Scala 2.8.0.r0-b20090810214045 API

This document is the API specification for Scala Library

Class Summary
case class ConsRHS (val tnt : Int, val hnt : Int) extends HedgeRHS with Product
right hand side of a hedge production, deriving a single tree
abstract class HedgeRHS extends AnyRef
case class LabelledRHS [A](val label : A, val hnt : Int) extends TreeRHS with Product
right hand side of a tree production, labelled with a letter from an alphabet
abstract class TreeRHS extends AnyRef
right hand side of a tree production
Object Summary
case object AnyHedgeRHS extends HedgeRHS with Product
right hand side of a hedge production, deriving any hedge
case object AnyTreeRHS extends TreeRHS with Product
object ConsRHS extends (Int, Int) => ConsRHS
case object EmptyHedgeRHS extends HedgeRHS with Product
right hand side of a hedge production, deriving the empty hedge
object LabelledRHS extends AnyRef