formats [A: T] as [A : T]
If true, formats ===( as === (
If true, formats import a.b.{ c, d }
If false, formats import a.b.{c, d}
If true, formats foo(a, b)
as foo( a, b )
If ["##"] is specified as operator then
formats Generic[Foo] ## Repr
as Generic[Foo]##Repr
if false, does not add a space between a keyword and a parenthesis. For example: if(a) println("HELLO!") while(a) println("HELLO!")
If false, removes space in by-name parameter.
def foo(a: =>A)
If true, adds a single space after an operator method For example: def <=> [T](that: T): Boolean
if false, does not add a space between a keyword and a parenthesis.
if false, does not add a space between a keyword and a parenthesis. For example: if(a) println("HELLO!") while(a) println("HELLO!")
If true, adds a single space after an operator method For example: def <=> [T](that: T): Boolean
If true, formats ===( as === (
formats [A: T] as [A : T]
If false, removes space in by-name parameter.
If false, removes space in by-name parameter.
def foo(a: =>A)
If true, formats import a.b.{ c, d }
If true, formats import a.b.{ c, d }
If false, formats import a.b.{c, d}
If true, formats foo(a, b)
as foo( a, b )
If ["##"] is specified as operator then
formats Generic[Foo] ## Repr
as Generic[Foo]##Repr
formats [A: T] as [A : T]
If true, formats ===( as === (
If true, formats
import a.b.{ c, d }
. If false, formatsimport a.b.{c, d}
.If true, formats
foo(a, b)
asfoo( a, b )
.If ["##"] is specified as operator then formats
Generic[Foo] ## Repr
.if false, does not add a space between a keyword and a parenthesis. For example: if(a) println("HELLO!") while(a) println("HELLO!")
If false, removes space in by-name parameter.
def foo(a: =>A)
If true, adds a single space after an operator method For example: def <=> [T](that: T): Boolean