
class Alert(val delegate: Alert) extends Dialog[ButtonType] with SFXDelegate[Alert]

The Alert class subclasses the Dialog class, and provides support for a number of pre-built dialog types that can be easily shown to users to prompt for a response.

The Alert class subclasses the Dialog class, and provides support for a number of pre-built dialog types that can be easily shown to users to prompt for a response.

Wraps a JavaFX Alert.

Example of displaying an information dialog:

 new Alert(AlertType.Information) {
       title = "Information Dialog"
       headerText = "Look, an Information Dialog"
       contentText = "I have a great message for you!"

A bit more elaborated example that is using a custom buttons:

val One = new ButtonType("One")
val Two = new ButtonType("Two")
val Three = new ButtonType("Three")

val alert = new Alert(AlertType.Confirmation) {
  title = "Confirmation Dialog with Custom Actions"
  headerText = "Look, a Confirmation Dialog with Custom Actions"
  contentText = "Choose your option."
  buttonTypes = Seq(One, Two, Three, ButtonType.Cancel)

val result = alert.showAndWait()
result match {
  case Some(One)   => println("... user chose \"One\"")
  case Some(Two)   => println("... user chose \"Two\"")
  case Some(Three) => println("... user chose \"Three\"")
  case _           => println("... user chose CANCEL or closed the dialog")
class Dialog[ButtonType]
trait SFXDelegate[Alert]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members


def this(alertType: AlertType)

Creates an alert with the given AlertType (refer to the AlertType documentation for clarification over which one is most appropriate).

Creates an alert with the given AlertType (refer to the AlertType documentation for clarification over which one is most appropriate).

By passing in an AlertType, default values for the title property, headerText property, graphic property properties are set. Once the Alert is instantiated, developers are able to modify the values of the alert as desired.

def this(alertType: AlertType, contentText: String, buttons: ButtonType*)

Creates an alert with the given contentText, ButtonTypes, and AlertType (refer to the AlertType documentation for clarification over which one is most appropriate).

Creates an alert with the given contentText, ButtonTypes, and AlertType (refer to the AlertType documentation for clarification over which one is most appropriate).

By passing in a variable number of ButtonType arguments, the developer is directly overriding the default buttons that will be displayed in the dialog, replacing the pre-defined buttons with whatever is specified in the varargs array.

By passing in an AlertType, default values for the title property, headerText property, graphic property properties are set. Once the Alert is instantiated, developers are able to modify the values of the alert as desired.

Concrete methods

def alertType: ObjectProperty[AlertType]
def alertType_=(v: AlertType): Unit
def buttonTypes: ObservableBuffer[ButtonType]

Returns an ObservableBuffer of all ButtonType instances that are currently set inside this Alert instance.

Returns an ObservableBuffer of all ButtonType instances that are currently set inside this Alert instance.

def buttonTypes_=(types: Iterable[ButtonType]): Unit
def showAndWait(): Option[ButtonType]

Shows the dialog and waits for the user response (in other words, brings up a blocking dialog, with the returned value the users input).

Shows the dialog and waits for the user response (in other words, brings up a blocking dialog, with the returned value the users input).


Or when return value is required:

 val r = dialog.showAndWait()
 r match {
   case Some(v) => ...
   case None    => ...

An Option that contains the result.

Inherited methods

Construct an event dispatch chain for this target. The event dispatch chain contains event dispatchers which might be interested in processing of events targeted at this EventTarget. This event target is not automatically added to the chain, so if it wants to process events, it needs to add an EventDispatcher for itself to the chain.

Construct an event dispatch chain for this target. The event dispatch chain contains event dispatchers which might be interested in processing of events targeted at this EventTarget. This event target is not automatically added to the chain, so if it wants to process events, it needs to add an EventDispatcher for itself to the chain.

In the case the event target is part of some hierarchy, the chain for it is usually built from event dispatchers collected from the root of the hierarchy to the event target.

The event dispatch chain is constructed by modifications to the provided initial event dispatch chain. The returned chain should have the initial chain at its end so the dispatchers should be prepended to the initial chain.

The caller shouldn't assume that the initial chain remains unchanged nor that the returned value will reference a different chain.

