
AbstractException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractException
AbstractException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractException
Instantiates a new abstract exception.
AbstractException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractException
AbstractException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractException
Instantiates a new abstract exception.
AbstractException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractException
AbstractHiddenException - Exception in org.refcodes.exception
Base exception for hidden (unchecked) / subsystem exceptions, providing functionality for exception specific multi-language messages.
AbstractHiddenException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractHiddenException
Instantiates a new abstract hidden exception.
AbstractHiddenException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractHiddenException
AbstractHiddenException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractHiddenException
Instantiates a new abstract hidden exception.
AbstractHiddenException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractHiddenException
AbstractIOException - Exception in org.refcodes.exception
Base exception for I/O exceptions, providing functionality for exception specific multi-language messages.
AbstractIOException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractIOException
Instantiates a new abstract exception.
AbstractIOException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractIOException
AbstractIOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractIOException
Instantiates a new abstract exception.
AbstractIOException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractIOException
AbstractIOException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractIOException
Instantiates a new abstract exception.
AbstractIOException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractIOException
AbstractRuntimeException - Exception in org.refcodes.exception
Base exception for runtime (unchecked) / predictable (testable states) exceptions, providing functionality for exception specific multi-language messages.
AbstractRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractRuntimeException
Instantiates a new abstract runtime exception.
AbstractRuntimeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractRuntimeException
AbstractRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractRuntimeException
Instantiates a new abstract runtime exception.
AbstractRuntimeException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractRuntimeException
AbstractRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractRuntimeException
Instantiates a new abstract runtime exception.
AbstractRuntimeException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractRuntimeException


BugException - Exception in org.refcodes.exception
Exception bugs (unchecked).
BugException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.BugException
Instantiates a new bug exception.
BugException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.BugException
Instantiates a new bug exception.
BugException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.BugException
Instantiates a new bug exception.
BugException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.BugException
Instantiates a new bug exception.
BugException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.BugException
Instantiates a new bug exception.
BugException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.BugException
Instantiates a new bug exception.


catchException() - Method in interface org.refcodes.exception.Exceptional
This methods awaits an Exception, usually happening inside a daemon thread and therefore not directly accessible by some (business) logic.


ErrorCodeAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.exception
Provides an accessor for an error code property.
ErrorCodeAccessor.ErrorCodeBuilder<B extends ErrorCodeAccessor.ErrorCodeBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.exception
Provides a builder method for a error code property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
ErrorCodeAccessor.ErrorCodeMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.exception
Provides a mutator for an error code property.
ErrorCodeAccessor.ErrorCodeProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.exception
Provides an error code property.
ErrorMessageAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.exception
Provides an accessor for a error message property.
ErrorMessageAccessor.ErrorMessageBuilder<B extends ErrorMessageAccessor.ErrorMessageBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.exception
Provides a builder method for a error message property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
ErrorMessageAccessor.ErrorMessageMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.exception
Provides a mutator for a error message property.
ErrorMessageAccessor.ErrorMessageProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.exception
Provides a error message property.
ExceptionAccessor<EXC extends Throwable> - Interface in org.refcodes.exception
Provides an accessor for an Exception property.
ExceptionAccessor.ExceptionBuilder<EXC extends Throwable,​B extends ExceptionAccessor.ExceptionBuilder<EXC,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.exception
Provides a builder method for a exception property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
ExceptionAccessor.ExceptionMutator<EXC extends Throwable> - Interface in org.refcodes.exception
Provides a mutator for an Exception property.
ExceptionAccessor.ExceptionProperty<EXC extends Throwable> - Interface in org.refcodes.exception
Provides a an Exception property.
Exceptional<EXC extends Throwable> - Interface in org.refcodes.exception
The Exceptional interface provides means for threads to wait (sleep) when calling Exceptional.catchException() till a next Exception occurs or till the waiting (sleeping) threads are released.
ExceptionHandler<EXC extends Throwable> - Interface in org.refcodes.exception
The ExceptionHandler interface provides means to handle exceptions which usually are occurring inside daemon threads and are usually hidden from the (business) logic.
ExceptionHandlerAccessor<EXC extends Throwable> - Interface in org.refcodes.exception
Provides an accessor for an ExceptionHandler property.
ExceptionHandlerAccessor.ExceptionHandlerBuilder<EXC extends Throwable,​B extends ExceptionHandlerAccessor.ExceptionHandlerBuilder<EXC,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.exception
Provides a builder method for a exception handler property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
ExceptionHandlerAccessor.ExceptionHandlerMutator<EXC extends Throwable> - Interface in org.refcodes.exception
Provides a mutator for an ExceptionHandler property.
ExceptionHandlerAccessor.ExceptionHandlerProperty<EXC extends Throwable> - Interface in org.refcodes.exception
Provides a an ExceptionHandler property.
ExceptionUtility - Class in org.refcodes.exception
Utility class for simplifying the work with exceptions.


