Interface ZipAware

  • public interface ZipAware
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean archiveZip​(String siteId)
      Compress a site archive to a zip.
      String mergeZip​(String zipFilePath, String siteId, String siteCreatorId)
      Read in an archived set of resources, and merge the entries into the specified site, and set site creator name Allows a ZIP file to be used instead of the site archive directory
    • Method Detail

      • mergeZip

        String mergeZip​(String zipFilePath,
                        String siteId,
                        String siteCreatorId)
        Read in an archived set of resources, and merge the entries into the specified site, and set site creator name Allows a ZIP file to be used instead of the site archive directory
        zipFilePath - The archived site as a zip file
        siteId - The id of the site to merge the content into.
        siteCreatorId - the site creator Id
        A log of messages from the merge.
      • archiveZip

        boolean archiveZip​(String siteId)
                    throws IOException
        Compress a site archive to a zip. Note that the site must have already been archived!
        siteId - - id of site that was archived
        true if zip successful, false if not.