
class PickResult(val delegate: PickResult) extends SFXDelegate[PickResult]

A container for the result of a pick event. Wrapper for JavaFX's PickResult.

A container for the result of a pick event. Wrapper for JavaFX's PickResult.

trait SFXDelegate[PickResult]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members


def this(target: EventTarget, sceneX: Double, sceneY: Double)

Creates a pick result for a 2D case where no additional information is needed.

Creates a pick result for a 2D case where no additional information is needed.

Converts the given scene coordinates to the target's local coordinate space and stores the value as the intersected point. Sets intersected node to the given target, distance to 1.0, face to FACE_UNDEFINED and texCoord to null.

Value Params
  • The scene X coordinate
  • The scene Y coordinate
  • The picked target (null in case of a Scene)
def this(node: Node, point: Point3D, distance: Double)

Creates a new instance of PickResult for a non-3d-shape target.

Creates a new instance of PickResult for a non-3d-shape target.

Sets face to FACE_UNDEFINED and texCoord to null.

Value Params
  • The intersected distance between camera position and the picked Node
  • The intersected node
  • The intersected point in local coordinate of the picked Node
def this(node: Node, point: Point3D, distance: Double, face: Int, texCoord: Point2D)

Creates a new instance of PickResult.

Creates a new instance of PickResult.

Value Params
  • The intersected distance between camera position and the picked Node
  • The intersected face of the picked Node
  • The intersected node
  • The intersected point in local coordinate of the picked Node
  • The intersected texture coordinates of the picked Node

Concrete methods

def intersectedDistance: Double

Returns the intersected distance between camera position and the intersected point.

Returns the intersected distance between camera position and the intersected point.

def intersectedFace: Int

Returns the intersected face of the picked Node, FACE_UNDEFINED if the node doesn't have user-specified faces or was picked on bounds.

Returns the intersected face of the picked Node, FACE_UNDEFINED if the node doesn't have user-specified faces or was picked on bounds.

def intersectedNode: Option[Node]

Returns the intersected node. Returns None if there was no intersection with any node and the scene was picked.

Returns the intersected node. Returns None if there was no intersection with any node and the scene was picked.

Returns the intersected point in local coordinate of the picked Node.

Returns the intersected point in local coordinate of the picked Node.

Return the intersected texture coordinates of the picked 3d shape. If the picked target is not Shape3D or has pickOnBounds==true, it returns None.

Return the intersected texture coordinates of the picked 3d shape. If the picked target is not Shape3D or has pickOnBounds==true, it returns None.

Inherited methods

override def equals(ref: Any): Boolean

Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

Value Params

Object to be compared.


if the other object is equals to this delegate or not.

Definition Classes
Inherited from
override def hashCode: Int

The delegate hashcode

Definition Classes
Inherited from
override def toString: String

Returns the original delegate's toString() adding a [SFX] prefix.

Definition Classes
Inherited from

Concrete fields

override val delegate: PickResult