
object TableColumn
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def editAnyEvent: EventType[CellEditEvent[Nothing, Nothing]]

Parent event for any TableColumn edit event.

Parent event for any TableColumn edit event.

def editCancelEvent: EventType[CellEditEvent[Nothing, Nothing]]

Indicates that the editing has been canceled, meaning that no change should be made to the backing data source.

Indicates that the editing has been canceled, meaning that no change should be made to the backing data source.

def editCommitEvent: EventType[CellEditEvent[Nothing, Nothing]]

Indicates that the editing has been committed by the user, meaning that a change should be made to the backing data source to reflect the new data.

Indicates that the editing has been committed by the user, meaning that a change should be made to the backing data source to reflect the new data.

def editStartEvent: EventType[CellEditEvent[Nothing, Nothing]]

Indicates that the user has performed some interaction to start an edit event, or alternatively the TableView.edit(Int, TableColumn) method has been called.

Indicates that the user has performed some interaction to start an edit event, or alternatively the TableView.edit(Int, TableColumn) method has been called.

Concrete fields

If no cellFactory is specified on a TableColumn instance, then this one will be used by default.

If no cellFactory is specified on a TableColumn instance, then this one will be used by default.

Deprecated fields

@deprecated("Use DefaultCellFactory; DEFAULT_CELL_FACTORY will be removed in a future release", "8.0.60-R10")



implicit def sfxTableColumn2jfx[S, T](tc: TableColumn[S, T]): TableColumn[S, T]