

package generic

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait CanCollapseAxis[From, Axis, ColType, -R, TR] extends AnyRef

    This trait is for multi-dimensional tensors that can logically have one of their dimensions "collapsed", e.

  2. trait CanMapValues[-From, +A, -B, +To] extends AnyRef

    Marker for being able to map the keys and values in a value collection to new values.

  3. trait CanTransformValues[-From, +A, -B] extends AnyRef

    Marker for being able to transform the keys and values in a value collection to new values.

  4. trait MMRegistry1[M] extends AnyRef

  5. trait MMRegistry2[R] extends AnyRef

  6. trait MethodImpl[A, +R] extends AnyRef

    Basically Function1, but not because we don't want these coming up when implicit search happens.

  7. trait Multimethod[Method[AA, RR] <: MethodImpl[AA, RR], A <: AnyRef, R] extends MMRegistry1[Method[_ <: A, _ <: R]]

    A Multimethod is basically a glorified registry that uses dynamic reflection (and subtyping) to determine which version of the method to invoke.

  8. trait Multimethod2[Method[AA, BB, RR] <: (AA, BB) ⇒ RR, A, B, R] extends (A, B) ⇒ R with MMRegistry2[Method[_ <: A, _ <: B, _ <: R]]

  9. trait Multiproc2[Method[AA, BB] <: (AA, BB) ⇒ Unit, A <: AnyRef, B] extends (A, B) ⇒ Unit with MMRegistry2[Method[_ <: A, _ <: B]]

    A Multiproc2 is a Multimethod that is guaranteed to return Unit

  10. trait UFunc[-V, +V2] extends AnyRef

    "Universal" Functions that mimic numpy's.

  11. trait URFunc[A, +B] extends AnyRef

    A "Universal Reducer" Function that can support reduction-type operations on a collection or some such.

  12. trait UReduceable[T, A] extends AnyRef

    An object is UReduceable (Universally Reduceable) if it can deal with URFuncs in an intelligent manner.

Value Members

  1. object CanMapValues

  2. object CanTransformValues

  3. object UFunc

  4. object UReduceable
