

package mutable

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AddingBuilder[Elem, To <: Addable[Elem, To] with Iterable[Elem] with IterableLike[Elem, To]] extends Builder[Elem, To]

    The canonical builder for collections that are addable, i .

  2. class ArrayBuffer[A] extends Buffer[A] with GenericTraversableTemplate[A, ArrayBuffer[A][A]] with BufferLike[A, ArrayBuffer[A]] with IndexedSeqOptimized[A, ArrayBuffer[A]] with Builder[A, ArrayBuffer[A]] with ResizableArray[A]

    An implementation of the Buffer class using an array to represent the assembled sequence internally.

  3. class ArrayBuilder[T] extends Builder[T, Array[T]]

    A builder class for arrays .

  4. trait ArrayLike[A, +Repr] extends IndexedSeqOptimized[A, Repr]

    A common supertrait of ArrayOps and WrappedArray that factors out most operations on arrays and wrapped arrays.

  5. class ArrayOps[T] extends ArrayLike[T, Array[T]]

    This class serves as a wrapper for Arrays with all the operations found in indexed sequences.

  6. class ArraySeq[A] extends IndexedSeq[A] with GenericTraversableTemplate[A, ArraySeq[A][A]] with IndexedSeqOptimized[A, ArraySeq[A]]

    A class for polymorphic arrays of elements that's represented internally by an array of objects .

  7. class ArrayStack[T] extends Seq[T] with Cloneable[ArrayStack[T]]

    Simple stack class backed by an array .

  8. class BitSet extends Set[Int] with BitSet with BitSetLike[BitSet] with SetLike[Int, BitSet]

    A class for mutable bitsets .

  9. trait Buffer[A] extends Seq[A] with GenericTraversableTemplate[A, Buffer[A][A]] with BufferLike[A, Buffer[A]]

    Buffers are used to create sequences of elements incrementally by appending, prepending, or inserting new elements .

  10. trait BufferLike[A, +This <: BufferLike[A, This] with Buffer[A]] extends Growable[A] with Shrinkable[A] with Scriptable[A] with Subtractable[A, This] with Cloneable[This] with SeqLike[A, This]

    A template trait for buffers of type Buffer[A].

  11. trait BufferProxy[A] extends Buffer[A] with Proxy

    This is a simple proxy class for

    trait Builder[-Elem, +To] extends Growable[Elem]

    The base trait of all builders .

  12. trait Cloneable[+A <: AnyRef] extends AnyRef

    A trait for cloneable collections .

  13. trait CloneableCollection extends AnyRef

    The J2ME version of the library defined this trait with a clone method to substitute for the lack of Object.clone there.

  14. trait ConcurrentMap[A, B] extends Map[A, B]

    A template trait for mutable maps that allow concurrent access .

  15. class DefaultEntry[A, B] extends HashEntry[A, DefaultEntry[A, B]]

    Class used internally for default map model .

  16. trait DefaultMapModel[A, B] extends Map[A, B]

    This class is used internally .

  17. class DoubleLinkedList[A] extends LinearSeq[A] with GenericTraversableTemplate[A, DoubleLinkedList[A][A]] with DoubleLinkedListLike[A, DoubleLinkedList[A]]

    This class implements double linked lists where both the head (elem), the tail (next) and a reference to the previous node (prev) are mutable.

  18. trait DoubleLinkedListLike[A, This <: Seq[A] with DoubleLinkedListLike[A, This]] extends LinkedListLike[A, This]

    This extensible class may be used as a basis for implementing double linked lists .

  19. trait FlatHashTable[A] extends AnyRef

    An implementation class backing a HashSet.

  20. class GrowingBuilder[Elem, To <: Growable[Elem]] extends Builder[Elem, To]

    The canonical builder for collections that are growable, i .

  21. trait HashEntry[A, E] extends AnyRef

    Class used internally .

  22. class HashMap[A, B] extends Map[A, B] with MapLike[A, B, HashMap[A, B]] with HashTable[A]

    This class implements mutable maps using a hashtable .

  23. class HashSet[A] extends Set[A] with GenericSetTemplate[A, HashSet[A][A]] with SetLike[A, HashSet[A]] with FlatHashTable[A]

    This class implements mutable sets using a hashtable .

  24. trait HashTable[A] extends AnyRef

    This class can be used to construct data structures that are based on hashtables .

