Scala 2.7.7.RC1 API

This document is the API specification for Scala Library

Class Summary
class BitSet (val size : Int, val capacity : Int, ba : Array[Int], copy : Boolean) extends BitSet
The class BitSet provides an immutable bitset view on an int array. Instances can conveniently be created from instances of Bit indices are between 0..(capacity-1) inclusive.
class EmptyMap [A, +B] extends Map[A, B]
This class implements empty immutable maps
class EmptySet [A] extends Set[A]
This class implements empty immutable sets
protected abstract class GBTree [A, B](implicit view$5 : (A) => Ordered[A]) extends AnyRef
GBTree is an internal class used by Tree.
class HashMap [A, B] extends Map[A, B] with HashTable[A]
This class implements immutable maps/sets using a hash table. It is optimized for sequential accesses where the last updated table is accessed most often. It supports with reasonable efficiency accesses to previous versions of the table by keeping a change log that's regularly compacted. It needs to synchronize most methods, so it is less suitable for highly concurrent accesses.
class HashSet [A] extends Set[A] with FlatHashTable[A]
This class implements immutable maps/sets using a hash table. It is optimized for sequential accesses where the last updated table is accessed most often. It supports with reasonable efficiency accesses to previous versions of the table by keeping a change log that's regularly compacted. It needs to synchronize most methods, so it is less suitable for highly concurrent accesses.
sealed abstract class ImmutableIterator [+A] extends AnyRef
A stateless iterator.
protected abstract class InsertTree [A, B](implicit view$2 : (A) => Ordered[A]) extends AnyRef
sealed abstract class IntMap [+T] extends Map[Int, T]
Specialised immutable map structure for integer keys, based on Fast Mergeable Integer Maps by Okasaki and Gill. Essentially a trie based on binary digits of the the integers.
class ListMap [A, +B] extends Map[A, B]
This class implements immutable maps using a list-based data structure. Instances of ListMap represent empty maps; they can be either created by calling the constructor directly, or by applying the function ListMap.empty.
class ListSet [A] extends Set[A]
This class implements immutable sets using a list-based data structure. Instances of ListSet represent empty sets; they can be either created by calling the constructor directly, or by applying the function ListSet.empty.
sealed abstract class LongMap [+T] extends Map[Long, T]
Specialised immutable map structure for long keys, based on Fast Mergeable Long Maps by Okasaki and Gill. Essentially a trie based on binary digits of the the integers.
trait Map [A, +B] extends Map[A, B]
class Map1 [A, +B](key1 : A, value1 : B) extends Map[A, B]
This class implements immutable maps with exactly one entry
class Map2 [A, +B](key1 : A, value1 : B, key2 : A, value2 : B) extends Map[A, B]
This class implements immutable maps with exactly two entries
class Map3 [A, +B](key1 : A, value1 : B, key2 : A, value2 : B, key3 : A, value3 : B) extends Map[A, B]
This class implements immutable maps with exactly three entries
class Map4 [A, +B](key1 : A, value1 : B, key2 : A, value2 : B, key3 : A, value3 : B, key4 : A, value4 : B) extends Map[A, B]
This class implements immutable maps with exactly four entries
class PagedSeq [T](more : (Array[T], Int, Int) => Int, first : scala.collection.immutable.Page[T], start : Int, end : Int) extends RandomAccessSeq[T]
An implementation of lazily computed sequences, where elements are stored in ``pages'', i.e. arrays of fixed size.
class Queue [+A](elem : A*) extends Seq[A]
Queue objects implement data structures that allow to insert and retrieve elements in a first-in-first-out (FIFO) manner.
abstract class RedBlack [A] extends AnyRef
trait Set [A] extends Set[A]
class Set1 [A](elem1 : A) extends Set[A]
This class implements immutable sets with exactly one element.
class Set2 [A](elem1 : A, elem2 : A) extends Set[A]
This class implements immutable sets with exactly two elements.
class Set3 [A](elem1 : A, elem2 : A, elem3 : A) extends Set[A]
This class implements immutable sets with exactly three elements.
class Set4 [A](elem1 : A, elem2 : A, elem3 : A, elem4 : A) extends Set[A]
This class implements immutable sets with exactly four elements.
trait SortedMap [A, +B] extends Map[A, B] with SortedMap[A, B]
trait SortedSet [A] extends SortedSet[A] with Set[A]
class Stack [+A] extends Seq[A]
This class implements immutable stacks using a list-based data structure. Instances of Stack represent empty stacks; they can be either created by calling the constructor directly, or by applying the function Stack.Empty.
abstract class Tree [A, B](implicit view$1 : (A) => Ordered[A]) extends AnyRef
class TreeHashMap [Key, +Value](private underlying : IntMap[scala.collection.immutable.AssocMap[Key, Value]]) extends Map[Key, Value]
An immutable Map which is based on an IntMap mapping hash codes to lists of (Key, Value) pairs with the same hashCode. Unlike the usual immutable.HashMap it is truly immutable behind the scenes. Consequently it is entirely safe to share between multiple threads and should achieve a much greater degree of sharing between instances. Performancewise, get and update seem to be somewhat slower than with a traditional hash map, but bulk operations such as filter, foreach and transform appear to get something of a speedup.
class TreeMap [A, +B](val size : Int, t : Tree[B], implicit view$4 : (A) => Ordered[A]) extends RedBlack[A] with SortedMap[A, B]
This class implements immutable maps using a tree.
class TreeSet [A](val size : Int, t : Tree[Unit], implicit view$3 : (A) => Ordered[A]) extends RedBlack[A] with SortedSet[A]
This class implements immutable sets using a tree.
class UnbalancedTreeMap [A, +B](implicit view$3 : (A) => Ordered[A]) extends Map[A, B]
This class implements immutable maps using a tree.
Object Summary
object HashMap extends AnyRef
The canonical factory methods for immutable HashMap's.
object HashSet extends AnyRef
The canonical factory methods for immutable HashSet's.
object ImmutableIterator extends AnyRef
An object for creating immutable iterators.
object IntMap extends AnyRef
object ListMap extends AnyRef
The canonical factory of ListMap's
object ListSet extends AnyRef
The canonical factory of ListSet's
object LongMap extends AnyRef
object Map extends AnyRef
object PagedSeq extends AnyRef
The PagedSeq object defines a lazy implementations of a random access sequence.
object Queue extends AnyRef
object Set extends AnyRef
Canonical factories for immutable sets. The canonical immutable sets are currently implemented using immutable hash sets.
object Stack extends AnyRef
object TreeHashMap extends AnyRef
object TreeMap extends AnyRef
The canonical factory of TreeMap's.
object TreeSet extends AnyRef
The canonical factory of TreeSet's.
object UnbalancedTreeMap extends AnyRef