Class ResourceXMLParser

  • public class ResourceXMLParser
    extends java.lang.Object
    ResourceXMLParser parses a resources.xml formatted file, and provides several interfaces for using the result data.
    The parse() method parses the configured File as a sequence of ResourceXMLParser.Entity objects, one for each entry in the file. It passes these objects to any configured ResourceXMLReceiver object. One should be set using setReceiver(ResourceXMLReceiver) to receive parsed entities or the entire entity set.
    The default entityXpath property value is set to match all entity types in the resource xml (node|setting|package|deployment), but this can be set to any Xpath to limit the entities that are parsed from the document. (e.g. "node|package" or "node[@name='mynode']").
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  ResourceXMLParser.Entity
      Represents a parsed resource entity in the xml, which consists of a name property, a type property, and a set of name/value properties.
      static class  ResourceXMLParser.EntitySet
      Contains the set of parsed entities from the document.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.lang.String DEFAULT_ENTITY_XPATH  
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      ResourceXMLParser​( file)
      Constructor for the ResourceXMLParser
      ResourceXMLParser​( input)
      Constructor for the ResourceXMLParser
      ResourceXMLParser​(org.dom4j.Document doc)
      Constructor for the ResourceXMLParser
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_ENTITY_XPATH
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ResourceXMLParser

        public ResourceXMLParser​( file)
        Constructor for the ResourceXMLParser
        file - source file
      • ResourceXMLParser

        public ResourceXMLParser​( input)
        Constructor for the ResourceXMLParser
        input - source file
      • ResourceXMLParser

        public ResourceXMLParser​(org.dom4j.Document doc)
        Constructor for the ResourceXMLParser
        doc - source document
    • Method Detail

      • createEntityResolver

        public static org.xml.sax.EntityResolver createEntityResolver()
      • reportNodeErrorLocation

        protected static java.lang.String reportNodeErrorLocation​(org.dom4j.Node e)
        Return a String describing the DOM node's location and parent type name
        e - the node
        string describing xpath location and parent "type" element name
      • getReceiver

        public ResourceXMLReceiver getReceiver()
        Return the ResourceXMLReceiver
        the ResourceXMLReceiver