Value Params

the initial chain to build from


the resulting event dispatch chain for this target

See also
Inherited from

A property representing the content text for the dialog pane. The content text is lower precedence than the scalafx.scene.control.DialogPane.content node, meaning that if both the content node and the contentText properties are set, the content text will not be displayed in a default DialogPane instance.

A property representing the content text for the dialog pane. The content text is lower precedence than the scalafx.scene.control.DialogPane.content node, meaning that if both the content node and the contentText properties are set, the content text will not be displayed in a default DialogPane instance.

See also
Inherited from
def contentText_=(value: String): Unit
Inherited from
def dialogPane: ObjectProperty[DialogPane]
Inherited from
def dialogPane_=(value: DialogPane): Unit
Inherited from
override def equals(ref: Any): Boolean

Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

Value Params

Object to be compared.


if the other object is equals to this delegate or not.

Definition Classes
Inherited from

The dialog graphic, presented either in the header, if one is showing, or to the left of the content.

The dialog graphic, presented either in the header, if one is showing, or to the left of the content.

See also
Inherited from
def graphic_=(value: Node): Unit
Inherited from
override def hashCode: Int

The delegate hashcode

Definition Classes
Inherited from

A property representing the header text for the dialog pane. The header text is lower precedence than the scalafx.scene.control.DialogPane.header node, meaning that if both the header node and the headerText properties are set, the header text will not be displayed in a default DialogPane instance.

A property representing the header text for the dialog pane. The header text is lower precedence than the scalafx.scene.control.DialogPane.header node, meaning that if both the header node and the headerText properties are set, the header text will not be displayed in a default DialogPane instance.

See also
Inherited from
def headerText_=(value: Option[String]): Unit
Inherited from
def headerText_=(value: String): Unit
Inherited from

Property representing the height of the dialog.

Property representing the height of the dialog.

Inherited from
def height_=(h: Double): Unit
Inherited from
def initModality(modality: Modality): Unit

Specifies the modality for this dialog. This must be done prior to making the dialog visible. The modality is one of: Modality.NONE, Modality.WINDOW_MODAL, or Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL.

Specifies the modality for this dialog. This must be done prior to making the dialog visible. The modality is one of: Modality.NONE, Modality.WINDOW_MODAL, or Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL.

Value Params

the modality for this dialog.


if this property is set after the dialog has ever been made visible.

Inherited from
def initOwner(window: Window): Unit

Specifies the owner Window for this dialog, or null for a top-level, unowned dialog. This must be done prior to making the dialog visible.

Specifies the owner Window for this dialog, or null for a top-level, unowned dialog. This must be done prior to making the dialog visible.

Value Params

the owner Window for this dialog.


if this property is set after the dialog has ever been made visible.

Inherited from
def initStyle(style: StageStyle): Unit

Specifies the style for this dialog. This must be done prior to making the dialog visible. The style is one of: StageStyle.DECORATED, StageStyle.UNDECORATED, StageStyle.TRANSPARENT, StageStyle.UTILITY, or StageStyle.UNIFIED.

Specifies the style for this dialog. This must be done prior to making the dialog visible. The style is one of: StageStyle.DECORATED, StageStyle.UNDECORATED, StageStyle.TRANSPARENT, StageStyle.UTILITY, or StageStyle.UNIFIED.

Value Params

the style for this dialog.


if this property is set after the dialog has ever been made visible.

Inherited from

Retrieves the modality attribute for this dialog.

Retrieves the modality attribute for this dialog.


the modality.

See also
Inherited from
def onCloseRequest: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[DialogEvent]]
Inherited from
def onCloseRequest_=(v: EventHandler[DialogEvent]): Unit
Inherited from
def onHidden: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[DialogEvent]]

Called just after the Dialog has been hidden. When the scalafx.scene.control.Dialog is hidden, this event handler is invoked allowing the developer to clean up resources or perform other tasks when the scalafx.scene.control.Dialog is closed.

Called just after the Dialog has been hidden. When the scalafx.scene.control.Dialog is hidden, this event handler is invoked allowing the developer to clean up resources or perform other tasks when the scalafx.scene.control.Dialog is closed.

