

package serialization

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ByteSerialization extends SerializationFormat

    Supports marshalling to and from a byte array.

  2. class CSVTableReader extends TextTableReader

    For reading CSV tables.

  3. class CSVTableWriter extends TextTableWriter

    For writing CSV formatted tables.

  4. trait FileSerializationFromData[T] extends AnyRef

    Mix-in trait for companion objects to leverage DataSerialization as the default format for FileSerialization for their associated type.

  5. trait FileSerializationFromJava[T] extends AnyRef

    Mix-in trait for companion objects to leverage built-in Java serialization as the default format for FileSerialization for their associated type.

  6. trait FileSerializationFromText[T] extends AnyRef

    Mix-in trait for companion objects to leverage TextSerialization as the default format for FileSerialization for their associated type.

  7. trait GenericFileSerializationFromData extends AnyRef

    Implicit conversion from any DataSerialization readable and writable to FileSerialization readable and writable.

  8. trait GenericFileSerializationFromText extends AnyRef

    Implicit conversion from any TextSerialization readable and writable to FileSerialization readable and writable.

  9. trait LowPriorityFileSerializationImplicits extends GenericFileSerializationFromData

    Mix-in trait used by FileSerialization to prioritize Text before Data.

  10. trait LowPriorityTableCellReadableImplicits extends AnyRef

    Low priority conversion of any to TextSerialization.

  11. trait LowPriorityTableCellWritableImplicits extends AnyRef

    Low priority conversion of any TextWritable.

  12. trait LowPriorityTableMultiCellReadableImplicits extends AnyRef

    Low priority conversions of cell readable to multi-cell readable.

  13. trait LowPriorityTableMultiCellWritableImplicits extends AnyRef

    Low priority Writable conversions.

  14. trait LowPriorityTableRowReadableImplicits extends AnyRef

    Low priority conversions of cell readable to row readable.

  15. trait LowPriorityTableRowWritableImplicits extends AnyRef

    Low priority Writable conversions.

  16. trait Readable[-Input, V] extends Serializable

    Reads type V from input Input.

  17. class SerializationException extends RuntimeException

  18. trait SerializationFormat extends Serializable

    A base trait for brokers of serialization.

  19. trait StringSerialization extends SerializationFormat with ByteSerialization

    Abstract serialization format that supports marshalling to and from a String.

  20. class TSVTableReader extends TextTableReader

    For reading tab-separated tables, with no quote character.

  21. class TSVTableWriter extends TextTableWriter

    For writing TSV formatted tables.

  22. class TableAccessException extends RuntimeException

    Thrown if hasNext or next is called in a TableReader or TableRowReader before the preceding row or cell has been fully consumed.

  23. trait TableCellReadable[V] extends Readable[TableCellReader, V]

    Readable for reading a table cell.

  24. trait TableCellReader extends TextReader

    Reads a cell in a table.

  25. trait TableCellWritable[V] extends Writable[TableCellWriter, V]

    Writable for writing a table cell.

  26. trait TableCellWriter extends TextWriter

    Writes a delimited cell to output.

  27. trait TableMultiCellReadable[V] extends Readable[TableRowReader, V]

    Reads a fixed number of cells from a table.

  28. trait TableMultiCellWritable[V] extends Writable[TableRowWriter, V]

    For writing a row of a table.

  29. trait TableReadable[V] extends Readable[TableReader, V]

    Reads type V from a table.

  30. trait TableReader extends Iterator[TableRowReader]

    Reads a table as a series of TableRowReader.

  31. trait TableRowCompanion[This, Format] extends AnyRef

    A trait for companion objects to case classes that want to support reading and writing table headers.

  32. trait TableRowReadable[V] extends Readable[TableRowReader, V]

    Reads a row in a table.

  33. trait TableRowReader extends Iterator[TableCellReader]

    Reads a row as a series of readers.

  34. trait TableRowWritable[V] extends Writable[TableRowWriter, V]

    For writing a row of a table.

  35. trait TableRowWriter extends AnyRef

    Writes a delimited row to output.

  36. trait TableWritable[V] extends Writable[TableWriter, V]

    Writes type V to a table.

  37. class TableWriteException extends RuntimeException

    Thrown if encountering an error while writing, such as a character that needs quoting in a writer that has no quotes.

  38. trait TableWriter extends AnyRef

    Writes a table to output.

  39. class TextSerializationException extends RuntimeException

    Exception thrown during text serialization or deserialization.

  40. class TextTableParseException extends TextReaderException

    Thrown when encountering a problem during parsing a table.

  41. class TextTableReader extends TableReader

    A reader for reading tables that follow CSV-like rules.

  42. trait TextTableSerialization extends AnyRef

    Base trait for reading and writing text tables.

  43. class TextTableWriter extends TableWriter

    TextWriter for writing to a DelimitedTable.

  44. trait Writable[-Output, V] extends Serializable

    Writes type V to Output.

Value Members

  1. object CSVTableSerialization extends TextTableSerialization

    Convenience methods for reading and writing TableReadables and TableWritables to CSV files and streams.

  2. object DataSerialization extends SerializationFormat with PrimitiveTypes with CompoundTypes with ByteSerialization

    File-backed Serialization with standard combinators using optimized binary formats where able, default Java serialization otherwise.

  3. object FileSerialization extends SerializationFormat with LowPriorityFileSerializationImplicits

    Serialization to and from files.

  4. object GenericFileSerializationFromData extends GenericFileSerializationFromData

  5. object GenericFileSerializationFromJava

    This trait provides low-priority conversions for FileSerialization to any object that is serialization using Java's serialization mechanism.

  6. object GenericFileSerializationFromText extends GenericFileSerializationFromText

  7. object SerializationFormat extends Serializable

  8. object TSVTableSerialization extends TextTableSerialization

    Convenience methods for reading and writing TableReadables and TableWritables to TSV files and streams.

  9. object TableCellReadable extends LowPriorityTableCellReadableImplicits with Serializable

  10. object TableCellReader

  11. object TableCellSerialization

    Serialization format for reading and writing cells in a table.

  12. object TableCellWritable extends LowPriorityTableCellWritableImplicits with Serializable

  13. object TableCellWriter

  14. object TableMultiCellReadable extends LowPriorityTableMultiCellReadableImplicits with Serializable

  15. object TableMultiCellWritable extends LowPriorityTableMultiCellWritableImplicits with Serializable

  16. object TableReadable extends Serializable

  17. object TableRowReadable extends LowPriorityTableRowReadableImplicits with Serializable

  18. object TableRowReader

  19. object TableRowWritable extends LowPriorityTableRowWritableImplicits with Serializable

  20. object TableWritable extends Serializable

  21. object TextSerialization extends SerializationFormat with PrimitiveTypes with CompoundTypes with StringSerialization

  22. object TextTableSerialization
