

class JSCodePhase extends StdPhase with JSExportsPhase

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. JSCodePhase
  2. JSExportsPhase
  3. StdPhase
  4. GlobalPhase
  5. Phase
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new JSCodePhase(prev: Phase)

Type Members

  1. type Id = Int

    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. object MaybeAsInstanceOf

  5. object WrapArray

  6. def apply(cunit: G.CompilationUnit): Unit

    Generates the Scala.js IR for a compilation unit This method iterates over all the class and interface definitions found in the compilation unit and emits their IR (.sjsir).

    Generates the Scala.js IR for a compilation unit This method iterates over all the class and interface definitions found in the compilation unit and emits their IR (.sjsir).

    Some classes are never actually emitted:

    • Classes representing primitive types
    • The scala.Array class
    • Implementation classes for JS traits

    Some classes representing anonymous functions are not actually emitted. Instead, a temporary representation of their apply method is built and recorded, so that it can be inlined as a JavaScript anonymous function in the method that instantiates it.

    Other ClassDefs are emitted according to their nature: * Non-native JS class -> genNonNativeJSClass() * Other JS type (<: js.Any) -> genJSClassData() * Interface -> genInterface() * Implementation class -> genImplClass() * Normal class -> genClass()

    Definition Classes
    JSCodePhase → GlobalPhase
  7. final def applyPhase(unit: G.CompilationUnit): Unit

    Definition Classes
  8. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  9. def cancelled(unit: G.CompilationUnit): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  10. def checkable: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  11. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  12. val currentClassSym: ScopedVar[G.Symbol]

  13. def description: String

    Definition Classes
    JSCodePhase → Phase
  14. def ensureBoxed(expr: Tree, tpeEnteringPosterasure: G.Type)(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

    Ensures that the value of the given tree is boxed.

    Ensures that the value of the given tree is boxed.


    Tree to be boxed if needed.


    The type of expr as it was entering the posterasure phase.

  15. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  16. def equals(other: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    Phase → AnyRef → Any
  17. def erasedTypes: Boolean

    Definition Classes
    GlobalPhase → Phase
  18. def exprToStat(tree: Tree): Tree

    Turn a JavaScript expression of type Unit into a statement

  19. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  20. def flagMask: Long

    Definition Classes
  21. def flatClasses: Boolean

    Definition Classes
    GlobalPhase → Phase
  22. val fmask: Long

    Definition Classes
  23. def fromAny(expr: Tree, tpeEnteringPosterasure: G.Type)(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

    Extracts a value typed as Any to the given type after posterasure.

    Extracts a value typed as Any to the given type after posterasure.


    Tree to be extracted.


    The type of expr as it was entering the posterasure phase.

  24. def genAnonJSClassNew(sym: G.Symbol, jsSuperClassValue: Tree, args: List[TreeOrJSSpread], pos: G.Position): Tree

    Generate an instance of an anonymous (non-lambda) JS class inline

    Generate an instance of an anonymous (non-lambda) JS class inline


    Class to generate the instance of


    JS class value of the super class


    Arguments to the constructor


    Position of the original New tree

  25. def genApply(tree: G.Apply, isStat: Boolean): Tree

    Gen JS code for an Apply node (method call)

    Gen JS code for an Apply node (method call)

    There's a whole bunch of varieties of Apply nodes: regular method calls, super calls, constructor calls, isInstanceOf/asInstanceOf, primitives, JS calls, etc. They are further dispatched in here.

  26. def genApplyJSClassMethod(receiver: Tree, method: G.Symbol, arguments: List[Tree])(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

  27. def genApplyMethod(receiver: Tree, method: G.Symbol, arguments: List[Tree])(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

    Gen JS code for a call to a Scala method.

  28. def genApplyMethodMaybeStatically(receiver: Tree, method: G.Symbol, arguments: List[Tree])(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

  29. def genApplyMethodStatically(receiver: Tree, method: G.Symbol, arguments: List[Tree])(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

  30. def genApplyStatic(method: G.Symbol, arguments: List[Tree])(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

  31. def genArrayValue(tree: G.Tree): Tree

    Gen JS code for an array literal.

  32. def genAsInstanceOf(value: Tree, to: G.Type)(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

    Gen JS code for an asInstanceOf cast (for reference types only)

  33. def genClass(cd: G.ClassDef): ClassDef

    Gen the IR ClassDef for a class definition (maybe a module class).

