Lift-JSON Serializer
to serialize EdgeParameters
to JSON arrays of the form
["<n1>","<n2>"] and reversely where <n1> and <n2> represent the node-Ids.
This custom serializer is to be registered whenever a class to be (de)serialized
contains on or more Graph
This custom serializer is to be registered whenever a class to be (de)serialized
contains on or more Graph
For usage see
Lift-JSON Serializer
to serialize HyperEdgeParameters
to JSON arrays of the form
and reversely where <n1>...<nn>
represent the node-Ids.
Lift-JSON Serializer
to serialize LEdgeParameters
to JSON arrays of the form
["<n1>", "<n2>",
Lift-JSON Serializer
to serialize LHyperEdgeParameters
to JSON arrays of the form
[ ["<n1>",...,"<nn>"],
#define LSERIALIZER one or more lift-json custom Serializer
s for labels.
Lift-JSON Serializer
to serialize WEdgeParameters
to JSON arrays of the form
["<n1>", "<n2>", <weight>]
and reversely where <n1>
and <n2>
represent the node-Ids
and <weight>
a JSON number mapping to Long
Lift-JSON Serializer
to serialize WHyperEdgeParameters
to JSON arrays of the form
[ ["<n1>",...,"<nn>"], <weight> ]
and reversely where <n1>...<nn>
represent the
node-Ids and <weight>
is a JInt
Lift-JSON Serializer
to serialize WLEdgeParameters
to JSON arrays of the form
["<n1>", "<n2>", <weight>,
Lift-JSON Serializer
to serialize WLHyperEdgeParameters
to JSON arrays of the form
[ ["<n1>",...,"<nn>"], <weight>,
converting from/to unnamed JSON values and edge data containers (parameters) covering all predefined edge types. They allow to save space as default Lift-JSON serializers would require the JSON text to contain JFields for every node and edge.