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AmbiguousProxyException - Exception in org.refcodes.remoting
Thrown in case a proxy for a given type was requested but more than one proxy matched the requested type.
AmbiguousProxyException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.AmbiguousProxyException
AmbiguousProxyException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.AmbiguousProxyException
AmbiguousProxyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.AmbiguousProxyException
AmbiguousProxyException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.AmbiguousProxyException
AmbiguousProxyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.AmbiguousProxyException
AmbiguousProxyException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.AmbiguousProxyException


ClassDescriptor - Class in org.refcodes.remoting
The most common information to be provided when describing an object residing in a RemoteServer and which is linked to a RemoteClient.
ClassDescriptor() - Constructor for class org.refcodes.remoting.ClassDescriptor
Creates a new ClassDescriptor object.
ClassDescriptor(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.remoting.ClassDescriptor
Constructs a ClassDescriptor instance with the given attributes.
ClassDescriptor(ClassDescriptor) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.remoting.ClassDescriptor
Constructs a ClassDescriptor instance from the provided ClassDescriptor instance.
clear() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.ClassDescriptor
Same as Clearable.clear().
clear() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
clear() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteServer
ClientMessage - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
The Interface ClientMessage.
close() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
close() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteServer
close(CloseConnectionMessage) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
Closes the Remote upon a received CloseConnectionMessage.
close(CloseConnectionMessage) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteServer
Closes the Remote upon a received CloseConnectionMessage.


destroy() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
destroy() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteServer
digest(Message) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
The AbstractRemote.digest(Message) method is invoked in order to trigger processing of the provided Message, e.g. start execution depending on the Message instance being provided from the outside.
digest(Message) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteServer
The AbstractRemote.digest(Message) method is invoked in order to trigger processing of the provided Message, e.g. start execution depending on the Message instance being provided from the outside.
doSendJob(Message) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
For testing purposes, any job can be manually pushed into the job process to the receiver.
doSendJob(Message) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteServer
For testing purposes, any job can be manually pushed into the job process to the receiver.
DuplicateInstanceIdRuntimeException - Exception in org.refcodes.remoting
DuplicateInstanceIdRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.DuplicateInstanceIdRuntimeException
DuplicateInstanceIdRuntimeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.DuplicateInstanceIdRuntimeException
DuplicateInstanceIdRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.DuplicateInstanceIdRuntimeException
DuplicateInstanceIdRuntimeException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.DuplicateInstanceIdRuntimeException
DuplicateInstanceIdRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.DuplicateInstanceIdRuntimeException
DuplicateInstanceIdRuntimeException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.DuplicateInstanceIdRuntimeException
DuplicateSessionIdRuntimeException - Exception in org.refcodes.remoting
DuplicateSessionIdRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.DuplicateSessionIdRuntimeException
DuplicateSessionIdRuntimeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.DuplicateSessionIdRuntimeException
DuplicateSessionIdRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.DuplicateSessionIdRuntimeException
DuplicateSessionIdRuntimeException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.DuplicateSessionIdRuntimeException
DuplicateSessionIdRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.DuplicateSessionIdRuntimeException
DuplicateSessionIdRuntimeException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.DuplicateSessionIdRuntimeException


fromSender(Message) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
Provides an Message from another sender to this receiver.


getArgumentArray() - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.MethodRequest
Returns the arguments to be passed to the method which in turn will be invoked on the target object.
getArgumentTypeArray() - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.MethodRequest
Returns an array of Class objects that represent the formal parameter types, in declaration order, of the method represented by this Method object.
getExecutorService() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
Hook method for retrieving the ExecutorService.
getInstanceDescriptor() - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.InstanceDescriptorAccessor
Retrieves the ClassDescriptor from the ClassDescriptor property.
getInstanceId() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.ClassDescriptor
getMethodName() - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.MethodRequest
Returns the name of the method represented by this method object, as a String.
getProxy() - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.ProxyAccessor
Retrieves the proxy from the proxy property.
getProxy(Class<T>) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
Returns the proxy which can be cast to the given type.
getReturnValue() - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.Reply
Returns the return value of a method call.
getSessionId() - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.SessionIdAccessor
Retrieves the sessionId from the session ID property.
getSubject() - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.SubjectAccessor
Retrieves the subject from the subject property.
getType() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.ClassDescriptor


hasProxy(Class<?>) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
Returns true if there is at least one proxy of the given type.
hasProxy(Object) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
Returns true if the provided proxy is contained inside the RemoteClient.
hasReply() - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.Reply
Returns true if this reply is not empty and waiting to be feeded with a reply.
hasSubject(Object) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteServer
Returns true if the provided subject is contained inside this RemoteServer.


InstanceDescriptorAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
Provides an accessor for a ClassDescriptor property.
InstanceDescriptorAccessor.InstanceDescriptorBuilder<B extends InstanceDescriptorAccessor.InstanceDescriptorBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
Provides a builder method for the according property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
InstanceDescriptorAccessor.InstanceDescriptorMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
Provides a mutator for a ClassDescriptor property.
InstanceDescriptorAccessor.InstanceDescriptorProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
Provides a ClassDescriptor property.
InstanceId - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
The InstanceId associates an instance ID to instances of the refcodes-remoting frame.
InvalidMethodReplyRuntimeException - Exception in org.refcodes.remoting
Thrown in case the provided Message sub-type was not expected and cannot be processed.
InvalidMethodReplyRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.InvalidMethodReplyRuntimeException
InvalidMethodReplyRuntimeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.InvalidMethodReplyRuntimeException
InvalidMethodReplyRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.InvalidMethodReplyRuntimeException
InvalidMethodReplyRuntimeException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.InvalidMethodReplyRuntimeException
InvalidMethodReplyRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.InvalidMethodReplyRuntimeException
InvalidMethodReplyRuntimeException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.InvalidMethodReplyRuntimeException
InvalidMethodRequestRuntimeException - Exception in org.refcodes.remoting
InvalidMethodRequestRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.InvalidMethodRequestRuntimeException
InvalidMethodRequestRuntimeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.InvalidMethodRequestRuntimeException
InvalidMethodRequestRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.InvalidMethodRequestRuntimeException
InvalidMethodRequestRuntimeException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.InvalidMethodRequestRuntimeException
InvalidMethodRequestRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.InvalidMethodRequestRuntimeException
InvalidMethodRequestRuntimeException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.InvalidMethodRequestRuntimeException
isBusy() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
isBusy() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteServer
isDestroyed() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
Hook to support the Destroyable interface, determines the destroyed status property; set to true when Destroyable.destroy() is called.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
isEmpty() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteServer
isException() - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.Reply
Returns true if the reply carries an exception which occurred when executing the method call.
isOpenable(DatagramTransceiver<Serializable>) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
isReturnValue() - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.Reply
Returns true if the reply carries a valid return value.


letInstanceDescriptor(ClassDescriptor) - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.InstanceDescriptorAccessor.InstanceDescriptorProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given ClassDescriptor (setter) as of InstanceDescriptorAccessor.InstanceDescriptorMutator.setInstanceDescriptor(ClassDescriptor) and returns the very same value (getter).
letProxy(P) - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.ProxyAccessor.ProxyProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of ProxyAccessor.ProxyMutator.setProxy(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).
letSessionId(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.SessionIdAccessor.SessionIdProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given String (setter) as of SessionIdAccessor.SessionIdMutator.setSessionId(String) and returns the very same value (getter).
letSubject(S) - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.SubjectAccessor.SubjectProperty
This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs: Sets the given value (setter) as of SubjectAccessor.SubjectMutator.setSubject(Object) and returns the very same value (getter).


Message - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
The Message is the base definition for any job required by the inter process communication as done by the refcodes-remoting artifact.
MethodRequest - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
The Interface MethodRequest.


NoSuchProxyException - Exception in org.refcodes.remoting
Thrown in case a proxy for a given type was requested but not any proxy matched the requested type.
NoSuchProxyException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.NoSuchProxyException
NoSuchProxyException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.NoSuchProxyException
NoSuchProxyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.NoSuchProxyException
NoSuchProxyException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.NoSuchProxyException
NoSuchProxyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.NoSuchProxyException
NoSuchProxyException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.NoSuchProxyException


onClosed() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
Hook when the connection has been closed.
onOpened() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
Hook when the connection has been opened.
onProxyPublished(Object) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
Hook when a proxy has been published.
onProxySignedOff(Object) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
Hook when a proxy has been signed-off.
onPublishProxy(Class<?>) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
Hook when a proxy is about to be published.
onSubjectPublished(Object) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteServer
Hook when a subject has been published.
onSubjectSignedOff(Object) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteServer
Hook when a subject has been signed-off.
open(DatagramTransceiver<Serializable>) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
org.refcodes.remoting - module org.refcodes.remoting
org.refcodes.remoting - package org.refcodes.remoting
This artifact is a lightweight RPC remote procedure call toolkit (you may also call it an IPC inter process communication toolkit).


proxies() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
Returns a read-only iterator containing all the proxy objects previously being published.
ProxyAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
Provides an accessor for a proxy property.
ProxyAccessor.ProxyBuilder<B extends ProxyAccessor.ProxyBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
Provides a builder method for the according property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
ProxyAccessor.ProxyMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
Provides a mutator for a proxy property.
ProxyAccessor.ProxyProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
Provides a proxy property.
ProxyDisposedRuntimeException - Exception in org.refcodes.remoting
This is a predictable exception.
ProxyDisposedRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.ProxyDisposedRuntimeException
ProxyDisposedRuntimeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.ProxyDisposedRuntimeException
ProxyDisposedRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.ProxyDisposedRuntimeException
ProxyDisposedRuntimeException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.ProxyDisposedRuntimeException
ProxyDisposedRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.ProxyDisposedRuntimeException
ProxyDisposedRuntimeException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.ProxyDisposedRuntimeException
publishSubject(Object) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteServer
Publishes an object to any RemoteClient connected to the RemoteServer.


