
class Tab(val delegate: Tab) extends Styleable with SFXDelegate[Tab]
trait Styleable
trait SFXDelegate[Tab]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

The closable state for this tab.

The closable state for this tab.

def closable_=(v: Boolean): Unit

The content associated with the tab.

The content associated with the tab.

def content_=(v: Node): Unit
def contextMenu: ObjectProperty[ContextMenu]

The context menu associated with the tab.

The context menu associated with the tab.

def contextMenu_=(v: ContextMenu): Unit

Sets the disabled state of this tab. A disable tab is no longer interactive or traversable, but the contents remain interactive. A disable tab can be selected using TabPane.getSelectionModel().

Sets the disabled state of this tab. A disable tab is no longer interactive or traversable, but the contents remain interactive. A disable tab can be selected using TabPane.getSelectionModel().



def disable_=(v: Boolean): Unit

Indicates whether or not this Tab is disabled. A Tab will become disabled if disable is set to true on either itself or if the TabPane is disabled.

Indicates whether or not this Tab is disabled. A Tab will become disabled if disable is set to true on either itself or if the TabPane is disabled.



The graphic in the tab.

The graphic in the tab.

def graphic_=(v: Node): Unit

The id of this tab.

The id of this tab.

def id_=(v: String): Unit
def onCloseRequest: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[Event]]

Called when there is an external request to close this Tab.

Called when there is an external request to close this Tab.

def onCloseRequest_=(v: EventHandler[Event]): Unit
def onClosed: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[Event]]

The event handler that is associated with the tab when the tab is closed.

The event handler that is associated with the tab when the tab is closed.

def onClosed_=(v: EventHandler[Event]): Unit
def onSelectionChanged: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[Event]]

The event handler that is associated with a selection on the tab.

The event handler that is associated with a selection on the tab.

def onSelectionChanged_=(v: EventHandler[Event]): Unit

The currently selected tab.

The currently selected tab.

The CSS style string associated to this tab.

The CSS style string associated to this tab.

def style_=(v: String): Unit

The TabPane that contains this tab.

The TabPane that contains this tab.

The text shown in the tab.

The text shown in the tab.

def text_=(v: String): Unit
def tooltip: ObjectProperty[Tooltip]

The tooltip associated with this tab.

The tooltip associated with this tab.

def tooltip_=(v: Tooltip): Unit
def userData: AnyRef

Set the value of the userData property for the instance constructed by this builder.

Set the value of the userData property for the instance constructed by this builder.



def userData_=(v: AnyRef): Unit

Inherited methods

def cssMetaData: Seq[CssMetaData[_ <: Styleable, _]]

The CssMetaData of this Styleable.

The CssMetaData of this Styleable.

Inherited from
override def equals(ref: Any): Boolean

Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

Value Params

Object to be compared.


if the other object is equals to this delegate or not.

Definition Classes
Inherited from
def getId: String

The id of this Styleable.

The id of this Styleable.

IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: For this method was adopted the name getId instead id to not conflict with its subclasses already have a method with this name which returns a StringProperty.

Inherited from
def getStyle: String

A string representation of the CSS style associated with this specific Node.

A string representation of the CSS style associated with this specific Node.

IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: For this method was adopted the name getStyle instead style to not conflict with its subclasses already have a method with this name which returns a StringProperty.

Inherited from
override def hashCode: Int

The delegate hashcode

Definition Classes
Inherited from
def pseudoClassStates: ObservableSet[PseudoClass]

The pseudo-class state of this Styleable.

The pseudo-class state of this Styleable.

Inherited from

A list of String identifiers which can be used to logically group Nodes, specifically for an external style engine.

A list of String identifiers which can be used to logically group Nodes, specifically for an external style engine.

Inherited from

Returns the Node that represents this Styleable object. This method should be overridden in cases where the Styleable is not itself a Node, so that it may optionally return the relevant root node representation of itself. By default this method returns null, which can mean that either the Styleable itself is a Node, or if that is not the case, that the Styleable does not have a node representation available at the time of request.

Returns the Node that represents this Styleable object. This method should be overridden in cases where the Styleable is not itself a Node, so that it may optionally return the relevant root node representation of itself. By default this method returns null, which can mean that either the Styleable itself is a Node, or if that is not the case, that the Styleable does not have a node representation available at the time of request.


the Node that represents this Styleable object



Inherited from

The parent of this Styleable, or null if there is no parent.

The parent of this Styleable, or null if there is no parent.

Inherited from
override def toString: String

Returns the original delegate's toString() adding a [SFX] prefix.

Definition Classes
Inherited from
def typeSelector: String

The type of this Styleable that is to be used in selector matching.

The type of this Styleable that is to be used in selector matching.

Inherited from

Concrete fields

override val delegate: Tab