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License - Interface in org.refcodes.licensing
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// REFCODES.ORG ============================================================================= This code is copyright (c) by Siegfried Steiner, Munich, Germany and licensed under the following (see "") licenses: ============================================================================= GNU General Public License, v3.0 ("") together with the GPL linking exception applied; as being applied by the GNU Classpath ("") ============================================================================= Apache License, v2.0 ("") ============================================================================= Please contact the copyright holding author(s) of the software artifacts in question for licensing issues not being covered by the above listed licenses, also regarding commercial licensing models or regarding the compatibility with other open source licenses


org.refcodes.licensing - module org.refcodes.licensing
org.refcodes.licensing - package org.refcodes.licensing


TEXT - Static variable in interface org.refcodes.licensing.License
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