Remote - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
The Remote interface defines the basic functionality in common for both the RemoteClient and the RemoteServer.
RemoteClient - Class in org.refcodes.remoting
A RemoteClient promotes subjects to be operated on by a RemoteServer.
RemoteClient() - Constructor for class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
Default constructor of the RemoteClient will use a default ExecutorService.
RemoteClient(ExecutorService) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
Instantiates a new RemoteClient instance with the given ExecutorService to be used.
RemoteServer - Class in org.refcodes.remoting
A RemoteServer promotes subjects to be operated on by RemoteClient instances.
RemoteServer() - Constructor for class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteServer
Default constructor of the RemoteServer will use a default ExecutorService.
RemoteServer(ExecutorService) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteServer
Instantiates a new RemoteServer instance with the given ExecutorService to be used.
RemotingException - Exception in org.refcodes.remoting
RemotingException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.RemotingException
RemotingException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.RemotingException
RemotingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.RemotingException
RemotingException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.RemotingException
RemotingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.RemotingException
RemotingException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.RemotingException
RemotingRuntimeException - Exception in org.refcodes.remoting
RemotingRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.RemotingRuntimeException
RemotingRuntimeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.RemotingRuntimeException
RemotingRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.RemotingRuntimeException
RemotingRuntimeException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.RemotingRuntimeException
RemotingRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.RemotingRuntimeException
RemotingRuntimeException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.RemotingRuntimeException
Reply - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
The Interface Reply.


SerializeUtility - Class in org.refcodes.remoting
Utility providing useful serialization methods.
ServerMessage - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
The Interface ServerMessage.
Session - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
The Session associates an ID String to sessions of request and reply pairs.
SessionIdAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
Provides an accessor for a session ID property.
SessionIdAccessor.SessionIdBuilder<B extends SessionIdAccessor.SessionIdBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
Provides a builder method for a the according property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
SessionIdAccessor.SessionIdMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
Provides a mutator for a session ID property.
SessionIdAccessor.SessionIdProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
Provides a session ID property.
setClass(Class<?>) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.ClassDescriptor
Sets the class.
setClassDescriptor(ClassDescriptor) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.ClassDescriptor
Sets the class descriptor.
setException(Throwable) - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.Reply
setInstanceDescriptor(ClassDescriptor) - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.InstanceDescriptorAccessor.InstanceDescriptorMutator
Sets the ClassDescriptor for the ClassDescriptor property.
setInstanceId(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.ClassDescriptor
Sets the instance id.
setProxy(P) - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.ProxyAccessor.ProxyMutator
Sets the proxy for the proxy property.
setReply(Reply) - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.Reply
Sets a reply.
setReturnValue(Object) - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.Reply
Sets the return value.
setSessionId(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.SessionIdAccessor.SessionIdMutator
Sets the session ID for the sessionId property.
setSubject(S) - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.SubjectAccessor.SubjectMutator
Sets the subject for the subject property.
signOffProxy(Object) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
Signs off an instance previously published using the publishClassDescriptor() method.
signOffSubject(Object) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteServer
Tries to sign off the (previously published) subject, this can be vetoed in case the subject is still in use by a RemoteClient.
signOffSubject(Object, int) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteServer
Signs off the (previously published) subject, this be vetoed even in case the subject is still in use by a RemoteClient, but the veto will only delay the sign off by the given timeout.
size() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
size() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteServer
SubjectAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
Provides an accessor for a subject property.
SubjectAccessor.SubjectBuilder<B extends SubjectAccessor.SubjectBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
Provides a builder method for the according property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
SubjectAccessor.SubjectMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
Provides a mutator for a subject property.
SubjectAccessor.SubjectProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.remoting
Provides a subject property.
subjects() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteServer
Returns an (immutable) iterator containing all the proxy objects previously being published.


toReceiver(Message) - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.RemoteClient
Forwards an Message from this sender to another receiver.
toSerializable(Object) - Static method in class org.refcodes.remoting.SerializeUtility
Converts instances of common non-serializable types such as Iterator and ListIterator into serializable instances.
toString() - Method in class org.refcodes.remoting.ClassDescriptor


UnknownInstanceIdRuntimeException - Exception in org.refcodes.remoting
Thrown in case an instance ID has been provided which is unknown by the processing instance.
UnknownInstanceIdRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.UnknownInstanceIdRuntimeException
UnknownInstanceIdRuntimeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.UnknownInstanceIdRuntimeException
UnknownInstanceIdRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.UnknownInstanceIdRuntimeException
UnknownInstanceIdRuntimeException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.UnknownInstanceIdRuntimeException
UnknownInstanceIdRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.UnknownInstanceIdRuntimeException
UnknownInstanceIdRuntimeException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.remoting.UnknownInstanceIdRuntimeException


withInstanceDescriptor(ClassDescriptor) - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.InstanceDescriptorAccessor.InstanceDescriptorBuilder
Sets the value for the ClassDescriptor property.
withProxy(P) - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.ProxyAccessor.ProxyBuilder
Sets the value for the proxy property.
withSessionId(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.SessionIdAccessor.SessionIdBuilder
Sets the value for the sessionId property.
withSubject(S) - Method in interface org.refcodes.remoting.SubjectAccessor.SubjectBuilder
Sets the value for the subject property.
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