  25. class History[Evt, Pub] extends Subscriber[Evt, Pub] with Iterable[(Pub, Evt)]

    History[A, B] objects may subscribe to events of type A published by an object of type B.

  26. class ImmutableMapAdaptor[A, B] extends Map[A, B]

    This class can be used as an adaptor to create mutable maps from immutable map implementations .

  27. class ImmutableSetAdaptor[A] extends Set[A]

    This class can be used as an adaptor to create mutable sets from immutable set implementations .

  28. trait IndexedSeq[A] extends Seq[A] with IndexedSeq[A] with GenericTraversableTemplate[A, IndexedSeq[A][A]] with IndexedSeqLike[A, IndexedSeq[A]]

    A subtrait of collection.IndexedSeq which represents sequences that can be mutated.

  29. trait IndexedSeqLike[A, +Repr] extends IndexedSeqLike[A, Repr]

    A subtrait of scala .

  30. trait IndexedSeqOptimized[A, +Repr] extends IndexedSeqLike[A, Repr] with IndexedSeqOptimized[A, Repr]

    A subtrait of scala .

  31. trait IndexedSeqView[A, +Coll] extends IndexedSeq[A] with IndexedSeqOptimized[A, IndexedSeqView[A, Coll]] with SeqView[A, Coll] with SeqViewLike[A, Coll, IndexedSeqView[A, Coll]]

    A non-strict view of a mutable IndexedSeq.

  32. trait Iterable[A] extends Traversable[A] with Iterable[A] with GenericTraversableTemplate[A, Iterable[A][A]] with IterableLike[A, Iterable[A]]

    A base trait for iterable collections that can be mutated .

  33. class LazyBuilder[Elem, +To] extends Builder[Elem, To]

    A builder that constructs its result lazily .

  34. trait LinearSeq[A] extends Seq[A] with LinearSeq[A] with GenericTraversableTemplate[A, LinearSeq[A][A]] with LinearSeqLike[A, LinearSeq[A]]

    A subtrait of collection.LinearSeq which represents sequences that can be mutated.

  35. class LinkedEntry[A, B] extends HashEntry[A, LinkedEntry[A, B]]

    Class for the linked hash map entry, used internally .

  36. class LinkedHashMap[A, B] extends Map[A, B] with MapLike[A, B, LinkedHashMap[A, B]] with HashTable[A]

    This class implements mutable maps using a hashtable .

  37. class LinkedHashSet[A] extends Set[A] with GenericSetTemplate[A, LinkedHashSet[A][A]] with SetLike[A, LinkedHashSet[A]] with FlatHashTable[A]

    This class implements mutable sets using a hashtable .

  38. class LinkedList[A] extends LinearSeq[A] with GenericTraversableTemplate[A, LinkedList[A][A]] with LinkedListLike[A, LinkedList[A]]

    This class implements single linked lists where both the head (elem) and the tail (next) are mutable.

  39. trait LinkedListLike[A, This <: Seq[A] with LinkedListLike[A, This]] extends SeqLike[A, This]

    This extensible class may be used as a basis for implementing linked list .

  40. class ListBuffer[A] extends Buffer[A] with GenericTraversableTemplate[A, ListBuffer[A][A]] with BufferLike[A, ListBuffer[A]] with Builder[A, List[A]] with SeqForwarder[A]

    A Buffer implementation back up by a list.

  41. class ListMap[A, B] extends Map[A, B] with MapLike[A, B, ListMap[A, B]]

    A simple mutable map backed by a list .

  42. trait Map[A, B] extends Iterable[(A, B)] with Map[A, B] with MapLike[A, B, Map[A, B]]

    A base trait for maps that can be mutated .

  43. class MapBuilder[A, B, Coll <: Map[A, B] with MapLike[A, B, Coll]] extends Builder[(A, B), Coll]

    The canonical builder for immutable maps, working with the map's + method to add new elements.

  44. trait MapLike[A, B, +This <: MapLike[A, B, This] with Map[A, B]] extends MapLike[A, B, This] with Builder[(A, B), This] with Growable[(A, B)] with Shrinkable[A] with Cloneable[This]

    A template trait for mutable maps .

  45. trait MapProxy[A, B] extends Map[A, B] with MapProxyLike[A, B, Map[A, B]]

    This trait implements a proxy for

    trait MultiMap[A, B] extends Map[A, Set[B]]

    A trait for mutable maps with multiple values assigned to a key .

