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The AcknowledgeMode determines the mode of operation regarding acknowledging hop count and send message transmissions.
The SerialP2PHeader represents a P2PHeader optimized for local microcontroller wiring (networks) and microcontroller memory layout: The visited hops are serialized and deserialized in the tail of the SerialP2PMessage as this makes append the last hop easier for devices with small memory buffers.
Basic implementation of the P2PMessage optimized for local area microcontroller wiring (networks) and microcontroller memory layout: The hops are serialized and deserialized in the tail of the SerialP2PMessage as this makes append the last hop easier for devices with small memory buffers.
The SerialP2PMessageConsumer implements a P2PMessageConsumer optimized for local area microcontroller wiring (networks) and microcontroller memory layout.
The SerialP2PTail represents a P2PHeader optimized for local microcontroller wiring (networks) and microcontroller memory layout: The hops (as of AbstractP2PTail.getHops() are serialized and deserialized in the tail of the SerialP2PMessage suffixed with the CRC checksum, as this makes append the last hop and recalculate the CRC checksum easier for devices with small memory buffers.
The SerialP2PTransmissionMetrics provides additional metrics for the SerialPeerProxy to communicate over the HandshakePortController.
Builder to build TransmissionMetrics instances.
The SerialPeer implements a Peer optimized for local area microcontroller wiring (networks) and microcontroller memory layout.
The SerialPeerProxy implements a PeerProxy optimized for local area microcontroller wiring (networks) and microcontroller memory layout using serial Port instances.
The SerialPeerRouter definition defines a PeerRouter optimized for local area microcontroller wiring (networks) and microcontroller memory layout.