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abort() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Abortable
Skips any iterations left, thereby finishing the implementing instance.
Abortable - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Aborts any continuing operation of the implementing instance.
ActionAccessor<A> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a action property.
ActionAccessor.ActionBuilder<A,​B extends ActionAccessor.ActionBuilder<A,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a action property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
ActionAccessor.ActionMutator<A> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a action property.
ActionAccessor.ActionProperty<A> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a action property.
AdapteeAccessor<ADAPTEE> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a adaptee property (as of the adapter pattern).
AdapteeAccessor.AdapteeBuilder<ADAPTEE,​B extends AdapteeAccessor.AdapteeBuilder<ADAPTEE,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a adaptee property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
AdapteeAccessor.AdapteeMutator<ADAPTEE> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a adaptee property.
AdapteeAccessor.AdapteeProperty<ADAPTEE> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a adaptee property.
alert(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Loggable
Logs a log message with log priority ALERT.
alert(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Loggable
Logs a log message with log priority ALERT.
AliasAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a alias property.
AliasAccessor.AliasBuilder<B extends AliasAccessor.AliasBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a alias property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
AliasAccessor.AliasMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a alias property.
AliasAccessor.AliasProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a alias property.
AnnotatorAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a annotator character property being the character denoting (prefixing) an annotation's name.
AnnotatorAccessor.AnnotatorBuilder<B extends AnnotatorAccessor.AnnotatorBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a annotator character property being the character denoting (prefixing) an annotation's name and returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
AnnotatorAccessor.AnnotatorMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a annotator character property.
AnnotatorAccessor.AnnotatorProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a annotator character property being the character denoting (prefixing) an annotation's name.
APPEND - org.refcodes.mixin.ConcatenateMode
A sequence is to suffix (being appended) the other sequence.
ArgumentsAccessor<ARG> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides access to a arguments property for e.g. key / arguments pair.
ArgumentsAccessor.ArgumentsMutator<ARG> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the ArgumentsAccessor with a setter method.
ArgumentsAccessor.ArgumentsProperty<ARG> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the ArgumentsAccessor with a setter method.
ArrayAccessor<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a array property.
ArrayAccessor.ArrayBuilder<T,​B extends ArrayAccessor.ArrayBuilder<T,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a array property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
ArrayAccessor.ArrayMutator<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a array property.
ArrayAccessor.ArrayProperty<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a array property.
AuthorityAccessor<AUTH> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a credential property for e.g. key / credential pair.
AuthorityAccessor.AuthorityMutator<AUTH> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a credential property for e.g. key / credential pair.
AuthorityAccessor.AuthorityProperty<AUTH> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
* Provides a credential property for e.g. key / credential pair.


BlockSizeAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a block size property.
BlockSizeAccessor.BlockSizeBuilder<B extends BlockSizeAccessor.BlockSizeBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a block size property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
BlockSizeAccessor.BlockSizeMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a block size property.
BlockSizeAccessor.BlockSizeProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a block size property.
BodyAccessor<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a body property.
BodyAccessor.BodyBuilder<T,​B extends BodyAccessor.BodyBuilder<T,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a body property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
BodyAccessor.BodyMutator<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a body property.
BodyAccessor.BodyProperty<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a body property.
BoxGrid<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
The BoxGrid interface defines all elements required to draw boxes into a grid.
BoxGrid.BoxGridBuilder<T,​B> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder for a box grid property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a box grid property.
BoxGrid.BoxGridProperty<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a channel property.
BoxGridImpl<T> - Class in org.refcodes.mixin
Implementation of the BoxGrid interface.
BoxGridImpl() - Constructor for class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
Default constructor to be used by sub-classes setting the member variables by themselves.
BoxGridImpl(T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
Constructs the BoxGrid instance.
BusyAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a busy property.
BusyAccessor.BusyMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a busy property.
BusyAccessor.BusyProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a busy property.


CategoryAccessor<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a category property.
CategoryAccessor.CategoryBuilder<T,​B extends CategoryAccessor.CategoryBuilder<T,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a category property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
CategoryAccessor.CategoryMutator<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a category property.
CategoryAccessor.CategoryProperty<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a category property.
ChannelAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a channel property.
ChannelAccessor.ChannelBuilder<B extends ChannelAccessor.ChannelBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a channel property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
ChannelAccessor.ChannelMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a channel property.
ChannelAccessor.ChannelProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a channel property.
CharAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a char property.
CharAccessor.CharBuilder<B extends CharAccessor.CharBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a char property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
CharAccessor.CharMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a char property.
CharAccessor.CharProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a char property.
CharSetAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a char set property.
CharSetAccessor.CharSetBuilder<B extends CharSetAccessor.CharSetBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a char set property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
CharSetAccessor.CharSetMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a char set property.
CharSetAccessor.CharSetProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a char set property.
ChildAccessor<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a child property.
ChildAccessor.ChildBuilder<T,​B extends ChildAccessor.ChildBuilder<T,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a child property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
ChildAccessor.ChildMutator<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a child property.
ChildAccessor.ChildProperty<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a child property.
ChildrenAccessor<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a children property.
ChildrenAccessor.ChildrenBuilder<T,​B extends ChildrenAccessor.ChildrenBuilder<T,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a children property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
ChildrenAccessor.ChildrenMutator<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a children property.
ChildrenAccessor.ChildrenProperty<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a children property.
clear() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Clearable
Clears all elements contained in the implementing instance.
Clearable - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mixin to clear a collection from all its contained elements.
Clonable - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provide the Object.clone() method to interfaces!
clone() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Clonable
Makes the Object's Object.clone() method available to this interface.
CodeAccessor<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides access to a code property for e.g. key / code pair.
CodeAccessor.CodeBuilder<T,​B extends CodeAccessor.CodeBuilder<T,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a the property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
CodeAccessor.CodeMutator<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the CodeAccessor with a setter method.
CodeAccessor.CodeProperty<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the CodeAccessor with a setter method.
ColumnWidthAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a column width property.
ColumnWidthAccessor.ColumnWidthBuilder<B extends ColumnWidthAccessor.ColumnWidthBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a column width property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
ColumnWidthAccessor.ColumnWidthMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a column width property.
ColumnWidthAccessor.ColumnWidthProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a column width property.
ConcatenateMode - Enum in org.refcodes.mixin
The ConcatenateMode describes the mode of concatenation.
ConcatenateModeAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a ConcatenateMode property.
ConcatenateModeAccessor.ConcatenateModeBuilder<B extends ConcatenateModeAccessor.ConcatenateModeBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a ConcatenateMode property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
ConcatenateModeAccessor.ConcatenateModeMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a ConcatenateMode property.
ConcatenateModeAccessor.ConcatenateModeProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a ConcatenateMode property.
ContextAccessor<CTX> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a context property.
ContextAccessor.ContextMutator<CTX> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a context property.
ContextAccessor.ContextProperty<CTX> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a context property.
CreatedDateAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a "created" date property.
CreatedDateAccessor.CreatedDateMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a "created" date property.
CreatedDateAccessor.CreatedDateProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the CreatedDateAccessor with a setter method.
CredentialsAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for the login properties.
CredentialsAccessor.CredentialsBuilder<B extends CredentialsAccessor.CredentialsBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for the login properties.
CredentialsAccessor.CredentialsMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for the login properties.
CredentialsAccessor.CredentialsProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides the login properties.
critical(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Loggable
Logs a log message with log priority CRITICAL.
critical(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Loggable
Logs a log message with log priority CRITICAL.


debug(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Loggable
Logs a log message with log priority DEBUG.
DecorateeAccessor<DECORATEE> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a decoratee property (as of the decorator pattern).
DecorateeAccessor.DecorateeBuilder<DECORATEE,​B extends DecorateeAccessor.DecorateeBuilder<DECORATEE,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a decoratee property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
DecorateeAccessor.DecorateeMutator<DECORATEE> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a decoratee property.
DecorateeAccessor.DecorateeProperty<DECORATEE> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a decoratee property.
decreaseIndex() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.IndexAccessor.IndexMutator
Decreases the index.
DecryptPrefixAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a Decrypt-Prefix property.
DecryptPrefixAccessor.DecryptPrefixBuilder<B extends DecryptPrefixAccessor.DecryptPrefixBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a Decrypt-Prefix property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
DecryptPrefixAccessor.DecryptPrefixMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a Decrypt-Prefix property.
DecryptPrefixAccessor.DecryptPrefixProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a Decrypt-Prefix property.
DelimiterAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a delimiter property.
DelimiterAccessor.DelimiterBuilder<B extends DelimiterAccessor.DelimiterBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a delimiter property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
DelimiterAccessor.DelimiterMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a delimiter property.
DelimiterAccessor.DelimiterProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a delimiter property.
DescriptionAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a description property.
DescriptionAccessor.DescriptionBuilder<B extends DescriptionAccessor.DescriptionBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a description property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
DescriptionAccessor.DescriptionMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a description property.
DescriptionAccessor.DescriptionProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a description property.
DestinationAccessor<DEST> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a destination property for e.g. destination of an event.
DestinationAccessor.DestinationMutator<DEST> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a destination property for e.g. destination of an event.
DestinationAccessor.DestinationProperty<DEST> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a destination property for e.g. destination of an event.
Disposable - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Any type not being a mature component, which nevertheless can be destroyed, implements this Disposable interface.
Disposable.Disposedable - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
The Disposable.Disposedable interface defines those methods related to the dispose life-cycle as well as evaluating the disposed status with DisposedAccessor.isDisposed().
dispose() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Disposable
Disposes the implementing class's instance.
DisposedAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a dispose property.
DisposedAccessor.DisposedMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a dispose property.
DisposedAccessor.DisposedProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a dispose property.
DomainAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a domain property.
DomainAccessor.DomainBuilder<B extends DomainAccessor.DomainBuilder<?>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for an domain property.
DomainAccessor.DomainMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a domain property.
DomainAccessor.DomainProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a domain property.
Dumpable - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Dumps the state of the instance into a Map.


EmptyAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a empty property.
EmptyAccessor.EmptyMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a empty property.
EmptyAccessor.EmptyProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a empty property.
EnabledAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a enabled property.
EnabledAccessor.EnabledBuilder<B extends EnabledAccessor.EnabledBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder for a enabled property.
EnabledAccessor.EnabledMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a enabled property.
EnabledAccessor.EnabledProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a enabled property.
EncodedAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for an encoded property.
EncodedAccessor.EncodedBuilder<B extends EncodedAccessor.EncodedBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for an encoded property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
EncodedAccessor.EncodedMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for an encoded property.
EncodedAccessor.EncodedProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an encoded property.
EncodingAccessor<E> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a encoding property.
EncodingAccessor.EncodingBuilder<E,​B extends EncodingAccessor.EncodingBuilder<E,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a encoding property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
EncodingAccessor.EncodingMutator<E> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a encoding property.
EncodingAccessor.EncodingProperty<E> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a encoding property.
EncryptPrefixAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a Encrypt-Prefix property.
EncryptPrefixAccessor.EncryptPrefixBuilder<B extends EncryptPrefixAccessor.EncryptPrefixBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a Encrypt-Prefix property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
EncryptPrefixAccessor.EncryptPrefixMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a Encrypt-Prefix property.
EncryptPrefixAccessor.EncryptPrefixProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a Encrypt-Prefix property.
error(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Loggable
Logs a log message with log priority ERROR.
ErrorPrintStreamAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for an error PrintStream property.
ErrorPrintStreamAccessor.ErrorPrintStreamBuilder<B extends ErrorPrintStreamAccessor.ErrorPrintStreamBuilder<?>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for an error PrintStream property.
ErrorPrintStreamAccessor.ErrorPrintStreamMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for an error PrintStream property.
ErrorPrintStreamAccessor.ErrorPrintStreamProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an error PrintStream property.
EscapeCodesStatusAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a Escape-Code property.
EscapeCodesStatusAccessor.EscapeCodeStatusBuilder<B extends EscapeCodesStatusAccessor.EscapeCodeStatusBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder for a Escape-Code property.
EscapeCodesStatusAccessor.EscapeCodeStatusMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a Escape-Code property.
EscapeCodesStatusAccessor.EscapeCodeStatusProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a Escape-Code property.
EventMetaData - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
The Meta-Data describes the event which a publisher posts via the event bus to an event subscriber's event listener.
EventMetaData.EventMetaDataBuilder - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
EventMetaDataBuilderImpl - Class in org.refcodes.mixin
EventMetaDataBuilderImpl() - Constructor for class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataBuilderImpl
Constructs the EventMetaData with no properties set except the Universal-TID.
EventMetaDataBuilderImpl(Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataBuilderImpl
Constructs the EventMetaData with the given properties.
EventMetaDataBuilderImpl(String) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataBuilderImpl
Constructs the EventMetaData with the given properties.
EventMetaDataBuilderImpl(String, String) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataBuilderImpl
Constructs the EventMetaData with the given properties.
EventMetaDataBuilderImpl(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataBuilderImpl
Constructs the EventMetaData with the given properties.
EventMetaDataBuilderImpl(String, String, String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataBuilderImpl
Constructs the EventMetaData with the given properties.
EventMetaDataBuilderImpl(String, String, String, String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataBuilderImpl
Constructs the EventMetaData with the given properties.
EventMetaDataBuilderImpl(EventMetaData) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataBuilderImpl
Constructs the EventMetaData with the properties provided by the given EventMetaData instance.
EventMetaDataImpl - Class in org.refcodes.mixin
Straight forward implementation of the minimal EventMetaData interface.
EventMetaDataImpl() - Constructor for class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataImpl
Constructs the EventMetaData with no properties set except the Universal-TID.
EventMetaDataImpl(Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataImpl
Constructs the EventMetaData with the given properties.
EventMetaDataImpl(String) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataImpl
Constructs the EventMetaData with the given properties.
EventMetaDataImpl(String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataImpl
Constructs the EventMetaData with the given properties.
EventMetaDataImpl(String, String) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataImpl
Constructs the EventMetaData with the given properties.
EventMetaDataImpl(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataImpl
Constructs the EventMetaData with the given properties.
EventMetaDataImpl(String, String, String, String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataImpl
Constructs the EventMetaData with the given properties.
EventMetaDataImpl(EventMetaData) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataImpl
Constructs the EventMetaData with the properties provided by the given EventMetaData instance.


FamilyAccessor<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a family property.
FamilyAccessor.FamilyBuilder<T,​B extends FamilyAccessor.FamilyBuilder<T,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a family property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
FamilyAccessor.FamilyMutator<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a family property.
FamilyAccessor.FamilyProperty<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a family property.
FilenameExtensionAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a filename extension property.
FilenameExtensionAccessor.FilenameExtensionBuilder<B extends FilenameExtensionAccessor.FilenameExtensionBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a filename extension property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
FilenameExtensionAccessor.FilenameExtensionMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a filename extension property.
FilenameExtensionAccessor.FilenameExtensionProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a filename extension property.
FilenameExtensionsAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a filenames extension property.
FilenameExtensionsAccessor.FilenameExtensionsBuilder<B extends FilenameExtensionsAccessor.FilenameExtensionsBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a filenames extension property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
FilenameExtensionsAccessor.FilenameExtensionsMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a filenames extension property.
FilenameExtensionsAccessor.FilenameExtensionsProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a filenames extension property.
FilenameSuffixAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a filename suffix property.
FilenameSuffixAccessor.FilenameSuffixBuilder<B extends FilenameSuffixAccessor.FilenameSuffixBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a filename suffix property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
FilenameSuffixAccessor.FilenameSuffixMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a filename suffix property.
FilenameSuffixAccessor.FilenameSuffixProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a filename suffix property.
FilenameSuffixesAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a filenames suffix property.
FilenameSuffixesAccessor.FilenameSuffixesBuilder<B extends FilenameSuffixesAccessor.FilenameSuffixesBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a filenames extension property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
FilenameSuffixesAccessor.FilenameSuffixesMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a filenames extension property.
FilenameSuffixesAccessor.FilenameSuffixesProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a filenames extension property.
FullNameAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a full name property.
FullNameAccessor.FullNameBuilder<B extends FullNameAccessor.FullNameBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a full name property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
FullNameAccessor.FullNameMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a full name property.
FullNameAccessor.FullNameProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a full name property.


getAction() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ActionAccessor
Retrieves the action from the action property.
getAdaptee() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.AdapteeAccessor
Retrieves the value from the adaptee property.
getAlias() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.AliasAccessor
Retrieves the alias from the alias property.
getAlias() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataBuilderImpl
Retrieves the alias from the alias property.
getAlias() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataImpl
Retrieves the alias from the alias property.
getAnnotator() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.AnnotatorAccessor
Retrieves the annotator character from the annotator character property being the character denoting (prefixing) an annotation's name.
getArguments() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ArgumentsAccessor
Retrieves the arguments from the arguments property.
getArray() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ArrayAccessor
Retrieves the array from the array property.
getAuthority() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.AuthorityAccessor
Retrieves the credential from the credential property.
getBlockSize() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BlockSizeAccessor
Retrieves the block size from the block size property.
getBody() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BodyAccessor
Retrieves the value from the body property.
getBody() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Message
Retrieves the value from the body property.
getBottomDividerEdge() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid
Returns the box's bottom divider edge character, for example "┴".
getBottomDividerEdge() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
Returns the box's bottom divider edge character, for example "┴".
getBottomLeftEdge() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid
Returns the box's bottom left edge character, for example "└".
getBottomLeftEdge() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
Returns the box's bottom left edge character, for example "└".
getBottomLine() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid
Returns the box's bottom line character, for example "─".
getBottomLine() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
Returns the box's bottom line character, for example "─".
getBottomRightEdge() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid
Returns the box's bottom right edge character, for example "┘".
getBottomRightEdge() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
Returns the box's bottom right edge character, for example "┘".
getCategory() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.CategoryAccessor
Retrieves the category from the category property.
getChannel() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ChannelAccessor
Retrieves the channel from the channel property.
getChannel() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataBuilderImpl
Retrieves the channel from the channel property.
getChannel() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataImpl
Retrieves the channel from the channel property.
getChar() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.CharAccessor
Retrieves the char from the char property.
getCharSet() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.CharSetAccessor
Retrieves the charSet from the char set property.
getChild() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ChildAccessor
Retrieves the child from the child property.
getChildren() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ChildrenAccessor
Retrieves the children from the children property.
getCode() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.CodeAccessor
Retrieves the code from the code property.
getColumnWidth() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ColumnWidthAccessor
Retrieves the column width from the column width property.
getConcatenateMode() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ConcatenateModeAccessor
Retrieves the ConcatenateMode from the ConcatenateMode property.
getContext() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ContextAccessor
Retrieves the context from the context property.
getCreatedDate() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.CreatedDateAccessor
Retrieves the "created" date from the date property.
getDecoratee() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DecorateeAccessor
Retrieves the value from the decoratee property.
getDecryptPrefix() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DecryptPrefixAccessor
Retrieves the Decrypt-Prefix from the Decrypt-Prefix property.
getDelimiter() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DelimiterAccessor
Retrieves the delimiter from the delimiter property.
getDescription() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DescriptionAccessor
Retrieves the description from the description property.
getDestination() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DestinationAccessor
Retrieves the destination from the destination property.
getDividerEdge() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid
Returns the box's divider edge character, for example "┼".
getDividerEdge() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
Returns the box's divider edge character, for example "┼".
getDividerLine() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid
Returns the box's divider line character, for example "│".
getDividerLine() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
Returns the box's divider line character, for example "│".
getDomain() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DomainAccessor
Retrieves the domain from the domain property.
getEncoded() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EncodedAccessor
Retrieves the encoded representation from the encoded property.
getEncoding() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EncodingAccessor
Retrieves the encoding from the encoding property.
getEncryptPrefix() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EncryptPrefixAccessor
Retrieves the Encrypt-Prefix from the Encrypt-Prefix property.
getErrorPrintStream() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ErrorPrintStreamAccessor
Retrieves the error PrintStream from the error PrintStream property.
getFamily() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FamilyAccessor
Retrieves the family from the family property.
getFilenameExtension() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FilenameExtensionAccessor
Retrieves the filename extension from the filename extension property.
getFilenameExtensions() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FilenameExtensionsAccessor
Retrieves the filenames extension from the filenames extension property.
getFilenameSuffix() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FilenameSuffixAccessor
Retrieves the filename suffix from the filename suffix property.
getFilenameSuffixes() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FilenameSuffixesAccessor
Retrieves the filenames extension from the filenames extension property.
getFullName() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FullNameAccessor
Retrieves the full name from the full name property.
getGroup() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataBuilderImpl
Retrieves the group from the group property.
getGroup() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataImpl
Retrieves the group from the group property.
getGroup() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.GroupAccessor
Retrieves the group from the group property.
getHeader() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.HeaderAccessor
Retrieves the value from the header property.
getHeader() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Message
Retrieves the value from the header property.
getId() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.IdAccessor
Retrieves the ID from the ID property.
getIdentity() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.IdentityAccessor
Retrieves the identity from the identity property.
getIndex() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.IndexAccessor
Retrieves the index from the index property.
getInnerLine() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid
Returns the box's inner line character, for example "─".
getInnerLine() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
Returns the box's inner line character, for example "─".
getInputStream() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.InputStreamAccessor
Retrieves the input stream from the input stream property.
getInstanceId() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.InstanceIdAccessor
Retrieves the instance TID from the instance TID property.
getKey() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor
Retrieves the key from the key property.
getLeftEdge() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid
Returns the box's left edge character, for example "├".
getLeftEdge() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
Returns the box's left edge character, for example "├".
getLeftLine() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid
Returns the box's left line character, for example "│".
getLeftLine() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
Returns the box's left line character, for example "│".
getLength() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.LengthAccessor
Retrieves the length from the length property.
getLocator() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.LocatorAccessor
Retrieves the locator from the locator property.
getMagicBytes() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MagicBytesAccessor
Retrieves the magic bytes from the magic bytes property.
getMagicNumber() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MagicNumberAccessor
Retrieves the magic number from the magic number property.
getMaxValue() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MaxValueAccessor
Retrieves the maximum value from the maximum value property.
getMessage() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MessageAccessor
Retrieves the message from the message property.
getMetaData() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MetaDataAccessor
Retrieves the Meta-Data from the Meta-Data property.
getMinValue() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MinValueAccessor
Retrieves the minimum value from the minimum value property.
getMode() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ModeAccessor
Retrieves the mode from the mode property.
getModifiedDate() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ModifiedDateAccessor
Retrieves the "modified" date from the date property.
getName() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.NameAccessor
Retrieves the name from the name property.
getNamespace() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.NamespaceAccessor
Retrieves the namespace from the namespace property.
getNumber() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.NumberAccessor
Retrieves the number from the number property.
getObject() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ObjectAccessor
Retrieves the object from the object property.
getOffset() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.OffsetAccessor
Retrieves the offset from the offset property.
getOutputStream() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.OutputStreamAccessor
Retrieves the output stream from the output stream property.
getPacketSize() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PacketSizeAccessor
Retrieves the packet size from the packet size property.
getPath() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PathAccessor
Retrieves the path from the path property.
getPattern() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PatternAccessor
Retrieves the pattern from the pattern property.
getPayload() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PayloadAccessor
Retrieves the payload from the payload property.
getPayloadOr(P) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PayloadAccessor
Retrieves the value from the payload property.
getPercent() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PercentAccessor
Retrieves the % from the % property.
getPort() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PortAccessor
Retrieves the port from the port property.
getPrefix() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PrefixAccessor
Retrieves the prefix from the prefix property.
getPrintStream() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PrintStreamAccessor
Retrieves the print stream from the print stream property.
getPublisherType() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData
The least common denominator in event Meta-Data is the type of the publisher which gives a hint on the source of the event.
getPublisherType() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataBuilderImpl
The least common denominator in event Meta-Data is the type of the publisher which gives a hint on the source of the event.
getPublisherType() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataImpl
The least common denominator in event Meta-Data is the type of the publisher which gives a hint on the source of the event.
getReadTimeoutInMs() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ReadTimeoutInMsAccessor
The timeout attribute in milliseconds.
getReferencee() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ReferenceeAccessor
Retrieves the value from the referencee property.
getRequest() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.RequestAccessor
Retrieves the request from the request property.
getResetEscapeCode() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ResetEscapeCodeAccessor
Retrieves the reset Escape-Code from the reset Escape-Code property.
getResponse() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ResponseAccessor
Retrieves the response from the response property.
getResult() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ResultAccessor
Retrieves the result from the result property.
getRetryCount() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.RetryCountAccessor
Retrieves the count of retries from the retries count property.
getRetryNumber() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.RetryNumberAccessor
Retrieves the number of retries from the retry number.
getRightEdge() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid
Returns the box's right edge character, for example "┤".
getRightEdge() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
Returns the box's right edge character, for example "┤".
getRightLine() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid
Returns the box row's right line character, for example "│".
getRightLine() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
Returns the box row's right line character, for example "│".
getRowHeight() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.RowHeightAccessor
Retrieves the row height from the row height property.
getRowWidth() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.RowWidthAccessor
Gets the currently set width being used.
getSecret() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.SecretAccessor
Retrieves the password (hash) from the secret property.
getSize() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.SizeAccessor
Retrieves the size from the size property.
getSource() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.SourceAccessor
Retrieves the source from the source property.
getStandardPrintStream() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.StandardPrintStreamAccessor
Retrieves the standard PrintStream from the standard PrintStream property.
getStatus() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.StatusAccessor
Retrieves the state from the statusCode property.
getStatusCode() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.StatusCodeAccessor
Retrieves the status code from the status code property.
getStyle() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.StyleAccessor
Retrieves the style from the style property.
getSuffix() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.SuffixAccessor
Retrieves the suffix from the suffix property.
getTail() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TailAccessor
Retrieves the value from the tail property.
getText() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TextAccessor
Retrieves the text from the text property.
getTimeInMs() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TimeInMsAccessor
Retrieves the milliseconds from the milliseconds property.
getTimeoutInMs() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TimeoutInMsAccessor
The timeout attribute in milliseconds.
getTimeStamp() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TimeStampAccessor
Retrieves the time stamp from the time stamp property.
getTitle() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TitleAccessor
Retrieves the title from the title property.
getToken() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TokenAccessor
Retrieves the token from the token property.
getTopDividerEdge() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid
Returns the box's top divider edge character, for example "┬".
getTopDividerEdge() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
Returns the box's top divider edge character, for example "┬".
getTopLeftEdge() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid
Returns the box's top left edge character, for example "┌".
getTopLeftEdge() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
Returns the box's top left edge character, for example "┌".
getTopLine() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid
Returns the box's top line character, for example "─" .
getTopLine() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
Returns the box's top line character, for example "─" .
getTopRightEdge() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid
Returns the box's top right edge character, for example "┐".
getTopRightEdge() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
Returns the box's top right edge character, for example "┐".
getTruncateMode() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TruncateModeAccessor
Retrieves the TruncateMode from the TruncateMode property.
getType() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TypeAccessor
Retrieves the type property.
getUniversalId() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataBuilderImpl
Retrieves the UID from the UID property.
getUniversalId() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataImpl
Retrieves the UID from the UID property.
getUniversalId() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.UniversalIdAccessor
Retrieves the UID from the UID property.
getValue() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ValueAccessor
Retrieves the value from the value property.
getValueOr(V) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ValueAccessor
Retrieves the value from the value property.
getVerifyMode() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.VerifyModeAccessor
Retrieves the verify mode from the verify mode property.
getWaitTimeInMs() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.WaitTimeInMsAccessor
The wait time attribute in milliseconds.
getWriteTimeoutInMs() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.WriteTimeoutInMsAccessor
The timeout attribute in milliseconds.
GroupAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a group property.
GroupAccessor.GroupBuilder<B extends GroupAccessor.GroupBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a group property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
GroupAccessor.GroupMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a group property.
GroupAccessor.GroupProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a group property.