  46. class MutableList[A] extends LinearSeq[A] with LinearSeqOptimized[A, MutableList[A]] with Builder[A, MutableList[A]]

    This class is used internally to represent mutable lists .

  47. trait ObservableBuffer[A] extends Buffer[A] with Publisher[Message[A] with Undoable]

    This class is typically used as a mixin .

  48. trait ObservableMap[A, B] extends Map[A, B] with Publisher[Message[(A, B)] with Undoable]

    This class is typically used as a mixin .

  49. trait ObservableSet[A] extends Set[A] with Publisher[Message[A] with Undoable]

    This class is typically used as a mixin .

  50. class OpenHashMap[Key, Value] extends Map[Key, Value] with MapLike[Key, Value, OpenHashMap[Key, Value]]

    A mutable hash map based on an open hashing scheme .

  51. class PriorityQueue[A] extends Seq[A] with SeqLike[A, PriorityQueue[A]] with Growable[A] with Cloneable[PriorityQueue[A]] with Builder[A, PriorityQueue[A]]

    This class implements priority queues using a heap .

  52. class PriorityQueueProxy[A] extends PriorityQueue[A] with Proxy

    This class servers as a proxy for priority queues .

  53. trait Publisher[Evt] extends AnyRef

    Publisher[A,This] objects publish events of type A to all registered subscribers.

  54. class Queue[A] extends MutableList[A] with Cloneable[Queue[A]]

    Queue objects implement data structures that allow to insert and retrieve elements in a first-in-first-out (FIFO) manner.

  55. trait QueueProxy[A] extends Queue[A] with Proxy

    Queue objects implement data structures that allow to insert and retrieve elements in a first-in-first-out (FIFO) manner.

  56. trait ResizableArray[A] extends IndexedSeq[A] with GenericTraversableTemplate[A, ResizableArray[A][A]] with IndexedSeqOptimized[A, ResizableArray[A]]

    This class is used internally to implement data structures that are based on resizable arrays .

  57. class RevertibleHistory[Evt <: Undoable, Pub] extends History[Evt, Pub] with Undoable

    A revertible history is a History object which supports an undo operation.

  58. trait Seq[A] extends Iterable[A] with Seq[A] with GenericTraversableTemplate[A, Seq[A][A]] with SeqLike[A, Seq[A]]

    A subtrait of collection.Seq which represents sequences that can be mutated.

  59. trait Set[A] extends Iterable[A] with Set[A] with GenericSetTemplate[A, Set[A][A]] with SetLike[A, Set[A]]

    A base trait for sets that can be mutated .

  60. class SetBuilder[A, Coll <: Addable[A, Coll] with Iterable[A] with IterableLike[A, Coll]] extends AddingBuilder[A, Coll]

    The canonical builder for mutable Sets .

  61. trait SetLike[A, +This <: SetLike[A, This] with Set[A]] extends SetLike[A, This] with Scriptable[A] with Builder[A, This] with Growable[A] with Shrinkable[A] with Cloneable[Set[A]]

    A template trait for mutable sets of type mutable.Set[A].

  62. trait SetProxy[A] extends Set[A] with SetProxyLike[A, Set[A]]

    This is a simple wrapper class for

    class Stack[A] extends Seq[A] with Cloneable[Stack[A]]

    A stack implements a data structure which allows to store and retrieve objects in a last-in-first-out (LIFO) fashion .

  63. trait StackProxy[A] extends Stack[A] with Proxy

    A stack implements a data structure which allows to store and retrieve objects in a last-in-first-out (LIFO) fashion .

  64. class StringBuilder extends Builder[Char, String] with IndexedSeq[Char] with IndexedSeqOptimized[Char, IndexedSeq[Char]]

    A builder for mutable sequence of characters .

  65. trait Subscriber[-Evt, -Pub] extends AnyRef

    Subscriber[A, B] objects may subscribe to events of type A published by an object of type B .

  66. trait SynchronizedBuffer[A] extends Buffer[A]

    This class should be used as a mixin .

  67. trait SynchronizedMap[A, B] extends Map[A, B]

    This class should be used as a mixin .

  68. class SynchronizedPriorityQueue[A] extends PriorityQueue[A]

    This class implements synchronized priority queues using a binary heap .

