Class ResultSetToTuple


public class ResultSetToTuple
extends java.lang.Object
Tools for creating Tuple-derived classes from ResultSetS and for turning ResultSetS into Tuple-derived instances for processing directly or as a List or Stream.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    static interface  ResultSetToTuple.AttributeReceiver
    A functional interface for defining lambda expressions that do something with an attribute name and an attribute type.
    static interface  ResultSetToTuple.TupleProcessor<T extends Tuple>
    FunctionalInterface to define lambdas for processing each Tuple in a ResultSet.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static TupleTypeGenerator.GenerateResult createTuple​(java.lang.String codeDir, java.lang.String packageSpec, java.lang.String tupleName, java.sql.ResultSet results, Customisations customisations)
    Given a target code directory and a desired Tuple class name, and a ResultSet, generate a Tuple class to host the ResultSet.
    static TupleTypeGenerator.GenerateResult createTupleForUpdate​(java.lang.String codeDir, java.lang.String packageSpec, java.lang.String tupleName, java.sql.ResultSet results, Customisations customisations, java.lang.String tableName)
    Given a target code directory and a desired UpdatableTuple class name, and a ResultSet, generate an UpdatableTuple class to host the ResultSet.
    static boolean destroyTuple​(java.lang.String codeDir, java.lang.String packageSpec, java.lang.String tupleName)
    Eliminate the tuple with a given name.
    static Response<java.lang.Class<?>> obtainTypeOfFirstColumnOfResultSet​(java.sql.ResultSet results, Customisations customisations)
    Obtain the type of the first column of a ResultSet.
    static <T extends Tuple>
    process​(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet, java.lang.Class<T> tupleType, ResultSetToTuple.TupleProcessor<T> tupleProcessor)
    Iterate a ResultSet, unmarshall each row into a Tuple, and pass it to a TupleProcessor for processing.
    static <T extends UpdatableTuple>
    processForUpdate​(Database database, java.sql.ResultSet resultSet, java.lang.Class<T> tupleType, ResultSetToTuple.TupleProcessor<T> tupleProcessor)
    Iterate a ResultSet, unmarshall each row into a Tuple, and pass it to a TupleProcessor for processing.
    static void processResultSetAttributes​(java.sql.ResultSet results, Customisations customisations, ResultSetToTuple.AttributeReceiver receiver)
    Do something with each attribute (i.e., name/class pair) of a ResultSet.
    static <T extends Tuple>
    toList​(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet, java.lang.Class<T> tupleType)
    Convert a ResultSet to a List of TupleS.
    static <T extends UpdatableTuple>
    toListForUpdate​(Database database, java.sql.ResultSet resultSet, java.lang.Class<T> tupleType)
    Convert a ResultSet to a List of UpdatableTupleS, each configured for a possible future update.
    static <T extends Tuple><T>
    toStream​(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet, java.lang.Class<T> tupleType)
    Convert a ResultSet to a Stream of TupleS.
    static <T extends UpdatableTuple><T>
    toStreamForUpdate​(Database database, java.sql.ResultSet resultSet, java.lang.Class<T> tupleType)
    Convert a ResultSet to a Stream of UpdatableTupleS, each configured for a possible future update.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • ResultSetToTuple

      public ResultSetToTuple()
  • Method Details

    • processResultSetAttributes

      public static void processResultSetAttributes​(java.sql.ResultSet results, Customisations customisations, ResultSetToTuple.AttributeReceiver receiver) throws java.sql.SQLException, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
      Do something with each attribute (i.e., name/class pair) of a ResultSet.
      results - A ResultSet.
      customisations - Customisations for specific DBMS types.
      receiver - The lambda that will receive each attribute.
      java.sql.SQLException - thrown if there is a problem retrieving ResultSet metadata.
      java.lang.ClassNotFoundException - thrown if a column class specified in the ResultSet metadata can't be loaded.
    • obtainTypeOfFirstColumnOfResultSet

      public static Response<java.lang.Class<?>> obtainTypeOfFirstColumnOfResultSet​(java.sql.ResultSet results, Customisations customisations)
      Obtain the type of the first column of a ResultSet. Used in ValueOf.
      results - A ResultSet.
      customisations - Customisations for specific DBMS types.
      The type of the first column of the ResultSet, or an error, wrapped in a Response.
    • createTupleForUpdate

