All Classes and Interfaces

Decorates the provided Properties and delegates method calls to them Properties.
Base class for various ResourceProperties implementations using a ResourceProperties.ResourcePropertiesBuilder instance under the hood.
Implementation of the mutable ResourceProperties.ResourcePropertiesBuilder interface.
Decorates the provided ResourceProperties and delegates method calls to them ResourceProperties.
The ArgsProperties takes them command line arguments "as is" and converts them into key/value pairs as of the Properties semantics.
Base exception for the configuration artifact.
Extension of the Properties type overwriting methods in order to access the operating system's environment variables as of env on Linux or Unix shells or set on Windows machines (e.g."
Implementation of the ResourceProperties interface with support of so called "Java properties" (or just "properties").
Implementation of the ResourceProperties.ResourcePropertiesBuilder interface with support of so called "Java properties" (or just "properties").
Implementation of the ResourceProperties interface with support of so called "JSON properties".
Implementation of the ResourceProperties.ResourcePropertiesBuilder interface with support of so called "JSON properties" (or just "properties").
The NormalizedPropertiesDecorator type decorates a Properties instance and converts a path delimiter such as the full-stop (".") to the Properties properties' path delimiter slash ("/", as of AbstractPropertiesDecorator.getDelimiter()).
Implementation of the ResourceProperties interface with support of so called "PolyglotProperties" (or just "properties").
The PolyglotProperties.PolyglotPropertiesFactory is a meta factory using a collection of ResourcePropertiesFactory instances to deliver ResourceProperties instances.
Implementation of the ResourceProperties.ResourcePropertiesBuilder interface with support of so called "PolyglotPropertiesBuilder" (or just "properties").
The ProfileProperties extend the Properties with Runtime-Profiles support.
The Interface MutableProfileProperties.
The Interface ProfilePropertiesBuilder.
The ProfilePropertiesDecorator type decorates a Properties instance and enriches it with profile support as of ProfileProperties.
The ProfilePropertiesProjection applies the profiles as of ProfileProperties.getRuntimeProfiles() onto the encapsulated Properties (ProfileProperties) and provides a view of them Properties (ProfileProperties) from the profiles' point of view e.g. as when profiles have been applied to them Properties (ProfileProperties).
The Properties are a https://www.metacodes.proization of the Dictionary.
The interface Properties.MutableProperties defines "dirty" methods allowing to modify ("mutate") the properties.
The interface Properties.PropertiesBuilder defines builder functionality on top of the properties .
Provides an accessor for a Properties property.
Provides a builder method for a Properties property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a Properties property.
Provides a Properties property.
The Class PropertiesBuilderImpl.
The Class PropertiesImpl.
The currently known notations for ResourceProperties implementations.
Provides an accessor for a PropertiesNotation property.
Provides a builder method for a PropertiesNotation property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a PropertiesNotation property.
Provides a PropertiesNotation property.
Enumeration representing defined path values.
Defines a meta-interface in order to retrieve properties from various different properties sources (Properties instances) by querying all the herein contained Properties instances in the order of them being added.
The interface PropertiesPrecedence.MutablePropertiesPrecedence defines "dirty" methods allowing to modify ("mutate") the PropertiesPrecedence: Add or remove Properties inside a PropertiesPrecedence instance.
The interface PropertiesPrecedence.MutablePropertiesPrecedence defines builder functionality on top of the properties .
Retrieve properties from various different properties sources (Properties instances) by querying all the herein contained Properties instances in the order of them being added.
Declarative syntactic sugar which may be statically imported in order to allow declarative definitions for the construction of Properties precedences using ProfilePropertiesDecorator, ProfilePropertiesProjection, ResourceProperties or PropertiesPrecedenceComposite (and the like).
Mode of operation regarding the ResourceProperties.reload(ReloadMode) method.
This interface provides builder additions (as of the builder pattern for chained configuring method calls) for "dynamic" ResourceProperties: As ResourceProperties are immutable from an interface's point of view, there are no mutating methods provided.
The ResourceProperties are a https://www.metacodes.proization of the Dictionary.
The interface ResourceProperties.MutableResoureProperties defines "dirty" methods allowing to modify ("mutate") the ResourceProperties.
The interface ResourceProperties.ResourcePropertiesBuilder defines builder functionality on top of the ResourceProperties.MutableResoureProperties.
Factory interface for creating ResourceProperties instances.
Factory interface for creating ResourceProperties.ResourcePropertiesBuilder instances.
The ScheduledResourceProperties enrich ResourceProperties with scheduling functionality whereby the properties are being automatically reloaded periodically via ResourceProperties.reload(ReloadMode).
The interface ScheduledResourceProperties.ScheduledMuableResourceProperties defines "dirty" methods allowing to modify ("mutate") the ScheduledResourceProperties.
The ScheduledResourcePropertiesDecorator decorates ResourceProperties from which the properties are to be reloaded periodically via AbstractResourcePropertiesDecorator.reload(ReloadMode).
The StrictProperties extends the Properties with all the getters to throw a KeyNotFoundRuntimeException instead of returning null in case the key was not found.
The Interface MutableStrictProperties.
The Interface StrictPropertiesBuilder.
The StrictPropertiesDecorator type decorates a Properties instance with all the getters to throw a KeyNotFoundRuntimeException instead of returning null in case the key was not found.
Extension of the Properties type overwriting methods in order to access system properties as passed via the "-Dkey=value" when launching the JVM ( -Dconsole.width=220) The keys are transformed to a system properties by removing a prefixed "/" path delimiter (as of Properties.getDelimiter() and converting all other path delimiters "/" to the system property's (de facto standard) separator ".".
Implementation of the ResourceProperties interface with support of so called "TOML properties".
Implementation of the ResourceProperties.ResourcePropertiesBuilder interface with support of so called "TOML properties".
Implementation of the ResourceProperties interface with support of so called "XML properties".
Implementation of the ResourceProperties.ResourcePropertiesBuilder interface with support of so called "XML properties" (or just "properties").
Implementation of the ResourceProperties interface with support of so called "YAML properties".
Implementation of the ResourceProperties.ResourcePropertiesBuilder interface with support of so called "YAML properties" (or just "properties").