Class RipeMD320

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Algorithm, Randomizable, Cloneable

    public class RipeMD320
    extends DigestAlgorithm

    RipeMD320 contains functions for hashing data using the RipeMD320 algorithm. This algorithm outputs a 320 bit hash, but offers the same level of security as RipeMD320.

    $Revision: 2744 $
    Middleware Services
    • Constructor Detail

      • RipeMD320

        public RipeMD320()
        Creates an uninitialized instance of an RipeMD320 digest.
      • RipeMD320

        public RipeMD320​(boolean randomize)
        Creates a new RipeMD320 digest that may optionally be initialized with random data.
        randomize - True to randomize initial state of digest, false otherwise.
      • RipeMD320

        public RipeMD320​(byte[] salt)
        Creates a new RipeMD320 digest and initializes it with the given salt.
        salt - Salt data used to initialize digest computation.