      public static TupleTypeGenerator.GenerateResult createTupleForUpdate​(java.lang.String codeDir, java.lang.String packageSpec, java.lang.String tupleName, java.sql.ResultSet results, Customisations customisations, java.lang.String tableName) throws java.sql.SQLException, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
      Given a target code directory and a desired UpdatableTuple class name, and a ResultSet, generate an UpdatableTuple class to host the ResultSet. This will normally be invoked in a setup/build phase run.
      codeDir - Directory where source code will be stored.
      packageSpec - The package, in dotted notation, to which the Tuple belongs.
      tupleName - Name of new UpdatableTuple class.
      results - ResultSet to be used to create the new UpdatableTuple class.
      customisations - Customisations for specific DBMS types.
      tableName - Name of table this Tuple maps to. Null if not mapped to a table.
      Result of Tuple generation.
      java.sql.SQLException - thrown if there is a problem retrieving ResultSet metadata.
      java.lang.ClassNotFoundException - thrown if a column class specified in the ResultSet metadata can't be loaded.
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if an argument is null
    • createTuple

      public static TupleTypeGenerator.GenerateResult createTuple​(java.lang.String codeDir, java.lang.String packageSpec, java.lang.String tupleName, java.sql.ResultSet results, Customisations customisations) throws java.sql.SQLException, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
      Given a target code directory and a desired Tuple class name, and a ResultSet, generate a Tuple class to host the ResultSet. This will normally be invoked in a setup/build phase run.
      codeDir - Directory where source code will be stored.
      packageSpec - The package, in dotted notation, to which the Tuple belongs.
      tupleName - Name of new Tuple class.
      results - ResultSet to be used to create the new Tuple class.
      customisations - Customisations for specific DBMS types.
      Result of Tuple generation.
      java.sql.SQLException - thrown if there is a problem retrieving ResultSet metadata.
      java.lang.ClassNotFoundException - thrown if a column class specified in the ResultSet metadata can't be loaded.
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if an argument is null
    • process

      public static <T extends Tuple> void process​(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet, java.lang.Class<T> tupleType, ResultSetToTuple.TupleProcessor<T> tupleProcessor) throws java.lang.Throwable
      Iterate a ResultSet, unmarshall each row into a Tuple, and pass it to a TupleProcessor for processing.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Tuple type.
      resultSet - ResultSet to iterate
      tupleType - tuple type
      tupleProcessor - tuple processor
      java.lang.SecurityException - thrown if tuple constructor is not accessible
      java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - thrown if tuple constructor doesn't exist
      java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class, or if there is a type mismatch assigning tuple field values, or a null argument
      java.lang.IllegalAccessException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class
      java.lang.InstantiationException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class
      java.sql.SQLException - thrown if accessing ResultSet fails
      java.lang.NoSuchFieldException - thrown if a given ResultSet field name cannot be found in the Tuple
      java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - thrown af a Tuple cannot be cloned to create a backup
    • processForUpdate

      public static <T extends UpdatableTuple> void processForUpdate​(Database database, java.sql.ResultSet resultSet, java.lang.Class<T> tupleType, ResultSetToTuple.TupleProcessor<T> tupleProcessor) throws java.lang.Throwable
      Iterate a ResultSet, unmarshall each row into a Tuple, and pass it to a TupleProcessor for processing.
      Type Parameters:
      T - UpdatableTuple type.
      database - The Database that issued the query that produced the ResultSet.
      resultSet - ResultSet to iterate
      tupleType - tuple type
      tupleProcessor - tuple processor
      java.lang.SecurityException - thrown if tuple constructor is not accessible
      java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - thrown if tuple constructor doesn't exist
      java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class, or if there is a type mismatch assigning tuple field values, or a null argument
      java.lang.IllegalAccessException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class
      java.lang.InstantiationException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class
      java.sql.SQLException - thrown if accessing ResultSet fails
      java.lang.NoSuchFieldException - thrown if a given ResultSet field name cannot be found in the Tuple
      java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - thrown af a Tuple cannot be cloned to create a backup
    • toList

