



package filters

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ClassExclusionFilter(classPattern: String) extends JDIRequestFilter with Product with Serializable


    Represents a filter used to limit requests to any class not specified by this filter.

    Represents a filter used to limit requests to any class not specified by this filter. Requests are checked by verifying the class containing the current method being invoked.


    Classes whose names do not match this pattern will be excluded, can only take normal characters and wildcard "*", meaning "*.Foo" or "java.*"


    Only used by AccessWatchpointRequest, ClassPrepareRequest, ClassUnloadRequest, ExceptionRequest, MethodEntryRequest, MethodExitRequest, ModificationWatchpointRequest, MonitorContendedEnteredRequest, MonitorContendedEnterRequest, MonitorWaitedRequest, MonitorWaitRequest, and StepRequest.

  2. case class ClassInclusionFilter(classPattern: String) extends JDIRequestFilter with Product with Serializable


    Represents a filter used to limit requests to only classes specified by this filter.

    Represents a filter used to limit requests to only classes specified by this filter. Requests are checked by verifying the class containing the current method being invoked.


    Classes whose names do match this pattern will be included, can only take normal characters and wildcard "*", meaning "*.Foo" or "java.*"


    Only used by AccessWatchpointRequest, ClassPrepareRequest, ClassUnloadRequest, ExceptionRequest, MethodEntryRequest, MethodExitRequest, ModificationWatchpointRequest, MonitorContendedEnteredRequest, MonitorContendedEnterRequest, MonitorWaitedRequest, MonitorWaitRequest, and StepRequest.

  3. case class ClassReferenceFilter(referenceType: ReferenceType) extends JDIRequestFilter with Product with Serializable


    Represents a filter used to limit requests to a specific class reference.

    Represents a filter used to limit requests to a specific class reference. Requests are checked by verifying the class containing the current method being invoked.


    The reference type of the class to filter by


    Only used by AccessWatchpointRequest, ClassPrepareRequest, ExceptionRequest, MethodEntryRequest, MethodExitRequest, ModificationWatchpointRequest, MonitorContendedEnteredRequest, MonitorContendedEnterRequest, MonitorWaitedRequest, MonitorWaitRequest, and StepRequest.

  4. case class CountFilter(count: Int) extends JDIRequestFilter with Product with Serializable


    Represents a filter used to restrict events until the specific event has been reached "count" times.

    Represents a filter used to restrict events until the specific event has been reached "count" times. In other words, the first count-1 occurrences of the event will not be triggered.

    Furthermore, the event will only be triggered once, meaning that setting a count filter to 1 will cause the event to only fire once (on the first time the event is reached).


    The event will not be triggered the first "count - 1" times

  5. case class InstanceFilter(objectReference: ObjectReference) extends JDIRequestFilter with Product with Serializable


    Represents a filter used to limit requests to a specific instance of a class.

    Represents a filter used to limit requests to a specific instance of a class.


    The object reference used to specify the instance


    Only used by AccessWatchpointRequest, BreakpointRequest, ExceptionRequest, MethodEntryRequest, MethodExitRequest, ModificationWatchpointRequest, MonitorContendedEnteredRequest, MonitorContendedEnterRequest, MonitorWaitedRequest, MonitorWaitRequest, and StepRequest.

  6. trait JDIRequestFilter extends JDIRequestArgument


    Represents a filter for a JDI Request.

  7. trait JDIRequestFilterProcessor extends JDIRequestProcessor


    Represents a processor for a JDI Event Filter.

  8. case class SourceNameFilter(sourceNamePattern: String) extends JDIRequestFilter with Product with Serializable


    Represents a filter used to limit requests to reference types with whom a source name matches the specified pattern.

    Represents a filter used to limit requests to reference types with whom a source name matches the specified pattern.


    Reference types with source names that do match this pattern will be included, can only take normal characters and wildcard "*", meaning "*.Foo" or "java.*"


    Only used by ClassPrepareEvent.

  9. case class ThreadFilter(threadReference: ThreadReference) extends JDIRequestFilter with Product with Serializable


    Represents a filter used to limit requests to a specific thread.

    Represents a filter used to limit requests to a specific thread.


    The thread reference used to specify the thread


    Only used by AccessWatchpointRequest, BreakpointRequest, ExceptionRequest, MethodEntryRequest, MethodExitRequest, ModificationWatchpointRequest, MonitorContendedEnteredRequest, MonitorContendedEnterRequest, MonitorWaitedRequest, MonitorWaitRequest, ThreadDeathEvent, and ThreadStartEvent.

Value Members

  1. package processors

