

class ComboBox[A] extends Component with Publisher

Let's the user make a selection from a list of predefined items. Visually, this is implemented as a button-like component with a pull-down menu.

See also


Linear Supertypes
Component, UIElement, LazyPublisher, Publisher, Reactor, Proxy, AnyRef, Any
Type Hierarchy Learn more about scaladoc diagrams
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. ComboBox
  2. Component
  3. UIElement
  4. LazyPublisher
  5. Publisher
  6. Reactor
  7. Proxy
  8. AnyRef
  9. Any
  1. by doubleEditor
  2. by floatEditor
  3. by intEditor
  4. by stringEditor
  5. by StringAdd
  6. by StringFormat
  7. by Ensuring
  8. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new ComboBox(items: Seq[A])

Type Members

  1. trait SuperMixin extends JComponent

    This trait is used to redirect certain calls from the peer to the wrapper and back.

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def +(other: String): String

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to StringAdd[ComboBox[A]] performed by method StringAdd in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  5. def ->[B](y: B): (ComboBox[A], B)

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to ArrowAssoc[ComboBox[A]] performed by method ArrowAssoc in scala.Predef. This conversion will take place only if A is a superclass of Any and a subclass of String with Int with Float with Double (A >: Any <: String with Int with Float with Double).
    Definition Classes
  6. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  7. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  8. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  9. def background: Color

    Definition Classes
  10. def background_=(c: Color): Unit

    Definition Classes
  11. def border: Border

    Definition Classes
  12. def border_=(b: Border): Unit

    Definition Classes
  13. def bounds: java.awt.Rectangle

    Definition Classes
  14. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  15. def cursor: Cursor

    Definition Classes
  16. def cursor_=(c: Cursor): Unit

    Definition Classes
  17. def deafTo(ps: Publisher*): Unit

    Installed reaction won't receive events from the given publisher anylonger.

    Installed reaction won't receive events from the given publisher anylonger.

    Definition Classes
  18. def displayable: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  19. def editable: Boolean

  20. def enabled: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  21. def enabled_=(b: Boolean): Unit

    Definition Classes
  22. def ensuring(cond: (ComboBox[A]) ⇒ Boolean, msg: ⇒ Any): ComboBox[A]

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Ensuring[ComboBox[A]] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  23. def ensuring(cond: (ComboBox[A]) ⇒ Boolean): ComboBox[A]

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Ensuring[ComboBox[A]] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  24. def ensuring(cond: Boolean, msg: ⇒ Any): ComboBox[A]

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Ensuring[ComboBox[A]] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  25. def ensuring(cond: Boolean): ComboBox[A]

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Ensuring[ComboBox[A]] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  26. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  27. def equals(that: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    Proxy → Any
  28. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  29. def focusable: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  30. def focusable_=(b: Boolean): Unit

    Definition Classes
  31. def font: Font

    Definition Classes
  32. def font_=(f: Font): Unit

    Definition Classes
  33. def foreground: Color

    Definition Classes
  34. def foreground_=(c: Color): Unit

    Definition Classes
  35. def formatted(fmtstr: String): String

    Returns string formatted according to given format string.

    Returns string formatted according to given format string. Format strings are as for String.format (@see java.lang.String.format).

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to StringFormat[ComboBox[A]] performed by method StringFormat in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  36. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  37. def hasFocus: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  38. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    Proxy → Any
  39. def ignoreRepaint: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  40. def ignoreRepaint_=(b: Boolean): Unit

    Definition Classes
  41. var initP: JComponent

    Definition Classes
  42. def inputVerifier: (Component) ⇒ Boolean

    Definition Classes
  43. def inputVerifier_=(v: (Component) ⇒ Boolean): Unit

    Definition Classes
  44. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  45. def item_=(a: Double): Unit

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Double] performed by method doubleEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Double (A =:= Double).
    Definition Classes
  46. def item_=(a: Float): Unit

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Float] performed by method floatEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Float (A =:= Float).
    Definition Classes
  47. def item_=(a: Int): Unit

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Int] performed by method intEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Int (A =:= Int).
    Definition Classes
  48. def item_=(a: String): Unit

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[String] performed by method stringEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is String (A =:= String).
    Definition Classes
  49. object keys extends Publisher

    Definition Classes
  50. def listenTo(ps: Publisher*): Unit

    Listen to the given publisher as long as deafTo isn't called for them.

    Listen to the given publisher as long as deafTo isn't called for them.