getErrorCode() - Method in exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractException
Provides the according exception code.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractHiddenException
Provides the according exception code.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractIOException
Provides the according exception code.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception org.refcodes.exception.AbstractRuntimeException
Provides the according exception code.
getErrorCode() - Method in interface org.refcodes.exception.ErrorCodeAccessor
Provides the according exception code.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception org.refcodes.exception.IORuntimeException
Provides the according exception code.
getErrorMessage() - Method in interface org.refcodes.exception.ErrorMessageAccessor
Retrieves the error message from the error message property.
getException() - Method in interface org.refcodes.exception.ExceptionAccessor
Retrieves the exception from the exception property.
getExceptionHandler() - Method in interface org.refcodes.exception.ExceptionHandlerAccessor
Retrieves the exception handler from the exception handler property.
getOffset() - Method in exception org.refcodes.exception.UnmarshalException
In case of a char sequence, the offset represents the position at which unmarshaling failed.
getTimeoutInMs() - Method in exception org.refcodes.exception.TimeoutIOException
The timeout attribute in milliseconds.


IntegrityException - Exception in org.refcodes.exception
An integrity exception is thrown whenever the integrity of data may be violated.
IntegrityException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.IntegrityException
Instantiates a new bug exception.
IntegrityException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.IntegrityException
Instantiates a new bug exception.
IntegrityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.IntegrityException
Instantiates a new bug exception.
IntegrityException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.IntegrityException
Instantiates a new bug exception.
IntegrityException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.IntegrityException
Instantiates a new bug exception.
IntegrityException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.IntegrityException
Instantiates a new bug exception.
IORuntimeException - Exception in org.refcodes.exception
Unchecked exception with the same semantics as the IOException.
IORuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.IORuntimeException
Instantiates a new open exception.
IORuntimeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.IORuntimeException
Instantiates a new open exception.
IORuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.IORuntimeException
Instantiates a new open exception.
IORuntimeException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.IORuntimeException
Instantiates a new open exception.
IORuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.IORuntimeException
Instantiates a new open exception.
IORuntimeException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.IORuntimeException
Instantiates a new open exception.
isThrownAsOfAlreadyClosed(IOException) - Static method in class org.refcodes.exception.ExceptionUtility
Tests whether the provided exception is thrown as of something already being closed.