  34. def genClassFields(cd: G.ClassDef): List[FieldDef]

    Gen definitions for the fields of a class.

    Gen definitions for the fields of a class. The fields are initialized with the zero of their types.

  35. def genConstructorExports(classSym: G.Symbol): List[TopLevelMethodExportDef]

    Definition Classes
  36. def genEqEqPrimitive(ltpe: G.Type, rtpe: G.Type, lsrc: Tree, rsrc: Tree)(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

    Gen JS code for a call to Any.==

  37. def genExposedFieldIRType(f: G.Symbol): Type

  38. def genExpr(name: JSName)(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

  39. def genExpr(tree: G.Tree): Tree

    Gen JS code for a tree in expression position (in the IR).

  40. def genExprOrGlobalScope(tree: G.Tree): MaybeGlobalScope

    Gen JS code for a tree in expression position (in the IR) or the global scope.

  41. def genImplClass(cd: G.ClassDef): ClassDef

    Gen the IR ClassDef for an implementation class (of a trait).

  42. def genInterface(cd: G.ClassDef): ClassDef

    Gen the IR ClassDef for an interface definition.

  43. def genIsInstanceOf(value: Tree, to: G.Type)(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

    Gen JS code for an isInstanceOf test (for reference types only)

  44. def genJSArrayToVarArgs(arrayRef: Tree)(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

    Wraps a js.Array to use as varargs.

  45. def genJSClassCapturesAndConstructor(classSym: G.Symbol, constructorTrees: List[G.DefDef]): (Option[List[ParamDef]], MethodDef)

  46. def genJSClassData(cd: G.ClassDef): ClassDef

    Gen the IR ClassDef for a JS class or trait.

  47. def genJSClassDispatchers(classSym: G.Symbol, dispatchMethodsNames: List[JSName]): List[MemberDef]

    Definition Classes
  48. def genJSClassExports(classSym: G.Symbol): List[TopLevelJSClassExportDef]

    Definition Classes
  49. def genJSConstructorExport(alts: List[G.Symbol]): (Option[List[ParamDef]], MethodDef)

    Definition Classes
  50. def genJSFunction(cd: G.ClassDef, captures: List[Tree]): Tree

    Gen JS code for a JS function class.

    Gen JS code for a JS function class.

    This is called when emitting a ClassDef that represents an anonymous class extending js.FunctionN. These are generated by the SAM synthesizer when the target type is a js.FunctionN. Since JS functions are not classes, we deconstruct the ClassDef, then reconstruct it to be a genuine Closure.

    Compared to tryGenAnonFunctionClass(), this function must always succeed, because we really cannot afford keeping them as anonymous classes. The good news is that it can do so, because the body of SAM lambdas is hoisted in the enclosing class. Hence, the apply() method is just a forwarder to calling that hoisted method.

    From a class looking like this:

    final class <anon>(outer, capture1, ..., captureM) extends js.FunctionN[...] { def apply(param1, ..., paramN) = { outer.lambdaImpl(param1, ..., paramN, capture1, ..., captureM) } } new <anon>(o, c1, ..., cM)

    we generate a function:

    lambda<o, c1, ..., cM>[notype]( outer, capture1, ..., captureM, param1, ..., paramN) { outer.lambdaImpl(param1, ..., paramN, capture1, ..., captureM) }

  51. def genLabelDef(tree: G.LabelDef): Tree

    Gen JS code for LabelDef The only LabelDefs that can reach here are the desugaring of while and do..while loops.

    Gen JS code for LabelDef The only LabelDefs that can reach here are the desugaring of while and do..while loops. All other LabelDefs (for tail calls or matches) are caught upstream and transformed in ad hoc ways.

    So here we recognize all the possible forms of trees that can result of while or do..while loops, and we reconstruct the loop for emission to JS.

  52. def genLoadModule(sym0: G.Symbol)(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

    Generate loading of a module value.

    Generate loading of a module value.

    Can be given either the module symbol or its module class symbol.

    If the module we load refers to the global scope (i.e., it is annotated with @JSGlobalScope), report a compile error specifying that a global scope object should only be used as the qualifier of a .-selection.

  53. def genLoadModuleOrGlobalScope(sym0: G.Symbol)(implicit pos: G.Position): MaybeGlobalScope

    Generate loading of a module value or the global scope.

    Generate loading of a module value or the global scope.

    Can be given either the module symbol of its module class symbol.

