
object icodes extends ICodes

ICode generator

Linear Supertypes
Content Hierarchy Learn more about scaladoc diagrams
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. icodes
  2. ICodes
  3. Repository
  4. Printers
  5. Linearizers
  6. Primitives
  7. ExceptionHandlers
  8. TypeKinds
  9. TypeStacks
  10. Opcodes
  11. BasicBlocks
  12. Members
  13. AnyRef
  14. Any
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Type Members

  1. final case class ARRAY(elem: ICodes.TypeKind) extends ICodes.TypeKind with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  2. case class Arithmetic(op: ICodes.ArithmeticOp, kind: ICodes.TypeKind) extends ICodes.Primitive with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  3. class ArithmeticOp extends AnyRef

    This class represents an arithmetic operation.

  4. case class ArrayLength(kind: ICodes.TypeKind) extends ICodes.Primitive with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  5. case class BOXED(kind: ICodes.TypeKind) extends ICodes.TypeKind with Product with Serializable

    A boxed value.

  6. class BasicBlock extends ProgramPoint[ICodes.BasicBlock]

    This class represents a basic block.

  7. class Code extends AnyRef

    This class represents the intermediate code of a method or other multi-block piece of code, like exception handlers.

  8. case class Comparison(op: ICodes.ComparisonOp, kind: ICodes.TypeKind) extends ICodes.Primitive with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  9. class ComparisonOp extends AnyRef

    This class represents a comparison operation.

  10. case class Conversion(src: ICodes.TypeKind, dst: ICodes.TypeKind) extends ICodes.Primitive with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  11. class DepthFirstLinerizer extends ICodes.Linearizer

    Linearize code using a depth first traversal.

  12. class DumpLinearizer extends ICodes.Linearizer

    A 'dump' of the blocks in this method, which does not require any well-formedness of the basic blocks (like the last instruction being a jump).

  13. class ExceptionHandler extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  14. class Finalizer extends ICodes.ExceptionHandler

    Definition Classes
  15. class IClass extends ICodes.IMember

    Represent a class in ICode

  16. abstract class ICodePhase extends GlobalPhase

    A phase which works on icode.

  17. class IField extends ICodes.IMember

    Represent a field in ICode

  18. trait IMember extends Ordered[ICodes.IMember]

    Common interface for IClass/IField/IMethod.

  19. class IMethod extends ICodes.IMember

    Represents a method in ICode.

  20. abstract class Instruction extends Cloneable

    This class represents an instruction of the intermediate code.

  21. abstract class Linearizer extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  22. class Local extends AnyRef

    Represent local variables and parameters

  23. case class Logical(op: ICodes.LogicalOp, kind: ICodes.TypeKind) extends ICodes.Primitive with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  24. class LogicalOp extends AnyRef

    This class represents a logical operation.

  25. case class Negation(kind: ICodes.TypeKind) extends ICodes.Primitive with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  26. class NormalLinearizer extends ICodes.Linearizer with WorklistAlgorithm

    A simple linearizer which predicts all branches to take the 'success' branch and tries to schedule those blocks immediately after the test.

  27. class Primitive extends AnyRef

    This class represents a primitive operation.

  28. class PrimitivePrinter extends AnyRef

    Pretty printer for primitives

  29. final case class REFERENCE(cls: Global.Symbol) extends ICodes.TypeKind with Product with Serializable

    A class type.

  30. type Rep = collection.immutable.List[TypeKind]

    Definition Classes
  31. class ReversePostOrderLinearizer extends ICodes.Linearizer

    Linearize code in reverse post order.

  32. case class Shift(op: ICodes.ShiftOp, kind: ICodes.TypeKind) extends ICodes.Primitive with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  33. class ShiftOp extends AnyRef

    This class represents a shift operation.

  34. case class StringConcat(el: ICodes.TypeKind) extends ICodes.Primitive with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  35. case class Test(op: ICodes.TestOp, kind: ICodes.TypeKind, zero: Boolean) extends ICodes.Primitive with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  36. sealed abstract class TestOp extends AnyRef

    This class represents a test operation.

