returns true if the reader is currently looking at a pickled object/structure.
returns true if the reader is currently looking at a pickled object/structure.
returns true if the reader is currently looking at a pickled primitive.
returns true if the reader is currently looking at a pickled primitive.
Denotes we'd like to read the current entry as a collection.
Denotes we'd like to read the current entry as a collection. Note: Must be called after a beginEntry* call.
Start reading a pickled value.
Start reading a pickled value. This will return any serialized type tag key string. This string can be used to reconstitute a FastTypeTag w/ a mirror, but is intended for use as fast string-matching.
Denote that we are done reading a collection.
Denote that we are done reading a collection.
Denotes that we're done reading an entry in the pickle.
Denotes that we're done reading an entry in the pickle.
Returns a new Reader that can be used to read the next element in a collection.
Returns a new Reader that can be used to read the next element in a collection.
Returns a reader which can read a field of a complex structure in the pickle.
Returns a reader which can read a field of a complex structure in the pickle.
The name of the field
A reader which can read the structure's field.
Reads the length of a serialized collection.
Reads the length of a serialized collection. Must be called directly after beginCollection and before readElement.
The length of a serialized collection.
Reads one of the supported primitive types from the pickler.
Reads one of the supported primitive types from the pickler.