All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for normalizing name classes.
Includes attributes and child elements before any RELAX NG element.
A Resolver that uses OASIS XML catalogs.
A SchemaFactory that supports RELAX NG Compact Syntax.
Some useful constants for the names of schema languages.
Datatype object.
Creates a user-defined type by adding parameters to the pre-defined type.
Signals Datatype related exceptions.
A Datatype library
Factory class for the DatatypeLibrary class.
Discovers the datatype library implementation from the classpath.
Datatype streaming validator.
Extracts the default values for attributes and notifies a listener for each value.
Receives notification of default values.
Div<P,L,EA,CL extends CommentList<L>,A extends Annotations<L,EA,CL>>
An ErrorHandler implementing a brutal error handling policy.
A class with a unique value, used as the value of properties whose significance is purely whether or not they are present in the PropertyMap.
A PropertyId whose value is not significant.
Grammar<P,L,EA,CL extends CommentList<L>,A extends Annotations<L,EA,CL>>
Include<P,L,EA,CL extends CommentList<L>,A extends Annotations<L,EA,CL>>
Thrown to indicate an XML document is not a correct schema, either because the XML document is not well-formed or because it fails to be correct in some other way.
Computes the normalized intersection of zero or more name classes.
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain 16-bit unicode characters.
An XMLReaderCreator that uses JAXP 1.1 to create XMLReaders.
Ant task to validate XML files using RELAX NG or other schema languages.
A straightforward default implementation of LSInput.
A RELAX NG pattern that can be matched against an XML document.
Provides method to load a MatchablePattern by parsing.
Extends ValidationContext to provide information about which namespace URI is bound to a prefix.
Represents the state of matching an XML document against a RELAX NG pattern.
A RELAX NG name class.
Normalizes a name classes.
A NormalizedNameClass that includes an any name wildcard.
Base class for all implementations of com.thaiopensource.relaxng.match.NameClass.
A NormalizedNsNameClass that contains one or more namespace wildcards.
A Schema receiver factory that knows how to create NVDL schema receivers.
Dummy implementation of DatatypeBuilder.
Parseable<P,NC,L,EA,CL extends CommentList<L>,A extends Annotations<L,EA,CL>>
Simple generic class to hold a reference to an object.
Implements a function on a pattern that returns the set of required elements.
A wrapper for a ResolverException to allow it to be passed up by the catalog parser.
XXX maybe get rid of this
Rewindable implementation over a reader.
An XMLReaderCreator that creates XMLReaders using the SAX2 XMLReaderFactory.
A schema that can be used to validate an XML document.
An extension to the Schema abstract class.
A factory for RELAX NG schemas.
Extends the SchemaFactory abstract class.
A SchemaFactory that supports RELAX NG.
A SchemaReader object is immutable and can thus be safely accessed concurrently from multiple threads.
A factory for SchemaReader.
A SchemaReaderFactory that automatically discovers SchemaReader implementations.
Properties for controlling schema reading and validation specific to Schematron.
Scope<P,L,EA,CL extends CommentList<L>,A extends Annotations<L,EA,CL>>
Dummy implementation of DatatypeStreamingValidator.
A PropertyId whose value is constrained to be an instance of String.
SubParser<P,NC,L,EA,CL extends CommentList<L>,A extends Annotations<L,EA,CL>>
Derived classes of Identifier should implement this when they have a "target namespace".
Stores trigger information.
Normalizes the union of zero or more name classes.
Selectively percent-encodes characters in a URI.
Utility functions for working with UTF-8.
Provides common properties to control reading schemas and validation.
An interface that must be implemented by caller to provide context information that is necessary to perform validation of some Datatypes.
Provides a simplified API for validating XML documents against schemas.
A producer of SAX events.
Validates an XML document with respect to a schema.
Adds some convenience methods to Validator.
Extension to ValidatorHandler.
An Identifier for an XML document.
A factory for XMLReaders.
A SchemaFactory that supports RELAX NG with the original XML syntax.