
object treeChecker extends TreeCheckers

Tree checker

Linear Supertypes
Content Hierarchy Learn more about scaladoc diagrams
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. treeChecker
  2. TreeCheckers
  3. Analyzer
  4. AnalyzerPlugins
  5. StdAttachments
  6. ContextErrors
  7. TypeDiagnostics
  8. NamesDefaults
  9. Macros
  10. Helpers
  11. Traces
  12. MacroRuntimes
  13. ScalaReflectionRuntimes
  14. JavaReflectionRuntimes
  15. FastTrack
  16. Unapplies
  17. SyntheticMethods
  18. TreeDSL
  19. EtaExpansion
  20. Implicits
  21. Infer
  22. Checkable
  23. Typers
  24. PatternTypers
  25. TypersTracking
  26. Tags
  27. Adaptations
  28. Namers
  29. MethodSynthesis
  30. Contexts
  31. AnyRef
  32. Any
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Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class AbsTypeError extends Throwable

    Definition Classes
  2. case class AccessTypeError(underlyingTree: Global.Tree, errMsg: String) extends Analyzer.TreeTypeError with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  3. trait Adaptation extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  4. case class AmbiguousImplicitTypeError(underlyingTree: Global.Tree, errMsg: String) extends Analyzer.TreeTypeError with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  5. case class AmbiguousTypeError(errPos: Global.Position, errMsg: String) extends Analyzer.AbsTypeError with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  6. trait AnalyzerPlugin extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  7. class ClassForCaseCompanionAttachment extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  8. class ClassMethodSynthesis extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  9. class ConstructorDefaultsAttachment extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  10. class Context extends AnyRef

    A motley collection of the state and loosely associated behaviour of the type checker.

  11. class DefaultsOfLocalMethodAttachment extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  12. case class DivergentImplicitTypeError(underlyingTree: Global.Tree, pt0: Global.Type, sym: Global.Symbol) extends Analyzer.TreeTypeError with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  13. final class FastTrackEntry extends ((FastTrack.this)#MacroArgs) ⇒ Any

    Definition Classes
  14. class ImplicitInfo extends AnyRef

    A class that records an available implicit

  15. class ImplicitSearch extends Analyzer.Typer with Analyzer.ImplicitsContextErrors

    A class that sets up an implicit search.

  16. trait ImplicitsContextErrors extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  17. trait ImportContext extends Analyzer.Context

    A Context focussed on an Import tree

  18. class ImportInfo extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  19. case class ImportType(expr: Global.Tree) extends Global.Type with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  20. trait InferCheckable extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  21. class Inferencer extends Analyzer.InferencerContextErrors with Analyzer.InferCheckable

    The context-dependent inferencer part

  22. trait InferencerContextErrors extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  23. trait JavaReflectionResolvers extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  24. trait LockingTypeCompleter extends Analyzer.TypeCompleter

    Definition Classes
  25. case class MacroArgs(c: Analyzer.MacroContext, others: List[Any]) extends Product with Serializable

    Calculate the arguments to pass to a macro implementation when expanding the provided tree.

  26. type MacroContext = UnaffiliatedMacroContext { val universe: }

    Definition Classes
  27. case class MacroExpanderAttachment(original: Global.Tree, desugared: Global.Tree, role: Analyzer.MacroRole) extends Product with Serializable

    Scratchpad for the macro expander, which is used to store all intermediate data except the details about the runtime.

  28. case class MacroExpansionAttachment(expandee: Global.Tree, expanded: Any) extends Product with Serializable

    Is added by the macro engine to originals and results of macro expansions.

  29. case class MacroImplBinding(isBundle: Boolean, className: String, methName: String, signature: List[List[Fingerprint]], targs: List[Global.Tree]) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents all the information that a macro definition needs to know about its implementation.

  30. type MacroRole = typechecker.MacroRole

    Describes the role that the macro expandee is performing.

    Describes the role that the macro expandee is performing.

    Definition Classes
  31. type MacroRuntime = (MacroArgs) ⇒ Any

    Abstracts away resolution of macro runtimes.

    Abstracts away resolution of macro runtimes.

    Definition Classes
  32. case class MacroRuntimeAttachment(delayed: Boolean, typerContext: Analyzer.Context, macroContext: Option[Analyzer.MacroContext]) extends Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  33. class MacroRuntimeResolver extends tools.nsc.typechecker.Analyzer.JavaReflectionResolvers with tools.nsc.typechecker.Analyzer.ScalaReflectionResolvers

    Definition Classes
  34. trait MethodSynth extends AnyRef

    There are two key methods in here.

  35. case class NamedApplyInfo(qual: Option[Global.Tree], targs: List[Global.Tree], vargss: List[List[Global.Tree]], blockTyper: Analyzer.Typer) extends Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  36. abstract class Namer extends Analyzer.MethodSynth with Analyzer.NamerContextErrors

    Definition Classes
  37. trait NamerContextErrors extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  38. class NoInstance extends Throwable with ControlThrowable

    Definition Classes
  39. case class NormalTypeError(underlyingTree: Global.Tree, errMsg: String) extends Analyzer.TreeTypeError with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  40. case class OpenImplicit(info: Analyzer.ImplicitInfo, pt: Global.Type, tree: Global.Tree) extends Product with Serializable

    A class which is used to track pending implicits to prevent infinite implicit searches.