    Unlike genLoadModule, this method does not fail if the module we load refers to the global scope.

  54. def genMatch(tree: G.Tree, isStat: Boolean): Tree

    Gen JS code for a Match, i.e., a switch-able pattern match.

    Gen JS code for a Match, i.e., a switch-able pattern match.

    In most cases, this straightforwardly translates to a Match in the IR, which will eventually become a switch in JavaScript.

    However, sometimes there is a guard in here, despite the fact that matches cannot have guards (in the JVM nor in the IR). The JVM backend emits a jump to the default clause when a guard is not fulfilled. We cannot do that, since we do not have arbitrary jumps. We therefore use a funny encoding with two nested Labeled blocks. For example,

    x match {
    case 1 if y > 0 => a
    case 2          => b
    case _          => c

    arrives at the back-end as

    x match {
    case 1 =>
      if (y > 0)
    case 2 =>
    case _ =>
      default() {

    which we then translate into the following IR:

    matchResult[I]: {
    default[V]: {
      x match {
        case 1 =>
          return(matchResult) if (y > 0)
            return(default) (void 0)
        case 2 =>
          return(matchResult) b
        case _ =>
  55. def genMemberExportOrDispatcher(classSym: G.Symbol, jsName: JSName, isProp: Boolean, alts: List[G.Symbol], static: Boolean): MemberDef

    Definition Classes
  56. def genMemberExports(classSym: G.Symbol): List[MemberDef]

    Generates exported methods and properties for a class.

    Generates exported methods and properties for a class.


    symbol of the class we export for

    Definition Classes
  57. def genMethod(dd: G.DefDef): Option[MethodDef]

  58. def genMethodDef(namespace: MemberNamespace, methodName: PropertyName, paramsSyms: List[G.Symbol], resultIRType: Type, tree: G.Tree, optimizerHints: OptimizerHints): MethodDef

    Generates the MethodDef of a (non-constructor) method

    Generates the MethodDef of a (non-constructor) method

    Most normal methods are emitted straightforwardly. If the result type is Unit, then the body is emitted as a statement. Otherwise, it is emitted as an expression.

    The additional complexity of this method handles the transformation of a peculiarity of recursive tail calls: the local ValDef that replaces this.

  59. def genMethodWithCurrentLocalNameScope(dd: G.DefDef): Option[MethodDef]

    Gen JS code for a method definition in a class or in an impl class.

    Gen JS code for a method definition in a class or in an impl class. On the JS side, method names are mangled to encode the full signature of the Scala method, as described in JSEncoding, to support overloading.

    Some methods are not emitted at all: * Primitives, since they are never actually called (with exceptions) * Abstract methods * Constructors of hijacked classes * Methods with the


    annotation mixed in classes.

    Constructors are emitted by generating their body as a statement.

    Interface methods with the


    annotation produce default methods forwarding to the trait impl class method.

    Other (normal) methods are emitted with genMethodDef().

    @JavaDefaultMethod }}} default methods forwarding to the trait impl class method.

    Other (normal) methods are emitted with genMethodDef().

    @JavaDefaultMethod }}}

    Constructors are emitted by generating their body as a statement.

    Interface methods with the


    annotation produce default methods forwarding to the trait impl class method.

    Other (normal) methods are emitted with genMethodDef().

    @JavaDefaultMethod }}} default methods forwarding to the trait impl class method.

    Other (normal) methods are emitted with genMethodDef().

  60. def genModuleAccessorExports(classSym: G.Symbol): List[TopLevelExportDef]

    Definition Classes
  61. def genNew(cls: ClassRef, ctor: G.Symbol, arguments: List[Tree])(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

    Gen JS code for a call to a Scala class constructor.

  62. def genNew(clazz: G.Symbol, ctor: G.Symbol, arguments: List[Tree])(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

    Gen JS code for a call to a Scala class constructor.

  63. def genNewArray(arrayTypeRef: ArrayTypeRef, arguments: List[Tree])(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

    Gen JS code for creating a new Array: new Array[T](length) For multidimensional arrays (dimensions > 1), the arguments can specify up to dimensions lengths for the first dimensions of the array.

  64. def genNonNativeJSClass(cd: G.ClassDef): ClassDef

    Gen the IR ClassDef for a non-native JS class.

  65. def genOptimizedMatchEndLabeled(label: Ident, tpe: Type, translatedCases: List[Tree], returnCount: Int)(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

    Gen JS code for a Labeled block from a pattern match'es match-end, while trying to optimize it away as an If chain.

