
object BinarySearch
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


sealed trait ComparisonResult
case object Greater extends ComparisonResult
case object Equal extends ComparisonResult
case object Smaller extends ComparisonResult

Value members


def array[T](array: Array[T], compare: T => ComparisonResult): Option[T]
Binary search using a custom compare function.
scala.util.Searching does not support the ability to search an IndexedSeq
by a custom mapping function, you must search by an element of the same
type as the elements of the Seq.
Value Params
Must be sorted according to compare function so that for all
i > j, compare(array(i), array(i)) == Greater.
Callback used at every guess index to determine whether
the search element has been found, or whether to search
above or below the guess index.
The first element where compare(element) == Equal. There is no guarantee
which element is chosen if many elements return Equal.