If set, indent lines with a strip-margin character in a multiline string constant relative to the opening quotes (or the strip-margin character if present) on the first line; otherwise, indent relative to the beginning of the first line, as usual.
If true AND bin-packing is true, then call-site arguments won't be aligned by the opening parenthesis. For example, this output will be disallowed function(a, b, c)
Same as openParenCallSite, except definition site.
The tokens to vertically align by. The "owner" is the scala.meta.Tree.getClass.getName of the deepest tree node that "owns" the token to align by. Examples: align.tokens = ["="] // align = owned by any tree node (not recommended) align.tokens = [ { code = "=", owner = "Param" } // align = when owned by parameter tree nodes ] Pro tip. if you use for example preset = defaultWithAlign and want to add one extra token (for example "|>") to align by, write align.tokens.add = [ "|> ] NOTE. Adding more alignment tokens may potentially decrease the vertical alignment in formatted output. Customize at your own risk, I recommend you try and stick to the default settings.
If true, aligns by <- in for comprehensions.
If true, aligns by ( in if/while/for. If false, indents by continuation indent at call site.
Customize which token kinds can align together. By default, only tokens with
the same Token.productPrefix
align. To for example align = and <-,
set the values to:
Map("Equals" -> "Assign", "LeftArrow" -> "Assign")
Note. Requires mixedTokens to be true.
Customize which tree kinds can align together. By default, only trees with
the same Tree.productPrefix
align. To for example align Defn.Val and
Defn.Var, set the values to:
Map("Defn.Var" -> "Assign", "Defn.Val" -> "Assign")
Note. Requires mixedOwners to be true.
If true, aligns by <- in for comprehensions.
If true, aligns by ( in if/while/for.
If true, aligns by ( in if/while/for. If false, indents by continuation indent at call site.
If true AND bin-packing is true, then call-site arguments won't be aligned by the opening parenthesis.
If true AND bin-packing is true, then call-site arguments won't be aligned by the opening parenthesis. For example, this output will be disallowed function(a, b, c)
Same as openParenCallSite, except definition site.
If set, indent lines with a strip-margin character in a multiline string constant relative to the opening quotes (or the strip-margin character if present) on the first line; otherwise, indent relative to the beginning of the first line, as usual.
Customize which token kinds can align together.
Customize which token kinds can align together. By default, only tokens with
the same Token.productPrefix
align. To for example align = and <-,
set the values to:
Map("Equals" -> "Assign", "LeftArrow" -> "Assign")
Note. Requires mixedTokens to be true.
The tokens to vertically align by.
The tokens to vertically align by. The "owner" is the scala.meta.Tree.getClass.getName of the deepest tree node that "owns" the token to align by. Examples: align.tokens = ["="] // align = owned by any tree node (not recommended) align.tokens = [ { code = "=", owner = "Param" } // align = when owned by parameter tree nodes ] Pro tip. if you use for example preset = defaultWithAlign and want to add one extra token (for example "|>") to align by, write align.tokens.add = [ "|> ] NOTE. Adding more alignment tokens may potentially decrease the vertical alignment in formatted output. Customize at your own risk, I recommend you try and stick to the default settings.
Customize which tree kinds can align together.
Customize which tree kinds can align together. By default, only trees with
the same Tree.productPrefix
align. To for example align Defn.Val and
Defn.Var, set the values to:
Map("Defn.Var" -> "Assign", "Defn.Val" -> "Assign")
Note. Requires mixedOwners to be true.
If set, indent lines with a strip-margin character in a multiline string constant relative to the opening quotes (or the strip-margin character if present) on the first line; otherwise, indent relative to the beginning of the first line, as usual.
If true AND bin-packing is true, then call-site arguments won't be aligned by the opening parenthesis. For example, this output will be disallowed function(a, b, c)
Same as openParenCallSite, except definition site.
The tokens to vertically align by. The "owner" is the scala.meta.Tree.getClass.getName of the deepest tree node that "owns" the token to align by. Examples: align.tokens = ["="] // align = owned by any tree node (not recommended) align.tokens = [ { code = "=", owner = "Param" } // align = when owned by parameter tree nodes ] Pro tip. if you use for example preset = defaultWithAlign and want to add one extra token (for example "|>") to align by, write align.tokens.add = [ "|> ] NOTE. Adding more alignment tokens may potentially decrease the vertical alignment in formatted output. Customize at your own risk, I recommend you try and stick to the default settings.
If true, aligns by <- in for comprehensions.
If true, aligns by ( in if/while/for. If false, indents by continuation indent at call site.
Customize which token kinds can align together. By default, only tokens with the same
align. To for example align = and <-, set the values to: Map("Equals" -> "Assign", "LeftArrow" -> "Assign") Note. Requires mixedTokens to be true.Customize which tree kinds can align together. By default, only trees with the same
align. To for example align Defn.Val and Defn.Var, set the values to: Map("Defn.Var" -> "Assign", "Defn.Val" -> "Assign") Note. Requires mixedOwners to be true.