  37. class TextPrinter extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  38. sealed abstract class TypeKind extends AnyRef

    This class represents a type kind.

  39. class TypeStack extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  40. sealed abstract class ValueTypeKind extends ICodes.TypeKind

    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. object ADD extends ICodes.ArithmeticOp with Product with Serializable

    An arithmetic addition operation

  5. object AND extends ICodes.LogicalOp with Product with Serializable

    A bitwise AND operation

  6. object ASR extends ICodes.ShiftOp with Product with Serializable

    An arithmetic shift to the right

  7. lazy val AnyRefReference: TypeKind

    Definition Classes
  8. def ArrayN(elem: TypeKind, dims: Int): ARRAY

    Definition Classes
  9. object BOOL extends ICodes.ValueTypeKind with Product with Serializable

    A boolean value

  10. object BYTE extends ICodes.ValueTypeKind with Product with Serializable

    A 1-byte signed integer

  11. lazy val BoxedUnitReference: TypeKind

    Definition Classes
  12. object CHAR extends ICodes.ValueTypeKind with Product with Serializable

    A 2-byte UNSIGNED integer

  13. object CMP extends ICodes.ComparisonOp with Product with Serializable

    A comparison operation with no default for NaNs

  14. object CMPG extends ICodes.ComparisonOp with Product with Serializable

    A comparison operation with +1 default for NaNs

  15. object CMPL extends ICodes.ComparisonOp with Product with Serializable

    A comparison operation with -1 default for NaNs

  16. object ConcatClass extends ICodes.TypeKind with Product with Serializable

    Dummy TypeKind to represent the ConcatClass in a platform-independent way.

  17. object DIV extends ICodes.ArithmeticOp with Product with Serializable

    An arithmetic division operation

  18. object DOUBLE extends ICodes.ValueTypeKind with Product with Serializable

    An 8-byte floating point number

  19. object EQ extends ICodes.TestOp with Product with Serializable

    An equality test

  20. object EndConcat extends ICodes.Primitive with Product with Serializable

    type: (buf) => STR jvm : It should turn the StringBuffer into a String.

  21. object FLOAT extends ICodes.ValueTypeKind with Product with Serializable

    A 4-byte floating point number

  22. object GE extends ICodes.TestOp with Product with Serializable

    A greater-than-or-equal test

  23. object GT extends ICodes.TestOp with Product with Serializable

    A greater-than test

  24. object INT extends ICodes.ValueTypeKind with Product with Serializable

    A 4-byte signed integer

  25. object LE extends ICodes.TestOp with Product with Serializable

    A less-than-or-equal test

  26. object LONG extends ICodes.ValueTypeKind with Product with Serializable

    An 8-byte signed integer

  27. object LSL extends ICodes.ShiftOp with Product with Serializable

    A logical shift to the left

  28. object LSR extends ICodes.ShiftOp with Product with Serializable

    A logical shift to the right

  29. object LT extends ICodes.TestOp with Product with Serializable

    A less-than test

  30. object MUL extends ICodes.ArithmeticOp with Product with Serializable

    An arithmetic multiplication operation

  31. object NE extends ICodes.TestOp with Product with Serializable

    A non-equality test

  32. object NOT extends ICodes.ArithmeticOp with Product with Serializable

    Bitwise negation.

  33. object NoBasicBlock extends ICodes.BasicBlock

    Definition Classes
  34. object NoCode extends ICodes.Code

    Definition Classes
  35. object NoIMethod extends ICodes.IMethod

    Definition Classes
  36. lazy val NothingReference: TypeKind

    Definition Classes
  37. lazy val NullReference: TypeKind

    Definition Classes
  38. object OR extends ICodes.LogicalOp with Product with Serializable

    A bitwise OR operation

  39. lazy val ObjectReference: TypeKind

    Definition Classes
  40. object REM extends ICodes.ArithmeticOp with Product with Serializable

    An arithmetic remainder operation

  41. object SHORT extends ICodes.ValueTypeKind with Product with Serializable

    A 2-byte signed integer

  42. object SUB extends ICodes.ArithmeticOp with Product with Serializable

    An arithmetic subtraction operation

  43. object StartConcat extends ICodes.Primitive with Product with Serializable

    Signals the beginning of a series of concatenations.