  41. trait PatternTyper extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  42. class PolyTypeCompleter extends Analyzer.TypeCompleter with Analyzer.LockingTypeCompleter with Global.FlagAgnosticCompleter

    A class representing a lazy type with known type parameters.

  43. case class PosAndMsgTypeError(errPos: Global.Position, errMsg: String) extends Analyzer.AbsTypeError with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  44. final class ReportBuffer extends AnyRef

    A buffer for warnings and errors that are accumulated during speculative type checking.

  45. trait ScalaReflectionResolvers extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  46. class SearchResult extends AnyRef

    The result of an implicit search

  47. sealed abstract class SilentResult[+T] extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  48. case class SilentResultValue[+T](value: T) extends Analyzer.SilentResult[T] with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  49. case class SilentTypeError(err: Analyzer.AbsTypeError) extends Analyzer.SilentResult[Nothing] with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  50. case class SuperArgsAttachment(argss: List[List[Global.Tree]]) extends Product with Serializable

    After being synthesized by the parser, primary constructors aren't fully baked yet.

  51. case class SymbolTypeError(underlyingSym: Global.Symbol, errMsg: String) extends Analyzer.AbsTypeError with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  52. trait Tag extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  53. class TreeChecker extends Typer

    Definition Classes
  54. sealed abstract class TreeTypeError extends Analyzer.AbsTypeError

    Definition Classes
  55. abstract class TypeCompleter extends Global.LazyType

    Definition Classes
  56. case class TypeDiag(tp: Global.Type, sym: Global.Symbol) extends Ordered[Analyzer.TypeDiag] with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  57. case class TypeErrorWithUnderlyingTree(tree: Global.Tree, ex: Global.TypeError) extends Analyzer.AbsTypeError with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  58. case class TypeErrorWrapper(ex: Global.TypeError) extends Analyzer.AbsTypeError with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  59. abstract class Typer extends Analyzer.TyperDiagnostics with Analyzer.Adaptation with Analyzer.Tag with Analyzer.PatternTyper with Analyzer.TyperContextErrors

    Definition Classes
  60. trait TyperContextErrors extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  61. trait TyperDiagnostics extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  62. type UnaffiliatedMacroContext = reflect.macros.contexts.Context

    Carries information necessary to expand the host tree.

    Carries information necessary to expand the host tree. At times we need to store this info, because macro expansion can be delayed until its targs are inferred. After a macro application has been successfully expanded, this attachment is destroyed.

    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. final def APPLY_ROLE: typechecker.MacroRole

    Definition Classes
  7. lazy val AmbiguousSearchFailure: SearchResult

    Definition Classes
  8. object CODE

    Definition Classes
  9. lazy val DivergentSearchFailure: SearchResult

    Definition Classes
  10. object ErrorUtils

    Definition Classes
  11. object ExpandedIntoTree

    Checks whether there is any tree resulting from a macro expansion and associated with the current tree.

  12. object ExtractorType

    Definition Classes
  13. object Function1

    An extractor for unary function types arg => res

  14. object HasMember

    An extractor for types of the form ? { name: ? }

  15. object HasMethodMatching

    An extractor for types of the form ? { name: (? >: argtpe <: Any*)restp }

  16. object ImplicitNotFoundMsg

    Definition Classes
  17. object MacroImplBinding extends Serializable

    Macro def -> macro impl bindings are serialized into a macroImpl annotation with synthetic content that carries the payload described in MacroImplBinding.

  18. object MacroImplRefAttachment extends Product with Serializable

  19. object NamesDefaultsErrorsGen

    Definition Classes
  20. object NoContext extends Analyzer.Context

    Definition Classes
  21. val NoImplicitInfo: ImplicitInfo

    A sentinel indicating no implicit was found

    A sentinel indicating no implicit was found

    Definition Classes
  22. lazy val SearchFailure: SearchResult

    Definition Classes
  23. object SuppressMacroExpansionAttachment extends Product with Serializable

    When present, suppresses macro expansion for the host.

  24. object SymbolTracker extends Global.Traverser

    This is a work in progress, don't take it too seriously.

  25. final def UNAPPLY_ROLE: typechecker.MacroRole

    Definition Classes
  26. object UnTyper extends Global.Traverser

    Definition Classes
  27. def abstractVarMessage(sym: Global.Symbol): String

    An explanatory note to be added to error messages when there's a problem with abstract var defs

    An explanatory note to be added to error messages when there's a problem with abstract var defs

    Definition Classes
  28. def adaptAnnotations(tree: Global.Tree, typer: Typer, mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree

    Definition Classes
    See also


  29. def addAnalyzerPlugin(plugin: AnalyzerPlugin): Unit

    Registers a new analyzer plugin

    Registers a new analyzer plugin

    Definition Classes
  30. def addDefaults(givenArgs: List[Global.Tree], qual: Option[Global.Tree], targs: List[Global.Tree], previousArgss: List[List[Global.Tree]], params: List[Global.Symbol], pos: reflect.internal.util.Position, context: Context): (List[Global.Tree], List[Global.Symbol])

    Extend the argument list givenArgs with default arguments.

