
package interactive

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Type Members

  1. trait BuildManager extends AnyRef

  2. trait CompilerControl extends AnyRef

    Interface of interactive compiler to a client such as an IDE The model the presentation compiler consists of the following parts:

  3. trait ContextTrees extends AnyRef

  4. class FreshRunReq extends Throwable with ControlThrowable

    Signals a request for a fresh background compiler run.

  5. class Global extends nsc.Global with CompilerControl with RangePositions with ContextTrees with RichCompilationUnits with ScratchPadMaker with Picklers

    The main class of the presentation compiler in an interactive environment such as an IDE

  6. abstract class InteractiveReporter extends Reporter

  7. class MissingResponse extends Exception

  8. class NoSuchUnitError extends Exception

  9. trait Picklers extends AnyRef

  10. final class PresentationCompilerThread extends Thread

    A presentation compiler thread.

  11. case class Problem(pos: Position, msg: String, severityLevel: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  12. trait RangePositions extends Trees with Positions

    Handling range positions atPos, the main method in this trait, will add positions to a tree, and will ensure the following properties:

  13. class Response[T] extends AnyRef

    Typical interaction, given a predicate <user-input>, a function <display>, and an exception handler <handle>:

  14. trait RichCompilationUnits extends AnyRef

  15. class SimpleBuildManager extends BuildManager

    A simple build manager, using the default scalac dependency tracker.

  16. class RefinedBuildManager extends Changes with BuildManager

    A more defined build manager, based on change sets.

  17. trait ScratchPadMaker extends AnyRef


    (Since version 2.10.0) SI-6458: Instrumentation logic will be moved out of the compiler.

Value Members

  1. object BuildManagerTest extends EvalLoop

    Simple driver for testing the build manager.

  2. object CancelException extends Exception

  3. object REPL

    Interface of interactive compiler to a client such as an IDE

  4. object ShutdownReq extends Throwable with ControlThrowable

    Signals a request for a shutdown of the presentation compiler.

  5. package tests