  44. lazy val StringReference: TypeKind

    Definition Classes
  45. object UNIT extends ICodes.ValueTypeKind with Product with Serializable

    The unit value

  46. object XOR extends ICodes.LogicalOp with Product with Serializable

    A bitwise XOR operation

  47. final val arilogCat: Int(4)

    Definition Classes
  48. final val arraysCat: Int(9)

    Definition Classes
  49. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  50. def available(sym: Global.Symbol): Boolean

    Is the given class available as icode?

    Is the given class available as icode?

    Definition Classes
  51. final val castsCat: Int(5)

    Definition Classes
  52. def checkValid(m: IMethod): Unit

    Definition Classes
  53. def checkerDebug(msg: String): Unit

    Definition Classes
  54. val classes: HashMap[Global.Symbol, IClass]

    The ICode representation of classes

    The ICode representation of classes

    Definition Classes
  55. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  56. final val constCat: Int(3)

    Definition Classes
  57. def dumpClassesAndAbort(msg: String): Nothing

    Print all classes and basic blocks.

    Print all classes and basic blocks. Used for debugging.

    Definition Classes
  58. def dumpMethodAndAbort(m: IMethod, b: BasicBlock): Nothing

    Definition Classes
  59. def dumpMethodAndAbort(m: IMethod, msg: String): Nothing

    Definition Classes
  60. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  61. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  62. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  63. final val fldsCat: Int(7)

    Definition Classes
  64. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  65. val global: Global.this.type

    Definition Classes
  66. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  67. def icode(sym: Global.Symbol): Option[IClass]

    The icode of the given class, if available

    The icode of the given class, if available

    Definition Classes
  68. object icodeReader extends ICodeReader

    Definition Classes
  69. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  70. final val jumpsCat: Int(10)

    Definition Classes
  71. val linearizer: Linearizer

    The ICode linearizer.

    The ICode linearizer.

    Definition Classes
  72. object liveness extends Liveness

    Definition Classes
  73. def load(sym: Global.Symbol): Boolean

    Load bytecode for given symbol.

    Load bytecode for given symbol.

    Definition Classes
  74. val loaded: Map[Global.Symbol, IClass]

    Definition Classes
  75. final val localsCat: Int(1)

    Definition Classes
  76. def lub(a: TypeKind, b: TypeKind): TypeKind

    The least upper bound of two typekinds.

    The least upper bound of two typekinds. They have to be either REFERENCE or ARRAY kinds.

    The lub is based on the lub of scala types.

    Definition Classes
  77. final val mthdsCat: Int(8)

    Definition Classes
  78. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  79. def newTextPrinter(): TextPrinter

    Definition Classes
  80. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  81. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  82. final val objsCat: Int(6)

    Definition Classes
  83. object opcodes

    Definition Classes
  84. lazy val primitiveTypeMap: Map[Global.Symbol, TypeKind]

    A map from scala primitive Types to ICode TypeKinds

    A map from scala primitive Types to ICode TypeKinds

    Definition Classes
  85. object reachingDefinitions extends ReachingDefinitions

    Definition Classes
  86. final val retCat: Int(11)

    Definition Classes
  87. def shouldCheckIcode: Boolean

    Debugging flag

    Debugging flag

    Definition Classes
  88. final val stackCat: Int(2)

    Definition Classes
  89. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  90. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  91. def toTypeKind(t: Global.Type): TypeKind

    Return the TypeKind of the given type

    Return the TypeKind of the given type

    Call to dealiasWiden fixes #3003 (follow type aliases). Otherwise, arrayOrClassType below would return ObjectReference.

    Definition Classes
  92. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  93. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  94. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

Inherited from ICodes

Inherited from Repository

Inherited from Printers

Inherited from Linearizers

Inherited from Primitives

Inherited from ExceptionHandlers

Inherited from TypeKinds

Inherited from TypeStacks

Inherited from Opcodes

Inherited from BasicBlocks

Inherited from Members

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