  69. class SynchronizedQueue[A] extends Queue[A]

    This is a synchronized version of the Queue[T] class.

  70. trait SynchronizedSet[A] extends Set[A]

    This class should be used as a mixin .

  71. class SynchronizedStack[A] extends Stack[A]

    This is a synchronized version of the Stack[T] class.

  72. trait Traversable[A] extends Traversable[A] with GenericTraversableTemplate[A, Traversable[A][A]] with TraversableLike[A, Traversable[A]] with Mutable

    A trait for traversable collections that can be mutated .

  73. trait Undoable extends AnyRef

    Classes that mix in the Undoable class provide an operation undo which can be used to undo the last operation.

  74. class WeakHashMap[A, B] extends JMapWrapper[A, B] with JMapWrapperLike[A, B, WeakHashMap[A, B]]

    A hash map with references to entries which are weakly reachable .

  75. class WrappedArray[T] extends IndexedSeq[T] with ArrayLike[T, WrappedArray[T]]

    A class representing Array[T].

  76. class WrappedArrayBuilder[A] extends Builder[A, WrappedArray[A]]

    A builder class for arrays .

Value Members

  1. object ArrayBuffer extends SeqFactory[ArrayBuffer[A][A]]

    Factory object for the ArrayBuffer class.

  2. object ArrayBuilder extends AnyRef

    A companion object for array builders .

  3. object ArrayOps extends AnyRef

    A companion object for ArrayOps.

  4. object ArraySeq extends SeqFactory[ArraySeq[A][A]]

    This object provides a set of operations to create ArraySeq values.

  5. object BitSet extends BitSetFactory[BitSet]

    This object provides a set of operations to create BitSet values.

  6. object Buffer extends SeqFactory[Buffer[A][A]]

    This object provides a set of operations to create Buffer values.

  7. object DoubleLinkedList extends SeqFactory[DoubleLinkedList[A][A]]

    This object provides a set of operations to create DoubleLinkedList values.

  8. object HashMap extends MutableMapFactory[HashMap[A, B][A, B]]

    This object provides a set of operations needed to create mutable.HashMap values.

  9. object HashSet extends MutableSetFactory[HashSet[A][A]]

    This object provides a set of operations needed to create mutable.HashSet values.

  10. object IndexedSeq extends SeqFactory[IndexedSeq[A][A]]

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.IndexedSeq values.

  11. object IndexedSeqView extends AnyRef

    An object containing the necessary implicit definitions to make SeqViews work.

  12. object Iterable extends TraversableFactory[Iterable[A][A]]

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.Iterable values.

  13. object LinearSeq extends SeqFactory[LinearSeq[A][A]]

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.LinearSeq values.

  14. object LinkedHashMap extends MutableMapFactory[LinkedHashMap[A, B][A, B]]

    This object provides a set of operations needed to create LinkedHashMap values.

  15. object LinkedHashSet extends MutableSetFactory[LinkedHashSet[A][A]]

    This object provides a set of operations needed to create LinkedHashSet values.

  16. object LinkedList extends SeqFactory[LinkedList[A][A]]

    This object provides a set of operations to create LinkedList values.

  17. object ListBuffer extends SeqFactory[ListBuffer[A][A]]

    This object provides a set of operations to create ListBuffer values.

  18. object ListMap extends MutableMapFactory[ListMap[A, B][A, B]]

    This object provides a set of operations needed to create mutable.ListMap values.

  19. object Map extends MutableMapFactory[Map[A, B][A, B]]

    This object provides a set of operations needed to create mutable.Map values.

  20. object OpenHashMap extends AnyRef

    no summary matey

  21. object Queue extends AnyRef

  22. object ResizableArray extends SeqFactory[ResizableArray[A][A]]

  23. object Seq extends SeqFactory[Seq[A][A]]

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.Seq values.

  24. object Set extends MutableSetFactory[Set[A][A]]

    This object provides a set of operations needed to create mutable.Set values.

  25. object Stack extends AnyRef

  26. object StringBuilder extends AnyRef

  27. object Traversable extends TraversableFactory[Traversable[A][A]]

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.Traversable values.

  28. object WeakHashMap extends MutableMapFactory[WeakHashMap[A, B][A, B]]

    This object provides a set of operations needed to create WeakHashMap values.

  29. object WrappedArray extends AnyRef

    A companion object used to create instances of WrappedArray.