
final class JobSettings(val delegate: JobSettings) extends SFXDelegate[JobSettings]
Value Params

JavaFX JobSettings. Since there is no public constructor for it, there is not a default value.


Creates a new ScalaFX JobSettings from its JavaFX counterpart.



trait SFXDelegate[JobSettings]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def collation: ObjectProperty[Collation]

Property representing an instance of Collation.

Property representing an instance of Collation.

def collation_=(v: Collation): Unit

IntegerProperty representing the number of copies of the job to print.

IntegerProperty representing the number of copies of the job to print.

def copies_=(v: Int): Unit

StringProperty representing the name of a job.

StringProperty representing the name of a job.

def jobName_=(v: String): Unit
def pageLayout: ObjectProperty[PageLayout]

Property representing an instance of PageLayout.

Property representing an instance of PageLayout.

def pageLayout_=(v: PageLayout): Unit

An ObjectProperty whose value represents the job pages to print as an array of PageRange.

An ObjectProperty whose value represents the job pages to print as an array of PageRange.

def pageRanges_=(v: PageRange*): Unit
def paperSource: ObjectProperty[PaperSource]

Property representing an instance of PaperSource.

Property representing an instance of PaperSource.

def paperSource_=(v: PaperSource): Unit
def printColor: ObjectProperty[PrintColor]

Property representing an instance of PrintColor.

Property representing an instance of PrintColor.

def printColor_=(v: PrintColor): Unit
def printQuality: ObjectProperty[PrintQuality]

Property representing an instance of PrintQuality.

Property representing an instance of PrintQuality.

def printResolution: ObjectProperty[PrintResolution]

Property representing an instance of PrintResolution.

Property representing an instance of PrintResolution.

def printSides: ObjectProperty[PrintSides]

Property representing an instance of PrintSides.

Property representing an instance of PrintSides.

def printSides_=(v: PrintSides): Unit

Inherited methods

override def equals(ref: Any): Boolean

Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

Value Params

Object to be compared.


if the other object is equals to this delegate or not.

Definition Classes
Inherited from
override def hashCode: Int

The delegate hashcode

Definition Classes
Inherited from
override def toString: String

Returns the original delegate's toString() adding a [SFX] prefix.

Definition Classes
Inherited from

Concrete fields

override val delegate: JobSettings