    Extend the argument list givenArgs with default arguments. Defaults are added as named arguments calling the corresponding default getter.

    Example: given def foo(x: Int = 2, y: String = "def") foo(y = "lt") the argument list (y = "lt") is transformed to (y = "lt", x = foo$default$1())

    Definition Classes
  31. def addSyntheticMethods(templ: Global.Template, clazz0: Global.Symbol, context: Context): Global.Template

    Add the synthetic methods to case classes.

    Add the synthetic methods to case classes.

    Definition Classes
  32. def allArgsArePositional(a: Array[Int]): Boolean

    returns true if every element is equal to its index

    returns true if every element is equal to its index

    Definition Classes
  33. def allViewsFrom(tp: Global.Type, context: Context, tpars: List[Global.Symbol]): List[(SearchResult, List[Global.TypeConstraint])]

    Find all views from type tp (in which tpars are free)

    Find all views from type tp (in which tpars are free)

    Note that the trees in the search results in the returned list share the same type variables. Ignore their constr field! The list of type constraints returned along with each tree specifies the constraints that must be met by the corresponding type parameter in tpars (for the returned implicit view to be valid).

    Definition Classes
  34. def alternatives(tree: Global.Tree): List[Global.Type]

    Definition Classes
  35. def alternativesString(tree: Global.Tree): String

    Definition Classes
  36. def ambiguousDefnAndImport(owner: Global.Symbol, imp: ImportInfo): Global.LookupAmbiguous

    Definition Classes
  37. def ambiguousImports(imp1: ImportInfo, imp2: ImportInfo): Global.LookupAmbiguous

    Definition Classes
  38. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  39. def assertFn(cond: Boolean, msg: ⇒ Any): Unit

    Definition Classes
  40. def bindMacroImpl(macroDef: Global.Symbol, macroImplRef: Global.Tree): Unit

    Definition Classes
  41. def canAdaptAnnotations(tree: Global.Tree, typer: Typer, mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    See also


  42. final def caseAccessorName(caseclazz: Global.Symbol, paramName: Global.TermName): Global.TermName

    Does not force the info of caseclazz

    Does not force the info of caseclazz

    Definition Classes
  43. def caseClassCopyMeth(cdef: Global.ClassDef): Option[Global.DefDef]

    Generates copy methods for case classes.

    Generates copy methods for case classes. Copy only has defaults on the first parameter list, as of SI-5009.

    The parameter types of the copy method need to be exactly the same as the parameter types of the primary constructor. Just copying the TypeTree is not enough: a type C might refer to something else *inside* the class (i.e. as parameter type of copy) than *outside* the class (i.e. in the class parameter list).

    One such example is t0054.scala: class A { case class B(x: C) extends A { def copy(x: C = x) = ... } class C {} } (1) (2)

    The reference (1) to C is A.this.C. The reference (2) is B.this.C - not the same.

    This is fixed with a hack currently. Unapplies.caseClassCopyMeth, which creates the copy method, uses empty TypeTree() nodes for parameter types.

    In Namers.enterDefDef, the copy method gets a special type completer (enterCopyMethod). Before computing the body type of copy, the class parameter types are assigned the copy method parameters.

    This attachment class stores the copy method parameter ValDefs as an attachment in the ClassDef of the case class.

    Definition Classes
  44. def caseModuleApplyMeth(cdef: Global.ClassDef): Global.DefDef

    The apply method corresponding to a case class

    The apply method corresponding to a case class

    Definition Classes
  45. def caseModuleDef(cdef: Global.ClassDef): Global.ModuleDef

    The module corresponding to a case class; overrides toString to show the module's name

    The module corresponding to a case class; overrides toString to show the module's name

    Definition Classes
  46. def caseModuleUnapplyMeth(cdef: Global.ClassDef): Global.DefDef

    The unapply method corresponding to a case class

    The unapply method corresponding to a case class

    Definition Classes
  47. def check(unit: Global.CompilationUnit): Unit

    Definition Classes
  48. def checkTrees(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  49. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  50. def companionModuleDef(cdef: Global.ClassDef, parents: List[Global.Tree] = Nil, body: List[Global.Tree] = Nil): Global.ModuleDef

    Definition Classes
  51. def companionSymbolOf(original: Global.Symbol, ctx: Context): Global.Symbol

    The companion class or companion module of original.

    The companion class or companion module of original. Calling .companionModule does not work for classes defined inside methods.

    !!! Then why don't we fix companionModule? Does the presence of these methods imply all the places in the compiler calling sym.companionModule are bugs waiting to be reported? If not, why not? When exactly do we need to call this method?

    Definition Classes
  52. def computeMacroDefTypeFromMacroImplRef(macroDdef: Global.DefDef, macroImplRef: Global.Tree): Global.Type

    Definition Classes
  53. def copyUntyped[T <: Global.Tree](tree: T): T

    Definition Classes
  54. def copyUntypedInvariant(td: Global.TypeDef): Global.TypeDef

    Definition Classes
  55. def decodeWithKind(name: Global.Name, owner: Global.Symbol): String

    Definition Classes
  56. def decreaseMetalevel(tp: Global.Type): Global.Type

    Decreases metalevel of the type, i.