    Definition Classes
  51. val listeners: RefSet[Reaction] { val underlying: scala.collection.mutable.HashSet[scala.ref.Reference[scala.swing.Reactions.Reaction]] }

    Definition Classes
  52. def locale: Locale

    Definition Classes
  53. def location: java.awt.Point

    Definition Classes
  54. def locationOnScreen: java.awt.Point

    Definition Classes
  55. def makeEditable()(implicit editor: (ComboBox[A]) ⇒ Editor[A]): Unit

    Makes this combo box editable.

    Makes this combo box editable. In order to do so, this combo needs an editor which is supplied by the implicit argument. For default editors, see ComboBox companion object.

  56. def maximumSize: java.awt.Dimension

    Definition Classes
  57. def maximumSize_=(x: Dimension): Unit

    Definition Classes
  58. def minimumSize: java.awt.Dimension

    Definition Classes
  59. def minimumSize_=(x: Dimension): Unit

    Definition Classes
  60. object mouse

    Contains publishers for various mouse events.

  61. def name: String

    Definition Classes
  62. def name_=(s: String): Unit

    Definition Classes
  63. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  64. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  65. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  66. def onFirstSubscribe(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    ComponentUIElement → LazyPublisher
  67. def onLastUnsubscribe(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    UIElement → LazyPublisher
  68. def opaque: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  69. def opaque_=(b: Boolean): Unit

    Definition Classes
  70. def paint(g: Graphics2D): Unit

    Definition Classes
  71. def paintBorder(g: Graphics2D): Unit

    Definition Classes
  72. def paintChildren(g: Graphics2D): Unit

    Definition Classes
  73. def paintComponent(g: Graphics2D): Unit

    For custom painting, users should usually override this method.

    For custom painting, users should usually override this method.

    Definition Classes
  74. lazy val peer: JComboBox

    Definition Classes
  75. def preferredSize: java.awt.Dimension

    Definition Classes
  76. def preferredSize_=(x: Dimension): Unit

    Definition Classes
  77. def prototypeDisplayValue: Option[A]

  78. def prototypeDisplayValue_=(v: Option[A]): Unit

  79. def publish(e: Event): Unit

    Notify all registered reactions.

    Notify all registered reactions.

    Definition Classes
  80. val reactions: Reactions

    All reactions of this reactor.

    All reactions of this reactor.

    Definition Classes
  81. def renderer: Renderer[A]

    Sets the renderer for this combo box's items.

    Sets the renderer for this combo box's items. Index -1 is passed to the renderer for the selected item (not in the pull-down menu).

    The underlying combo box renders all items in a ListView (both, in the pull-down menu as well as in the box itself), hence the ListView.Renderer.

    Note that the UI peer of a combo box usually changes the colors of the component to its own defaults _after_ the renderer has been configured. That's Swing's principle of most suprise.

  82. def renderer_=(r: Renderer[A]): Unit

  83. def repaint(rect: Rectangle): Unit

    Definition Classes
  84. def repaint(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  85. def requestFocus(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  86. def requestFocusInWindow(): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  87. def revalidate(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  88. object selection extends Publisher

  89. def self: java.awt.Component

    Definition Classes
  90. def showing: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  91. def size: java.awt.Dimension

    Definition Classes
  92. def subscribe(listener: Reaction): Unit

    Definition Classes
    LazyPublisher → Publisher
  93. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  94. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    ComponentProxy → AnyRef → Any
  95. def toolkit: Toolkit

    Definition Classes
  96. def tooltip: String

    Definition Classes
  97. def tooltip_=(t: String): Unit

    Definition Classes
  98. def unsubscribe(listener: Reaction): Unit

    Definition Classes
    LazyPublisher → Publisher
  99. def visible: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  100. def visible_=(b: Boolean): Unit

    Definition Classes
  101. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  102. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
  103. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
  104. def xLayoutAlignment: Double

    Used by certain layout managers, e.

    Used by certain layout managers, e.g., BoxLayout or OverlayLayout to align components relative to each other.

    Definition Classes
  105. def xLayoutAlignment_=(x: Double): Unit

    Definition Classes
  106. def yLayoutAlignment: Double

    Definition Classes
  107. def yLayoutAlignment_=(y: Double): Unit

    Definition Classes
  108. def [B](y: B): (ComboBox[A], B)

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to ArrowAssoc[ComboBox[A]] performed by method ArrowAssoc in scala.Predef. This conversion will take place only if A is a superclass of Any and a subclass of String with Int with Float with Double (A >: Any <: String with Int with Float with Double).
    Definition Classes

Shadowed Implicit Value Members

  1. lazy val comboBoxPeer: ComboBoxEditor

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Double] performed by method doubleEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Double (A =:= Double).
    This implicitly inherited member is ambiguous. One or more implicitly inherited members have similar signatures, so calling this member may produce an ambiguous implicit conversion compiler error.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Double]).comboBoxPeer
    Definition Classes
  2. lazy val comboBoxPeer: ComboBoxEditor

