

package script

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Include[+A](location: Location, elem: A) extends Message[A] with Product

    This observable update refers to inclusion operations that add new elements to collection classes .

  2. class Index(n: Int) extends Location with Product

  3. class Location extends AnyRef

    Class Location describes locations in messages implemented by class

    trait Message[+A] extends AnyRef

    Class Message represents messages that are issued by observable collection classes whenever a data structure is changed .

  4. class Remove[+A](location: Location, elem: A) extends Message[A] with Product

    This observable update refers to removal operations of elements from collection classes .

  5. class Reset[+A]() extends Message[A] with Product

    This command refers to reset operations .

  6. class Script[A] extends ArrayBuffer[Message[A]] with Message[A]

    Objects of this class represent compound messages consisting of a sequence of other messages .

  7. trait Scriptable[A] extends AnyRef

    Classes that mix in the Scriptable class allow messages to be sent to objects of that class .

  8. class Update[+A](location: Location, elem: A) extends Message[A] with Product

    This observable update refers to destructive modification operations of elements from collection classes .

Value Members

  1. object End extends Location with Product

  2. object NoLo extends Location with Product

  3. object Start extends Location with Product