    Decreases metalevel of the type, i.e. transforms: * c.Expr[T] to T * Anything else to Any

    Definition Classes
    See also

    Metalevels.scala for more information and examples about metalevels

  57. def defaultGetter(param: Global.Symbol, context: Context): Global.Symbol

    For a parameter with default argument, find the method symbol of the default getter.

    For a parameter with default argument, find the method symbol of the default getter.

    Definition Classes
  58. lazy val defaultMacroClassloader: ClassLoader

    Macro classloader that is used to resolve and run macro implementations.

    Macro classloader that is used to resolve and run macro implementations. Loads classes from from -cp (aka the library classpath). Is also capable of detecting REPL and reusing its classloader.

    When -Xmacro-jit is enabled, we sometimes fallback to on-the-fly compilation of macro implementations, which compiles implementations into a virtual directory (very much like REPL does) and then conjures a classloader mapped to that virtual directory.

    Definition Classes
  59. def directUnapplyMember(tp: Global.Type): Global.Symbol

    Returns unapply or unapplySeq if available, without further checks.

    Returns unapply or unapplySeq if available, without further checks.

    Definition Classes
  60. def disambiguate(ss: List[String]): collection.immutable.List[String]

    Definition Classes
  61. def enclosingMacroPosition: reflect.internal.util.Position

    Definition Classes
  62. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  63. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  64. def errorFn(pos: Global.Position, msg: Any): Unit

    Definition Classes
  65. def errorFn(msg: Any): Unit

    Definition Classes
  66. def etaExpand(unit: Global.CompilationUnit, tree: Global.Tree, typer: Typer): Global.Tree

    Expand partial function applications of type type.

    Expand partial function applications of type type.

        ==>  {
               private synthetic val eta$f   = p.f   // if p is not stable
               private synthetic val eta$e_i = e_i    // if e_i is not stable
               (ps_1 => ... => ps_m => eta$f([es_1])...([es_m])(ps_1)...(ps_m))

    tree is already attributed

    Definition Classes
  67. object etaExpansion

    Definition Classes
  68. def existentialContext(tp: Global.Type): String

    Definition Classes
  69. def explainAlias(tp: Global.Type): String

    Definition Classes
  70. def explainAnyVsAnyRef(found: Global.Type, req: Global.Type): String

    Definition Classes
  71. def explainVariance(found: Global.Type, req: Global.Type): String

    Look through the base types of the found type for any which might have been valid subtypes if given conformant type arguments.

    Look through the base types of the found type for any which might have been valid subtypes if given conformant type arguments. Examine those for situations where the type error would have been eliminated if the variance were different. In such cases, append an additional explanatory message.

    TODO: handle type aliases better.

    Definition Classes
  72. def factoryMeth(mods: Global.Modifiers, name: Global.TermName, cdef: Global.ClassDef): Global.DefDef

    The apply method corresponding to a case class

    The apply method corresponding to a case class

    Definition Classes
  73. final def falseIfNoInstance(body: ⇒ Boolean): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  74. lazy val fastTrack: Map[Global.Symbol, FastTrackEntry]

    A map from a set of pre-established macro symbols to their implementations.

    A map from a set of pre-established macro symbols to their implementations.

    Definition Classes
  75. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  76. def findMacroClassLoader(): ClassLoader

    Definition Classes
  77. final def forArgMode(fun: Global.Tree, mode: Mode): reflect.internal.Mode

    Definition Classes
  78. def formalTypes(formals: List[Global.Type], numArgs: Int, removeByName: Boolean = true, removeRepeated: Boolean = true): List[Global.Type]

    The formal parameter types corresponding to formals.

    The formal parameter types corresponding to formals. If formals has a repeated last parameter, a list of (numArgs - numFormals + 1) copies of its type is appended to the other formals. By-name types are replaced with their underlying type.


    allows keeping ByName parameters. Used in NamesDefaults.


    allows keeping repeated parameter (if there's one argument). Used in NamesDefaults.

    Definition Classes
  79. def foundReqMsg(found: Global.Type, req: Global.Type): String

    Definition Classes
  80. def freshVar(tparam: Global.Symbol): Global.TypeVar

    A fresh type variable with given type parameter as origin.

    A fresh type variable with given type parameter as origin.

    Definition Classes
  81. def fullSiteString(context: Context): String

    Definition Classes
  82. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  83. val global: Global.this.type

    Definition Classes
  84. def globalSettings: Settings

    Definition Classes
  85. def hasMacroExpansionAttachment(any: Any): Boolean

    Determines whether the target is either an original or a result of a macro expansion.

    Determines whether the target is either an original or a result of a macro expansion. The parameter is of type Any, because macros can expand both into trees and into annotations.

    Definition Classes
  86. var hasPendingMacroExpansions: Boolean

    Without any restrictions on macro expansion, macro applications will expand at will, and when type inference is involved, expansions will end up using yet uninferred type params.

    Without any restrictions on macro expansion, macro applications will expand at will, and when type inference is involved, expansions will end up using yet uninferred type params.