      public static <T extends Tuple> java.util.List<T> toList​(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet, java.lang.Class<T> tupleType) throws java.lang.Throwable
      Convert a ResultSet to a List of TupleS.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Tuple type.
      resultSet - ResultSet to iterate
      tupleType - tuple type
      List<? extends Tuple> List of tuples returned
      java.lang.SecurityException - thrown if tuple constructor is not accessible
      java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - thrown if tuple constructor doesn't exist
      java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class, or if there is a type mismatch assigning tuple field values, or null arguments
      java.lang.IllegalAccessException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class
      java.lang.InstantiationException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class
      java.sql.SQLException - thrown if accessing ResultSet fails
      java.lang.NoSuchFieldException - thrown if a given ResultSet field name cannot be found in the Tuple
      java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - thrown af a Tuple cannot be cloned to create a backup
    • toListForUpdate

      public static <T extends UpdatableTuple> java.util.List<T> toListForUpdate​(Database database, java.sql.ResultSet resultSet, java.lang.Class<T> tupleType) throws java.lang.Throwable
      Convert a ResultSet to a List of UpdatableTupleS, each configured for a possible future update.
      Type Parameters:
      T - UpdatableTuple type.
      database - The Database that issued the query that produced the ResultSet.
      resultSet - ResultSet to iterate
      tupleType - tuple type
      List<? extends UpdatableTuple> List of tuples returned
      java.lang.SecurityException - thrown if tuple constructor is not accessible
      java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - thrown if tuple constructor doesn't exist
      java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class, or if there is a type mismatch assigning tuple field values, or null arguments
      java.lang.IllegalAccessException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class
      java.lang.InstantiationException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class
      java.sql.SQLException - thrown if accessing ResultSet fails
      java.lang.NoSuchFieldException - thrown if a given ResultSet field name cannot be found in the Tuple
      java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - thrown af a Tuple cannot be cloned to create a backup
    • toStream

      public static <T extends Tuple><T> toStream​(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet, java.lang.Class<T> tupleType) throws java.lang.Throwable
      Convert a ResultSet to a Stream of TupleS.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Tuple type.
      resultSet - source ResultSet
      tupleType - subclass of Tuple. Each row will be converted to a new instance of this class.
      Stream<? extends Tuple>.
      java.lang.SecurityException - thrown if tuple constructor is not accessible
      java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - thrown if tuple constructor doesn't exist
      java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class, or if there is a type mismatch assigning tuple field values, or null arguments
      java.lang.IllegalAccessException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class
      java.lang.InstantiationException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class
      java.sql.SQLException - thrown if accessing ResultSet fails
      java.lang.NoSuchFieldException - thrown if a given ResultSet field name cannot be found in the Tuple
      java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - thrown af a Tuple cannot be cloned to create a backup
    • toStreamForUpdate

      public static <T extends UpdatableTuple><T> toStreamForUpdate​(Database database, java.sql.ResultSet resultSet, java.lang.Class<T> tupleType) throws java.lang.Throwable
      Convert a ResultSet to a Stream of UpdatableTupleS, each configured for a possible future update.
      Type Parameters:
      T - UpdatableTuple type.
      database - The Database that issued the query that produced the ResultSet.
      resultSet - source ResultSet
      tupleType - subclass of UpdatableTuple. Each row will be converted to a new instance of this class.
      Stream<? extends UpdatableTuple>.
      java.lang.SecurityException - thrown if tuple constructor is not accessible
      java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - thrown if tuple constructor doesn't exist
      java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class, or if there is a type mismatch assigning tuple field values, or null arguments
      java.lang.IllegalAccessException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class
      java.lang.InstantiationException - thrown if unable to instantiate tuple class
      java.sql.SQLException - thrown if accessing ResultSet fails
      java.lang.NoSuchFieldException - thrown if a given ResultSet field name cannot be found in the Tuple
      java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - thrown af a Tuple cannot be cloned to create a backup
    • destroyTuple

      public static boolean destroyTuple​(java.lang.String codeDir, java.lang.String packageSpec, java.lang.String tupleName)
      Eliminate the tuple with a given name.
      codeDir - Directory where source code will be stored.
      packageSpec - The package, in dotted notation, to which the Tuple belongs.
      tupleName - Name of tuple class.
      True if source code and generated class have been deleted.