Uses of Interface

  • Uses of Text in org.refcodes.textual

    Classes in org.refcodes.textual with type parameters of type Text
    Modifier and Type Interface Description
    interface  Text<B extends Text<B>>
    The Interface Text.
    Classes in org.refcodes.textual that implement Text
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  AsciiArtBuilder
    ASCII-Art as of the AsciiArtBuilder is represented by an array of String instances "visualizing" a given text (rendered with the given Font) or image as so called ASCII_HEADER_ASCII_BODY art.
    class  EscapeTextBuilder
    The EscapeTextBuilder provides means to "escape" and "unescape" text, e.g. simple marshaling and unmarshaling.
    class  HorizAlignTextBuilder
    Fills a text up on by appending the given char to the left or to the the right or inbetween till the given length is reached.
    class  MoreTextBuilder
    A builder for processing a text with the given width applied and the given MoreTextMode applied.
    class  OverwriteTextBuilder
    Overwrites a text with another one to the the right or to the left.
    class  ReplaceTextBuilder
    Plain find/replace utility not(!)
    class  SecretHintBuilder
    Dangerous builder for printing secret text such as passwords or pass-phrases or keys without unveiling too much of the secret information with still being able to say if the correct secret is being displayed.
    class  TextBlockBuilder
    Builds a text block according to the configuration.
    class  TextBorderBuilder
    "Draws" a border around a text.
    class  TruncateTextBuilder
    Strips given characters from text's left hand side or right hand side or both.
    class  VertAlignTextBuilder
    Fills a text up on by appending the given char to the left or to the the right or inbetween till the given length is reached.