hasResult() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ResultAccessor
Tests whether there is already result.
HEAD - org.refcodes.mixin.TruncateMode
Truncate the head (left hand side) of a sequence.
HEAD_AND_TAIL - org.refcodes.mixin.TruncateMode
Truncate both head and tail (left and right hand side) of a sequence.
HeaderAccessor<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a property for e.g. header/value-pair.
HeaderAccessor.HeaderBuilder<T,​B extends HeaderAccessor.HeaderBuilder<T,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a header property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
HeaderAccessor.HeaderMutator<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a header property.
HeaderAccessor.HeaderProperty<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a header property.


IdAccessor<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a ID property.
IdAccessor.IdBuilder<T,​B extends IdAccessor.IdBuilder<T,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a ID property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
IdAccessor.IdMutator<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a ID property.
IdAccessor.IdProperty<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a ID property.
IdentityAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a identity property.
IdentityAccessor.IdentityBuilder<B extends IdentityAccessor.IdentityBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a identity property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
IdentityAccessor.IdentityMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a identity property.
IdentityAccessor.IdentityProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a identity property.
increaseIndex() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.IndexAccessor.IndexMutator
Increases the index.
IndexAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a index property.
IndexAccessor.IndexBuilder<B extends IndexAccessor.IndexBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a index property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
IndexAccessor.IndexMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a index property.
IndexAccessor.IndexProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a index property.
info(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Loggable
Logs a log message with log priority INFO.
initUid() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataImpl
InputStreamAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for an input stream property.
InputStreamAccessor.InputStreamBuilder<B extends InputStreamAccessor.InputStreamBuilder<?>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for an input stream property.
InputStreamAccessor.InputStreamMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for an input stream property.
InputStreamAccessor.InputStreamProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an input stream property.
InstanceIdAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a instance TID property.
InstanceIdAccessor.InstanceIdBuilder<B extends InstanceIdAccessor.InstanceIdBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder for a instance TID property.
InstanceIdAccessor.InstanceIdMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a instance TID property.
InstanceIdAccessor.InstanceIdProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a instance TID property.
isBusy() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BusyAccessor
Retrieves the busy status from the busy property.
isDisposed() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DisposedAccessor
Returns the disposed status for the disposed property.
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EmptyAccessor
Retrieves the empty status from the empty property.
isEnabled() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EnabledAccessor
Retrieves the enabled status from the enabled property.
isEscapeCodesEnabled() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EscapeCodesStatusAccessor
Retrieves the Escape-Code status from the Escape-Code property.
isHead() - Method in enum org.refcodes.mixin.TruncateMode
Returns true in case the head is to be truncated.
isLocked() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Lockable
Determines whether the implementing instance is locked.
isTail() - Method in enum org.refcodes.mixin.TruncateMode
Returns true in case the tail is to be truncated.
isTrim() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TrimAccessor
Retrieves the trim status from the trim property.
isValid() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ValidAccessor
Retrieves the valid status from the valid property.
isValid(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Validatable
Validates the provided credentials against this credentials's bearer and secret.
isVerbose() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.VerboseAccessor
Retrieves the verbose status from the verbose property.
isVerify() - Method in enum org.refcodes.mixin.VerifyMode
Checks if is verify.


KeyAccessor<K> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a key property for e.g. key/value-pair.
KeyAccessor.KeyBuilder<K,​B extends KeyAccessor.KeyBuilder<K,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a key property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
KeyAccessor.KeyMutator<K> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a key property for e.g. key/value-pair.
KeyAccessor.KeyProperty<K> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a key property for e.g. key/value-pair.


LengthAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a length property.
LengthAccessor.LengthBuilder<B extends LengthAccessor.LengthBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a length property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
LengthAccessor.LengthMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a length property.
LengthAccessor.LengthProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a length property.
letAction(A) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ActionAccessor.ActionProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of ActionAccessor.ActionMutator.setAction(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letAdaptee(ADAPTEE) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.AdapteeAccessor.AdapteeProperty
Sets the given adaptee (setter) as of AdapteeAccessor.AdapteeMutator.setAdaptee(Object) and returns the very same adaptee (getter).
letAlias(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.AliasAccessor.AliasProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of AliasAccessor.AliasMutator.setAlias(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letAnnotator(char) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.AnnotatorAccessor.AnnotatorProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given character (setter) as of AnnotatorAccessor.AnnotatorMutator.setAnnotator(char) and returns the very same value (getter).
letArguments(ARG[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ArgumentsAccessor.ArgumentsProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of ArgumentsAccessor.ArgumentsMutator.setArguments(Object[]) and returns the very same value (getter).
letArray(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ArrayAccessor.ArrayProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of ArrayAccessor.ArrayMutator.setArray(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letAuthority(AUTH) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.AuthorityAccessor.AuthorityProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of AuthorityAccessor.AuthorityMutator.setAuthority(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letBlockSize(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BlockSizeAccessor.BlockSizeProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given integer (setter) as of BlockSizeAccessor.BlockSizeMutator.setBlockSize(int) and returns the very same value (getter).
letBody(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BodyAccessor.BodyProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of BodyAccessor.BodyMutator.setBody(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letBottomDividerEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator.setBottomDividerEdge(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letBottomLeftEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator.setBottomLeftEdge(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letBottomLine(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator.setBottomLine(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letBottomRightEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator.setBottomRightEdge(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letBusy(boolean) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BusyAccessor.BusyProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given boolean (setter) as of BusyAccessor.BusyMutator.setBusy(boolean) and returns the very same value (getter).
letCategory(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.CategoryAccessor.CategoryProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of CategoryAccessor.CategoryMutator.setCategory(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letChannel(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ChannelAccessor.ChannelProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of ChannelAccessor.ChannelMutator.setChannel(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letChar(char) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.CharAccessor.CharProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given character (setter) as of CharAccessor.CharMutator.setChar(char) and returns the very same value (getter).
letCharSet(char[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.CharSetAccessor.CharSetProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given character (setter) as of CharSetAccessor.CharSetMutator.setCharSet(char[]) and returns the very same value (getter).
letChild(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ChildAccessor.ChildProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of ChildAccessor.ChildMutator.setChild(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letChildren(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ChildrenAccessor.ChildrenProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of ChildrenAccessor.ChildrenMutator.setChildren(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letCode(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.CodeAccessor.CodeProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of CodeAccessor.CodeMutator.setCode(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letColumnWidth(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ColumnWidthAccessor.ColumnWidthProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given integer (setter) as of ColumnWidthAccessor.ColumnWidthMutator.setColumnWidth(int) and returns the very same value (getter).
letConcatenateMode(ConcatenateMode) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ConcatenateModeAccessor.ConcatenateModeProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given ConcatenateMode (setter) as of ConcatenateModeAccessor.ConcatenateModeMutator.setConcatenateMode(ConcatenateMode) and returns the very same value (getter).
letContext(CTX) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ContextAccessor.ContextProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of ContextAccessor.ContextMutator.setContext(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letCreatedDate(Date) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.CreatedDateAccessor.CreatedDateProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given Date (setter) as of CreatedDateAccessor.CreatedDateMutator.setCreatedDate(Date) and returns the very same value (getter).
letDecoratee(DECORATEE) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DecorateeAccessor.DecorateeProperty
Sets the given decoratee (setter) as of DecorateeAccessor.DecorateeMutator.setDecoratee(Object) and returns the very same decoratee (getter).
letDecryptPrefix(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DecryptPrefixAccessor.DecryptPrefixProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of DecryptPrefixAccessor.DecryptPrefixMutator.setDecryptPrefix(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letDelimiter(char) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DelimiterAccessor.DelimiterProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given character (setter) as of DelimiterAccessor.DelimiterMutator.setDelimiter(char) and returns the very same value (getter).
letDescription(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DescriptionAccessor.DescriptionProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of DescriptionAccessor.DescriptionMutator.setDescription(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letDestination(DEST) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DestinationAccessor.DestinationProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of DestinationAccessor.DestinationMutator.setDestination(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letDisposed(boolean) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DisposedAccessor.DisposedProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given boolean (setter) as of DisposedAccessor.DisposedMutator.setDisposed(boolean) and returns the very same value (getter).
letDividerEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator.setDividerEdge(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letDividerLine(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator.setDividerLine(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letDomain(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DomainAccessor.DomainProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of DomainAccessor.DomainMutator.setDomain(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letEmpty(boolean) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EmptyAccessor.EmptyProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given boolean (setter) as of EmptyAccessor.EmptyMutator.setEmpty(boolean) and returns the very same value (getter).
letEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EnabledAccessor.EnabledProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given boolean (setter) as of EnabledAccessor.EnabledMutator.setEnabled(boolean) and returns the very same value (getter).
letEncoded(byte[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EncodedAccessor.EncodedProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given bytes (setter) as of EncodedAccessor.EncodedMutator.setEncoded(byte[]) and returns the very same value (getter).
letEncoding(E) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EncodingAccessor.EncodingProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of EncodingAccessor.EncodingMutator.setEncoding(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letEncryptPrefix(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EncryptPrefixAccessor.EncryptPrefixProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of EncryptPrefixAccessor.EncryptPrefixMutator.setEncryptPrefix(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letErrorPrintStream(PrintStream) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ErrorPrintStreamAccessor.ErrorPrintStreamProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given PrintStream (setter) as of ErrorPrintStreamAccessor.ErrorPrintStreamMutator.setErrorPrintStream(PrintStream) and returns the very same value (getter).
letEscapeCodesEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EscapeCodesStatusAccessor.EscapeCodeStatusProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given boolean (setter) as of EscapeCodesStatusAccessor.EscapeCodeStatusMutator.setEscapeCodesEnabled(boolean) and returns the very same value (getter).
letFamily(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FamilyAccessor.FamilyProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of FamilyAccessor.FamilyMutator.setFamily(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letFilenameExtension(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FilenameExtensionAccessor.FilenameExtensionProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of FilenameExtensionAccessor.FilenameExtensionMutator.setFilenameExtension(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letFilenameExtensions(String[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FilenameExtensionsAccessor.FilenameExtensionsProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String array (setter) as of FilenameExtensionsAccessor.FilenameExtensionsMutator.setFilenameExtensions(String[]) and returns the very same value (getter).
letFilenameSuffix(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FilenameSuffixAccessor.FilenameSuffixProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of FilenameSuffixAccessor.FilenameSuffixMutator.setFilenameSuffix(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letFilenameSuffixes(String[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FilenameSuffixesAccessor.FilenameSuffixesProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String array (setter) as of FilenameSuffixesAccessor.FilenameSuffixesMutator.setFilenameSuffixes(String[]) and returns the very same value (getter).
letFullName(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FullNameAccessor.FullNameProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of FullNameAccessor.FullNameMutator.setFullName(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letGroup(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.GroupAccessor.GroupProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of GroupAccessor.GroupMutator.setGroup(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letHeader(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.HeaderAccessor.HeaderProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of HeaderAccessor.HeaderMutator.setHeader(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letId(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.IdAccessor.IdProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of IdAccessor.IdMutator.setId(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letIdentity(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.IdentityAccessor.IdentityProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of IdentityAccessor.IdentityMutator.setIdentity(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letIndex(long) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.IndexAccessor.IndexProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given long (setter) as of IndexAccessor.IndexMutator.setIndex(long) and returns the very same value (getter).
letInnerLine(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator.setInnerLine(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letInputStream(InputStream) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.InputStreamAccessor.InputStreamProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given InputStream (setter) as of InputStreamAccessor.InputStreamMutator.setInputStream(InputStream) and returns the very same value (getter).
letInstanceId(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.InstanceIdAccessor.InstanceIdProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of InstanceIdAccessor.InstanceIdMutator.setInstanceId(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letKey(K) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor.KeyProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of KeyAccessor.KeyMutator.setKey(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letLeftEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator.setLeftEdge(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letLeftLine(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator.setLeftLine(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letLength(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.LengthAccessor.LengthProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given integer (setter) as of LengthAccessor.LengthMutator.setLength(int) and returns the very same value (getter).
letLocator(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.LocatorAccessor.LocatorProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of LocatorAccessor.LocatorMutator.setLocator(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letMagicBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MagicBytesAccessor.MagicBytesProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given byte array (setter) as of MagicBytesAccessor.MagicBytesMutator.setMagicBytes(byte[]) and returns the very same value (getter).
letMagicBytes(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MagicBytesAccessor.MagicBytesProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given byte array (setter) as of MagicBytesAccessor.MagicBytesMutator.setMagicBytes(byte[]) and returns the very same value (getter).
letMagicBytes(String, Charset) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MagicBytesAccessor.MagicBytesProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given byte array (setter) as of MagicBytesAccessor.MagicBytesMutator.setMagicBytes(byte[]) and returns the very same value (getter).
letMagicNumber(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MagicNumberAccessor.MagicNumberProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of MagicNumberAccessor.MagicNumberMutator.setMagicNumber(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letMaxValue(V) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MaxValueAccessor.MaxValueProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of MaxValueAccessor.MaxValueMutator.setMaxValue(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letMessage(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MessageAccessor.MessageProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of MessageAccessor.MessageMutator.setMessage(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letMetaData(MD) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MetaDataAccessor.MetaDataProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of MetaDataAccessor.MetaDataMutator.setMetaData(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letMinValue(V) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MinValueAccessor.MinValueProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of MinValueAccessor.MinValueMutator.setMinValue(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letMode(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ModeAccessor.ModeProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of ModeAccessor.ModeMutator.setMode(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letModifiedDate(Date) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ModifiedDateAccessor.ModifiedDateProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given Date (setter) as of ModifiedDateAccessor.ModifiedDateMutator.setModifiedDate(Date) and returns the very same value (getter).
letName(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.NameAccessor.NameProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of NameAccessor.NameMutator.setName(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letNamespace(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.NamespaceAccessor.NamespaceProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of NamespaceAccessor.NamespaceMutator.setNamespace(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letNumber(V) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.NumberAccessor.NumberProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of NumberAccessor.NumberMutator.setNumber(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letObject(Object) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ObjectAccessor.ObjectProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of ObjectAccessor.ObjectMutator.setObject(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letOffset(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.OffsetAccessor.OffsetProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given integer (setter) as of OffsetAccessor.OffsetMutator.setOffset(int) and returns the very same value (getter).
letOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.OutputStreamAccessor.OutputStreamProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given OutputStream (setter) as of OutputStreamAccessor.OutputStreamMutator.setOutputStream(OutputStream) and returns the very same value (getter).
letPacketSize(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PacketSizeAccessor.PacketSizeProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given integer (setter) as of PacketSizeAccessor.PacketSizeMutator.setPacketSize(int) and returns the very same value (getter).
letPath(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PathAccessor.PathProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of PathAccessor.PathMutator.setPath(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letPattern(Pattern) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PatternAccessor.PatternProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given Pattern (setter) as of PatternAccessor.PatternMutator.setPattern(Pattern) and returns the very same value (getter).
letPayload(P) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PayloadAccessor.PayloadProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of PayloadAccessor.PayloadMutator.setPayload(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letPercent(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PercentAccessor.PercentProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given integer (setter) as of PercentAccessor.PercentMutator.setPercent(int) and returns the very same value (getter).
letPort(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PortAccessor.PortProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given integer (setter) as of PortAccessor.PortMutator.setPort(int) and returns the very same value (getter).
letPrefix(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PrefixAccessor.PrefixProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of PrefixAccessor.PrefixMutator.setPrefix(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letPrintStream(PrintStream) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PrintStreamAccessor.PrintStreamProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given PrintStream (setter) as of PrintStreamAccessor.PrintStreamMutator.setPrintStream(PrintStream) and returns the very same value (getter).
letReadTimeoutInMs(long) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ReadTimeoutInMsAccessor.ReadTimeoutInMsProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given long (setter) as of ReadTimeoutInMsAccessor.ReadTimeoutInMsMutator.setReadTimeoutInMs(long) and returns the very same value (getter).
letReferencee(REFERENCEE) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ReferenceeAccessor.ReferenceeProperty
Sets the given referencee (setter) as of ReferenceeAccessor.ReferenceeMutator.setReferencee(Object) and returns the very same referencee (getter).
letRequest(REQ) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.RequestAccessor.RequestProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of RequestAccessor.RequestMutator.setRequest(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letResetEscapeCode(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ResetEscapeCodeAccessor.ResetEscapeCodeProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of ResetEscapeCodeAccessor.ResetEscapeCodeMutator.setResetEscapeCode(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letResponse(RES) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ResponseAccessor.ResponseProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of ResponseAccessor.ResponseMutator.setResponse(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letResult(RES) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ResultAccessor.ResultProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of ResultAccessor.ResultMutator.setResult(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letRetryCount(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.RetryCountAccessor.RetryCountProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given integer (setter) as of RetryCountAccessor.RetryCountMutator.setRetryCount(int) and returns the very same value (getter).
letRetryNumber(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.RetryNumberAccessor.RetryNumberProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given integer (setter) as of RetryNumberAccessor.RetryNumberMutator.setRetryNumber(int) and returns the very same value (getter).
letRightEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator.setRightEdge(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letRightLine(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator.setRightLine(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letRowHeight(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.RowHeightAccessor.RowHeightProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given integer (setter) as of RowHeightAccessor.RowHeightMutator.setRowHeight(int) and returns the very same value (getter).
letRowWidth(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.RowWidthAccessor.RowWidthProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given integer (setter) as of RowWidthAccessor.RowWidthMutator.setRowWidth(int) and returns the very same value (getter).
letSecret(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.SecretAccessor.SecretProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of SecretAccessor.SecretMutator.setSecret(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letSize(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.SizeAccessor.SizeProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given integer (setter) as of SizeAccessor.SizeMutator.setSize(int) and returns the very same value (getter).
letSource(SRC) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.SourceAccessor.SourceProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of SourceAccessor.SourceMutator.setSource(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letStandardPrintStream(PrintStream) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.StandardPrintStreamAccessor.StandardPrintStreamProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given PrintStream (setter) as of StandardPrintStreamAccessor.StandardPrintStreamMutator.setStandardPrintStream(PrintStream) and returns the very same value (getter).
letStatus(S) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.StatusAccessor.StatusProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of StatusAccessor.StatusMutator.setStatus(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letStatusCode(SC) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.StatusCodeAccessor.StatusCodeProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of StatusCodeAccessor.StatusCodeMutator.setStatusCode(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letStyle(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.StyleAccessor.StyleProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value(setter) as of StyleAccessor.StyleMutator.setStyle(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letSuffix(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.SuffixAccessor.SuffixProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of SuffixAccessor.SuffixMutator.setSuffix(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letTail(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TailAccessor.TailProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of setTail(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letText(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TextAccessor.TextProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of TextAccessor.TextMutator.setText(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letTimeInMs(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TimeInMsAccessor.TimeInMsProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given integer (setter) as of TimeInMsAccessor.TimeInMsMutator.setTimeInMs(int) and returns the very same value (getter).
letTimeoutInMs(long) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TimeoutInMsAccessor.TimeoutInMsProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given long (setter) as of TimeoutInMsAccessor.TimeoutInMsMutator.setTimeoutInMs(long) and returns the very same value (getter).
letTimeStamp(double) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TimeStampAccessor.TimeStampProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given double (setter) as of TimeStampAccessor.TimeStampMutator.setTimeStamp(double) and returns the very same value (getter).
letTitle(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TitleAccessor.TitleProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of TitleAccessor.TitleMutator.setTitle(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letToken(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TokenAccessor.TokenProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of TokenAccessor.TokenMutator.setToken(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letTopDividerEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator.setTopDividerEdge(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letTopLeftEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator.setTopLeftEdge(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letTopLine(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator.setTopLine(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letTopRightEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator.setTopRightEdge(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letTrim(boolean) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TrimAccessor.TrimProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given boolean (setter) as of TrimAccessor.TrimMutator.setTrim(boolean) and returns the very same value (getter).
letTruncateMode(TruncateMode) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TruncateModeAccessor.TruncateModeProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given TruncateMode (setter) as of TruncateModeAccessor.TruncateModeMutator.setTruncateMode(TruncateMode) and returns the very same value (getter).
letType(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TypeAccessor.TypeProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of TypeAccessor.TypeMutator.setType(Class) and returns the very same value (getter).
letUniversalId(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.UniversalIdAccessor.UniversalIdProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of UniversalIdAccessor.UniversalIdMutator.setUniversalId(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letValid(boolean) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ValidAccessor.ValidProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given boolean (setter) as of ValidAccessor.ValidMutator.setValid(boolean) and returns the very same value (getter).
letValue(V) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ValueAccessor.ValueProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of ValueAccessor.ValueMutator.setValue(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letVerbose(boolean) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.VerboseAccessor.VerboseProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given boolean (setter) as of VerboseAccessor.VerboseMutator.setVerbose(boolean) and returns the very same value (getter).
letVerifyMode(VerifyMode) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.VerifyModeAccessor.VerifyModeProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given VerifyMode (setter) as of VerifyModeAccessor.VerifyModeMutator.setVerifyMode(VerifyMode) and returns the very same value (getter).
letWaitTimeInMs(long) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.WaitTimeInMsAccessor.WaitTimeInMsProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given long (setter) as of WaitTimeInMsAccessor.WaitTimeInMsMutator.setWaitTimeInMs(long) and returns the very same value (getter).
letWriteTimeoutInMs(long) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.WriteTimeoutInMsAccessor.WriteTimeoutInMsProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given long (setter) as of WriteTimeoutInMsAccessor.WriteTimeoutInMsMutator.setWriteTimeoutInMs(long) and returns the very same value (getter).
LocatorAccessor<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a locator property.
LocatorAccessor.LocatorBuilder<T,​B extends LocatorAccessor.LocatorBuilder<T,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a locator property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
LocatorAccessor.LocatorMutator<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a locator property.
LocatorAccessor.LocatorProperty<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a locator property.
lock() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Lockable
Locks the implementing instance.
Lockable - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
The Lockable interface defines methods to set the status of an object to be locked or unlocked and to determine the status.
Loggable - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
This interface probes for the RuntimeLogger library by means of reflection to finally do logging.


MagicBytesAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a magic bytes property.
MagicBytesAccessor.MagicBytesBuilder<B extends MagicBytesAccessor.MagicBytesBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a magic bytes property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
MagicBytesAccessor.MagicBytesMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a magic bytes property.
MagicBytesAccessor.MagicBytesProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a magic bytes property.
MagicNumberAccessor<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a magic number property.
MagicNumberAccessor.MagicNumberBuilder<T,​B extends MagicNumberAccessor.MagicNumberBuilder<T,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a magic number property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
MagicNumberAccessor.MagicNumberMutator<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a magic number property.
MagicNumberAccessor.MagicNumberProperty<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a magic number property.
MaxValueAccessor<V> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides access to a maximum value property for e.g. key/maximum value-pair.
MaxValueAccessor.MaxValueBuilder<V,​B extends MaxValueAccessor.MaxValueBuilder<V,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a the property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
MaxValueAccessor.MaxValueMutator<V> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the MaxValueAccessor with a setter method.
MaxValueAccessor.MaxValueProperty<V> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the MaxValueAccessor with a setter method.
Message<HEADER,​BODY> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
A Message consists of the least required information to send a message.
MessageAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a message property.
MessageAccessor.MessageMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a message property.
MessageAccessor.MessageProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a message property.
MetaDataAccessor<MD> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for to a Meta-Data property.
MetaDataAccessor.MetaDataBuilder<MD,​B extends MetaDataAccessor.MetaDataBuilder<MD,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a name property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
MetaDataAccessor.MetaDataMutator<MD> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for to a Meta-Data property.
MetaDataAccessor.MetaDataProperty<MD> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a Meta-Data property.
MinValueAccessor<V> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides access to a minimum value property for e.g. key/minimum value-pair.
MinValueAccessor.MinValueBuilder<V,​B extends MinValueAccessor.MinValueBuilder<V,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a the property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
MinValueAccessor.MinValueMutator<V> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the MinValueAccessor with a setter method.
MinValueAccessor.MinValueProperty<V> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the MinValueAccessor with a setter method.
ModeAccessor<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a mode property.
ModeAccessor.ModeMutator<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a mode property.
ModeAccessor.ModeProperty<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mode property.
ModifiedDateAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a "modified" date property.
ModifiedDateAccessor.ModifiedDateMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a "modified" date property.
ModifiedDateAccessor.ModifiedDateProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a "modified" date property.


NameAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a name property.
NameAccessor.NameBuilder<B extends NameAccessor.NameBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a name property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
NameAccessor.NameMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a name property.
NameAccessor.NameProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a name property.
NamespaceAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a namespace property.
NamespaceAccessor.NamespaceBuilder<B extends NamespaceAccessor.NamespaceBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a namespace property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
NamespaceAccessor.NamespaceMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a namespace property.
NamespaceAccessor.NamespaceProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a namespace property.
NONE - org.refcodes.mixin.VerifyMode
Verification is disabled.
notice(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Loggable
Logs a log message with log priority NOTICE.
NumberAccessor<V> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides access to a number property for e.g. key / number pair.
NumberAccessor.NumberBuilder<V,​B extends NumberAccessor.NumberBuilder<V,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a the property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
NumberAccessor.NumberMutator<V> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the NumberAccessor with a setter method.
NumberAccessor.NumberProperty<V> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the NumberAccessor with a setter method.


ObjectAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a object property.
ObjectAccessor.ObjectBuilder<B extends ObjectAccessor.ObjectBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a object property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
ObjectAccessor.ObjectMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a object property.
ObjectAccessor.ObjectProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a object property.
OffsetAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a offset property.
OffsetAccessor.OffsetBuilder<B extends OffsetAccessor.OffsetBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a offset property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
OffsetAccessor.OffsetMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a offset property.
OffsetAccessor.OffsetProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a offset property.
org.refcodes.mixin - module org.refcodes.mixin
org.refcodes.mixin - package org.refcodes.mixin
A mixin from the point of view of this artifact represents a snippet of functionality which can be mixed into a type.
OutputStreamAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for an output stream property.
OutputStreamAccessor.OutputStreamBuilder<B extends OutputStreamAccessor.OutputStreamBuilder<?>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for an output stream property.
OutputStreamAccessor.OutputStreamMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for an output stream property.
OutputStreamAccessor.OutputStreamProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an output stream property.


PacketSizeAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a packet size property.
PacketSizeAccessor.PacketSizeBuilder<B extends PacketSizeAccessor.PacketSizeBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a packet size property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
PacketSizeAccessor.PacketSizeMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a packet size property.
PacketSizeAccessor.PacketSizeProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a packet size property.
panic(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Loggable
Logs a log message with log priority PANIC.
PathAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a path property.
PathAccessor.PathBuilder<B extends PathAccessor.PathBuilder<?>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for an path property.
PathAccessor.PathMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a path property.
PathAccessor.PathProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a path property.
PatternAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a pattern property.
PatternAccessor.PatternBuilder<B extends PatternAccessor.PatternBuilder<?>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for an pattern property.
PatternAccessor.PatternMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a pattern property.
PatternAccessor.PatternProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a pattern property.
PayloadAccessor<P> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a payload property.
PayloadAccessor.PayloadBuilder<P,​B extends PayloadAccessor.PayloadBuilder<P,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a payload property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
PayloadAccessor.PayloadMutator<P> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a payload property.
PayloadAccessor.PayloadProperty<P> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a payload property.
PercentAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a % property.
PercentAccessor.PercentBuilder<B extends PercentAccessor.PercentBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a % property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
PercentAccessor.PercentMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a % property.
PercentAccessor.PercentProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a % property.
PortAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a port property.
PortAccessor.PortBuilder<B extends PortAccessor.PortBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a port property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
PortAccessor.PortMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a port property.
PortAccessor.PortProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a port property.
PrefixAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a prefix property.
PrefixAccessor.PrefixBuilder<B extends PrefixAccessor.PrefixBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a prefix property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
PrefixAccessor.PrefixMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a prefix property.
PrefixAccessor.PrefixProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a prefix property.
PREPEND - org.refcodes.mixin.ConcatenateMode
A sequence is to prefix (being prepended) the other sequence.
PrintStreamAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for an print stream property.
PrintStreamAccessor.PrintStreamBuilder<B extends PrintStreamAccessor.PrintStreamBuilder<?>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for an print stream property.
PrintStreamAccessor.PrintStreamMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for an print stream property.
PrintStreamAccessor.PrintStreamProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an print stream property.


ReadTimeoutInMsAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a read timeout in milliseconds property.
ReadTimeoutInMsAccessor.ReadTimeoutInMsBuilder<B extends ReadTimeoutInMsAccessor.ReadTimeoutInMsBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a the property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
ReadTimeoutInMsAccessor.ReadTimeoutInMsMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a read timeout in milliseconds property.
ReadTimeoutInMsAccessor.ReadTimeoutInMsProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a read timeout in milliseconds property.
ReferenceeAccessor<REFERENCEE> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a referencee property (as of the decorator pattern).
ReferenceeAccessor.ReferenceeBuilder<REFERENCEE,​B extends ReferenceeAccessor.ReferenceeBuilder<REFERENCEE,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a referencee property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
ReferenceeAccessor.ReferenceeMutator<REFERENCEE> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a referencee property.
ReferenceeAccessor.ReferenceeProperty<REFERENCEE> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a referencee property.
Releaseable - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Any class which's instance has blocking methods may implement this interface to provide functionality with which to release all waiting threads.
releaseAll() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Releaseable
Releases all awaiting threads inside a blocking method of the implementing class.
REPORT_ONLY - org.refcodes.mixin.VerifyMode
Verification is enabled, problems are only reported.
RequestAccessor<REQ> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides access to a request property for e.g. key / request pair.
RequestAccessor.RequestBuilder<REQ,​B extends RequestAccessor.RequestBuilder<REQ,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a request property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
RequestAccessor.RequestMutator<REQ> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the RequestAccessor with a setter method.
RequestAccessor.RequestProperty<REQ> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the RequestAccessor with a setter method.
ResetEscapeCodeAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a reset Escape-Code property.
ResetEscapeCodeAccessor.ResetEscapeCodeBuilder<B extends ResetEscapeCodeAccessor.ResetEscapeCodeBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a reset Escape-Code property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
ResetEscapeCodeAccessor.ResetEscapeCodeMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a reset Escape-Code property.
ResetEscapeCodeAccessor.ResetEscapeCodeProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a reset Escape-Code property.
resetIndex() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.IndexAccessor.IndexMutator
Resets the index to 0;
ResponseAccessor<RES> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides access to a response property for e.g. key / response pair.
ResponseAccessor.ResponseBuilder<RES,​B extends ResponseAccessor.ResponseBuilder<RES,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a response property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
ResponseAccessor.ResponseMutator<RES> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the ResponseAccessor with a setter method.
ResponseAccessor.ResponseProperty<RES> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the ResponseAccessor with a setter method.
restart() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Restartable
Sets the status of the instance so that operation with the instance can begin over again.
Restartable - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Any implementing instance's status can be set back that the instance's functionality can begin over again.
ResultAccessor<RES,​EXC extends Exception> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides access to a result property for e.g. key / result pair.
ResultAccessor.ResultBuilder<RES,​B extends ResultAccessor.ResultBuilder<RES,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a result property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
ResultAccessor.ResultMutator<RES> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the ResultAccessor with a setter method.
ResultAccessor.ResultProperty<RES,​EXC extends Exception> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the ResultAccessor with a setter method.
RetryCountAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a retries count property.
RetryCountAccessor.RetryCountBuilder<B extends RetryCountAccessor.RetryCountBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a retries count property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
RetryCountAccessor.RetryCountMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a retries count property.
RetryCountAccessor.RetryCountProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a retries count property.A retry count is the current count of retries being initiated.
RetryNumberAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a retry number.
RetryNumberAccessor.RetryNumberBuilder<B extends RetryNumberAccessor.RetryNumberBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a retry number returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
RetryNumberAccessor.RetryNumberMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a retry number.
RetryNumberAccessor.RetryNumberProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a retry number.A retry number is the overall number of retries to use when counting retries.
RowHeightAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a row height property.
RowHeightAccessor.RowHeightBuilder<B extends RowHeightAccessor.RowHeightBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a row height property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
RowHeightAccessor.RowHeightMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a row height property.
RowHeightAccessor.RowHeightProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a row height property.
RowWidthAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a row width property.
RowWidthAccessor.RowWidthBuilder<B extends RowWidthAccessor.RowWidthBuilder<?>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for an output stream property.
RowWidthAccessor.RowWidthMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for an output stream property.
RowWidthAccessor.RowWidthProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a row width property.
RUNTIME_LOGGER_CLASS - Static variable in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Loggable
RUNTIME_LOGGER_FACTORY_CLASS - Static variable in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Loggable
RUNTIME_LOGGER_FACTORY_METHOD - Static variable in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Loggable


SecretAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a secret property.
SecretAccessor.SecretBuilder<B extends SecretAccessor.SecretBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a secret property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
SecretAccessor.SecretMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a secret property.
SecretAccessor.SecretProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a secret property.
setAction(A) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ActionAccessor.ActionMutator
Sets the action for the action property.
setAdaptee(ADAPTEE) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.AdapteeAccessor.AdapteeMutator
Sets the adaptee for the adaptee property.
setAlias(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.AliasAccessor.AliasMutator
Sets the alias for the alias property.
setAlias(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataBuilderImpl
Sets the alias for the alias property.
setAnnotator(char) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.AnnotatorAccessor.AnnotatorMutator
Sets the annotator character for the annotator character property being the character denoting (prefixing) an annotation's name.
setArguments(ARG[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ArgumentsAccessor.ArgumentsMutator
Sets the arguments for the arguments property.
setArray(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ArrayAccessor.ArrayMutator
Sets the array for the array property.
setAuthority(AUTH) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.AuthorityAccessor.AuthorityMutator
Sets the credential for the credential property.
setBlockSize(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BlockSizeAccessor.BlockSizeMutator
Sets the block size for the block size property.
setBody(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BodyAccessor.BodyMutator
Sets the body for the body property.
setBottomDividerEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator
Sets the box's bottom divider edge character, "┴".
setBottomLeftEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator
Sets the box's bottom left edge character, for example "└".
setBottomLine(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator
Sets the box's bottom line character, for example "─".
setBottomRightEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator
Sets the box's bottom right edge character, for example "┘".
setBusy(boolean) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BusyAccessor.BusyMutator
Sets the busy status for the busy property.
setCategory(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.CategoryAccessor.CategoryMutator
Sets the category for the category property.
setChannel(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ChannelAccessor.ChannelMutator
Sets the channel for the channel property.
setChannel(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataBuilderImpl
Sets the channel for the channel property.
setChar(char) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.CharAccessor.CharMutator
Sets the char for the char property.
setCharSet(char[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.CharSetAccessor.CharSetMutator
Sets the charSet for the char set property.
setChild(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ChildAccessor.ChildMutator
Sets the child for the child property.
setChildren(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ChildrenAccessor.ChildrenMutator
Sets the children for the children property.
setCode(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.CodeAccessor.CodeMutator
Sets the code for the code property.
setColumnWidth(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ColumnWidthAccessor.ColumnWidthMutator
Sets the column width for the column width property.
setConcatenateMode(ConcatenateMode) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ConcatenateModeAccessor.ConcatenateModeMutator
Sets the ConcatenateMode for the ConcatenateMode property.
setContext(CTX) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ContextAccessor.ContextMutator
Sets the context for the context property.
setCreatedDate(Date) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.CreatedDateAccessor.CreatedDateMutator
Sets the "created" date for the date property.
setDecoratee(DECORATEE) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DecorateeAccessor.DecorateeMutator
Sets the decoratee for the decoratee property.
setDecryptPrefix(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DecryptPrefixAccessor.DecryptPrefixMutator
Sets the Decrypt-Prefix for the Decrypt-Prefix property.
setDelimiter(char) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DelimiterAccessor.DelimiterMutator
Sets the delimiter for the delimiter property.
setDescription(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DescriptionAccessor.DescriptionMutator
Sets the description for the description property.
setDestination(DEST) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DestinationAccessor.DestinationMutator
Sets the destination for the destination property.
setDisposed(boolean) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DisposedAccessor.DisposedMutator
Sets the disposed status for the disposed property.
setDividerEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator
Sets the box's divider edge character, for example "┼".
setDividerLine(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator
Sets the box's divider line character, for example "│".
setDomain(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DomainAccessor.DomainMutator
Sets the domain for the domain property.
setEmpty(boolean) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EmptyAccessor.EmptyMutator
Sets the empty status for the empty property.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EnabledAccessor.EnabledMutator
Sets the enabled status for the enabled property.
setEncoded(byte[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EncodedAccessor.EncodedMutator
Sets the encoded representation for the encoded property.
setEncoding(E) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EncodingAccessor.EncodingMutator
Sets the encoding for the encoding property.
setEncryptPrefix(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EncryptPrefixAccessor.EncryptPrefixMutator
Sets the Encrypt-Prefix for the Encrypt-Prefix property.
setErrorPrintStream(PrintStream) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ErrorPrintStreamAccessor.ErrorPrintStreamMutator
Sets the error PrintStream for the error PrintStream property.
setEscapeCodesEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EscapeCodesStatusAccessor.EscapeCodeStatusMutator
Sets the Escape-Code status for the Escape-Code property.
setFamily(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FamilyAccessor.FamilyMutator
Sets the family for the family property.
setFilenameExtension(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FilenameExtensionAccessor.FilenameExtensionMutator
Sets the filename extension for the filename extension property.
setFilenameExtensions(String[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FilenameExtensionsAccessor.FilenameExtensionsMutator
Sets the filenames extension for the filenames extension property.
setFilenameSuffix(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FilenameSuffixAccessor.FilenameSuffixMutator
Sets the filename suffix for the filename suffix property.
setFilenameSuffixes(String[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FilenameSuffixesAccessor.FilenameSuffixesMutator
Sets the filenames extension for the filenames extension property.
setFullName(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FullNameAccessor.FullNameMutator
Sets the full name for the full name property.
setGroup(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataBuilderImpl
Sets the group for the group property.
setGroup(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.GroupAccessor.GroupMutator
Sets the group for the group property.
setHeader(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.HeaderAccessor.HeaderMutator
Sets the header for the header property.
setId(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.IdAccessor.IdMutator
Sets the ID for the ID property.
setIdentity(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.IdentityAccessor.IdentityMutator
Sets the identity for the name property.
setIndex(long) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.IndexAccessor.IndexMutator
Sets the index for the index property.
setInnerLine(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator
Sets the box's inner line character, for example "─".
setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.InputStreamAccessor.InputStreamMutator
Sets the input stream for the input stream property.
setInstanceId(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.InstanceIdAccessor.InstanceIdMutator
Sets the instance TID for the instance TID property.
setKey(K) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor.KeyMutator
Sets the key for the key property.
setLeftEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator
Sets the box's left edge character, for example "├".
setLeftLine(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator
Sets the box's left line character, for example "│".
setLength(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.LengthAccessor.LengthMutator
Sets the length for the length property.
setLocator(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.LocatorAccessor.LocatorMutator
Sets the locator for the locator property.
setMagicBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MagicBytesAccessor.MagicBytesMutator
Sets the magic bytes for the magic bytes property.
setMagicBytes(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MagicBytesAccessor.MagicBytesMutator
Sets the magic bytes for the magic bytes property.
setMagicBytes(String, Charset) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MagicBytesAccessor.MagicBytesMutator
Sets the magic bytes for the magic bytes property.
setMagicNumber(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MagicNumberAccessor.MagicNumberMutator
Sets the magic number for the magic number property.
setMaxValue(V) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MaxValueAccessor.MaxValueMutator
Sets the maximum value for the maximum value property.
setMessage(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MessageAccessor.MessageMutator
Sets the message for the message property.
setMetaData(MD) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MetaDataAccessor.MetaDataMutator
Sets the Meta-Data for the Meta-Data property.
setMinValue(V) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MinValueAccessor.MinValueMutator
Sets the minimum value for the minimum value property.
setMode(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ModeAccessor.ModeMutator
Sets the mode for the mode property.
setModifiedDate(Date) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ModifiedDateAccessor.ModifiedDateMutator
Sets the "modified" date for the date property.
setName(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.NameAccessor.NameMutator
Sets the name for the name property.
setNamespace(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.NamespaceAccessor.NamespaceMutator
Sets the namespace for the namespace property.
setNumber(V) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.NumberAccessor.NumberMutator
Sets the number for the number property.
setObject(Object) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ObjectAccessor.ObjectMutator
Sets the object for the object property.
setOffset(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.OffsetAccessor.OffsetMutator
Sets the offset for the offset property.
setOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.OutputStreamAccessor.OutputStreamMutator
Sets the output stream for the output stream property.
setPacketSize(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PacketSizeAccessor.PacketSizeMutator
Sets the packet size for the packet size property.
setPath(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PathAccessor.PathMutator
Sets the path for the path property.
setPattern(Pattern) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PatternAccessor.PatternMutator
Sets the pattern for the pattern property.
setPayload(P) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PayloadAccessor.PayloadMutator
Sets the payload for the payload property.
setPercent(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PercentAccessor.PercentMutator
Sets the % for the % property.
setPort(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PortAccessor.PortMutator
Sets the port for the port property.
setPrefix(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PrefixAccessor.PrefixMutator
Sets the prefix for the prefix property.
setPrintStream(PrintStream) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PrintStreamAccessor.PrintStreamMutator
Sets the print stream for the print stream property.
setPublisherType(Class<?>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData.EventMetaDataBuilder
The least common denominator in event Meta-Data is the type of the publisher which gives a hint on the source of the event.
setPublisherType(Class<?>) - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataBuilderImpl
The least common denominator in event Meta-Data is the type of the publisher which gives a hint on the source of the event.
setReadTimeoutInMs(long) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ReadTimeoutInMsAccessor.ReadTimeoutInMsMutator
The timeout attribute in milliseconds.
setReferencee(REFERENCEE) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ReferenceeAccessor.ReferenceeMutator
Sets the referencee for the referencee property.
setRequest(REQ) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.RequestAccessor.RequestMutator
Sets the request for the request property.
setResetEscapeCode(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ResetEscapeCodeAccessor.ResetEscapeCodeMutator
Sets the reset Escape-Code for the reset Escape-Code property.
setResponse(RES) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ResponseAccessor.ResponseMutator
Sets the response for the response property.
setResult(RES) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ResultAccessor.ResultMutator
Sets the result for the result property.
setRetryCount(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.RetryCountAccessor.RetryCountMutator
Sets the count of retries for the retries count property.
setRetryNumber(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.RetryNumberAccessor.RetryNumberMutator
Sets the number of retries for the retry number.
setRightEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator
Sets the box's right edge character, for example "┤".
setRightLine(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator
Sets the box row's right line character, for example "│".
setRowHeight(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.RowHeightAccessor.RowHeightMutator
Sets the row height for the row height property.
setRowWidth(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.RowWidthAccessor.RowWidthMutator
Sets the width to be used.
setSecret(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.SecretAccessor.SecretMutator
Sets the password (hash) for the secret property.
setSize(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.SizeAccessor.SizeMutator
Sets the size for the size property.
setSource(SRC) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.SourceAccessor.SourceMutator
Sets the source for the source property.
setStandardPrintStream(PrintStream) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.StandardPrintStreamAccessor.StandardPrintStreamMutator
Sets the standard PrintStream for the standard PrintStream property.
setStatus(S) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.StatusAccessor.StatusMutator
Sets the statusCode for the state property.
setStatusCode(SC) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.StatusCodeAccessor.StatusCodeMutator
Sets the status code for the status code property.
setStyle(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.StyleAccessor.StyleMutator
Sets the style for the style property.
setSuffix(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.SuffixAccessor.SuffixMutator
Sets the suffix for the suffix property.
setTail(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TailAccessor.TailMutator
Sets the tail for the tail property.
setText(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TextAccessor.TextMutator
Sets the text for the text property.
setTimeInMs(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TimeInMsAccessor.TimeInMsMutator
Sets the milliseconds for the milliseconds property.
setTimeoutInMs(long) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TimeoutInMsAccessor.TimeoutInMsMutator
The timeout attribute in milliseconds.
setTimeStamp(double) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TimeStampAccessor.TimeStampMutator
Sets the time stamp for the time stamp property.
setTitle(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TitleAccessor.TitleMutator
Sets the title for the title property.
setToken(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TokenAccessor.TokenMutator
Sets the token for the token property.
setTopDividerEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator
Sets the box's top divider edge character, for example "┬".
setTopLeftEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator
Sets the box's top left edge character, for example "┌".
setTopLine(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator
Sets the box's top line character, for example "─" .
setTopRightEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridMutator
Sets the box's top right edge character, for example "┐".
setTrim(boolean) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TrimAccessor.TrimMutator
Sets the trim status for the trim property.
setTruncateMode(TruncateMode) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TruncateModeAccessor.TruncateModeMutator
Sets the TruncateMode for the TruncateMode property.
setType(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TypeAccessor.TypeMutator
Sets the type for the property.
setUniversalId(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataBuilderImpl
Sets the UID for the UID property.
setUniversalId(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.UniversalIdAccessor.UniversalIdMutator
Sets the UID for the UID property.
setValid(boolean) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ValidAccessor.ValidMutator
Sets the valid status for the valid property.
setValue(V) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ValueAccessor.ValueMutator
Sets the value for the value property.
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.VerboseAccessor.VerboseMutator
Sets the verbose status for the verbose property.
setVerifyMode(VerifyMode) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.VerifyModeAccessor.VerifyModeMutator
Sets the verify mode for the verify mode property.
setWaitTimeInMs(long) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.WaitTimeInMsAccessor.WaitTimeInMsMutator
The wait time attribute in milliseconds.
setWriteTimeoutInMs(long) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.WriteTimeoutInMsAccessor.WriteTimeoutInMsMutator
The timeout attribute in milliseconds.
SizeAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a size property.
SizeAccessor.SizeBuilder<B extends SizeAccessor.SizeBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a size property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
SizeAccessor.SizeMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a size property.
SizeAccessor.SizeProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a size property.
SourceAccessor<SRC> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a source property for e.g. source of an event.
SourceAccessor.SourceMutator<SRC> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a source property for e.g. source of an event.
SourceAccessor.SourceProperty<SRC> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a source property for e.g. source of an event.
StandardPrintStreamAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for an standard PrintStream property.
StandardPrintStreamAccessor.StandardPrintStreamBuilder<B extends StandardPrintStreamAccessor.StandardPrintStreamBuilder<?>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for an standard PrintStream property.
StandardPrintStreamAccessor.StandardPrintStreamMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for an standard PrintStream property.
StandardPrintStreamAccessor.StandardPrintStreamProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an standard PrintStream property.
StatusAccessor<S> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides access to a statusCode property for e.g. key / statusCode pair.
StatusAccessor.StatusBuilder<S,​B extends StatusAccessor.StatusBuilder<S,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a state property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
StatusAccessor.StatusMutator<S> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the StatusAccessor with a setter method.
StatusAccessor.StatusProperty<S> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the StatusAccessor with a setter method.
StatusCodeAccessor<SC> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides access to a status code property for e.g. key / status code pair.
StatusCodeAccessor.StatusCodeBuilder<SC,​B extends StatusCodeAccessor.StatusCodeBuilder<SC,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a status code property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
StatusCodeAccessor.StatusCodeMutator<SC> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the StatusCodeAccessor with a setter method.
StatusCodeAccessor.StatusCodeProperty<SC> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the StatusCodeAccessor with a setter method.
StyleAccessor<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a style property.
StyleAccessor.StyleBuilder<T,​B extends StyleAccessor.StyleBuilder<T,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a style property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
StyleAccessor.StyleMutator<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a style property.
StyleAccessor.StyleProperty<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a style property.
SuffixAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a suffix property.
SuffixAccessor.SuffixBuilder<B extends SuffixAccessor.SuffixBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a suffix property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
SuffixAccessor.SuffixMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a suffix property.
SuffixAccessor.SuffixProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a suffix property.


