

package generic

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AtomicIndexFlag extends Signalling

    A mixin trait that implements index flag behaviour using atomic integers.

  2. trait BitSetFactory [Coll <: BitSet with BitSetLike[Coll]] extends AnyRef

  3. type CanBuild [-Elem, +To] = CanBuildFrom[Nothing, Elem, To]

    Definition Classes
  4. trait CanBuildFrom [-From, -Elem, +To] extends AnyRef

    A base trait for builder factories.

  5. trait CanCombineFrom [-From, -Elem, +To] extends CanBuildFrom[From, Elem, To] with Parallel

    A base trait for parallel builder factories.

  6. class ClassManifestTraversableFactory [CC[X] <: Traversable[X] with GenericClassManifestTraversableTemplate[X, CC]] extends GenericClassManifestCompanion[CC]

  7. class DefaultSignalling extends Signalling with VolatileAbort

    This signalling implementation returns default values and ignores received signals.

  8. class DelegatedContext extends DelegatedSignalling

    Class implementing delegated signalling.

  9. trait DelegatedSignalling extends Signalling

    An implementation of the signalling interface using delegates.

  10. trait FilterMonadic [+A, +Repr] extends AnyRef

    A template trait that contains just the map, flatMap, foreach and withFilter methods of trait TraversableLike.

  11. class GenMapFactory [CC[A, B] <: GenMap[A, B] with GenMapLike[A, B, CC[A, B]]] extends AnyRef

    A template for companion objects of Map and subclasses thereof.

  12. class GenSeqFactory [CC[X] <: GenSeq[X] with GenericTraversableTemplate[X, CC]] extends GenTraversableFactory[CC]

    A template for companion objects of Seq and subclasses thereof.

  13. class GenSetFactory [CC[X] <: GenSet[X] with GenSetLike[X, CC[X]]] extends GenericCompanion[CC]

    A template for companion objects of Set and subclasses thereof.

  14. class GenTraversableFactory [CC[X] <: GenTraversable[X] with GenericTraversableTemplate[X, CC]] extends GenericCompanion[CC]

    A template for companion objects of Traversable and subclasses thereof.

  15. class GenericClassManifestCompanion [+CC[X] <: Traversable[X]] extends AnyRef

    This class represents companions of classes which require ClassManifests for their element types.

  16. trait GenericClassManifestTraversableTemplate [+A, +CC[X] <: Traversable[X]] extends HasNewBuilder[A, CC[A]]

    This trait represents collections classes which require class manifests for their element types.

  17. class GenericCompanion [+CC[X] <: GenTraversable[X]] extends AnyRef

    A template class for companion objects of regular collection classes represent an unconstrained higher-kinded type. Typically such classes inherit from trait GenericTraversableTemplate.

  18. class GenericOrderedCompanion [+CC[X] <: Traversable[X]] extends AnyRef

    This class represents companions of classes which require the ordered trait for their element types.

  19. trait GenericOrderedTraversableTemplate [+A, +CC[X] <: Traversable[X]] extends HasNewBuilder[A, CC[A]]

    This trait represents collections classes which require ordered element types.

  20. trait GenericParCompanion [+CC[X] <: ParIterable[X]] extends AnyRef

    A template class for companion objects of parallel collection classes.

  21. trait GenericParMapCompanion [+CC[P, Q] <: ParMap[P, Q]] extends AnyRef

  22. trait GenericParMapTemplate [K, +V, +CC[X, Y] <: ParMap[X, Y]] extends GenericParTemplate[(K, V), ParIterable]

  23. trait GenericParTemplate [+A, +CC[X] <: ParIterable[X]] extends GenericTraversableTemplate[A, CC] with HasNewCombiner[A, CC[A]]

    A template trait for collections having a companion.

  24. trait GenericSeqCompanion [CC[X] <: Traversable[X]] extends GenericCompanion[CC]

  25. trait GenericSetTemplate [A, +CC[X] <: GenSet[X]] extends GenericTraversableTemplate[A, CC]

  26. trait GenericTraversableTemplate [+A, +CC[X] <: GenTraversable[X]] extends HasNewBuilder[A, CC[A]]

    A template class for companion objects of regular collection classes that represent an unconstrained higher-kinded type.

  27. trait Growable [-A] extends AnyRef

    This trait forms part of collections that can be augmented using a += operator and that can be cleared of all elements using a clear method.

  28. trait HasNewBuilder [+A, +Repr] extends AnyRef

  29. trait HasNewCombiner [+T, +Repr] extends AnyRef

  30. class ImmutableMapFactory [CC[A, +B] <: Map[A, B] with MapLike[A, B, CC[A, B]]] extends MapFactory[CC]

    A template for companion objects of immutable.Map and subclasses thereof.