Inherited from
def onHidden_=(v: EventHandler[DialogEvent]): Unit
Inherited from
def onHiding: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[DialogEvent]]

Called just prior to the Dialog being hidden.

Called just prior to the Dialog being hidden.

Inherited from
def onHiding_=(v: EventHandler[DialogEvent]): Unit
Inherited from
def onShowing: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[DialogEvent]]

Called just prior to the Dialog being shown.

Called just prior to the Dialog being shown.

Inherited from
def onShowing_=(v: EventHandler[DialogEvent]): Unit
Inherited from
def onShown: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[DialogEvent]]

Called just after the Dialog is shown.

Called just after the Dialog is shown.

Inherited from
def onShown_=(v: EventHandler[DialogEvent]): Unit
Inherited from

Retrieves the owner Window for this dialog, or null for an unowned dialog.

Retrieves the owner Window for this dialog, or null for an unowned dialog.


the owner Window.

See also
Inherited from

Represents whether the dialog is resizable.

Represents whether the dialog is resizable.

Inherited from
def resizable_=(v: Boolean): Unit
Inherited from
def result: ObjectProperty[ButtonType]

A property representing what has been returned from the dialog. A result is generated through the resultConverter, which is intended to convert from the ButtonType that the user clicked on into a value of type R.

A property representing what has been returned from the dialog. A result is generated through the resultConverter, which is intended to convert from the ButtonType that the user clicked on into a value of type R.

See also
Inherited from

API to convert the scalafx.scene.control.ButtonType that the user clicked on into a result that can be returned via the scalafx.scene.control.Dialog.result property. This is necessary as scalafx.scene.control.ButtonType represents the visual button within the dialog, and do not know how to map themselves to a valid result - that is a requirement of the dialog implementation by making use of the result converter. In some cases, the result type of a Dialog subclass is ButtonType (which means that the result converter can be null), but in some cases (where the result type, R, is not ButtonType or Void), this callback must be specified.

API to convert the scalafx.scene.control.ButtonType that the user clicked on into a result that can be returned via the scalafx.scene.control.Dialog.result property. This is necessary as scalafx.scene.control.ButtonType represents the visual button within the dialog, and do not know how to map themselves to a valid result - that is a requirement of the dialog implementation by making use of the result converter. In some cases, the result type of a Dialog subclass is ButtonType (which means that the result converter can be null), but in some cases (where the result type, R, is not ButtonType or Void), this callback must be specified.

Inherited from
def resultConverter_=(f: ButtonType => ButtonType): Unit
Inherited from
def result_=(value: ButtonType): Unit
Inherited from
def showAndWait[F](j2s: F)(convert: DConvert[ButtonType, F]): Option[S]

Shows the dialog and waits for the user response (in other words, brings up a blocking dialog, with the returned value the users input).

Shows the dialog and waits for the user response (in other words, brings up a blocking dialog, with the returned value the users input).

The intended use when return value is ignored:


Or when return value is required:

 val r = dialog.showAndWait()
 r match {
   case Some(v) => ...
   case None => ...

An Option that contains the result.

See also
Inherited from

Represents whether the dialog is currently showing.

Represents whether the dialog is currently showing.

Inherited from

Return the title of the dialog.

Return the title of the dialog.

Inherited from
def title_=(v: String): Unit
Inherited from
override def toString: String

Returns the original delegate's toString() adding a [SFX] prefix.

Definition Classes
Inherited from

Property representing the width of the dialog.

Property representing the width of the dialog.

Inherited from
def width_=(w: Double): Unit
Inherited from

The horizontal location of this scalafx.scene.control.Dialog. Changing this attribute will move the scalafx.scene.control.Dialog horizontally.

The horizontal location of this scalafx.scene.control.Dialog. Changing this attribute will move the scalafx.scene.control.Dialog horizontally.

Inherited from
def x_=(v: Double): Unit
Inherited from

The vertical location of this scalafx.scene.control.Dialog. Changing this attribute will move the scalafx.scene.control.Dialog vertically.

The vertical location of this scalafx.scene.control.Dialog. Changing this attribute will move the scalafx.scene.control.Dialog vertically.

Inherited from
def y_=(v: Double): Unit
Inherited from

Concrete fields

override val delegate: Alert