    For some macros this might be ok (thanks to TreeTypeSubstituter that replaces the occurrences of undetparams with their inferred values), but in general case this won't work. E.g. for reification simple substitution is not enough - we actually need to re-reify inferred types.

    Luckily, there exists a very simple way to fix the problem: delay macro expansion until everything is inferred. Here are the exact rules. Macro application gets delayed if any of its subtrees contain: 1) type vars (tpe.isInstanceOf[TypeVar]) // [Eugene] this check is disabled right now, because TypeVars seem to be created from undetparams anyways 2) undetparams (sym.isTypeParameter && !sym.isSkolem)

    Definition Classes
  87. def hasSuperArgs(tree: Global.Tree): Boolean

    Determines whether the given tree has an associated SuperArgsAttachment.

    Determines whether the given tree has an associated SuperArgsAttachment.

    Definition Classes
  88. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  89. def increaseMetalevel(pre: Global.Type, tp: Global.Type): Global.Type

    Increases metalevel of the type, i.

    Increases metalevel of the type, i.e. transforms: * T to c.Expr[T]

    Definition Classes
    See also

    Metalevels.scala for more information and examples about metalevels

  90. def inferImplicit(tree: Global.Tree, pt: Global.Type, isView: Boolean, context: Context, silent: Boolean, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean, pos: Global.Position, onError: (Global.Position, String) ⇒ Unit): Global.Tree

    A friendly wrapper over inferImplicit to be used in macro contexts and toolboxes.

    A friendly wrapper over inferImplicit to be used in macro contexts and toolboxes.

    Definition Classes
  91. def inferImplicit(tree: Global.Tree, pt: Global.Type, reportAmbiguous: Boolean, isView: Boolean, context: Context, saveAmbiguousDivergent: Boolean, pos: Global.Position): SearchResult

    Search for an implicit value.

    Search for an implicit value. See the comment on result at the end of class ImplicitSearch for more info how the search is conducted.


    The tree for which the implicit needs to be inserted. (the inference might instantiate some of the undetermined type parameters of that tree.


    The expected type of the implicit.


    Should ambiguous implicit errors be reported? False iff we search for a view to find out whether one type is coercible to another.


    We are looking for a view


    The current context


    False if any divergent/ambiguous errors should be ignored after implicits search, true if they should be reported (used in further typechecking).


    Position that is should be used for tracing and error reporting (useful when we infer synthetic stuff and pass EmptyTree in the tree argument) If it's set NoPosition, then position-based services will use tree.pos


    A search result

    Definition Classes
  92. def inferImplicit(tree: Global.Tree, pt: Global.Type, reportAmbiguous: Boolean, isView: Boolean, context: Context, saveAmbiguousDivergent: Boolean): SearchResult

    Definition Classes
  93. def inferImplicit(tree: Global.Tree, pt: Global.Type, reportAmbiguous: Boolean, isView: Boolean, context: Context): SearchResult

    Definition Classes
  94. def informFn(msg: Any): Unit

    Definition Classes
  95. object instantiate extends Global.TypeMap

    Map every TypeVar to its constraint.

  96. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  97. def isMacroExpansionSuppressed(tree: Global.Tree): Boolean

    Determines whether a tree should not be expanded, because someone has put SuppressMacroExpansionAttachment on it or one of its children.

    Determines whether a tree should not be expanded, because someone has put SuppressMacroExpansionAttachment on it or one of its children.

    Definition Classes
  98. def isMacroImplRef(tree: Global.Tree): Boolean

    Determines whether a tree should or should not be adapted, because someone has put MacroImplRefAttachment on it.

    Determines whether a tree should or should not be adapted, because someone has put MacroImplRefAttachment on it.

    Definition Classes
  99. def isNamedArg(arg: Global.Tree): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  100. var lastAccessCheckDetails: String

    Definition Classes
  101. var lastTreeToTyper: Global.Tree

    Definition Classes
  102. def linePrecedes(t1: Global.Tree, t2: Global.Tree): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  103. def linkExpandeeAndDesugared(expandee: Global.Tree, desugared: Global.Tree, role: MacroRole): Unit

    After macro expansion is completed, links the expandee and the expansion result by annotating them both with a MacroExpansionAttachment.

    After macro expansion is completed, links the expandee and the expansion result by annotating them both with a MacroExpansionAttachment.

    Definition Classes
  104. def linkExpandeeAndExpanded(expandee: Global.Tree, expanded: Any): Unit

    After macro expansion is completed, links the expandee and the expansion result by annotating them both with a MacroExpansionAttachment.

    After macro expansion is completed, links the expandee and the expansion result by annotating them both with a MacroExpansionAttachment. The expanded parameter is of type Any, because macros can expand both into trees and into annotations.

    Definition Classes
  105. def loadMacroImplBinding(macroDef: Global.Symbol): MacroImplBinding

    Definition Classes
  106. def lockedCount: Int

    Definition Classes
  107. def macroContext(typer: Typer, prefixTree: Global.Tree, expandeeTree: Global.Tree): MacroContext

    Definition Classes
  108. val macroDebugLite: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  109. val macroDebugVerbose: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  110. def macroExpandAll(typer: Typer, expandee: Global.Tree): Global.Tree

    Performs macro expansion on all subtrees of a given tree.