TAIL - org.refcodes.mixin.TruncateMode
Truncate the tail (right hand side) of a sequence.
TailAccessor<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a tail property.
TailAccessor.TailBuilder<T,​B extends TailAccessor.TailBuilder<T,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a tail property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
TailAccessor.TailMutator<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a tail property.
TailAccessor.TailProperty<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a tail property.
TextAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a text property.
TextAccessor.TextBuilder<B extends TextAccessor.TextBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a text property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
TextAccessor.TextMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a text property.
TextAccessor.TextProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a text property.
THROW_EXCEPTION - org.refcodes.mixin.VerifyMode
Verification is enabled, problems cause an exception.
TimeInMsAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a milliseconds property.
TimeInMsAccessor.TimeInMsBuilder<B extends TimeInMsAccessor.TimeInMsBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a milliseconds property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
TimeInMsAccessor.TimeInMsMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a milliseconds property.
TimeInMsAccessor.TimeInMsProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a milliseconds property.
TimeoutInMsAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a timeout in milliseconds property.
TimeoutInMsAccessor.TimeoutInMsBuilder<B extends TimeoutInMsAccessor.TimeoutInMsBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a the property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
TimeoutInMsAccessor.TimeoutInMsMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a timeout in milliseconds property.
TimeoutInMsAccessor.TimeoutInMsProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a timeout in milliseconds property.
TimeStampAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a timeStamp property.
TimeStampAccessor.TimeStampBuilder<B extends TimeStampAccessor.TimeStampBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a timeStamp property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
TimeStampAccessor.TimeStampMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a timeStamp property.
TimeStampAccessor.TimeStampProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a timeStamp property.
TitleAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a title property.
TitleAccessor.TitleBuilder<B extends TitleAccessor.TitleBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a title property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
TitleAccessor.TitleMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a title property.
TitleAccessor.TitleProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a title property.
toDump() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Dumpable
Dumps the state of the implementing instance into a Map which is returned as result.
toDump(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Dumpable
Dumps the state of the implementing instance into the provided Map which is returned as result.
TokenAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a token property.
TokenAccessor.TokenBuilder<B extends TokenAccessor.TokenBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a token property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
TokenAccessor.TokenMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a token property.
TokenAccessor.TokenProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a token property.
toPrintable() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Dumpable
Creates a printable representation of the content of this map.
toString() - Method in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataImpl
trace(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Loggable
Logs a log message with log priority TRACE.
TrimAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a trim property.
TrimAccessor.TrimBuilder<B extends TrimAccessor.TrimBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder for a trim property.
TrimAccessor.TrimMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a trim property.
TrimAccessor.TrimProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a trim property.
TruncateMode - Enum in org.refcodes.mixin
The TruncateMode specifies for according algorithms on how to truncate a sequence.
TruncateModeAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a TruncateMode property.
TruncateModeAccessor.TruncateModeBuilder<B extends TruncateModeAccessor.TruncateModeBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a TruncateMode property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
TruncateModeAccessor.TruncateModeMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a TruncateMode property.
TruncateModeAccessor.TruncateModeProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a TruncateMode property.
TypeAccessor<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a type property.
TypeAccessor.TypeBuilder<T,​B extends TypeAccessor.TypeBuilder<T,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a type property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
TypeAccessor.TypeMutator<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a type property.
TypeAccessor.TypeProperty<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a type property.


UniversalIdAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a UID property.
UniversalIdAccessor.UniversalIdBuilder<B extends UniversalIdAccessor.UniversalIdBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a Universal-TID property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
UniversalIdAccessor.UniversalIdMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a UID property.
UniversalIdAccessor.UniversalIdProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a UID property.
unlock() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Lockable
Unlocks the implementing instance.


ValidAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a valid property.
ValidAccessor.ValidBuilder<B extends ValidAccessor.ValidBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder for a valid property.
ValidAccessor.ValidMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a valid property.
ValidAccessor.ValidProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a valid property.
Validatable<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
The Interface Validatable.
ValueAccessor<V> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides access to a value property for e.g. key/value-pair.
ValueAccessor.ValueBuilder<V,​B extends ValueAccessor.ValueBuilder<V,​B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a the property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
ValueAccessor.ValueMutator<V> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the ValueAccessor with a setter method.
ValueAccessor.ValueProperty<V> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Extends the ValueAccessor with a setter method.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.refcodes.mixin.ConcatenateMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.refcodes.mixin.TruncateMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.refcodes.mixin.VerifyMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.refcodes.mixin.ConcatenateMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.refcodes.mixin.TruncateMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.refcodes.mixin.VerifyMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VerboseAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a verbose property.
VerboseAccessor.VerboseMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a verbose property.
VerboseAccessor.VerboseProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a verbose property.
VerifyMode - Enum in org.refcodes.mixin
The verify-mode determines (when supported) whether an algorithm verifies its result before proceeding.
VerifyModeAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a verify mode property.
VerifyModeAccessor.VerifyModeBuilder<B extends VerifyModeAccessor.VerifyModeBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a verify mode property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
VerifyModeAccessor.VerifyModeMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a verify mode property.
VerifyModeAccessor.VerifyModeProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a verify mode property.