lastException() - Method in interface org.refcodes.exception.Exceptional
Returns the last exception which was catchable via Exceptional.catchException().
letErrorCode(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.exception.ErrorCodeAccessor.ErrorCodeProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given error code (setter) as of ErrorCodeAccessor.ErrorCodeMutator.setErrorCode(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letErrorMessage(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.exception.ErrorMessageAccessor.ErrorMessageProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given error message (setter) as of ErrorMessageAccessor.ErrorMessageMutator.setErrorMessage(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letException(EXC) - Method in interface org.refcodes.exception.ExceptionAccessor.ExceptionProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given Exception (setter) as of ExceptionAccessor.ExceptionMutator.setException(Throwable) and returns the very same value (getter).
letExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler<EXC>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.exception.ExceptionHandlerAccessor.ExceptionHandlerProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given ExceptionHandler (setter) as of ExceptionHandlerAccessor.ExceptionHandlerMutator.setExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler) and returns the very same value (getter).
LockedException - Exception in org.refcodes.exception
Thrown in case an instance being locked is still being accessed in a modifying way (see org.refcodes.mixin.Lockable in the refcodes-mixin artifact).
LockedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.LockedException
Instantiates a new locked exception.
LockedException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.LockedException
Instantiates a new locked exception.
LockedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.LockedException
Instantiates a new locked exception.
LockedException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.LockedException
Instantiates a new locked exception.
LockedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.LockedException
Instantiates a new locked exception.
LockedException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.LockedException
Instantiates a new locked exception.
LockedException.LockedRuntimeException - Exception in org.refcodes.exception
Thrown in case an instance being locked is still being accessed in a modifying way (see org.refcodes.mixin.Lockable in the refcodes-mixin artifact).
LockedRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.LockedException.LockedRuntimeException
Instantiates a new locked runtime exception.
LockedRuntimeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.LockedException.LockedRuntimeException
Instantiates a new locked runtime exception.
LockedRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.LockedException.LockedRuntimeException
Instantiates a new locked runtime exception.
LockedRuntimeException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.LockedException.LockedRuntimeException
Instantiates a new locked runtime exception.
LockedRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.LockedException.LockedRuntimeException
Instantiates a new locked runtime exception.
LockedRuntimeException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.LockedException.LockedRuntimeException
Instantiates a new locked runtime exception.


MarshalException - Exception in org.refcodes.exception
Thrown when marshaling / serializing an object fails.
MarshalException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.MarshalException
Instantiates a new marshal exception.
MarshalException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.MarshalException
Instantiates a new marshal exception.
MarshalException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.MarshalException
Instantiates a new marshal exception.
MarshalException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.MarshalException
Instantiates a new marshal exception.
MarshalException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.MarshalException
Instantiates a new marshal exception.
MarshalException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.MarshalException
Instantiates a new marshal exception.


onException(EXC) - Method in interface org.refcodes.exception.ExceptionHandler
This method is to be overwritten by a custom implementation and is invoked by a daemon thread upon a caught Exception.
org.refcodes.exception - module org.refcodes.exception
org.refcodes.exception - package org.refcodes.exception


setErrorCode(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.exception.ErrorCodeAccessor.ErrorCodeMutator
Sets the according exception code.
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.exception.ErrorMessageAccessor.ErrorMessageMutator
Sets the error message for the error message property.
setException(EXC) - Method in interface org.refcodes.exception.ExceptionAccessor.ExceptionMutator
Sets the exception for the exception property.
setExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler<EXC>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.exception.ExceptionHandlerAccessor.ExceptionHandlerMutator
Sets the exception handler for the exception handler property.


TimeoutIOException - Exception in org.refcodes.exception
Thrown in case opening or accessing an open line (connection, junction, link) caused timeout problems.
TimeoutIOException(long, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.TimeoutIOException
Instantiates a new open timeout exception.
TimeoutIOException(long, String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.TimeoutIOException
Instantiates a new open timeout exception.
TimeoutIOException(long, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.TimeoutIOException
Instantiates a new open timeout exception.
TimeoutIOException(long, String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.TimeoutIOException
Instantiates a new open timeout exception.
TimeoutIOException(long, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.TimeoutIOException
Instantiates a new open timeout exception.
TimeoutIOException(long, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.TimeoutIOException
Instantiates a new open timeout exception.
toException(Collection<?>) - Static method in class org.refcodes.exception.ExceptionUtility
Iterates through the objects passed in the collection and tests them whether them implement the ExceptionAccessor.
toMessage(Throwable) - Static method in class org.refcodes.exception.ExceptionUtility
Generates an exception message from the given exception.
toRootCause(Throwable) - Static method in class org.refcodes.exception.ExceptionUtility
Traverses through the Throwable's cause instances recursively until the root cause is detected (this is the cause which has no cause any more).
toStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class org.refcodes.exception.ExceptionUtility
Retrieves a stack trace from the given exception.
Trap - Interface in org.refcodes.exception
Interface declaring base exception functionality for all of refcodes exceptions.


