

package schema

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class Attributes(filename: String = "", contents: String = "", dialect: String = "", names: collection.Seq[ResolvedName] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing], messages: collection.Seq[Message] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing], denotations: collection.Seq[SymbolDenotation] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing], sugars: collection.Seq[Sugar] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing]) extends GeneratedMessage with com.trueaccord.scalapb.Message[Attributes] with Updatable[Attributes] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  2. final case class Database(entries: collection.Seq[Attributes] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing]) extends GeneratedMessage with com.trueaccord.scalapb.Message[Database] with Updatable[Database] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  3. final case class Denotation(flags: Long = 0L, name: String = "", info: String = "") extends GeneratedMessage with com.trueaccord.scalapb.Message[Denotation] with Updatable[Denotation] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  4. final case class Message(range: Option[Range] = scala.None, severity: Severity = ..., msg: String = "") extends GeneratedMessage with com.trueaccord.scalapb.Message[Message] with Updatable[Message] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  5. final case class Range(start: Int = 0, end: Int = 0) extends GeneratedMessage with com.trueaccord.scalapb.Message[Range] with Updatable[Range] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  6. final case class ResolvedName(range: Option[Range] = scala.None, symbol: String = "") extends GeneratedMessage with com.trueaccord.scalapb.Message[ResolvedName] with Updatable[ResolvedName] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  7. final case class Sugar(range: Option[Range] = scala.None, syntax: String = "", names: collection.Seq[ResolvedName] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing]) extends GeneratedMessage with com.trueaccord.scalapb.Message[Sugar] with Updatable[Sugar] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  8. final case class SymbolDenotation(symbol: String = "", denot: Option[Denotation] = scala.None) extends GeneratedMessage with com.trueaccord.scalapb.Message[SymbolDenotation] with Updatable[SymbolDenotation] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )

Value Members

  1. object Attributes extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Attributes] with Serializable

  2. object Database extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Database] with Serializable

  3. object Denotation extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Denotation] with Serializable

  4. object Message extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Message] with Serializable

  5. object Range extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Range] with Serializable

  6. object ResolvedName extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ResolvedName] with Serializable

  7. object SemanticdbProto

  8. object Sugar extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Sugar] with Serializable

  9. object SymbolDenotation extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SymbolDenotation] with Serializable