waitForResult() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ResultAccessor
Waits for the result.
WaitTimeInMsAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a wait time in milliseconds property.
WaitTimeInMsAccessor.WaitTimeInMsBuilder<B extends WaitTimeInMsAccessor.WaitTimeInMsBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a wait time attribute in milliseconds returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
WaitTimeInMsAccessor.WaitTimeInMsMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a wait time in milliseconds property.
WaitTimeInMsAccessor.WaitTimeInMsProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a wait time in milliseconds property.
warn(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Loggable
Logs a log message with log priority WARN.
warn(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Loggable
Logs a log message with log priority WARN.
withAction(A) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ActionAccessor.ActionBuilder
Sets the action for the action property.
withAdaptee(ADAPTEE) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.AdapteeAccessor.AdapteeBuilder
Sets the adaptee for the adaptee property.
withAlias(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.AliasAccessor.AliasBuilder
Sets the alias for the alias property.
withAlias(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData.EventMetaDataBuilder
Sets the alias for the alias property.
withAnnotator(char) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.AnnotatorAccessor.AnnotatorBuilder
Sets the annotator character for the annotator character property being the character denoting (prefixing) an annotation's name.
withArray(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ArrayAccessor.ArrayBuilder
Sets the array for the array property.
withBlockSize(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BlockSizeAccessor.BlockSizeBuilder
Sets the block size for the block size property.
withBody(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BodyAccessor.BodyBuilder
Sets the body for the body property.
withBottomDividerEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridBuilder
Sets the box's bottom divider edge character, "┴".
withBottomLeftEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridBuilder
Sets the box's bottom left edge character, for example "└".
withBottomLine(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridBuilder
Sets the box's bottom line character, for example "─".
withBottomRightEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridBuilder
Sets the box's bottom right edge character, for example "┘".
withCategory(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.CategoryAccessor.CategoryBuilder
Sets the category for the category property.
withChannel(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ChannelAccessor.ChannelBuilder
Sets the channel for the channel property.
withChannel(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData.EventMetaDataBuilder
Sets the channel for the channel property.
withChar(char) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.CharAccessor.CharBuilder
Sets the char for the char property.
withCharSet(char[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.CharSetAccessor.CharSetBuilder
Sets the charSet for the char set property.
withChild(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ChildAccessor.ChildBuilder
Sets the child for the child property.
withChildren(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ChildrenAccessor.ChildrenBuilder
Sets the children for the children property.
withCode(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.CodeAccessor.CodeBuilder
Sets the code for the the property.
withColumnWidth(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ColumnWidthAccessor.ColumnWidthBuilder
Sets the column width for the column width property.
withConcatenateMode(ConcatenateMode) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ConcatenateModeAccessor.ConcatenateModeBuilder
Sets the ConcatenateMode for the ConcatenateMode property.
withDecoratee(DECORATEE) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DecorateeAccessor.DecorateeBuilder
Sets the decoratee for the decoratee property.
withDecreaseIndex() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.IndexAccessor.IndexBuilder
Decreases the index.
withDecryptPrefix(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DecryptPrefixAccessor.DecryptPrefixBuilder
Sets the Decrypt-Prefix for the Decrypt-Prefix property.
withDelimiter(char) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DelimiterAccessor.DelimiterBuilder
Sets the delimiter for the delimiter property.
withDescription(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DescriptionAccessor.DescriptionBuilder
Sets the description for the description property.
withDividerEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridBuilder
Sets the box's divider edge character, for example "┼".
withDividerLine(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridBuilder
Sets the box's divider line character, for example "│".
withDomain(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DomainAccessor.DomainBuilder
Sets the domain to use and returns this builder as of the builder pattern.
withEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EnabledAccessor.EnabledBuilder
withEncoded(byte[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EncodedAccessor.EncodedBuilder
Sets the encoded representation for the encoded property.
withEncoding(E) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EncodingAccessor.EncodingBuilder
Sets the encoding for the encoding property.
withEncryptPrefix(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EncryptPrefixAccessor.EncryptPrefixBuilder
Sets the Encrypt-Prefix for the Encrypt-Prefix property.
withErrorPrintStream(PrintStream) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ErrorPrintStreamAccessor.ErrorPrintStreamBuilder
Sets the error PrintStream to use and returns this builder as of the Builder-Pattern.
withEscapeCodesEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EscapeCodesStatusAccessor.EscapeCodeStatusBuilder
withFamily(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FamilyAccessor.FamilyBuilder
Sets the family for the family property.
withFilenameExtension(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FilenameExtensionAccessor.FilenameExtensionBuilder
Sets the filename extension for the filename extension property.
withFilenameExtensions(String[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FilenameExtensionsAccessor.FilenameExtensionsBuilder
Sets the filenames extension for the filenames extension property.
withFilenameSuffix(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FilenameSuffixAccessor.FilenameSuffixBuilder
Sets the filename suffix for the filename suffix property.
withFilenameSuffixes(String[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FilenameSuffixesAccessor.FilenameSuffixesBuilder
Sets the filenames extension for the filenames extension property.
withFullName(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.FullNameAccessor.FullNameBuilder
Sets the full name for the full name property.
withGroup(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData.EventMetaDataBuilder
Sets the group for the group property.
withGroup(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.GroupAccessor.GroupBuilder
Sets the group for the group property.
withHeader(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.HeaderAccessor.HeaderBuilder
Sets the header for the header property.
withIdentity(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.IdentityAccessor.IdentityBuilder
Sets the identity for the identity property.
withIdentity(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.IdAccessor.IdBuilder
Sets the ID for the ID property.
withIncreaseIndex() - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.IndexAccessor.IndexBuilder
Increases the index.
withIndex(long) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.IndexAccessor.IndexBuilder
Sets the index for the index property.
withInnerLine(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridBuilder
Sets the box's inner line character, for example "─".
withInputStream(InputStream) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.InputStreamAccessor.InputStreamBuilder
Sets the input stream to use and returns this builder as of the Builder-Pattern.
withInstanceId(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.InstanceIdAccessor.InstanceIdBuilder
Sets the instance TID for the instance TID property.
withKey(K) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor.KeyBuilder
Sets the key for the key property.
withLeftEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridBuilder
Sets the box's left edge character, for example "├".
withLeftLine(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridBuilder
Sets the box's left line character, for example "│".
withLength(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.LengthAccessor.LengthBuilder
Sets the length for the length property.
withLocator(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.LocatorAccessor.LocatorBuilder
Sets the locator for the locator property.
withMagicBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MagicBytesAccessor.MagicBytesBuilder
Sets the magic bytes for the magic bytes property.
withMagicBytes(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MagicBytesAccessor.MagicBytesBuilder
Sets the magic bytes for the magic bytes property.
withMagicBytes(String, Charset) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MagicBytesAccessor.MagicBytesBuilder
Sets the magic bytes for the magic bytes property.
withMagicNumberentity(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MagicNumberAccessor.MagicNumberBuilder
Sets the magic number for the magic number property.
withMaxValue(V) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MaxValueAccessor.MaxValueBuilder
Sets the maximum value for the the property.
withMetaData(MD) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MetaDataAccessor.MetaDataBuilder
Sets the Meta-Data for the Meta-Data property.
withMinValue(V) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MinValueAccessor.MinValueBuilder
Sets the minimum value for the the property.
withName(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.NameAccessor.NameBuilder
Sets the name for the name property.
withNamespace(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.NamespaceAccessor.NamespaceBuilder
Sets the namespace for the namespace property.
withNumber(V) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.NumberAccessor.NumberBuilder
Sets the number for the the property.
withObject(Object) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ObjectAccessor.ObjectBuilder
Sets the object for the object property.
withOffset(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.OffsetAccessor.OffsetBuilder
Sets the offset for the offset property.
withOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.OutputStreamAccessor.OutputStreamBuilder
Sets the output stream to use and returns this builder as of the Builder-Pattern.
withPacketSize(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PacketSizeAccessor.PacketSizeBuilder
Sets the packet size for the packet size property.
withPath(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PathAccessor.PathBuilder
Sets the path to use and returns this builder as of the builder pattern.
withPattern(Pattern) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PatternAccessor.PatternBuilder
Sets the pattern to use and returns this builder as of the builder pattern.
withPayload(P) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PayloadAccessor.PayloadBuilder
Sets the payload for the payload property.
withPercent(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PercentAccessor.PercentBuilder
Sets the % for the % property.
withPort(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PortAccessor.PortBuilder
Sets the port for the port property.
withPrefix(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PrefixAccessor.PrefixBuilder
Sets the prefix for the prefix property.
withPrintStream(PrintStream) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PrintStreamAccessor.PrintStreamBuilder
Sets the print stream to use and returns this builder as of the Builder-Pattern.
withPublisherType(Class<?>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData.EventMetaDataBuilder
The least common denominator in event Meta-Data is the type of the publisher which gives a hint on the source of the event.
withReadTimeoutInMs(long) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ReadTimeoutInMsAccessor.ReadTimeoutInMsBuilder
Sets the number for the the property.
withReferencee(REFERENCEE) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ReferenceeAccessor.ReferenceeBuilder
Sets the referencee for the referencee property.
withRequest(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.RequestAccessor.RequestBuilder
Sets the request for the request property.
withResetEscapeCode(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ResetEscapeCodeAccessor.ResetEscapeCodeBuilder
Sets the reset Escape-Code for the reset Escape-Code property.
withResponse(RES) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ResponseAccessor.ResponseBuilder
Sets the response for the response property.
withResult(RES) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ResultAccessor.ResultBuilder
Sets the result for the result property.
withRetryCount(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.RetryCountAccessor.RetryCountBuilder
Sets the count of retries for the retries count property.
withRetryNumber(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.RetryNumberAccessor.RetryNumberBuilder
Sets the number of retries for the retry number.
withRightEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridBuilder
Sets the box's right edge character, for example "┤".
withRightLine(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridBuilder
Sets the box row's right line character, for example "│".
withRowHeight(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.RowHeightAccessor.RowHeightBuilder
Sets the row height for the row height property.
withRowWidth(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.RowWidthAccessor.RowWidthBuilder
Sets the rows width to use returns this builder as of the builder pattern.
withSecret(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.SecretAccessor.SecretBuilder
Sets the secret for the secret property.
withSize(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.SizeAccessor.SizeBuilder
Sets the size for the size property.
withStandardPrintStream(PrintStream) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.StandardPrintStreamAccessor.StandardPrintStreamBuilder
Sets the standard PrintStream to use and returns this builder as of the Builder-Pattern.
withStatus(S) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.StatusAccessor.StatusBuilder
Sets the state for the state property.
withStatusCode(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.StatusCodeAccessor.StatusCodeBuilder
Sets the status code for the status code property.
withStyle(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.StyleAccessor.StyleBuilder
Sets the style for the style property.
withSuffix(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.SuffixAccessor.SuffixBuilder
Sets the suffix for the suffix property.
withTail(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TailAccessor.TailBuilder
Sets the tail for the tail property.
withText(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TextAccessor.TextBuilder
Sets the text for the text property.
withTimeInMs(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TimeInMsAccessor.TimeInMsBuilder
Sets the milliseconds for the milliseconds property.
withTimeoutInMs(long) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TimeoutInMsAccessor.TimeoutInMsBuilder
Sets the number for the the property.
withTimeStamp(double) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TimeStampAccessor.TimeStampBuilder
Sets the time stamp for the time stamp property.
withTitle(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TitleAccessor.TitleBuilder
Sets the title for the title property.
withToken(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TokenAccessor.TokenBuilder
Sets the token for the token property.
withTopDividerEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridBuilder
Sets the box's top divider edge character, for example "┬".
withTopLeftEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridBuilder
Sets the box's top left edge character, for example "┌".
withTopLine(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridBuilder
Sets the box's top line character, for example "─" .
withTopRightEdge(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGrid.BoxGridBuilder
Sets the box's top right edge character, for example "┐".
withTrim(boolean) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TrimAccessor.TrimBuilder
Builder method for the TrimAccessor.TrimMutator.setTrim(boolean) method.
withTruncateMode(TruncateMode) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TruncateModeAccessor.TruncateModeBuilder
Sets the TruncateMode for the TruncateMode property.
withType(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TypeAccessor.TypeBuilder
Sets the type for the type property.
withUniversalId(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData.EventMetaDataBuilder
Sets the Universal-TID for the Universal-TID property.
withUniversalId(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.UniversalIdAccessor.UniversalIdBuilder
Sets the Universal-TID for the Universal-TID property.
withValid(boolean) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ValidAccessor.ValidBuilder
Builder method for the ValidAccessor.ValidMutator.setValid(boolean) method.
withValue(V) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ValueAccessor.ValueBuilder
Sets the value for the the property.
withVerifyMode(VerifyMode) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.VerifyModeAccessor.VerifyModeBuilder
Sets the verify mode for the verify mode property.
withWaitTimeInMs(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.WaitTimeInMsAccessor.WaitTimeInMsBuilder
Builder method for the wait time attribute in milliseconds.
withWriteTimeoutInMs(long) - Method in interface org.refcodes.mixin.WriteTimeoutInMsAccessor.WriteTimeoutInMsBuilder
Sets the number for the the property.
WriteTimeoutInMsAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides an accessor for a write timeout in milliseconds property.
WriteTimeoutInMsAccessor.WriteTimeoutInMsBuilder<B extends WriteTimeoutInMsAccessor.WriteTimeoutInMsBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a builder method for a the property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
WriteTimeoutInMsAccessor.WriteTimeoutInMsMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a mutator for a write timeout in milliseconds property.
WriteTimeoutInMsAccessor.WriteTimeoutInMsProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.mixin
Provides a write timeout in milliseconds property.


_alias - Variable in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataImpl
_bottomDividerEdge - Variable in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
_bottomLeftEdge - Variable in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
_bottomLine - Variable in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
_bottomRightEdge - Variable in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
_channel - Variable in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataImpl
_dividerEdge - Variable in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
_dividerLine - Variable in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
_group - Variable in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataImpl
_innerLine - Variable in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
_leftEdge - Variable in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
_leftLine - Variable in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
_publisherType - Variable in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataImpl
_rightEdge - Variable in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
_rightLine - Variable in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
_topDividerEdge - Variable in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
_topLeftEdge - Variable in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
_topLine - Variable in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
_topRightEdge - Variable in class org.refcodes.mixin.BoxGridImpl
_uid - Variable in class org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaDataImpl
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