

package data

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait DataMatrix extends AnyRef

    A DataMatrix stores a double-valued label along with the double-valued features that go with it.

  2. class Document[W] extends Observation[Map[String, Seq[W]]]

    Represents a Document of Words.

  3. trait Example[+L, +T] extends Observation[T] with Labeled[L] with Serializable

    Represents a single example from a collection of data.

  4. trait Labeled[+L] extends AnyRef

    Something that has a label.

  5. class LabeledDocument[L, W] extends Document[W] with Example[L, Map[String, Seq[W]]]

  6. class LabeledText[L] extends Text with Example[L, String]

    A text with a label.

  7. trait Multilabeled[L] extends Labeled[Set[L]]

    For any class that has one or more labels.

  8. trait MultilabeledExample[L, +T] extends Example[Set[L], T] with Multilabeled[L]

    Represents a single example from a collection of data.

  9. trait Observation[+T] extends Serializable

    Represents a single unlabeled example from a collection of data.

  10. trait SparseFeatureDataset[Output] extends AnyRef

    Dataset of the form [featureIndex:featureValue*]

  11. case class Text(id: String, contents: String) extends Observation[String] with Product with Serializable

    Represents a sequence of text.

Value Members

  1. object DataMatrix

  2. object Datasets

    Provides useful utilties for dealing with datasets that have a defined order.

  3. object Document extends Serializable

  4. object Example extends Serializable

  5. object LabeledText extends Serializable

  6. object Observation extends Serializable

  7. object SparseFeatureDataset

  8. object Text extends Serializable