    Gen JS code for a Labeled block from a pattern match'es match-end, while trying to optimize it away as an If chain.

    It is important to do so at compile-time because, when successful, the resulting IR can be much better optimized by the optimizer.

    The optimizer also does something similar, but *after* it has processed the body of the Labeled block, at which point it has already lost any information about stack-allocated values.

    !!! There is quite of bit of code duplication with OptimizerCore.tryOptimizePatternMatch.

  66. def genPropertyName(name: JSName)(implicit pos: G.Position): PropertyName

  67. def genStat(tree: G.Tree): Tree

    Gen JS code for a tree in statement position (in the IR).

  68. def genStatOrExpr(tree: G.Tree, isStat: Boolean): Tree

    Gen JS code for a tree in statement or expression position (in the IR).

    Gen JS code for a tree in statement or expression position (in the IR).

    This is the main transformation method. Each node of the Scala AST is transformed into an equivalent portion of the JS AST.

  69. def genStaticExports(classSym: G.Symbol): List[MemberDef]

    Definition Classes
  70. def genTopLevelExports(classSym: G.Symbol): List[TopLevelExportDef]

    Definition Classes
  71. def genTraitImplApply(method: G.Symbol, arguments: List[Tree])(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

  72. def genTranslatedMatch(cases: List[G.LabelDef], matchEnd: G.LabelDef)(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

    Gen JS code for a translated match

    Gen JS code for a translated match

    This implementation relies heavily on the patterns of trees emitted by the pattern match phase, including its variants across versions of scalac that we support.

    The trees output by the pattern matcher are assumed to follow these rules: * Each case LabelDef (in cases) must not take any argument. * The last one must be a catch-all (case _ =>) that never falls through. * Jumps to the matchEnd are allowed anywhere in the body of the corresponding case label-defs, but not outside. * Jumps to case label-defs are restricted to jumping to the very next case, and only in positions denoted by <jump> in: <case-body> ::= If(_, <case-body>, <case-body>) | Block(_, <case-body>) | <jump> | _ These restrictions, together with the fact that we are in statement position (thanks to the above transformation), mean that they can be simply replaced by skip.

    To implement jumps to matchEnd, which have one argument which is the result of the match, we enclose all the cases in one big labeled block. Jumps are then compiled as returns out of the block.

  73. def genTry(tree: G.Try, isStat: Boolean): Tree

    Gen JS code for a try..catch or try..finally block

    Gen JS code for a try..catch or try..finally block

    try..finally blocks are compiled straightforwardly to try..finally blocks of JS.

    try..catch blocks are a bit more subtle, as JS does not have type-based selection of exceptions to catch. We thus encode explicitly the type tests, like in:

    try { ... } catch (e) { if (e.isInstanceOf[IOException]) { ... } else if (e.isInstanceOf[Exception]) { ... } else { throw e; // default, re-throw } }

  74. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  75. def hasNext: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  76. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    Phase → AnyRef → Any
  77. val id: Id

    Definition Classes
  78. def isAbstractMethod(dd: G.DefDef): Boolean

  79. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  80. def iterator: Iterator[Phase]

    Definition Classes
  81. def keepsTypeParams: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  82. def makePrimitiveBox(expr: Tree, tpe: G.Type)(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

    Gen a boxing operation (tpe is the primitive type)

  83. def makePrimitiveUnbox(expr: Tree, tpe: G.Type)(implicit pos: G.Position): Tree

    Gen an unboxing operation (tpe is the primitive type)

  84. def name: String

    Definition Classes
    JSCodePhase → StdPhase → Phase
  85. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  86. def newFlags: Long

    Definition Classes
    StdPhase → Phase
  87. def next: Phase

    Definition Classes
  88. def nextFlags: Long

    Definition Classes
    StdPhase → Phase
  89. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  90. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  91. val prev: Phase

    Definition Classes
  92. def refChecked: Boolean

    Definition Classes
    GlobalPhase → Phase
  93. def run(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    JSCodePhase → GlobalPhase → Phase
  94. def specialized: Boolean

    Definition Classes
    GlobalPhase → Phase
  95. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  96. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    Phase → AnyRef → Any
  97. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  98. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  99. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

Inherited from GenJSCode.JSExportsPhase

Inherited from GenJSCode.StdPhase

Inherited from G.GlobalPhase

Inherited from Phase

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
