
This artifact extends the refcodes-security toolkit with JCA (Java Cryptography Architecture) support as of the ChaosProvider, the ChaosKeyGenerator and the ChaosCipherSpi types.

Please refer to the refcodes-security: Chaos-based encryption as Java cryptographic extension (and without) documentation for an up-to-date and detailed description on the usage of this artifact.

Thanks to Christian Pontesegger's very good examples on Writing your own JCA extensions - a full cipher and Writing your own JCA extensions - a simple digest!
  • Classes
    Thanks Christian Pontesegger for the very good example on "Writing your own JCA extensions - a full cipher" at: "" and for the very good example on "Writing your own JCA extensions - a simple digest " at: ""
    Thanks Christian Pontesegger for the very good example on "Writing your own JCA extensions - a full cipher" at: "" and for the very good example on "Writing your own JCA extensions - a simple digest " at: ""
    Thanks Christian Pontesegger for the very good example on "Writing your own JCA extensions - a full cipher" at: "" and for the very good example on "Writing your own JCA extensions - a simple digest " at: ""