  31. class ImmutableSetFactory [CC[X] <: Set[X] with SetLike[X, CC[X]]] extends SetFactory[CC]

  32. class ImmutableSortedMapFactory [CC[A, B] <: SortedMap[A, B] with SortedMapLike[A, B, CC[A, B]]] extends SortedMapFactory[CC]

    A template for companion objects of SortedMap and subclasses thereof.

  33. class ImmutableSortedSetFactory [CC[A] <: SortedSet[A] with SortedSetLike[A, CC[A]]] extends SortedSetFactory[CC]

    A template for companion objects of SortedSet and subclasses thereof.

  34. trait IterableForwarder [+A] extends Iterable[A] with TraversableForwarder[A]

    This trait implements a forwarder for iterable objects.

  35. class MapFactory [CC[A, B] <: Map[A, B] with MapLike[A, B, CC[A, B]]] extends GenMapFactory[CC]

    A template for companion objects of Map and subclasses thereof.

  36. class MutableMapFactory [CC[A, B] <: Map[A, B] with MapLike[A, B, CC[A, B]]] extends MapFactory[CC]

    A template for companion objects of mutable.Map and subclasses thereof.

  37. class MutableSetFactory [CC[X] <: Set[X] with SetLike[X, CC[X]]] extends SetFactory[CC]

  38. class OrderedTraversableFactory [CC[X] <: Traversable[X] with GenericOrderedTraversableTemplate[X, CC]] extends GenericOrderedCompanion[CC]

  39. class ParFactory [CC[X] <: ParIterable[X] with GenericParTemplate[X, CC]] extends GenTraversableFactory[CC] with GenericParCompanion[CC]

    A template class for companion objects of ParIterable and subclasses thereof.

  40. class ParMapFactory [CC[X, Y] <: ParMap[X, Y] with scala.collection.parallel.ParMapLike[X, Y, CC[X,Y], _]] extends GenMapFactory[CC] with GenericParMapCompanion[CC]

    A template class for companion objects of ParMap and subclasses thereof.

  41. class ParSetFactory [CC[X] <: ParSet[X] with scala.collection.parallel.ParSetLike[X, CC[X], _] with GenericParTemplate[X, CC]] extends GenSetFactory[CC] with GenericParCompanion[CC]

  42. class SeqFactory [CC[X] <: Seq[X] with GenericTraversableTemplate[X, CC]] extends GenSeqFactory[CC] with TraversableFactory[CC]

    A template for companion objects of Seq and subclasses thereof.

  43. trait SeqForwarder [+A] extends Seq[A] with IterableForwarder[A]

    This class implements a forwarder for sequences.

  44. class SetFactory [CC[X] <: Set[X] with SetLike[X, CC[X]]] extends GenSetFactory[CC] with GenericSeqCompanion[CC]

  45. trait Shrinkable [-A] extends AnyRef

    This trait forms part of collections that can be reduced using a -= operator.

  46. trait Signalling extends AnyRef

    A message interface serves as a unique interface to the part of the collection capable of receiving messages from a different task.

  47. trait Sizing extends AnyRef

    A trait for objects which have a size.

  48. trait Sorted [K, +This <: Sorted[K, This]] extends AnyRef

    Any collection (including maps) whose keys (or elements) are ordered.

  49. class SortedMapFactory [CC[A, B] <: SortedMap[A, B] with SortedMapLike[A, B, CC[A, B]]] extends AnyRef

    A template for companion objects of mutable.

  50. class SortedSetFactory [CC[A] <: SortedSet[A] with SortedSetLike[A, CC[A]]] extends AnyRef

    A template for companion objects of Set and subclasses thereof.

  51. trait Subtractable [A, +Repr <: Subtractable[A, Repr]] extends AnyRef

    This trait represents collection-like objects that can be reduced using a '+' operator.

  52. class TaggedDelegatedContext extends DelegatedContext

    Class implementing delegated signalling, but having its own distinct tag.

  53. trait TraversableFactory [CC[X] <: Traversable[X] with GenericTraversableTemplate[X, CC]] extends GenTraversableFactory[CC] with GenericSeqCompanion[CC]

    A template for companion objects of Traversable and subclasses thereof.

  54. trait TraversableForwarder [+A] extends Traversable[A]

    This trait implements a forwarder for traversable objects.

  55. trait VolatileAbort extends Signalling

    A mixin trait that implements abort flag behaviour using volatile variables.

  56. trait Addable [A, +Repr <: Addable[A, Repr]] extends AnyRef

    This trait represents collection-like objects that can be added to using a '+' operator.

Value Members

  1. object IdleSignalling extends DefaultSignalling

    An object that returns default values and ignores received signals.

  2. object SliceInterval extends AnyRef