    Performs macro expansion on all subtrees of a given tree. Innermost macros are expanded first, outermost macros are expanded last. See the documentation for macroExpand for more information.

    Definition Classes
  111. def macroExpandApply(typer: Typer, expandee: Global.Tree, mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree

    Expands a term macro used in apply role as M(2)(3) in val x = M(2)(3).

    Expands a term macro used in apply role as M(2)(3) in val x = M(2)(3).

    Definition Classes
    See also


  112. def macroExpandUnapply(typer: Typer, original: Global.Tree, fun: Global.Tree, unapply: Global.Symbol, args: List[Global.Tree], mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree

    Expands a term macro used in unapply role as u.Quasiquote(StringContext("", "")).q.unapply(x) in case q"$x" => ....

    Expands a term macro used in unapply role as u.Quasiquote(StringContext("", "")).q.unapply(x) in case q"$x" => ....

    Definition Classes
    See also


  113. def macroExpanderAttachment(tree: Global.Tree): MacroExpanderAttachment

    Loads underlying MacroExpanderAttachment from a macro expandee or returns a default value for that attachment.

    Loads underlying MacroExpanderAttachment from a macro expandee or returns a default value for that attachment.

    Definition Classes
  114. final def macroLogLite(msg: ⇒ Any): Unit

    Definition Classes
  115. final def macroLogVerbose(msg: ⇒ Any): Unit

    Definition Classes
  116. def macroRuntime(macroDef: Global.Symbol): (MacroArgs) ⇒ Any

    Definition Classes
  117. def makeNamedTypes(syms: List[Global.Symbol]): collection.immutable.List[Global.NamedType]

    Definition Classes
  118. def markMacroImplRef(tree: Global.Tree): Global.Tree

    Marks the tree as a macro impl reference, which is a naked reference to a method.

    Marks the tree as a macro impl reference, which is a naked reference to a method.

    This is necessary for typechecking macro impl references (see DefaultMacroCompiler.defaultResolveMacroImpl), because otherwise typing a naked reference will result in the "follow this method with _' if you want to treat it as a partially applied function" errors.

    This mark suppresses adapt except for when the annottee is a macro application.

    Definition Classes
  119. def memberWildcardType(name: Global.Name, tp: Global.Type): Global.Type

    A constructor for types ?{ def/type name: tp }, used in infer view to member searches.

    A constructor for types ?{ def/type name: tp }, used in infer view to member searches.

    Definition Classes
  120. def missingParams[T](args: List[T], params: List[Global.Symbol], argName: (T) ⇒ Option[Global.Name] = nameOfNamedArg): (List[Global.Symbol], Boolean)

    Definition Classes
  121. def mkTypeCompleter(t: Global.Tree)(c: (Global.Symbol) ⇒ Unit): TypeCompleter with LockingTypeCompleter

    Definition Classes
  122. object namerFactory extends SubComponent

    Definition Classes
  123. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  124. def newNamer(context: Context): Namer

    Definition Classes
  125. def newPatternMatching: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  126. def newTyper(context: Context): Typer

    Definition Classes
  127. def noPrintAdapt(tree1: Global.Tree, tree2: Global.Tree): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  128. def noPrintTyping(t: Global.Tree): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  129. def normalize(tp: Global.Type): Global.Type

    Automatically perform the following conversions on expression types: A method type becomes the corresponding function type.

    Automatically perform the following conversions on expression types: A method type becomes the corresponding function type. A nullary method type becomes its result type. Implicit parameters are skipped. This method seems to be performance critical.

    Definition Classes
  130. def notAnyRefMessage(found: Global.Type): String

    Definition Classes
  131. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  132. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  133. def notifyUndetparamsAdded(newUndets: List[Global.Symbol]): Unit

    Definition Classes
  134. def notifyUndetparamsInferred(undetNoMore: List[Global.Symbol], inferreds: List[Global.Type]): Unit

    Definition Classes
  135. def openMacros: collection.immutable.List[reflect.macros.contexts.Context { val universe: }]

    Definition Classes
  136. object packageObjects extends SubComponent

    Definition Classes
  137. def pluginsPt(pt: Global.Type, typer: Typer, tree: Global.Tree, mode: Mode): Global.Type

    Definition Classes
    See also


  138. def pluginsTypeSig(tpe: Global.Type, typer: Typer, defTree: Global.Tree, pt: Global.Type): Global.Type

    Definition Classes
    See also


  139. def pluginsTypeSigAccessor(tpe: Global.Type, typer: Typer, tree: Global.ValDef, sym: Global.Symbol): Global.Type

    Definition Classes
    See also


  140. def pluginsTyped(tpe: Global.Type, typer: Typer, tree: Global.Tree, mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type): Global.Type

    Definition Classes
    See also


  141. def pluginsTypedReturn(tpe: Global.Type, typer: Typer, tree: Global.Return, pt: Global.Type): Global.Type

    Definition Classes
    See also


  142. def posPrecedes(p1: Global.Position, p2: Global.Position): Boolean

    Does the positioned line assigned to t1 precede that of t2?

