
sealed abstract class KeyCode(val delegate: KeyCode) extends SFXEnumDelegate[KeyCode]
trait SFXEnumDelegate[KeyCode]
trait SFXDelegate[KeyCode]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object Enter
object BackSpace
object Tab
object Cancel
object Clear
object Shift
object Control
object Alt
object Pause
object Caps
object Escape
object Space
object PageUp
object PageDown
object End
object Home
object Left
object Up
object Right
object Down
object Comma
object Minus
object Period
object Slash
object Digit0
object Digit1
object Digit2
object Digit3
object Digit4
object Digit5
object Digit6
object Digit7
object Digit8
object Digit9
object Semicolon
object Equals
object A
object B
object C
object D
object E
object F
object G
object H
object I
object J
object K
object L
object M
object N
object O
object P
object Q
object R
object S
object T
object U
object V
object W
object X
object Y
object Z
object BackSlash
object Numpad0
object Numpad1
object Numpad2
object Numpad3
object Numpad4
object Numpad5
object Numpad6
object Numpad7
object Numpad8
object Numpad9
object Multiply
object Add
object Separator
object Subtract
object Decimal
object Divide
object Delete
object NumLock
object ScrollLock
object F1
object F2
object F3
object F4
object F5
object F6
object F7
object F8
object F9
object F10
object F11
object F12
object F13
object F14
object F15
object F16
object F17
object F18
object F19
object F20
object F21
object F22
object F23
object F24
object Insert
object Help
object Meta
object BackQuote
object Quote
object KPUp
object KPDown
object KPLeft
object KPRight
object DeadGrave
object DeadAcute
object DeadTilde
object DeadMacron
object DeadBreve
object DeadCaron
object DeadOgonek
object DeadIota
object Ampersand
object Asterisk
object Quotedbl
object Less
object Greater
object Braceleft
object Braceright
object At
object Colon
object Circumflex
object Dollar
object EuroSign
object NumberSign
object Plus
object Underscore
object Windows
object Final
object Convert
object Nonconvert
object Accept
object Modechange
object Kana
object Kanji
object Katakana
object Hiragana
object FullWidth
object HalfWidth
object CodeInput
object KanaLock
object Cut
object Copy
object Paste
object Undo
object Again
object Find
object Props
object Stop
object Compose
object AltGraph
object Begin
object Undefined
object Softkey0
object Softkey1
object Softkey2
object Softkey3
object Softkey4
object Softkey5
object Softkey6
object Softkey7
object Softkey8
object Softkey9
object GameA
object GameB
object GameC
object GameD
object Star
object Pound
object Power
object Info
object Play
object Record
object FastFwd
object Rewind
object TrackPrev
object TrackNext
object ChannelUp
object VolumeUp
object VolumeDown
object Mute
object Command
object Shortcut

Value members

Concrete methods

def isArrowKey: Boolean

Left, right, up, down keys (including the keypad arrows)

Left, right, up, down keys (including the keypad arrows)

def isDigitKey: Boolean

All Digit keys (including the keypad digits)

All Digit keys (including the keypad digits)

def isFunctionKey: Boolean

Function keys like F1, F2, etc...

Function keys like F1, F2, etc...

def isKeypadKey: Boolean

All keys on the keypad

All keys on the keypad

def isLetterKey: Boolean

All keys with letters

All keys with letters

def isMediaKey: Boolean

All multimedia keys (channel up/down, volume control, etc...)

All multimedia keys (channel up/down, volume control, etc...)

def isModifierKey: Boolean

Keys that could act as a modifier

Keys that could act as a modifier

def isNavigationKey: Boolean

Navigation keys are arrow keys and Page Down, Page Up, Home, End (including keypad keys)

Navigation keys are arrow keys and Page Down, Page Up, Home, End (including keypad keys)

def isWhitespaceKey: Boolean

Space, tab and enter

Space, tab and enter

def name: String

Gets name of this key code.

Gets name of this key code.

Inherited methods

override def equals(ref: Any): Boolean

Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

Value Params

Object to be compared.


if the other object is equals to this delegate or not.

Definition Classes
Inherited from
override def hashCode: Int

The delegate hashcode

Definition Classes
Inherited from
override def toString: String

Return the same string value as enum delegate.

Return the same string value as enum delegate.

This is important since we want to be able to look it up using enums valueOf method. Default toString provided by the SFXDelegate prepends "[SFX]"

Definition Classes
Inherited from

Concrete fields

override val delegate: KeyCode