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Float] performed by method floatEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Float (A =:= Float).
    This implicitly inherited member is ambiguous. One or more implicitly inherited members have similar signatures, so calling this member may produce an ambiguous implicit conversion compiler error.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Float]).comboBoxPeer
    Definition Classes
  3. lazy val comboBoxPeer: ComboBoxEditor

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Int] performed by method intEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Int (A =:= Int).
    This implicitly inherited member is ambiguous. One or more implicitly inherited members have similar signatures, so calling this member may produce an ambiguous implicit conversion compiler error.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Int]).comboBoxPeer
    Definition Classes
  4. lazy val comboBoxPeer: ComboBoxEditor

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[String] performed by method stringEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is String (A =:= String).
    This implicitly inherited member is ambiguous. One or more implicitly inherited members have similar signatures, so calling this member may produce an ambiguous implicit conversion compiler error.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[String]).comboBoxPeer
    Definition Classes
  5. def component: Component

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Double] performed by method doubleEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Double (A =:= Double).
    This implicitly inherited member is ambiguous. One or more implicitly inherited members have similar signatures, so calling this member may produce an ambiguous implicit conversion compiler error.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Double]).component
    Definition Classes
  6. def component: Component

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Float] performed by method floatEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Float (A =:= Float).
    This implicitly inherited member is ambiguous. One or more implicitly inherited members have similar signatures, so calling this member may produce an ambiguous implicit conversion compiler error.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Float]).component
    Definition Classes
  7. def component: Component

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Int] performed by method intEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Int (A =:= Int).
    This implicitly inherited member is ambiguous. One or more implicitly inherited members have similar signatures, so calling this member may produce an ambiguous implicit conversion compiler error.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Int]).component
    Definition Classes
  8. def component: Component

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[String] performed by method stringEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is String (A =:= String).
    This implicitly inherited member is ambiguous. One or more implicitly inherited members have similar signatures, so calling this member may produce an ambiguous implicit conversion compiler error.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[String]).component
    Definition Classes
  9. def deafTo(ps: Publisher*): Unit

    Installed reaction won't receive events from the given publisher anylonger.

    Installed reaction won't receive events from the given publisher anylonger.

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Double] performed by method doubleEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Double (A =:= Double).
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Double]).deafTo(ps)
    Definition Classes
  10. def deafTo(ps: Publisher*): Unit

    Installed reaction won't receive events from the given publisher anylonger.

    Installed reaction won't receive events from the given publisher anylonger.

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Float] performed by method floatEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Float (A =:= Float).
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Float]).deafTo(ps)
    Definition Classes
  11. def deafTo(ps: Publisher*): Unit

    Installed reaction won't receive events from the given publisher anylonger.

    Installed reaction won't receive events from the given publisher anylonger.

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Int] performed by method intEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Int (A =:= Int).
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Int]).deafTo(ps)
    Definition Classes
  12. def deafTo(ps: Publisher*): Unit

    Installed reaction won't receive events from the given publisher anylonger.

    Installed reaction won't receive events from the given publisher anylonger.

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[String] performed by method stringEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is String (A =:= String).
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[String]).deafTo(ps)
    Definition Classes
  13. def item: Double

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Double] performed by method doubleEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Double (A =:= Double).
    This implicitly inherited member is ambiguous. One or more implicitly inherited members have similar signatures, so calling this member may produce an ambiguous implicit conversion compiler error.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Double]).item
    Definition Classes
  14. def item: Float

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Float] performed by method floatEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Float (A =:= Float).
    This implicitly inherited member is ambiguous. One or more implicitly inherited members have similar signatures, so calling this member may produce an ambiguous implicit conversion compiler error.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Float]).item
    Definition Classes
  15. def item: Int

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Int] performed by method intEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Int (A =:= Int).
    This implicitly inherited member is ambiguous. One or more implicitly inherited members have similar signatures, so calling this member may produce an ambiguous implicit conversion compiler error.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Int]).item
    Definition Classes
  16. def item: String

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[String] performed by method stringEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is String (A =:= String).
    This implicitly inherited member is ambiguous. One or more implicitly inherited members have similar signatures, so calling this member may produce an ambiguous implicit conversion compiler error.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[String]).item
    Definition Classes
  17. def listenTo(ps: Publisher*): Unit

    Listen to the given publisher as long as deafTo isn't called for them.

    Listen to the given publisher as long as deafTo isn't called for them.