    Does the positioned line assigned to t1 precede that of t2?

    Definition Classes
  143. def posstr(p: Global.Position): String

    Definition Classes
  144. def propagateKnownTypes(from: Global.Type, to: Global.Symbol): Global.Type

    The applied type of class 'to' after inferring anything possible from the knowledge that 'to' must also be of the type given in 'from'.

    The applied type of class 'to' after inferring anything possible from the knowledge that 'to' must also be of the type given in 'from'.

    Definition Classes
  145. def removeNames(typer: Typer)(args: List[Global.Tree], params: List[Global.Symbol]): (List[Global.Tree], Array[Int])

    Removes name assignments from args.

    Removes name assignments from args. Additionally, returns an array mapping argument indices from call-site-order to definition-site-order.

    Verifies that names are not specified twice, positional args don't appear after named ones.

    Definition Classes
  146. def reorderArgs[T](args: List[T], pos: (Int) ⇒ Int)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T]): List[T]


    maps indices from old to new

    Definition Classes
  147. def resetContexts(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  148. def resetImplicits(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  149. def resetTyper(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  150. def restrictionError(pos: Global.Position, unit: Global.CompilationUnit, msg: String): Unit

    Definition Classes
  151. def restrictionWarning(pos: Global.Position, unit: Global.CompilationUnit, msg: String): Unit

    For errors which are artifacts of the implementation: such messages indicate that the restriction may be lifted in the future.

    For errors which are artifacts of the implementation: such messages indicate that the restriction may be lifted in the future.

    Definition Classes
  152. def rootContext(unit: Global.CompilationUnit, tree: Global.Tree = EmptyTree, erasedTypes: Boolean = false): Context

    Definition Classes
  153. def rootImports(unit: Global.CompilationUnit): List[Global.Symbol]

    List of symbols to import from in a root context.

    List of symbols to import from in a root context. Typically that is java.lang, scala, and scala.Predef, in that order. Exceptions:

    • if option -Yno-imports is given, nothing is imported
    • if the unit is java defined, only java.lang is imported
    • if option -Yno-predef is given, if the unit body has an import of Predef among its leading imports, or if the tree is scala.Predef, Predef is not imported.
    Definition Classes
  154. def runWithUnit[T](unit: Global.CompilationUnit)(body: ⇒ Unit): Unit

    Definition Classes
  155. def setAddendum(pos: Global.Position, msg: () ⇒ String): Unit

    Definition Classes
  156. final val shortenImports: Boolean(false)

    Definition Classes
  157. def skipImplicit(tp: Global.Type): Global.Type

    Definition Classes
  158. def solvedTypes(tvars: List[Global.TypeVar], tparams: List[Global.Symbol], variances: List[Variance], upper: Boolean, depth: Depth): List[Global.Type]

    Solve constraint collected in types tvars.

    Solve constraint collected in types tvars.


    All type variables to be instantiated.


    The type parameters corresponding to tvars


    The variances of type parameters; need to reverse solution direction for all contravariant variables.


    When true search for max solution else min.

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

  159. def superArgs(tree: Global.Tree): Option[List[List[Global.Tree]]]

    Convenience method for SuperArgsAttachment.

    Convenience method for SuperArgsAttachment. Compared with MacroRuntimeAttachment this attachment has different a usage pattern, so it really benefits from a dedicated extractor.

    Definition Classes
  160. def suppressMacroExpansion(tree: Global.Tree): Global.Tree

    Suppresses macro expansion of the tree by putting SuppressMacroExpansionAttachment on it.

    Suppresses macro expansion of the tree by putting SuppressMacroExpansionAttachment on it.

    Definition Classes
  161. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  162. object synthesisUtil

    Definition Classes
  163. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  164. lazy val tpeOfTree: HashMap[Global.Tree, Global.Type]

    Definition Classes
  165. def tpe_s(tp: Global.Type, colorize: (String) ⇒ String): String

    Definition Classes
  166. def transformNamedApplication(typer: Typer, mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type)(tree: Global.Tree, argPos: (Int) ⇒ Int): Global.Tree

    Transform a function application into a Block, and assigns typer.

    Transform a function application into a Block, and assigns typer.context .namedApplyBlockInfo to the new block as side-effect. If tree has the form Apply(fun, args) first the function "fun" (which might be an application itself!) is transformed into a block of the form { val qual$1 = qualifier_of_fun val x$1 = arg_1_of_fun ... val x$n = arg_n_of_fun qual$[targs](x$1, ...)...(..., x$n) } then for each argument in args, a value is created and entered into the block. finally the application expression of the block is updated. { val qual$1 = .. ... val x$n = ... > val qual$n+1 = arg(1) > ... > val qual$n+m = arg(m) > qual$[targs](x$1, ...)...(..., x$n)(x$n+1, ..., x$n+m) }


    the typer calling this method; this method calls typer.doTypedApply


    the mode to use for calling typer.doTypedApply


    the expected type for calling typer.doTypedApply


    the transformed application (a Block) together with the NamedApplyInfo. if isNamedApplyBlock(tree), returns the existing context.namedApplyBlockInfo

    Definition Classes
  167. def transformTypeTagEvidenceParams(macroImplRef: Global.Tree, transform: (Global.Symbol, Global.Symbol) ⇒ Global.Symbol): List[List[Global.Symbol]]

    Transforms parameters lists of a macro impl.