UnmarshalException - Exception in org.refcodes.exception
Thrown when unmarshaling / deserializing an object fails.
UnmarshalException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.UnmarshalException
Instantiates a new unmarshal exception.
UnmarshalException(String, int) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.UnmarshalException
Instantiates a new unmarshal exception.
UnmarshalException(String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.UnmarshalException
Instantiates a new unmarshal exception.
UnmarshalException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.UnmarshalException
Instantiates a new unmarshal exception.
UnmarshalException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.UnmarshalException
Instantiates a new unmarshal exception.
UnmarshalException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.UnmarshalException
Instantiates a new unmarshal exception.
UnmarshalException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.UnmarshalException
Instantiates a new unmarshal exception.
UnmarshalException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.UnmarshalException
Instantiates a new unmarshal exception.


VerifyRuntimeException - Exception in org.refcodes.exception
A verify exception is thrown in case the verification of the result (of an algorithm) failed.
VerifyRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.VerifyRuntimeException
Instantiates a new verify runtime exception.
VerifyRuntimeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.VerifyRuntimeException
Instantiates a new verify runtime exception.
VerifyRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.VerifyRuntimeException
Instantiates a new verify runtime exception.
VerifyRuntimeException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.VerifyRuntimeException
Instantiates a new verify runtime exception.
VerifyRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.VerifyRuntimeException
Instantiates a new verify runtime exception.
VerifyRuntimeException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.VerifyRuntimeException
Instantiates a new verify runtime exception.
VetoException - Exception in org.refcodes.exception
Thrown to signal that an operation is being vetoed by a third party observing the invocation of the given operation.
VetoException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.VetoException
Instantiates a new veto exception.
VetoException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.VetoException
Instantiates a new veto exception.
VetoException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.VetoException
Instantiates a new veto exception.
VetoException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.VetoException
Instantiates a new veto exception.
VetoException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.VetoException
Instantiates a new veto exception.
VetoException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.VetoException
Instantiates a new veto exception.
VetoException.VetoRuntimeException - Exception in org.refcodes.exception
Thrown to signal that an operation is being vetoed by a third party observing the invocation of the given operation.
VetoRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.VetoException.VetoRuntimeException
Instantiates a new veto runtime exception.
VetoRuntimeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.VetoException.VetoRuntimeException
Instantiates a new veto runtime exception.
VetoRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.VetoException.VetoRuntimeException
Instantiates a new veto runtime exception.
VetoRuntimeException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.VetoException.VetoRuntimeException
Instantiates a new veto runtime exception.
VetoRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.VetoException.VetoRuntimeException
Instantiates a new veto runtime exception.
VetoRuntimeException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.exception.VetoException.VetoRuntimeException
Instantiates a new veto runtime exception.


withErrorCode(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.exception.ErrorCodeAccessor.ErrorCodeBuilder
Sets the error code for the error code property.
withErrorMessage(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.exception.ErrorMessageAccessor.ErrorMessageBuilder
Sets the error message for the error message property.
withException(EXC) - Method in interface org.refcodes.exception.ExceptionAccessor.ExceptionBuilder
Sets the exception for the exception property.
withExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler<EXC>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.exception.ExceptionHandlerAccessor.ExceptionHandlerBuilder
Sets the exception handler for the exception handler property.
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