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Double] performed by method doubleEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Double (A =:= Double).
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Double]).listenTo(ps)
    Definition Classes
  18. def listenTo(ps: Publisher*): Unit

    Listen to the given publisher as long as deafTo isn't called for them.

    Listen to the given publisher as long as deafTo isn't called for them.

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Float] performed by method floatEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Float (A =:= Float).
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Float]).listenTo(ps)
    Definition Classes
  19. def listenTo(ps: Publisher*): Unit

    Listen to the given publisher as long as deafTo isn't called for them.

    Listen to the given publisher as long as deafTo isn't called for them.

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Int] performed by method intEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Int (A =:= Int).
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Int]).listenTo(ps)
    Definition Classes
  20. def listenTo(ps: Publisher*): Unit

    Listen to the given publisher as long as deafTo isn't called for them.

    Listen to the given publisher as long as deafTo isn't called for them.

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[String] performed by method stringEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is String (A =:= String).
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[String]).listenTo(ps)
    Definition Classes
  21. def publish(e: Event): Unit

    Notify all registered reactions.

    Notify all registered reactions.

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Double] performed by method doubleEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Double (A =:= Double).
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Double]).publish(e)
    Definition Classes
  22. def publish(e: Event): Unit

    Notify all registered reactions.

    Notify all registered reactions.

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Float] performed by method floatEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Float (A =:= Float).
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Float]).publish(e)
    Definition Classes
  23. def publish(e: Event): Unit

    Notify all registered reactions.

    Notify all registered reactions.

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Int] performed by method intEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Int (A =:= Int).
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Int]).publish(e)
    Definition Classes
  24. def publish(e: Event): Unit

    Notify all registered reactions.

    Notify all registered reactions.

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[String] performed by method stringEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is String (A =:= String).
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[String]).publish(e)
    Definition Classes
  25. val reactions: Reactions

    All reactions of this reactor.

    All reactions of this reactor.

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Double] performed by method doubleEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Double (A =:= Double).
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Double]).reactions
    Definition Classes
  26. val reactions: Reactions

    All reactions of this reactor.

    All reactions of this reactor.

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Float] performed by method floatEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Float (A =:= Float).
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Float]).reactions
    Definition Classes
  27. val reactions: Reactions

    All reactions of this reactor.

    All reactions of this reactor.

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Int] performed by method intEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Int (A =:= Int).
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Int]).reactions
    Definition Classes
  28. val reactions: Reactions

    All reactions of this reactor.

    All reactions of this reactor.

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[String] performed by method stringEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is String (A =:= String).
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[String]).reactions
    Definition Classes
  29. def startEditing(): Unit

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Double] performed by method doubleEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Double (A =:= Double).
    This implicitly inherited member is ambiguous. One or more implicitly inherited members have similar signatures, so calling this member may produce an ambiguous implicit conversion compiler error.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Double]).startEditing()
    Definition Classes
  30. def startEditing(): Unit

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Float] performed by method floatEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Float (A =:= Float).
    This implicitly inherited member is ambiguous. One or more implicitly inherited members have similar signatures, so calling this member may produce an ambiguous implicit conversion compiler error.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Float]).startEditing()
    Definition Classes
  31. def startEditing(): Unit

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Int] performed by method intEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is Int (A =:= Int).
    This implicitly inherited member is ambiguous. One or more implicitly inherited members have similar signatures, so calling this member may produce an ambiguous implicit conversion compiler error.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[Int]).startEditing()
    Definition Classes
  32. def startEditing(): Unit

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ComboBox[A] to Editor[String] performed by method stringEditor in scala.swing.ComboBox. This conversion will take place only if A is String (A =:= String).
    This implicitly inherited member is ambiguous. One or more implicitly inherited members have similar signatures, so calling this member may produce an ambiguous implicit conversion compiler error.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (comboBox: Editor[String]).startEditing()
    Definition Classes

Inherited from Component

Inherited from UIElement

Inherited from LazyPublisher

Inherited from Publisher

Inherited from Reactor

Inherited from Proxy

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any

Inherited by implicit conversion doubleEditor from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Double]

Inherited by implicit conversion floatEditor from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Float]

Inherited by implicit conversion intEditor from ComboBox[A] to Editor[Int]

Inherited by implicit conversion stringEditor from ComboBox[A] to Editor[String]

Inherited by implicit conversion StringAdd from ComboBox[A] to StringAdd[ComboBox[A]]

Inherited by implicit conversion StringFormat from ComboBox[A] to StringFormat[ComboBox[A]]

Inherited by implicit conversion Ensuring from ComboBox[A] to Ensuring[ComboBox[A]]

Inherited by implicit conversion ArrowAssoc from ComboBox[A] to ArrowAssoc[ComboBox[A]]
