

package semanticdb3

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class Accessibility(tag: Tag = ..., symbol: String = "") extends GeneratedMessage with Message[Accessibility] with Updatable[Accessibility] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  2. final case class AnnotatedType(annotations: collection.Seq[Annotation] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing], tpe: Option[Type] = scala.None) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[AnnotatedType] with Updatable[AnnotatedType] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  3. final case class Annotation(tpe: Option[Type] = scala.None) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[Annotation] with Updatable[Annotation] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  4. final case class ByNameType(tpe: Option[Type] = scala.None) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[ByNameType] with Updatable[ByNameType] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  5. final case class ClassInfoType(typeParameters: collection.Seq[String] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing], parents: collection.Seq[Type] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing], declarations: collection.Seq[String] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing]) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[ClassInfoType] with Updatable[ClassInfoType] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  6. final case class Diagnostic(range: Option[Range] = scala.None, severity: Severity = ..., message: String = "") extends GeneratedMessage with Message[Diagnostic] with Updatable[Diagnostic] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  7. final case class ExistentialType(typeParameters: collection.Seq[String] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing], tpe: Option[Type] = scala.None) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[ExistentialType] with Updatable[ExistentialType] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  8. final case class Language(name: String = "") extends GeneratedMessage with Message[Language] with Updatable[Language] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  9. final case class Location(uri: String = "", range: Option[Range] = scala.None) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[Location] with Updatable[Location] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  10. final case class MethodType(typeParameters: collection.Seq[String] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing], parameters: collection.Seq[ParameterList] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing], returnType: Option[Type] = scala.None) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[MethodType] with Updatable[MethodType] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  11. final case class Range(startLine: Int = 0, startCharacter: Int = 0, endLine: Int = 0, endCharacter: Int = 0) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[Range] with Updatable[Range] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  12. final case class RepeatedType(tpe: Option[Type] = scala.None) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[RepeatedType] with Updatable[RepeatedType] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  13. sealed trait Schema extends GeneratedEnum

  14. final case class SingletonType(tag: Tag = ..., prefix: Option[Type] = scala.None, symbol: String = "", primitive: Long = 0L, string: String = "") extends GeneratedMessage with Message[SingletonType] with Updatable[SingletonType] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  15. final case class StructuralType(typeParameters: collection.Seq[String] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing], parents: collection.Seq[Type] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing], declarations: collection.Seq[String] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing]) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[StructuralType] with Updatable[StructuralType] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  16. final case class SymbolInformation(symbol: String = "", language: Option[Language] = scala.None, kind: Kind = ..., properties: Int = 0, name: String = "", location: Option[Location] = scala.None, signature: Option[TextDocument] = scala.None, members: collection.Seq[String] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing], overrides: collection.Seq[String] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing], tpe: Option[Type] = scala.None, annotations: collection.Seq[Annotation] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing], accessibility: Option[Accessibility] = scala.None, owner: String = "") extends GeneratedMessage with Message[SymbolInformation] with Updatable[SymbolInformation] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  17. final case class SymbolOccurrence(range: Option[Range] = scala.None, symbol: String = "", role: Role = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[SymbolOccurrence] with Updatable[SymbolOccurrence] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  18. final case class Synthetic(range: Option[Range] = scala.None, text: Option[TextDocument] = scala.None) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[Synthetic] with Updatable[Synthetic] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  19. final case class TextDocument(schema: Schema = ..., uri: String = "", text: String = "", language: Option[Language] = scala.None, symbols: collection.Seq[SymbolInformation] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing], occurrences: collection.Seq[SymbolOccurrence] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing], diagnostics: collection.Seq[Diagnostic] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing], synthetics: collection.Seq[Synthetic] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing]) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[TextDocument] with Updatable[TextDocument] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  20. final case class TextDocuments(documents: collection.Seq[TextDocument] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing]) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[TextDocuments] with Updatable[TextDocuments] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  21. final case class Type(tag: Tag = ..., typeRef: Option[TypeRef] = scala.None, singletonType: Option[SingletonType] = scala.None, structuralType: Option[StructuralType] = scala.None, annotatedType: Option[AnnotatedType] = scala.None, existentialType: Option[ExistentialType] = scala.None, universalType: Option[UniversalType] = scala.None, classInfoType: Option[ClassInfoType] = scala.None, methodType: Option[MethodType] = scala.None, byNameType: Option[ByNameType] = scala.None, repeatedType: Option[RepeatedType] = scala.None, typeType: Option[TypeType] = scala.None) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[Type] with Updatable[Type] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  22. final case class TypeRef(prefix: Option[Type] = scala.None, symbol: String = "", typeArguments: collection.Seq[Type] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing]) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[TypeRef] with Updatable[TypeRef] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  23. final case class TypeType(typeParameters: collection.Seq[String] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing], lowerBound: Option[Type] = scala.None, upperBound: Option[Type] = scala.None) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[TypeType] with Updatable[TypeType] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )
  24. final case class UniversalType(typeParameters: collection.Seq[String] = scala.collection.Seq.empty[Nothing], tpe: Option[Type] = scala.None) extends GeneratedMessage with Message[UniversalType] with Updatable[UniversalType] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 0L )

Value Members

  1. object Accessibility extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Accessibility] with Serializable

  2. object AnnotatedType extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[AnnotatedType] with Serializable

  3. object Annotation extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Annotation] with Serializable

  4. object ByNameType extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ByNameType] with Serializable

  5. object ClassInfoType extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ClassInfoType] with Serializable

  6. object Diagnostic extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Diagnostic] with Serializable

  7. object ExistentialType extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ExistentialType] with Serializable

  8. object Language extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Language] with Serializable

  9. object Location extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Location] with Serializable

  10. object MethodType extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[MethodType] with Serializable

  11. object Range extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Range] with Serializable

  12. object RepeatedType extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[RepeatedType] with Serializable

  13. object Schema extends GeneratedEnumCompanion[Schema] with Serializable

  14. object Semanticdb3Proto extends GeneratedFileObject

  15. object SingletonType extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SingletonType] with Serializable

  16. object StructuralType extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[StructuralType] with Serializable

  17. object SymbolInformation extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SymbolInformation] with Serializable

  18. object SymbolOccurrence extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SymbolOccurrence] with Serializable

  19. object Synthetic extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Synthetic] with Serializable

  20. object TextDocument extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TextDocument] with Serializable

  21. object TextDocuments extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TextDocuments] with Serializable

  22. object Type extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Type] with Serializable

  23. object TypeRef extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TypeRef] with Serializable

  24. object TypeType extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TypeType] with Serializable

  25. object UniversalType extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[UniversalType] with Serializable
