


package testing

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait AnnotatedFingerprint extends Fingerprint

    Indicates that classes or modules with a specific annotation, either on at least one top level method or on the class or module itself, should be discovered as test classes.

  2. trait Event extends AnyRef

    An event fired by the test framework during a run.

  3. trait EventHandler extends AnyRef

    Interface implemented by clients that handle events fired by the test framework during a run.

    Interface implemented by clients that handle events fired by the test framework during a run.

    An event handler is passed to the test framework via the execute method of Tasks.

  4. trait Fingerprint extends AnyRef

    A way to identify test classes and/or modules that should be discovered when the client performs discovery.

    A way to identify test classes and/or modules that should be discovered when the client performs discovery.

    Scala.js: Implementations may not rely on the identity of Fingerprints, since they are serialized between JS / JVM.

  5. trait Framework extends AnyRef

    Interface implemented by test frameworks.

    Interface implemented by test frameworks.

  6. trait Logger extends AnyRef

    A logger through which to provide feedback to the user about a run.

    A logger through which to provide feedback to the user about a run.

    The difference between the event handler and the logger is that the event handler is for events intended to be consumed by the client software whereas the logger is for messages intended to be consumed by the client *user* (i.e., a human).

    Implementations of this interface must be thread-safe.

  7. final class NestedSuiteSelector extends Selector with Serializable

    Information in addition to a test class name that identifies a nested suite about which an event was fired.

  8. final class NestedTestSelector extends Selector with Serializable

    Information in addition to a test class name that identifies a test in a nested suite about which an event was fired.

  9. final class OptionalThrowable extends Serializable

    An optional Throwable.

  10. trait Runner extends AnyRef

    Represents one run of a suite of tests.

    Represents one run of a suite of tests.

    The run represented by a Runner has a lifecycle. The run begins when the Runner is instantiated by the framework and returned to the client during a Framework.runner invocation. The run continues until the client invokes done on the Runner. Before invoking done, the client can invoke the tasks method as many times at it wants, but once done has been invoked, the Runner enters "spent" mode. Any subsequent invocations of tasks will be met with an IllegalStateException.

  11. sealed abstract class Selector extends AnyRef

    Information in addition to a test class name that identifies the suite or test about which an event was fired.

    Information in addition to a test class name that identifies the suite or test about which an event was fired.

    This class has five subtypes:

    • SuiteSelector - indicates an event is about an entire suite of tests whose class was reported as fullyQualifiedName in the Event
    • TestSelector - indicates an event is about a single test directly contained in the suite whose class was reported as fullyQualifiedName in the Event
    • NestedSuiteSelector - indicates an event is about an entire nested suite of tests whose top-level, "nesting" class was reported as fullyQualifiedName in the Event
    • NestedTestSelector - indicates an event is about a single test contained in a nested suite whose top-level, "nesting" class was reported as fullyQualifiedName in the Event
    • TestWildcardSelector - indicates an event is about zero to many tests directly contained in the suite whose class was reported as fullyQualifiedName in the Event
  12. class Status extends Enum[Status]

    Represents the status of running a test.

    Represents the status of running a test.

    Test frameworks can decided which of these to use and what they mean, but in general, the intended meanings are:

    • Success - a test succeeded
    • Error - an "error" occurred during a test
    • Failure - an "failure" during a test
    • Skipped - a test was skipped for any reason
    • Ignored - a test was ignored, i.e., temporarily disabled with the intention of fixing it later
    • Canceled - a test was canceled, i.e., not able to be completed because of some unmet pre-condition, such as a database being offline that the test requires
    • Pending - a test was declared as pending, i.e., with test code and/or production code as yet unimplemented

    The difference between errors and failures, if any, is determined by the test frameworks. JUnit and specs2 differentiate between errors and failures. ScalaTest reports everything (both assertion failures and unexpected errors) as failures. JUnit and ScalaTest support ignored tests. ScalaTest and specs2 support a notion of pending tests. ScalaTest differentiates between ignored and canceled tests, whereas specs2 only supports skipped tests, which are implemented like ScalaTest's canceled tests. TestNG uses "skipped" to report tests that were not executed because of failures in dependencies, which is also similar to canceled tests in ScalaTest.

  13. trait SubclassFingerprint extends Fingerprint

    Indicates that classes (and possibly modules) that extend a particular superclass, or mix in a particular supertrait, should be discovered as test classes.

  14. final class SuiteSelector extends Selector with Serializable

    Indicates an event was about the entire suite whose class had the fully qualified name specified as the fullyQualifiedName attribute the event.

  15. trait Task extends AnyRef

    A task to execute.

    A task to execute.

    The client may decide when or how to execute the task based on its tags. A task can be any job, but is primarily intended for running tests and/or supplying more tasks to the client. A framework can supply more tasks to the client in the returned an array of Tasks (which can be empty if there's no more work to do.)

  16. final class TaskDef extends Serializable

    A bundle of information used to request a Task from a test framework.

    A bundle of information used to request a Task from a test framework.

    An array of TaskDef is passed to <a href="Runner.html">Runner's tasks method, which returns an array of Tasks. Each returned task, when executed, will run tests and suites determined by the test class name, fingerprints, "explicitly specified" field, and selectors of one of the passed TaskDefs.

    The "Explicitly specified" field means the user supplied a complete fully qualified test name, such as with the command:

    &gt; test-only com.mycompany.myproject.WholeNameSpec

    as opposed to commands like:

    &gt; test-only *WholeNameSpec

    or simply:

    &gt; test

    The explicitlySpecified field will be true for in the first case, and false in the last two cases, because only in the first case was the fully qualified test class name completely specified by the user. The test framework can use this information to decide whether to ignore an annotation requesting a class not be discovered.

    The fingerprint parameter indicates how the test suite was identified as a test suite. This tasks method may be called with TaskDefs containing the same value for testClassName but different fingerprints. For example, if both a class and its companion object were test classes, the tasks method could be passed an array containing TaskDefs with the same name but with a different value for fingerprint.isModule.

    A test framework may "reject" a requested task by returning no Task for that TaskDef.

  17. final class TestSelector extends Selector with Serializable

    Information in addition to a test class name that identifies a test directly contained in the suite whose class had the fully qualified name specified as the fullyQualifiedName attribute passed to the event.

  18. final class TestWildcardSelector extends Selector with Serializable

    Information that identifies zero to many tests directly contained in a test class.

    Information that identifies zero to many tests directly contained in a test class.

    The testWildcard is a simple string, i.e., not a glob or regular expression. Any test whose name includes the testWildcard string as a substring will be selected.

Value Members

  1. object Status extends Serializable
