Interface MultiFileCopier

    • Method Detail

      • copyFiles

        default java.lang.String[] copyFiles​(ExecutionContext context,
                                             java.util.List<> files,
                                             java.lang.String remotePath,
                                             INodeEntry node)
                                      throws FileCopierException
        Copy multiple files to the node, the default implementation will use MultiFileCopierUtil.copyMultipleFiles(FileCopier, ExecutionContext, File, List, String, INodeEntry)
        context - context
        basedir - local base directory to determine relative paths of copied files
        files - list of local files to copy, must all be somewhere within the basedir
        remotePath - remote directory path to copy file(s) to, using relative paths from the basedir as subpaths appended to the remote path
        node - node
        File paths of the files after copying to the node
        FileCopierException - if an error occurs