    Transforms parameters lists of a macro impl. The transform function is invoked only for WeakTypeTag evidence parameters.

    The transformer takes two arguments: a value parameter from the parameter list and a type parameter that is witnesses by the value parameter.

    If the transformer returns a NoSymbol, the value parameter is not included from the result. If the transformer returns something else, this something else is included in the result instead of the value parameter.

    Despite of being highly esoteric, this function significantly simplifies signature analysis. For example, it can be used to strip macroImpl.paramss from the evidences (necessary when checking def <-> impl correspondence) or to streamline creation of the list of macro arguments.

    Definition Classes
  168. val transformed: HashMap[Global.Tree, Global.Tree]

    Definition Classes
  169. def treeSymTypeMsg(tree: Global.Tree): String

    Definition Classes
  170. def typePatternAdvice(sym: Global.Symbol, ptSym: Global.Symbol): String

    Definition Classes
  171. def typedMacroBody(typer: Typer, macroDdef: Global.DefDef): Global.Tree

    Verifies that the body of a macro def typechecks to a reference to a static public non-overloaded method or a top-level macro bundle, and that that method is signature-wise compatible with the given macro definition.

    Verifies that the body of a macro def typechecks to a reference to a static public non-overloaded method or a top-level macro bundle, and that that method is signature-wise compatible with the given macro definition.


    Macro impl reference for the given macro definition if everything is okay. EmptyTree if an error occurs.

    Definition Classes
  172. object typerFactory extends SubComponent

    Definition Classes
  173. def typingInPattern[T](body: ⇒ T): T

    Devising new ways of communicating error info out of desperation to work on error messages.

    Devising new ways of communicating error info out of desperation to work on error messages. This is used by typedPattern to wrap its business so we can generate a sensible error message when things go south.

    Definition Classes
  174. object typingStack

    Definition Classes
  175. def unapplyMember(tp: Global.Type): Global.Symbol

    Filters out unapplies with multiple (non-implicit) parameter lists, as they cannot be used as extractors

    Filters out unapplies with multiple (non-implicit) parameter lists, as they cannot be used as extractors

    Definition Classes
  176. def underlyingSymbol(member: Global.Symbol): Global.Symbol

    The symbol which the given accessor represents (possibly in part).

    The symbol which the given accessor represents (possibly in part). This is used for error messages, where we want to speak in terms of the actual declaration or definition, not in terms of the generated setters and getters.

    Definition Classes
  177. def unmarkMacroImplRef(tree: Global.Tree): Global.Tree

    Unmarks the tree as a macro impl reference (see markMacroImplRef for more information).

    Unmarks the tree as a macro impl reference (see markMacroImplRef for more information).

    This is necessary when a tree that was previously deemed to be a macro impl reference, typechecks to be a macro application. Then we need to unmark it, expand it and try to treat its expansion as a macro impl reference.

    Definition Classes
  178. def unsuppressMacroExpansion(tree: Global.Tree): Global.Tree

    Unsuppresses macro expansion of the tree by removing SuppressMacroExpansionAttachment from it and its children.

    Unsuppresses macro expansion of the tree by removing SuppressMacroExpansionAttachment from it and its children.

    Definition Classes
  179. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  180. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  181. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  182. def warnUnusedImports(unit: Global.CompilationUnit): Unit

    Definition Classes
  183. def withAddendum(pos: Global.Position): (String) ⇒ String

    Definition Classes
  184. def withDisambiguation[T](locals: List[Global.Symbol], types: Global.Type*)(op: ⇒ T): T

    Given any number of types, alters the name information in the symbols until they can be distinguished from one another: then executes the given code.

    Given any number of types, alters the name information in the symbols until they can be distinguished from one another: then executes the given code. The names are restored and the result is returned.

    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def companionClassOf(module: Global.Symbol, ctx: Context): Global.Symbol

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.10.0) Use companionSymbolOf instead

  2. def companionModuleOf(clazz: Global.Symbol, ctx: Context): Global.Symbol

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.10.0) Use companionSymbolOf instead

  3. def underlying(member: Global.Symbol): Global.Symbol

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.10.0) Use underlyingSymbol instead

Inherited from TreeCheckers

Inherited from Analyzer

Inherited from AnalyzerPlugins

Inherited from StdAttachments

Inherited from ContextErrors

Inherited from TypeDiagnostics

Inherited from NamesDefaults

Inherited from Macros

Inherited from Helpers

Inherited from Traces

Inherited from MacroRuntimes

Inherited from ScalaReflectionRuntimes

Inherited from JavaReflectionRuntimes

Inherited from FastTrack

Inherited from Unapplies

Inherited from SyntheticMethods

Inherited from TreeDSL

Inherited from EtaExpansion

Inherited from Implicits

Inherited from Infer

Inherited from Checkable

Inherited from Typers

Inherited from PatternTypers

Inherited from TypersTracking

Inherited from Tags

Inherited from Adaptations

Inherited from Namers

Inherited from MethodSynthesis

Inherited from Contexts

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
