

package mutable

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ArrayLike[T] extends AnyRef

    An ArrayLike is something that can behave kind of like an Array, but isn't.

  2. class ArrayMap[V] extends Map[Int, V] with MapLike[Int, V, ArrayMap[V]] with Serializable

    Wraps an ArrayBuffer with a Map.

  3. class AutoUpdater[M, K, V] extends Map[K, V]

    AutoUpdater wraps a Map such that any call to apply updates the map with an instance of the default value

  4. class Beam[T] extends Iterable[T] with IterableLike[T, Beam[T]] with Growable[T]

    Represents a beam, which is essentially a priority queue with a maximum size.

  5. final class OpenAddressHashArray[Elem] extends Storage[Elem] with ArrayLike[Elem]

    This is a Sparse Array implementation backed by a linear-probing open address hash table.

  6. final class SparseArray[Elem] extends ArrayLike[Elem] with Storage[Elem] with Serializable

    A SparseArray is a sparse representation of an array using a two-array binary-search approach.

  7. class SparseArrayMap[T] extends Map[Int, T] with MapLike[Int, T, SparseArrayMap[T]] with Serializable

  8. final class TriangularArray[T] extends Serializable

    A TriangularArray is a jagged 2-d array where for every row r, we have an array of size dim - r.

Value Members

  1. object ArrayMap extends Serializable

  2. object AutoUpdater

  3. object Beam

  4. object OpenAddressHashArray

  5. object SparseArray extends Serializable

  6. object SparseArrayMap extends Serializable

  7. object TriangularArray extends Serializable
