
class WebEngine(val delegate: WebEngine) extends SFXDelegate[WebEngine]
Value Params

A JavaFX WebEngine. Its default value is a new instance.


Creates a new WebEngine from its JavaFX counterpart.

trait SFXDelegate[WebEngine]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members


def this(url: String)

Creates a new engine and loads a Web page into it.

Creates a new engine and loads a Web page into it.

Concrete methods

def confirmHandler: ObjectProperty[Callback[String, Boolean]]

JavaScript confirm handler property.

JavaScript confirm handler property.

def confirmHandler_=(f: String => Boolean): Unit
def createPopupHandler: ObjectProperty[Callback[PopupFeatures, WebEngine]]

JavaScript popup handler property.

JavaScript popup handler property.

def createPopupHandler_=(f: PopupFeatures => WebEngine): Unit
def document: Document

Document object for the current Web page.

Document object for the current Web page.

JavaScript enabled handler property.

JavaScript enabled handler property.



def javaScriptEnabled_=(v: Boolean): Unit
def load(url: String): Unit

Loads a Web page into this engine.

Loads a Web page into this engine.

def loadContent(content: String): Unit

Loads the given HTML content directly.

Loads the given HTML content directly.

def loadContent(content: String, contentType: String): Unit

Loads the given content directly.

Loads the given content directly.

URL of the current Web page.

URL of the current Web page.

def onAlert: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[WebEvent[String]]]

JavaScript alert handler property.

JavaScript alert handler property.

def onAlert_=(v: EventHandler[WebEvent[String]]): Unit
def onError: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[WebErrorEvent]]

The event handler called when an error occurs.

The event handler called when an error occurs.



def onError_=(v: EventHandler[WebErrorEvent]): Unit
def onResized: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[WebEvent[Rectangle2D]]]

JavaScript window resize handler property.

JavaScript window resize handler property.

def onResized_=(v: EventHandler[WebEvent[Rectangle2D]]): Unit
def onStatusChanged: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[WebEvent[String]]]

JavaScript status handler property.

JavaScript status handler property.

def onStatusChanged_=(v: EventHandler[WebEvent[String]]): Unit
def onVisibilityChanged: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[WebEvent[Boolean]]]

JavaScript window visibility handler property.

JavaScript window visibility handler property.

def onVisibilityChanged_=(v: EventHandler[WebEvent[Boolean]]): Unit
def promptHandler: ObjectProperty[Callback[PromptData, String]]

JavaScript prompt handler property.

JavaScript prompt handler property.

def promptHandler_=(f: PromptData => String): Unit

Title of the current Web page.

Title of the current Web page.

Specifies user agent ID string.

Specifies user agent ID string.



def userAgent_=(v: String): Unit

Specifies the directory to be used by this WebEngine to store local user data.

Specifies the directory to be used by this WebEngine to store local user data.



def userDataDirectory_=(v: File): Unit

JavaScript enabled handler property.

JavaScript enabled handler property.



def userStyleSheetLocation_=(v: String): Unit

Inherited methods

override def equals(ref: Any): Boolean

Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

Value Params

Object to be compared.


if the other object is equals to this delegate or not.

Definition Classes
Inherited from
override def hashCode: Int

The delegate hashcode

Definition Classes
Inherited from
override def toString: String

Returns the original delegate's toString() adding a [SFX] prefix.

Definition Classes
Inherited from

Concrete fields

override val delegate: WebEngine